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@LFG tool haterz


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you haven't given me any factual evidence that most profs don't generate profit until endgame, who cares if the price drops as long as im the only one selling them i still make profit.


So what you're saying is "Screw everyone else, I don't give a **** if all the other skills are broken as long as MINE makes money"

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I see LFD as something to avoid at all costs.

It might be useful in some way only if used in the same server (which would be almost useless...).

There are a lot of immature/arrogant players (people) around. That's true for this game as for any other out there and as for the whole internet community.

Getting to know people is the key to have a pleaseant game time. Once you know someone and decide is nice, then you add him/her to your friend's list and hopely you will group togheter often.

I had several bad groups already, people never talking and just needing on everything. People leaving the dungeon in the middle with no reason. People pretending to know everything and acting like elitists (game just started!!!) and the others do know nothing nor how to play their class...

But, on the other hand, i found many that are really good and nice and i started to add them as friends on my list. Someone offered me to party for other dungeons after a day or 2 because they remember me as a tank, but mostly because i've been friendly and polite.

With LFD in WoW's style all this would get lost, again...

Community is already bad as it is because that's the way most people is.

Tried to get in a guild and after 2 days i left it. I don't want to be forced to be in the same guild where 12 years old kids keep spamming the chat with non sense, vulgarities and with names that belong to other sci fy environments (someone can't understand the difference between Star Wars and Dune, as an example).

Please, do not encourage to force nice and/or mature people to mix up with bad and/or immature ones. It's proved that this can only lead to the ruin of a community (take WoW as main example).

We can build a list of like minded players to play with, only if we got to actively look for it. LFD would not allow that....

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So what you're saying is "Screw everyone else, I don't give a **** if all the other skills are broken as long as MINE makes money"


No, what im saying is from my experience i can get money from my prof before endgame. You know the thing you said wouldn't work

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and sure GAME BREAKING ISSUES can be improved on like you know glitches bugs lag n such



seriously? How will this hurt the game? Here is an analogy:


you are walking home from school. You can take the long way through the park (ie spam LFG in general) and get home safely but at a significantly slower rate OR you can take the shorter way (LFD tool) and have the possibility of a bully taking your lunch money.


if you don't want to chance it, don't use it. If it's implemented and people use it they wanted it. If they don't use it, they don't want it. How is it honestly not that simple? If I only have 2 hours to play i'll change getting a tool in my group over chancing whether i can even get a group or not at all. That my friends is called LOGIC.

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No, what im saying is from my experience i can get money from my prof before endgame. You know the thing you said wouldn't work


But keep using that prof to make money and see what happens..the market gets flooded with what then become useless ****.


and crafting skills don't really make money because like i said, gear is easily replaced.


Artifice isn't a crafting skill, it amounts to this games version of enchanting.

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seriously? How will this hurt the game? Here is an analogy:


you are walking home from school. You can take the long way through the park (ie spam LFG in general) and get home safely but at a significantly slower rate OR you can take the shorter way (LFD tool) and have the possibility of a bully taking your lunch money.


if you don't want to chance it, don't use it. If it's implemented and people use it they wanted it. If they don't use it, they don't want it. How is it honestly not that simple? If I only have 2 hours to play i'll change getting a tool in my group over chancing whether i can even get a group or not at all. That my friends is called LOGIC.


that is a flawed analogy.


i could make a nother analogy


lets say my friend uses cocaine, i tell him don't use it because it has bad consequences. He says don't like it don't use it. So is my friend justified using cocaine?

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But keep using that prof to make money and see what happens..the market gets flooded with what then become useless ****.


and crafting skills don't really make money because like i said, gear is easily replaced.


Artifice isn't a crafting skill, it amounts to this games version of enchanting.


gear is only replaced if you quest. What about the games pvpers who only pvp to lvl? They could hit the AH for gear

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The best answer to this will give you wow.


While at vanilla one of the best MMO´s ever, also because of its community - it was one of the worst at WOTLK until today, due things like addons, dual spec, LFG and whatever else.



