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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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I think the changes to conquest are a definitive improvement.


That said, they haven't really been enough to motivate me to play more. The game is feeling kind of stale.


There's nothing new for a casual group content enthusiast who relies on pugging. I don't know the new op well enough to start a group for it, gods I'm not going to even think about pugging due to a combination of excessive trash mechanics, sheer length, and the simple fact the average player of this game is frankly sad. Then they haven't scaled pre-existing content, so all I can do is the same things I've been doing for 8 years, but not even enjoy the full and complete benefits of the gear I have been encouraged to grind.


Just like... BW give me a reason to come play more and prove you care about my long term subscription.

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The numbers simply do not support your argument. I see the exact same guilds dominating the leader boards as before. The only difference is that numbers are inflated for absolutely everyone.



You misunderstood. Sure,for guilds dominating leaderboard, exciting aspect in conq points earned comes from being able to fight for winning the planets every week. This hasn't changed. When it comes to reaching guilds' conq target, doing it with 25 million points (past) prolly isn't any more or less exciting than doing it with over 100 million or something.(present) I wasn't talking about these guilds though - guilds who can consistently compete for winning any of the three planets. When it comes to raw conq. earned, fighting for winning those planets is the exciting part for these guilds. We can prolly agree that number of guilds able to consistently and meaningfully fight for winning a planet is much smaller than number of guilds who aren't quite there.


Check number 10 on your servers high yield planets atm. They are prolly well on their way towards earning 10 times the 5 million target required for high yield. Imagine how many guilds land somewhere between that 10th guild on leaderboard and the guild making 5.1 million this week. Among these Inbetween-guilds are the thousands of people I was talking about in my previous post.





The implication of your reasoning is that guilds are just stopping after achieving planetary yield minimums.


Nope. I'm sure almost everybody has many other goals and desires besides stuff that orbits conq. But conquest is what we're talking here. I'm simply saying that for a large portion of Inbetween-guilds described above, reaching large (or medium)yield conq target stopped being a pursuit and became something you simply get. Put it this way: Anything that became attainable for a eight person guild with a moderate effort also became a pursuit that is utterly irrelevant for a 80 person guild. Huge portion of large (or medium) yield guilds did not pursue winning the planet. Simply wasn't withing their reach. Instead, their destination, their " victory" was reaching the conq target. Thousands of people in various guilds now arrivine to this "victory" without really having to pay any attention to it. It stopped being a meaningful mechanic or journey for them. Is losing this goal a relief to these inbetween-guilds? Or is it a bit Disappointing? Does it erase excitenment or annyance? I'm betting answer is yes to all. Mixture of disappointments,reliefs, triumphs,excitenments and annoyances is a pretty powerful coctail in cotext of video games.


2) Smaller guilds will now be able to decorate their guild flagships more quickly.

I'm hoping you don't have a problem with this.


Why,no I don't have a problem with people being able to decorate their ships. Flagships are cool and its fun to walk around in. Just underlining the flipside. Number of four man guilds can now decorate their ships faster. For a number of 40 or 400 man guilds, "reaching conquest target!" stopped being a meaningful pursuit. I'm guessing you don't see a problem with this.


It is an excellent patch for that 4(or i'm guessing ideally 6-8 ) person guild. For them, all of a sudden, reaching high/medium yield target became entirely doable with a decently sized effort. And since there is a decently sized effort involved, it feels exciting and rewarding. See how happy and proud the guy I'm originally responding is? They did it!! I remember the feeling well. That's what started being a thing for 4-6 man guiilds. And stopped being a thing for 40-60 or 400-600 member guilds. Again, every goal that became attainable for a 8 man guild transformed into an utterly irrelevant pursuit for a 80 man guild.


At this point, you should just macro your response.

Its a bit unfair insult to make between this particular back-and forth. I don't think anyone has really bothered to discuss what we are now discussing in either of the busy conq threads. Then again, I don't think insults are supposed to be fair anywyay so there is that.


guild can still accomplish the exact same goals as before, just add some zeroes to that goal b/c we're all in the same positio

Hahah, Yes. This is pretty much what I was saying above. To your experience, what happens to goals in video games when you add few zeroes to numbers defining how easy/hard/fulfilling/irrelevant that goal is? If a good game mechanic is defined by rewards you get, then designing good mmos with longevity just became super easy. Give me and my guild all the stuff immediately. More you give, the better. Not some of the stuff. Not most of the stuff. Give

me all the stuff. Easier and faster stuff is given to me and my guild , better the mechanic giving the stuff is. Honestly, this does seem to be the consensus here.




Once I finish decorating my guild flagship, I'll invite you over. I guarantee you will find it faaaaabbbbbuuulllllloooouuuuusssss. And I really do throw the absolute best, most decadent parties. :rak_03:


Aaaa yes. Right. I get it now. Yes, your one man guild with your very own flagship is much faster/cheaper to build now. Congratulations. I'm sure you will have a huge amount of fun with your guildship! Its a cool mechanic. Again, consider the flipside though.Think about all that stuff that you can do efficiently all by yourself now in your one man guild. What sort of goals do you think they are now for guilds that are not literal one man guilds? Meaningful? iI guess you answered this already; it don't really matter. They just added some zeroes is all. Right?

