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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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So, according to you, you can RP or you can play the game, but you can't do both at the same time? Perhaps you should stick to arguing why the mod system is superior to an a-tab and stay away from anything relating to RP events.


No, I play the game all the time and rarely bother to upgrade my gear until I have a chance to get around to it. I am rarely optimized unless knowingly going into a tough fight or mission. I still am able to play and you don't need to be 100% min/maxed to do so.


You are either going somewhere in your best battle gear or you or not. If RP demands a different look, it is probably because it would socially require another level of gearing (such as a dress uniform or the like). All the RP I have done generally favors your stats, situation and gearing to be realistically related.


In my personal experience, aside from perhaps RP PvP, RP events do not require 100% optimization. You are playing the role as the situation would naturally break down. Theoretical maximums don't change the story.


Especially in situations where a fight breaks out when characters might not be 100% geared up, it actually brings some depth and realism to the RP. Part of being caught up in a fight when you may have been relaxing or at a formal occasion is being caught off your guard.

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First off, you do not need to change every mod slot in every item slot to change your look.


Indeed. As I said a page back, my smuggler has 4 complete outfits, all with their own mods. My BH has 2, again each with their own mods.


If you want to change your look, you build another set, simple as that. No need, at all, to switch out mods. And it really doesn't take long to do that, truth be told.

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First off, you do not need to change every mod slot in every item slot to change your look. You can have a very different look by swapping the chest piece of another color and hiding your headgear and that would be far less than 600k.


Thanks for telling me how I should customize my character. I feel extremely silly for thinking anything more than just the chest is important.


A level 50 purple mod costs 27,852 credits to remove. If you have 3 mods and 1 augment slot that's 111,408 credits per item.


4 mods per item on 7 items; Head, Chest, Glove, Belt, Pants, and Boots = 668,448 credits.


With that expense people will not have fun with customizing their gear. They will settle into one look and may change their look once or twice more.


Your example assumes that RP needs to happen in BIS gear. Sure we'd like to have our best but I view that as more of luxury. I don't why your evening of RP can't be done in your next best suit of mods and gear or your other sets you have set aside for PvE/PvP or (if we eventually get dual-speccing) the set we tweaked for our other build. If it really is an RP event, I have my doubts if you really need 100% optimization in your non-signature look.


You are soo right! How silly of me to want to use the best mods I have collected in different outfits! Silly me, I'm soo stupid for wanting to use my best gear possible when playing the game!


Indeed. As I said a page back, my smuggler has 4 complete outfits, all with their own mods. My BH has 2, again each with their own mods.


If you want to change your look, you build another set, simple as that. No need, at all, to switch out mods. And it really doesn't take long to do that, truth be told.


What level is your smuggler and how are you removing your set mods already? Oh wait you aren't.


We aren't talking about lowbies collecting orange gear and switching out blue mods. We aren't talking about 50s with various sets of orange gear plugging in green or blue mods into 4 different sets. We are talking about using the best set mods we have collected through running operations and PvP and using those in our new outfits.


No one is complaining about paying 3k to remove blue level 50 mods.


With a cost of nearly 650k attached to switching your visable armors mods (we aren't even talking weapons and bracers) the cost is too high for anyone to truly have fun with their "appearance system". Most players that change their appearance can only afford to do it once and the majority of those players will never do it more than once or twice more during their game play.

Edited by illgot
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What level is your smuggler and how are you removing your set mods already? Oh wait you aren't.


We aren't talking about lowbies collecting orange gear and switching out blue mods. We aren't talking about 50s with various sets of orange gear plugging in green or blue mods into 4 different sets. We are talking about using the best set mods we have collected through running operations and PvP and using those in our new outfits.


No one is complaining about paying 3k to remove blue level 50 mods.


With a cost of nearly 650k attached to switching your visable armors mods (we aren't even talking weapons and bracers) the cost is too high for anyone to truly have fun with their "appearance system". Most players that change their appearance can only afford to do it once and the majority of those players will never do it more than once or twice more during their game play.