If you have to talk to people before, during and after a dungeon then yes this will build a community. You obvisly dont know what talking really means... For you it seems to be "spamming dps meters, insulting members or so" - well yes this is not socialising but this is exactly what you get with such a tool.


Having played WoW from beta until a few weeks ago, I can confidantly say your are full of it.


Every expansion, heck just about every patch has improved the game.


I am no longer playing WoW, not because it isn't a great game it is an amazing game, but because I grew bored of it after so long.


Addons allowed them to create more challenging content and more interesting boss fights, WoW was at its absolute worst during vanilla, they had no clue how to make an intersting boss fight, and the fights were so amazingly simple you could do them while carrying 15+ mouth breathers that added nothing to the raid.

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I think most people would agree that it needs to become easier to meet people for Flashpoints and Heroic Missions. What those of us in the "Anti-LFG" camp don't want is queuing for Flashpoints the same way you queue for warzones.


This is about correct.


Automated LFG systems that shove you into randoms groups isn't good, especially if it's cross server.


Cross server automated LFG systems create ninjas and bad behaviour, there is no way of punishing someone with this system, whilst if you keep it on your local server with a system where you pick whom you want, ninjas and bad behaving players will be black listed and on many ignore lists.


As for

I have formed groups from general chat that dont even speak during the instance. Its not the LFG tool that makes people anti-social, its the players themselves.


You're the problem there, you likely insta invited players who whispered you going "me plx i r deepeeez."

If you pick more carefully you'll avoid the muppets the automated LFG systems collect for you and seems to prioritise.


What I want is a tool that lets you "Queue" for as many instances/flashpoints as you want which then proceeds to put you in a list of people who want to do such instance/flashpoint. A group leader can then pick out the classes he wants in his group, and ideally we'd need some ability to comment on our playstyle/gear etc to help the group leaders pick what they want.

Then you might argue people will always pick the nobs with the best gear, well I wouldn't. I start loads of groups and I'd look for people that seems to either know what they're talking about, or someone that seems pleasant.


Bottom line is, Automated LFG systems, especially cross server ones are really bad as they don't consider things like classes, what loot they can use, if they're able to use all letters on the alphabet instead of missing out half the words when typing etc.

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Having played WoW from beta until a few weeks ago, I can confidantly say your are full of it.


Every expansion, heck just about every patch has improved the game.


I am no longer playing WoW, not because it isn't a great game it is an amazing game, but because I grew bored of it after so long.


Addons allowed them to create more challenging content and more interesting boss fights, WoW was at its absolute worst during vanilla, they had no clue how to make an intersting boss fight, and the fights were so amazingly simple you could do them while carrying 15+ mouth breathers that added nothing to the raid.


obviously wow was at its worst in vanilla thats why it had its greatest growth during it.

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Cross server automated LFG systems create ninjas and bad behaviour, there is no way of punishing someone with this system, whilst if you keep it on your local server with a system where you pick whom you want, ninjas and bad behaving players will be black listed and on many ignore lists.


It has already been pointed out how "blacklisting" people is nothing but wishful thinking for the most part and how a tool doesn't "create" terrible people.

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It has already been pointed out how "blacklisting" people is nothing but wishful thinking for the most part and how a tool doesn't "create" terrible people.


If by pointing out you mean an opinion of some then yes it's been pointed out.

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how hard is it to use the system that's already there... flag yourself/look for people not a difficult concept.


if they do implement a cross server lfd i will 100% guarantee you i will roll need on everything that drops.. and I'll get queue's all the time cause I'll queue as a tank, and get them much faster than you. or i may just wipe everyone for giggles.


cross server lfd's broker nothing but bad conduct. zero consequences equals i can do whatever i want.

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Ah, finally. A well thought out post. That although has an opposing view of mine. Is well thought out and handled rather well. THESE are the kind of posts i like to handle. This, kids, is how you have an intelligent discussion about things.



This is about correct.


Automated LFG systems that shove you into randoms groups isn't good, especially if it's cross server.