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Spent a little time playing this morning. I spent more time looking through my cargo and legacy holds and throwing rocks at a dummy to refresh my rotation than actually playing, but I did get caught up on the story (yay, Tharan's back, now where's Zenith?), ran some heroics and hit personal conquest by just playing the game. I'll have to wait and see how this plays out for other weeks, but so far conquest feels like it did before the massive flub that was the 6.0 revamp for no apparent reason other than it was too fun. So, good work BW for undoing the changes you made 5 months ago that invalidated the changes you made 4.5 months prior to that.


Yeah..it looks so - strange- when you zoom out a bit and look at it from this angle.


About 14 months back, conq->xp became a thing. Tons of conq for everybody from everything! Apparently BW felt this was an issue, changes brought with 6.0 removed a ton of objectives and increased targets for people and guilds alike. Ok. Now with this new patch, obscene amounts of conq for everybody doing planetary missions. Guilds&characters reaching target with massive ease. Only, you are now able to do this mostly through planetary missions and menial garbage selling tasks alone. So, we basically have the playing field of the once-disposed lxp->conq patch from last summer, only a version that is massively unfair for GSF pilots and Ground-PVP'ers and for people doing grp exclusive content in general.For everybody why doesn't have a sudden burning desire to start doing some more planetary daily heroics once more.

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There are now two differences, one of which has zero impact on you:


1) Prices for SRMs (for crafting) will inevitably go down on the GTN; and,


2) Smaller guilds will now be able to decorate their guild flagships more quickly.


<<yum, yum, it's martini time!>>




I for one am delighted the prices have come down, yes I have sold them, and at market price, and made a good profit, but even with prices coming down, I will still be able to sell them and make a good profit, the difference is now, the price of augs will also be coming down, so more people will be able to buy them, instead of just the elite few.


And as for the small guilds, just is probably the best update to conquest for these guys we've ever had. I'm looking forward to opening more rooms on my flagship, and instead of pouring millions in to buying FS plans, etc, I can use those credits for unlocking the deco's needed :)


It's a win / win for everyone. with a couple of exceptions :rolleyes:


For those people, I think they just look at the glass and think, it's half empty, what are we going to do, soon it'll be gone...blah blah blah, where as I look at the glass and think, that was one hell of a good pint, I'm looking forward to finishing it, and having another cold one ;)

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To put a different set of numbers out there


Set of numbers is quite different since the task you chose to undertake was so different. I set out to find out how much/fast conquest somebody who wants to do planetary missions on various planets can earn. If you do planetary heroic missions across the galaxy, you can easily earn 54k conquest 10 minutes. You set out to find out how long it takes to complete all heroic missions of Balmorra and how much conq you get from doing it.



You need 4 planets and 4 heroic missions to reach at least 54k in 10 mins. After that, on the same day, you can relog a new character and do it all over again with 4 different planets. Total of 13 heroic mission planets. Keep supplementing by doing slayer missions, which are comfortably all on planets giving a ding for doing a mission. Once done with all 13, do few of the faster and easier weeklies. CZ and Section X. It is a sick amount of conquest quite fast. For quite a few characters. Every day. GSF match gives you 1.5k btw.It is difficult to complete a planetary task of any kind and get as little as that.

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Set of numbers is quite different since the task you chose to undertake was so different. I set out to find out how much/fast conquest somebody who wants to do planetary missions on various planets can earn. If you do planetary heroic missions across the galaxy, you can easily earn 54k conquest 10 minutes. You set out to find out how long it takes to complete all heroic missions of Balmorra and how much conq you get from doing it.



You need 4 planets and 4 heroic missions to reach 54k in 10 mins. After that, on the same day, you can relog a new character and do it all over again with 4 different planets. Total of 13 heroic mission planets. Keep supplementing by doing slayer missions, which are comfortably all on planets giving a ding for doing a mission. Once done with all 13, do few of the faster and easier weeklies. CZ and Section X. It is a sick amount of conquest quite fast.


Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in the game to earn their conquest points. If two people start the same mission at the same exact time and one person take 5 minutes to complete it and the other takes 10 minutes to complete it the real reward is simple: The person that finishes the mission faster gets to move on to do something else while the other person is still doing their mission

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Why are you so obsessed with what other people


Other people in the conq threads keep talking about other people. I'm talking game mechanics. You can reach conq target in 10 mins just by doing planetary missions.On multiple characters. Every day. No other activity compares to planetary tour or garbage selling/companion gifting. They should. That's all. You get 1500 conq for a GSF match. Four digits. 1.5k. All grp content is more or less in this same boat now.


Besides the very obvious inbalances with above, gravity matters:

1. Any activity that gives a ton of conquest has gravity. It draws people to it.

2. If planetary mission grind gives something like 500% more conq than anything else, then thats what people who want conq fast will do.