My smuggler has been level 50 since the end of January, my BH has been 50 for over a month, and the sets I speak of are level 47-50 orange gear, crafted, another set from vendors and crafted, earlier orange gear, etc, all of them stuffed with level 52 purple mods.


Once 1.2 hits, I'll build me another few sets with set bonuses and augments, no big deal. I still don't see where the problem is?


Removing mods will NEVER be necessary.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Blizzard is a smart company. The sheer fact that they expanded the MMO market by tens of thousands proves that. Blizzard understood that to have fun with an appearance system you can not tie it down with restrictions based on stats. Bioware does not understand this. I have no idea why after copying so much from World of Warcraft they had to go and create such a crappy "innovative" appearance system like their orange mod gear (which is not as innovative as people think as it has been done is other MMOs).


Actually, blizzard has far from the best customization setup in the genre. they copied most of their stuff from other games. I do agree with you tho, I just wished that Blizz had done it earlier...many MMO's had them even back when WoW was a wee little vanilla baby.


One of the best (IMO) to date is LotRO's system. even with the Free accounts, you start with 3 fully customizable "sets" that you can switch on the fly. the gear is placed in the set, and then the item can be stored anywhere, or just thrown away/sold. the item will remain in your set until you remove it or replace it with another item. IIRC the item does have to be wearable as a class (no plate for cloth classes), and it has to be bound to your account (or will bind when you put it in your custom tabs). But once it's in the set, you can do whatever with it. The set is independent of the actual item


Note: you are not "modding" any of you current gear, these are completely different gear sets (they show up as tabs) in your character window, and switchable on the fly. They do not impact your current gear whatsoever, when you switch it is literally a "skin" change.


In addition, most of the gear in the game can be changed via "ink" you can buy off the AH or craft (if your a scholar). almost unlimited combos, especially as the base color of the original gear impacts it's new color. The one thing that Bio IS doing that I wish LotRO would emulate is the color "matching" option with your chestpiece, very nice move Bio.


The gear sets are switchable on the fly, and you can hotkey them as well. Easily the best customization system I've seen to date. Blizzard could take a few notes from them, as could Bio. there is absolutely NO reason why your ability to change the look of your gear should be limited.

Edited by Elyx
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Actually, blizzard has far from the best customization setup in the genre. they copied most of their stuff from other games. I do agree with you tho, I just wished that Blizz had done it earlier...many MMO's had them even back when WoW was a wee little vanilla baby.


One of the best (IMO) to date is LotRO's system. even with the Free accounts, you start with 3 fully customizable "sets" that you can switch on the fly. the gear is placed in the set, and then the item can be stored anywhere, or just thrown away/sold. the item will remain in your set until you remove it or replace it with another item. IIRC the item does have to be wearable as a class (no plate for cloth classes), and it has to be bound to your account (or will bind when you put it in your custom tabs). But once it's in the set, you can do whatever with it. The set is independent of the actual item


Note: you are not "modding" any of you current gear, these are completely different gear sets (they show up as tabs) in your character window, and switchable on the fly. They do not impact your current gear whatsoever, when you switch it is literally a "skin" change.


In addition, most of the gear in the game can be changed via "ink" you can buy off the AH or craft (if your a scholar). almost unlimited combos, especially as the base color of the original gear impacts it's new color. The one thing that Bio IS doing that I wish LotRO would emulate is the color "matching" option with your chestpiece, very nice move Bio.


The gear sets are switchable on the fly, and you can hotkey them as well. Easily the best customization system I've seen to date. Blizzard could take a few notes from them, as could Bio. there is absolutely NO reason why your ability to change the look of your gear should be limited.


I agree with you, Blizzard was as pig headed as any company about changing their "vision" of the game. But eventually their arrogance thinned and they started to understand that players above all else wanted to customize their characters appearance.


