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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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Unfortunately not. See, the appearance thing has just gotten worse now on account of the "augmented" orange gear.


For the record, what you are characterizing as "worse" is the addition over your prior gear of a choice of more appearance options OR better maximum stats tied to crit-crafted, augmentable gear. Either way you slice it, you have better looks or stats than you did before. With time, as more becomes available in maturing server crafting communities, you'll be able to have both.


Not everyone holds the same "I have to the optimal best, my way and now!" attitude that looks on added features as punishment because you have to wait or work for them.

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For the record, what you are characterizing as "worse" is the addition over your prior gear of a choice of more appearance options OR better maximum stats tied to crit-crafted, augmentable gear. Either way you slice it, you have better looks or stats than you did before. With time, as more becomes available in maturing server crafting communities, you'll be able to have both.


Not everyone holds the same "I have to the optimal best, my way and now!" attitude that looks on added features as punishment because you have to wait or work for them.


BS like being forced to jump through a million hoops to get a good appearance is one of the reasons I decided to give up SWTOR. At least WoW has a decent time/effort ratio to get a look I want.

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BS like being forced to jump through a million hoops to get a good appearance is one of the reasons I decided to give up SWTOR. At least WoW has a decent time/effort ratio to get a look I want.


Read your post then my post again. My point is with your fallacious rhetoric that they made things "worse". If you want to compare the the current SWTOR system to WoW and point out what you feel like are failings, go for it but, I am gonna call you on mischaracterizing improvements and progress toward greater customization or better available stats as making things worse.


We all can understand this is not the system that you and others wanted but, misrepresenting the current state of things to support your side of the argument just confuses the issue and gets us nowhere. I hope you will find and enjoy a game better suited to your preferences.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Read your post then my post again. My point is with your fallacious rhetoric that they made things "worse". If you want to compare the the current SWTOR system to WoW and point out what you feel like are failings, go for it but, I am gonna call you on mischaracterizing improvements and progress toward greater customization or better available stats as making things worse.


We all can understand this is not the system that you and others wanted but, misrepresenting the current state of things to support your side of the argument just confuses the issue and gets us nowhere. I hope you will find and enjoy a game better suited to your preferences.


Matte, I've kinda stopped caring about the whole issue, due to disenchantment with the game. But your point here is not very good from a rhetorical standpoint. "Greater customization" would be making those new augmented orange items widely available. As it stands, the general chance of finding a good-looking customizable item which is endgame-ready just sank exponentially, just from a mathematical standpoint.


First, you got to find an item which looks the way you want it to ( already quite difficult, IMO ).

Secondly, now you got to wait until a version with an augment is offered on the GTN. Which can take weeks, depending on how prolific the crafter is. And you'll pay through your nose to get it.


And, sorry, but that is an idiotic way to make an appearance customization system. It is highly dependent on RNG ( random number generation ) and, IMHO, waaaaaay too much effort to get it. I'm pretty fine with how WoW has set it up, where you need to get the appearance item ( already an undertaking of several days to months, depending on RNG ) and you'll continue investing little sums of money to imprint its look upon the gear you progressively upgrade.


This game here already has a stupid amount of time traps. It really didn't need another.

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Matte, I've kinda stopped caring about the whole issue, due to disenchantment with the game. But your point here is not very good from a rhetorical standpoint. "Greater customization" would be making those new augmented orange items widely available. As it stands, the general chance of finding a good-looking customizable item which is endgame-ready just sank exponentially, just from a mathematical standpoint.


First, you got to find an item which looks the way you want it to ( already quite difficult, IMO ).

Secondly, now you got to wait until a version with an augment is offered on the GTN. Which can take weeks, depending on how prolific the crafter is. And you'll pay through your nose to get it.


And, sorry, but that is an idiotic way to make an appearance customization system. It is highly dependent on RNG ( random number generation ) and, IMHO, waaaaaay too much effort to get it. I'm pretty fine with how WoW has set it up, where you need to get the appearance item ( already an undertaking of several days to months, depending on RNG ) and you'll continue investing little sums of money to imprint its look upon the gear you progressively upgrade.


This game here already has a stupid amount of time traps. It really didn't need another.


Are you on The Ebon Hawk, by any chance? I'll make anything you want for free.