Cross server automated LFG systems create ninjas and bad behaviour, there is no way of punishing someone with this system, whilst if you keep it on your local server with a system where you pick whom you want, ninjas and bad behaving players will be black listed and on many ignore lists.

ninjas and bad behavior will happen regardless of LFD. That is the world we live in. Everyone is a 6'6 body builder who can do whatever they want with no consequences. Also, heres the thing about the "black listing". You can just make things up! its he said she said either way. If you ninja something, and they go to the fleet and say "Hey, this guy is a ninja, don't group with him" Whats to say that person is telling the truth? Do you take their word for it? what proof do you get? If you piss off the wrong person by doing nothing..and yes, it happens..whats to stop them from starting a server wide slander campaign against you?


As for


You're the problem there, you likely insta invited players who whispered you going "me plx i r deepeeez."

If you pick more carefully you'll avoid the muppets the automated LFG systems collect for you and seems to prioritise.

So you're saying people should taken even LONGER putting together a group for a single flashpoint? when on some servers it already takes upwards of two hours?



What I want is a tool that lets you "Queue" for as many instances/flashpoints as you want which then proceeds to put you in a list of people who want to do such instance/flashpoint. A group leader can then pick out the classes he wants in his group, and ideally we'd need some ability to comment on our playstyle/gear etc to help the group leaders pick what they want.

Then you might argue people will always pick the nobs with the best gear, well I wouldn't. I start loads of groups and I'd look for people that seems to either know what they're talking about, or someone that seems pleasant.

that entire system is just a convoluted way of what we already have. Group with friends and guildies only.


Bottom line is, Automated LFG systems, especially cross server ones are really bad as they don't consider things like classes, what loot they can use, if they're able to use all letters on the alphabet instead of missing out half the words when typing etc.

You know what does, though? KICKING! if they're really that bad, they get kicked. Simple.

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This arguement will never end. This much is clear. Each side has made theirselves clear they are not changing their opinions on the matter so I guess we should all just sit back and see if bioware implemented this feature but until that happens or never happens we should just enjoy the game.
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This arguement will never end. This much is clear. Each side has made theirselves clear they are not changing their opinions on the matter so I guess we should all just sit back and see if bioware implemented this feature but until that happens or never happens we should just enjoy the game.


Yea, things don't work that way.


You know how things change in MMOs?




...************ about it. No matter how much they claim slicing was broken, do you honestly think they would of nerfed it if people didn't ***** about it?


Take every nerf, to every class in wow, you know what proceeded those changes?



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Please, do not encourage to force nice and/or mature people to mix up with bad and/or immature ones. It's proved that this can only lead to the ruin of a community (take WoW as main example).


buddy...no one is forcing you to do anything. You don't like the LFD tool, don't use it. Simple as that...love it or leave it. YOU are forcing us to go about things your way when you say "you can't have a LFD tool because I don't like it". So who is being the *** in this situation? Me for wanting to include something that will make life easier for people or you for wanting to stop us from being able to use (or not use) a tool that we OBVIOUSLY find beneficial.


honestly...i don't know how many other ways I can say it "if you don't like it DON't USE IT". I don't care at all if you use the tool or not. I know for a fact (and I can use WoW as evidence of this) that if it's implemented people WILL use it. So, in the end, regardless of minority/majority status it's obvious it will be a useful tool because it will be USED!!!! (and jim c you really need to read up on how surverys are conducted....REAAAAAL BAD)

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I've noticed something fascinating and maybe its just my server, but. whenever people are doing LFG 2 dps... I see them looking for some time. whenever someone asks in full sentence if people would like to do a specific heroic quest or a flashpoint, the conversations generally starts up and a group forms. I've yet to have trouble finding groups. and every time i have found one was through conversation not abbreviations. and I've yet to have a single run that I didn't enjoy or that was completely silent. not all of them were smooth, mind you. deaths and mistakes and mix ups happen. but we have fun and there's no douchebaggery to be seen.


my theory is, other then well some servers being friendlier then others.. is that there are some people who genuinely are new to MMO's playing this game and they don't really understand abbreviations. that and people speaking in understandable language are more approachable.


that said. I'm very much against an automated tool. if I had my way, the system would resemble something like what Dungeons and Dragons Eberon unlimited has. easily usable, easily searchable, but you still have to make all the moves.


