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Don't release new gear


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Yes more gear tiers! Everyone just loves devoting their time to hammer station simulator.


That is the least of your concerns ... You will get the new bis within 1, or 2 days . The main problem for me is the tens of millions that will go into re rolling the amps again. :confused:

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BW/EA think in terms of what will keep people in the game and even more so to maintain greater exposure to the CM. One thing most developers grasp is gear progression keeps people engaged...


problem is BW doesn't understand there is a tipping point where people start seeing gear progression as pointless, best way to make gear pointless is to raise the gear cap too often.


The SWToR team either doesn't know how or doesn't have the resources to create fun engaging content on a regular basis so what you get is what they can do...excessive increases on gear progression.


I abandoned endgame in this game it's just off the rails as of...well forever. They never figured out how to reach a balance with this game between gear progression and content releases.

Edited by Soljin
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I feel a great disturbance in the Force....


As if ten thousand hypercrates cried out as they were bought from the cartel market, and put up on the GTN. I feel something terrible is about to happen.


Haha! Right...they up the gear cap, people dump tons of cash on the CM to sell for credits to upgrade gear...We will see a gear cap raise every quarter based off this logic.

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they are only releasing the new gear because the top pve guilds can't clear dxun with their current gear.


Or because they want to force an influx of revenue from the Cartel Market...

Edited by Soljin
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i do find it odd seeing a "i want my swg" and then a #removerng thing. not sure if it is supposed to be joke or something but that **** was literally an rng simulator. Only difference is.....it costed time instead of my credits. But boy i just got my **** geared.


SWG had RnG for sure....it was wrapped in fun...Nothing like hunting Kimoglias for days or weeks to get a legendary set of scales that you could take to a top tier armousmith that had spent months surveying to find top tier materials around several planets so they can craft the best plates...


It was a bit different than SWToR(s) hammering on the loot box gear lottery button (which they have since pretty much fixed, I just havnt updated my Signature)...


MMOs need RnG to some degree its more about how its delivered... So I suppose it is in some way a joke.

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This is why I hate grinding for mods and enhancements because by the time you finish gearing up all your alts, it's time to start over and grind for the next tier. I would be nice to grind for it once (per faction) but after that it should be easier to obtain without grinding for it, since you already did the time on each faction.
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Or is it datamined from potential gear back when they were making 6.0?




ETA: I had originally said something that could be construed as supporting the viewing of datamined material, so I have edited my comment. To be clear, discussing datamined content is verboten on these forums. Further, this is old and from 6.0. It is not current information and there is no evidence, official or otherwise, to support that BW is adding new mods at this time.

Edited by ceryxp
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