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I wanted to jump on the customization's band-wagon as well! I love the new "unify colors" customization on our characters. It is simple but still gives us the option of changing various items of armor independently if we want to. The only additional customization requests I would love to see is this same "unify colors" on the companion tabs. I would also like to see the option to "hide helmets" on our companions as well. The ultimate request would be to have an alternate appearance tab which would give us the option of hiding our main stats armor in lieu of glamour armor. It would also be nice to have more options on the "changing room" such as hiding particular pieces of armor, resetting all armor, and remove all armor. Eventually as well it would be great if we had "barbers" or "plastic surgeons" for a fee. I appreciate the small additions that they have given us with customization but am looking forward to much much more :)
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Hey look, some familiar names. Still wanted and still need it in spite of orange armor, because it still doesn't accomplish the same thing when higher/better armor still required after a point. Edited by Sorwen
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Hey look, some familiar names. Still wanted and still need it in spite of orange armor, because it still doesn't accomplish the same thing when higher/better armor still required after a point.


I have to admit. There are times when I think, "I just want to be able to put this on instead of looking for the orange version AGAIN!!!" /read with whiney voice (because I'm whining, not anyone else).


But then, when I finally do find that orange version, craft it/buy it, put it on....ohhhh it's SO much sweeter than an a-tab.

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Hey look, some familiar names. Still wanted and still need it in spite of orange armor, because it still doesn't accomplish the same thing when higher/better armor still required after a point.


maybe by early summer Bioware will add in the majority of models and skins as orange gear. Until then we have a very limited selection to chose from sadly.


Add to the fact that we now get to farm 3 different tiers of PvP gear and 2 tiers of PvE gear before we can properly retain our set bonuses... screw the orange mod system.

Edited by illgot
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maybe by early summer Bioware will add in the majority of models and skins as orange gear. Until then we have a very limited selection to chose from sadly.


Add to the fact that we now get to farm 3 different tiers of PvP gear and 2 tiers of PvE gear before we can properly retain our set bonuses... screw the orange mod system.


Yeah... something's not working as intended, I'm suspecting...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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...The only additional customization requests I would love to see is this same "unify colors" on the companion tabs. I would also like to see the option to "hide helmets" on our companions as well...


...It would also be nice to have more options on the "changing room" such as hiding particular pieces of armor, resetting all armor, and remove all armor.


I definitelty agree with these two points. I'd like to be able try-out more in the changing room and have it reflect my character or companion accurately. I also want my companion to have all the customization features my character does.

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Every day I see one more thing that makes me want the appearance tab. I finally started play a BH again(had one in beta) and when checking to see if the starting gear and changed looks since then I found where one of the Mako customizations looked great with one of her starting out fits. I tried it and she looks awesome. Sadly I can't keep that for any real length of time. Appearance tab would give me that till I was bored and wanted to change it out.


That is besides the fact that my BH gear is mismatched and will likely be for quite a while since it can take quite a while to get a full set of orange. Not to mention it looks like I'll have to buy some PvP gear as someone mentioned since my orange gear is taking for ever to even get close to handling the missions I have to do since JG/1.2/Voss + dynamic seems so messed up.


Side note: Why is it spelled Mako, but pronounced Meko?

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"David: We’ve been gradually adding more customization-related schematics to various places in the game. Most of these have been for Custom (orange) armor, but some of them have also been for color crystals. Underworld Trading provides several sets of orange armor – you have a chance to get one of these when you have a mission success. Those schematics already cover a substantial portion of the low level appearances we have available now, but we’re looking for places where we can put more. For the specific 1.2 schematics, the investigation schematics are for new Armstech weapons. There’s an empty orange version of every weapon type except for the Lightsabers. In both cases, there’s a level 20 version (“Custom-built”) and a level 50 version (“Elegant Modified”). Treasure Hunting has the Lightsaber versions of these schematics for use in Artificing.


There’s a major update to Underworld Trading schematics in 1.3 – it’s possible that the upcoming crew skill change was actually referring to that, the gradual introduction of more orange armor sets or other steps being taken to opening up more armor to be viable in 1.2 and 1.3. We’ve added a whole bunch of orange waist and wrist schematics to Underworld Trading in 1.3 We’ve wanted to open this up to players for awhile, especially because some outfits really need the belt in order to look right. "


Is he playing the same game we are? Really, what version of the game is he playing or is everyone in the game just not doing enough crew missions to locate these mythical schematics?


what new low level orange armor schematics were added in 1.2 and above?

Edited by illgot
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"David: We’ve been gradually adding more customization-related schematics to various places in the game. Most of these have been for Custom (orange) armor, but some of them have also been for color crystals. Underworld Trading provides several sets of orange armor – you have a chance to get one of these when you have a mission success. Those schematics already cover a substantial portion of the low level appearances we have available now, but we’re looking for places where we can put more. For the specific 1.2 schematics, the investigation schematics are for new Armstech weapons. There’s an empty orange version of every weapon type except for the Lightsabers. In both cases, there’s a level 20 version (“Custom-built”) and a level 50 version (“Elegant Modified”). Treasure Hunting has the Lightsaber versions of these schematics for use in Artificing.