I might eventually learn to live with server only automated tool. but any hint of cross server and I'll be out before the game has a chance to make me hate it. I'd rather keep my good memories intact then feel the way I do about WoW nowadays.


no, spamming general is no more social then waiting for a tool to do all the work for you and grouping with random strangers. but forming your own groups, instead of being handed them on a platter - is.

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that is a flawed analogy.


i could make a nother analogy


lets say my friend uses cocaine, i tell him don't use it because it has bad consequences. He says don't like it don't use it. So is my friend justified using cocaine?



this is hilarious...in my analogy you are not harmed at all by deciding to take the long way home....cocaine has been proven to have harmful affects to not only the person but also to society as a whole (if it didn't affect society as a whole i'd say sure he was justified in doing whatever the hell he wants). It's only when it affects ME and my loved ones in a negative way when something should be done about it. A LFD tool does not negatively impact you AT ALL if you choose to not use it.


your analogy, my friend, is absolute bunk and mine holds water.

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Having played WoW from beta until a few weeks ago, I can confidantly say your are full of it.


Every expansion, heck just about every patch has improved the game.


I am no longer playing WoW, not because it isn't a great game it is an amazing game, but because I grew bored of it after so long.


Addons allowed them to create more challenging content and more interesting boss fights, WoW was at its absolute worst during vanilla, they had no clue how to make an intersting boss fight, and the fights were so amazingly simple you could do them while carrying 15+ mouth breathers that added nothing to the raid.


True, while now what you have to do is just watching on you tube one of the very few real gamers while defeating a boss for the first time and learn every trick. Then you use a bunch of addons which will tell you exactly what to do and when to do it. That's the reason you stopped playing wow, bored because it was not you playing, it was your addons and youtube.

Since wotlk i played that game less than half of the time i payed for and subscribed less than six months a year ( and i started with the beta, too....).

Oh, and lost almost all my friends (because they left the game) since wotlk and few that were still playing during wotlk, left with cata.

New players don't know how it was at the beginning and can like it. Most old players didn't like the changes, which were made to attract the new generation and left (and are still leaving in a worrying and growing number).


Only my opinion anyway. and i wish Bioware would give us only the tools to modify the UI and the character appearance while they progress... nothing else, no LFD nor Addons.

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I'd have to say i'd like a tool for flashpoints but not heroics. What would be the point for a tool to group for heroics when there is already a LFG implemented? Don't know if its fully used, but its there. I'd also like to say something about WoW that my friend has told me from his years of playing. He's told me stories of this magical thing called open world pvp where people would have to travel long distances to do quests and go to the actual dungeons location on the map. On the course of your journey for questing or trying to dungeons, fights would break out between Horde and Alliance. Would star off as 2v2 or 5v5, might stay like that, but he's told me how it would normally break out into a war between multiple guilds. I can say first hand that I experienced such a thing on Warsong. But after a year of me playing they added in the dungeon finding tool... and it's almost as if the world just died... was barely any big moshpits of players, just a handful at times raiding towns here and there.


I'm not saying that's what could happen on here, ToR is structured much differently than WoW is. There are multiple planets that are contested for both sides to fight on. Even if the tool were to be added, it would not by any means destroy socializing on here. It's all up to players themselves to get out there and talk to people.

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this is hilarious...in my analogy you are not harmed at all by deciding to take the long way home....cocaine has been proven to have harmful affects to not only the person but also to society as a whole (if it didn't affect society as a whole i'd say sure he was justified in doing whatever the hell he wants). It's only when it affects ME and my loved ones in a negative way when something should be done about it. A LFD tool does not negatively impact you AT ALL if you choose to not use it.


your analogy, my friend, is absolute bunk and mine holds water.


It does impact me tho. It is much harder to enjoy myself when the community has went down the drain. My analogy holds about as much water as yours.

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