Lord of the Rings had the best appearance system I have seen in any MMO. Champions Online comes up second only because the whole costume database seems a bit sterile.


The ability to change a characters appearance on the fly and still retain their stats was a big reason many social players stuck around. They could change for RP events, guild events, or just have fun for the evening without it costing them in stats or money; just the time it took to locate the items they wanted.


The current cost of changing your appearance end game is 724,152 credits. That is only if you change you armor. Very few people can afford that so very few people will be able to truly have fun with TORs appearance system.


Small suggestion: retain the high cost of removing the mods out of the initial item, but after that reduce the cost to 3,000 credits.

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Oh I know that quote very well Deewe, unfortunately it cannot be construed as an *official* BioWare promise. I've tried to shove those words into Steph's face so many times & someone in charge finally responded to me in an PM, very harshly I might add, letting me know what the real deal is. Message was personal so I'll keep it that way, but I got the point very clearly.

IMHO the real deal is they wasted too much $$$ on a lower feature especially with a subpar UI. They know it, everybody knows it but the one who'll admit it will get his personal bottom kicked hard.


If at least they were delivering good StarWarsy looking gear people would not mind but: not even close.


And that's disappointing and sad.





An appearance tab gives a player reason to go out and collect different looks.




Once Blizzard introduced their appearance system, which is relatively cheap, people started having fun with it. They are still raving about it on their forums about how much they love being able to change their look on the fly.


People have spent weeks collecting items in old instances, buying and trading rare designs, and even having whole nights where everyone dressed for an occasion.



We've been knowing and saying that before even Blizzard implemented it. Appearance tab creates a second incentive to buy and look after gear: the look of the item.

Edited by Deewe
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So, according to you, you can RP or you can play the game, but you can't do both at the same time? Perhaps you should stick to arguing why the mod system is superior to an a-tab and stay away from anything relating to RP events.


You are soo right! How silly of me to want to use the best mods I have collected in different outfits! Silly me, I'm soo stupid for wanting to use my best gear possible when playing the game!


I'll leave defining "silly" and "stupid" to you but, it is not necessary to use your best stats in order to RP. Kharnis was posing the false assertion that one had to choose between RP or playing and I felt that needed to be dispelled.

Edited by Matte_Black
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I'd love a way to customize the appearance on my characters post creation. Example: changes of haircut, shaving habits, tattoos, weight gain or loss, etc. Basically, anything relating to their look (NOT racial changes).




No gender swaps either, please.

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Quick, can anyone tell me if you will be able to get an orange 'Battle Master" gear look when 1.2 goes live? I can't find anything green I would want to make orange gear. lol I sure hope we will get the robe and hooded Battle master look in an orange augment.
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My smuggler has been level 50 since the end of January, my BH has been 50 for over a month, and the sets I speak of are level 47-50 orange gear, crafted, another set from vendors and crafted, earlier orange gear, etc, all of them stuffed with level 52 purple mods.


Once 1.2 hits, I'll build me another few sets with set bonuses and augments, no big deal. I still don't see where the problem is?


Removing mods will NEVER be necessary.


Your average optimizer should expect to have at least PvP and PvE sets with different statting. It would not be unheard of to have another set full of your remaining next best mods and spares which may well be very functional in alot situations which aren't the highest challenges. If they allow dual-speccing which is discussed, that's another PvP and PvE set. That gives you decent selection of pretty viable sets before you start mixing and matching, not to mention items you might borrow from companions which might be as good as our main character's gear and work with our builds.

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Your average optimizer should expect to have at least PvP and PvE sets with different statting. It would not be unheard of to have another set full of your remaining next best mods and spares which may well be very functional in alot situations which aren't the highest challenges. If they allow dual-speccing which is discussed, that's another PvP and PvE set. That gives you decent selection of pretty viable sets before you start mixing and matching, not to mention items you might borrow from companions which might be as good as our main character's gear and work with our builds.