There’s a major update to Underworld Trading schematics in 1.3 – it’s possible that the upcoming crew skill change was actually referring to that, the gradual introduction of more orange armor sets or other steps being taken to opening up more armor to be viable in 1.2 and 1.3. We’ve added a whole bunch of orange waist and wrist schematics to Underworld Trading in 1.3 We’ve wanted to open this up to players for awhile, especially because some outfits really need the belt in order to look right. "


Is he playing the same game we are? Really, what version of the game is he playing or is everyone in the game just not doing enough crew missions to locate these mythical schematics?


what new low level orange armor schematics were added in 1.2 and above?


The new orange schematics added in 1.2 were weapons and lightsabers.


As far as most appearances covered, I'd say that's probably accurate. At this time, my Synthweaver has 45 orange schems/recipes, with still several I don't have yet that I'm keeping an eye out for. Each one a different appearance. My Armormech has about half that with more coming in every day.


And, I gotta say, he's right. Just about every appearance is covered. Now, if we had the ability to choose what color to craft them in, we'd be just about set.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Sup folks.


After that many iterations I thought it would be interesting to move the discussion to a suggestion one, especially since it seems the devs are indeed taking into account constructive feedback lately. As such I created a new thread in the proper forums section. I brainstormed a few ideas, now I'm looking at new ideas and you guys to challenge them.


The idea was not only to speak about the gear customization but also about the gear management and incentives to keep "grinding" for better gear.


As such I invite you to jump here.

Edited by Deewe
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With 4 level 50s and 4 alts I was trying to level I have decided to give up on TOR.


Here is what happens as I level.


at level 35 to level 49 I develop my characters look and I love it. At 50 I start getting sets and have 2 choices.





- Pull the old mods out and give them to my companion (high cost)

- Pull new mods out and put them in my orange gear (higher cost)

- Lose the set bonuses but at least retain my appearance





- Wear what drops but hate how my character appears


Choice 1 is very expensive and I lose the set bonuses. I have to do this through 2 sets of PvP gear and 2-3 sets of PvE gear before I can transfer my mods one final time and retain my set bonuses (War Hero / Blackhole sets).


Each time I get a better item I remove the old mod out of my orange gear, give it to my companion, then remove the mod out of the new item and put it into my personal orange appearance gear. Basically transferring each mod twice every time I upgrade. This is extremely expensive and I do not even get to keep the set bonus.


Choice 2, I just wear what drops and hate looking at my character. But at least I save a lot of money and retain my set bonuses.



It is a lose lose situation for me since the appearance of my character drives me but I refuse to take the hit in stats or lose my set bonus. My only choice is to move to the next character and hope Bioware fixes these issues.


I am tired of waiting and now know they have just written off transferring the set bonuses for pre 1.2 gear.


As much as I wanted to enjoy TOR, I just can't bring myself to keep leveling alts knowing that once I hit 50 I'm going to hate my characters.

Edited by illgot
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With 4 level 50s and 4 alts I was trying to level I have decided to give up on TOR.


Here is what happens as I level.


at level 35 to level 49 I develop my characters look and I love it. At 50 I start getting sets and have 2 choices.





- Pull the old mods out and give them to my companion (high cost)

- Pull new mods out and put them in my orange gear (higher cost)

- Lose the set bonuses but at least retain my appearance





- Wear what drops but hate how my character appears


Choice 1 is very expensive and I lose the set bonuses. I have to do this through 2 sets of PvP gear and 2-3 sets of PvE gear before I can transfer my mods one final time and retain my set bonuses (War Hero / Blackhole sets).


Each time I get a better item I remove the old mod out of my orange gear, give it to my companion, then remove the mod out of the new item and put it into my personal orange appearance gear. Basically transferring each mod twice every time I upgrade. This is extremely expensive and I do not even get to keep the set bonus.


Choice 2, I just wear what drops and hate looking at my character. But at least I save a lot of money and retain my set bonuses.



It is a lose lose situation for me since the appearance of my character drives me but I refuse to take the hit in stats or lose my set bonus. My only choice is to move to the next character and hope Bioware fixes these issues.


I am tired of waiting and now know they have just written off transferring the set bonuses for pre 1.2 gear.


As much as I wanted to enjoy TOR, I just can't bring myself to keep leveling alts knowing that once I hit 50 I'm going to hate my characters.


It seems like spending your time generating usable loot or credits instead of another alt might be a better way to provide for your characters. By all means, play how you like but, your complaint seems to be that the things you want are too expensive so it would seem that focusing on earning more would be the better fix.

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