I fail to see why people are insisting that you can only have one set of gear with the BiS mods. You can create as many different looking outfits you want, ALL with BiS mods.


That's what I'm going to do. That's what I already have. And then, when the next patch or expansion comes after 1.2 that has the next tier of BiS, I'll get those.


The drive to get new gear is here. No need for the lesser option: a-tab.

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I for one detest appearance tabs. If you want to look a certain way wear that and live with the stats if you can't mod them. We should be able to tell looking at a toon which class (or group of classes) they are even if they don't have their saber lit or their gun out. We should have to wait for them to use an ability before knowing what they are.


With that said I have no problem with customizable gear as long as the styles for each class remain the same. I know a smuggler can wear sentinel gear and vice-versa and I've done that. It's pretty rare though and I would want anything done to encourage it.


I think BW just needs to provide ample custom orange gear for each class that can be crafted and we won't need an appearance tag. Color matching of components too. Even coloring of gear would be fine.


But classes should have their distinctive look.

Edited by JerokTalram
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StarWarsy looking gear.


You may not like it, but it doesn't mean it's not Star Wars.


Don't bring proof into this. Haven't you heard? If it isn't from the movies it doesn't count :rolleyes:


There's also these, but I reckon since they're not from the movies they don't count either






If they aren't plain black robes they aren't star wars.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Jar Jar is Star Wars too, enjoy.


It is what it is, Deewe. I hate Jar Jar with a passion. Doesn't mean he's not Star Warsy, no matter how much I squeeze my eyes shut and wish it weren't.


However, there are some people who absolutely adore Jar Jar. My son is one of them.


There is plain, Original Trilogy-ish clothing in the game. You have what you want. Now let people who like that Star Wars comic book stuff have what they want. To insist or insinuate that the gear you linked shouldn't be in TOR is absolutely unfair for those who like that kind of Star Wars look.

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It is what it is, Deewe. I hate Jar Jar with a passion. Doesn't mean he's not Star Warsy, no matter how much I squeeze my eyes shut and wish it weren't.


However, there are some people who absolutely adore Jar Jar. My son is one of them.


There is plain, Original Trilogy-ish clothing in the game. You have what you want. Now let people who like that Star Wars comic book stuff have what they want. To insist or insinuate that the gear you linked shouldn't be in TOR is absolutely unfair for those who like that kind of Star Wars look.

Would not mind the comic crap if it was the exception in TOR. The issue being it's the norm.

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Customization is my biggest issue with this game. I shouldn't have to decide between looking the way I want and having good gear. If you ask me, either everything should have moddable versions or we should have separate costume slots a-la (gasp) SWG. Armor coloring kits are also a must.


I don't mind working towards the armor I want, but getting my character's look just right while having good stats should not be a literal impossibility. That just sucks the role play right out of RPG.

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Customization is my biggest issue with this game. I shouldn't have to decide between looking the way I want and having good gear. If you ask me, either everything should have moddable versions or we should have separate costume slots a-la (gasp) SWG. Armor coloring kits are also a must.


I don't mind working towards the armor I want, but getting my character's look just right while having good stats should not be a literal impossibility. That just sucks the role play right out of RPG.


If the dev comments are to be believed, everything will be available in a moddable form. It certainly seems like an overwhelming majority of the gear will be and that the best gear will be moddable crit-crafted gear.

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I would be so happy at this point to get a orange version of the "homeless guy" garment. lol I went through all the gear searching for a look I liked and I can't find a single one. I can say I only like the "homeless man" garb. Whatever the name of it is. lol I don't think you can get it in orange. :mad:
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If the dev comments are to be believed, everything will be available in a moddable form. It certainly seems like an overwhelming majority of the gear will be and that the best gear will be moddable crit-crafted gear.


VERY awesome. That is music to my ears. (Well, I guess technically "eyes.") :D

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