3. If people are busy doing planetary missions, less people do group stuff. Group stuff needs people to happen. Multtioplayer game should not tempt people away from group stuff.

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Here's something truly amazing: Some people like to do both. I did random Vet and Master flashpoints and I did them with my guild too. Some people only like to do those with their guild. The points don't matter much. I'd rather be out doing stuff in the game than having to craft 100 pieces of something because that's the only option for hitting the conquest a certain week. I can now help my guild by doing dailies / heroics on every planet instead of doing the same things every day over a whole week. Doesn't that sound better than the way it was before?
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Besides the very obvious inbalances with above, gravity matters:

1. Any activity that gives a ton of conquest has gravity. It draws people to it.

2. If planetary mission grind gives something like 500% more conq than anything else, then thats what people who want conq fast will do.

3. If people are busy doing planetary missions, less people do group stuff. Group stuff needs people to happen. Multtioplayer game should not tempt people away from group stuff.


I can't wait to channel / summon the ffffffaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuulllllllooooooooouuuuuussssssss decorations from my Strongholds and Guild Flagships I collected while doing Heroics. They will serve me oh so well doing group content and Master Modes to gear up. :rolleyes:


<<medicinal early martini>>



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I can't wait to channel / summon the ffffffaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuulllllllooooooooouuuuuussssssss decorations in my Strongholds and Guild Flagships I collected while doing Heroics. They will serve me oh so well doing group content and Master Modes to gear up. :rolleyes:


<<medicinal early martin>>




I love reading the stuff you write on here

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I can now help my guild by doing dailies / heroics on every planet instead of doing the same things every day over a whole week.Doesn't that sound better than the way it was before?


Wouldn't it be nice if those who want to help their guild by earning lots of conq real fast had options that are in the same ballpark with planetary mission runs?

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Wouldn't it be nice if those who want to help their guild by earning lots of conq real fast had options that are in the same ballpark with planetary mission runs?


You can do the same things everyone else does but you choose not to and then ask why the results aren't the same :rak_02:

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Wouldn't it be nice if those who want to help their guild by earning lots of conq real fast had options that are in the same ballpark with planetary mission runs?


So...If GSF and PvP, which many of us agree, should offer more Conquest points:


Why would those players ever run group content? What happened to gravity? <<zing>>


After all, group content is the bread and butter of MMORPGs? :rak_01: Oh I love the word "conundrum."








YOU ARE NOW CONTRADICTING YOURSELF AND SPINNING me right round baby right round like a...


Seriously, I'm thinking of revoking your invite to my fffffffffaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbuuuuullllllooouuuuuuuusssss Pleasure Barge. The reason being, of course, it's anchored over a Sarlacc Pit on Tatooine. I'm worried you might slip and fall on the dance floor. <<currently busting out a move to Dead or Alive's -- 'You Spin me Round.'>>





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So...If GSF and PvP, which many of us agree, should offer more Conquest points:


Why would those players ever run group content? What happened to gravity? <<zing>>


After all, group content is the bread and butter of MMORPGs? :rak_01: Oh I love the word "conundrum."








YOU ARE NOW CONTRADICTING YOURSELF AND SPINNING me right round baby right round like a...


Seriously, I'm thinking of revoking your invite to my fffffffffaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbuuuuullllllooouuuuuuuusssss Pleasure Barge. The reason being, of course, it's anchored over a Sarlacc Pit on Tatooine. I'm worried you might slip and fall on the dance floor. <<currently busting out a move to Dead or Alive's -- 'You Spin me Round.'>>







Too Funny Dasty.

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Set of numbers is quite different since the task you chose to undertake was so different. I set out to find out how much/fast conquest somebody who wants to do planetary missions on various planets can earn. If you do planetary heroic missions across the galaxy, you can easily earn 54k conquest 10 minutes. You set out to find out how long it takes to complete all heroic missions of Balmorra and how much conq you get from doing it.



You need 4 planets and 4 heroic missions to reach at least 54k in 10 mins. After that, on the same day, you can relog a new character and do it all over again with 4 different planets. Total of 13 heroic mission planets. Keep supplementing by doing slayer missions, which are comfortably all on planets giving a ding for doing a mission. Once done with all 13, do few of the faster and easier weeklies. CZ and Section X. It is a sick amount of conquest quite fast. For quite a few characters. Every day. GSF match gives you 1.5k btw.It is difficult to complete a planetary task of any kind and get as little as that.


Your argument should be with your fellow PVP players that wanted conquest seeking players out of PVP. There is page after page of complaints from PVP players about how these "non-PVPers" were ruining PVP just so they could get CQ points (and at one time rare mats) faster and had really no interest in PVP. Bioware did exactly what they asked for, make PVP unattractive to players who were only there for the CQ points. You're asking Bioware to put back what a vocal portion of the PVP community asked be removed in the first place.

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Your argument should be with your fellow PVP players that wanted conquest seeking players out of PVP. There is page after page of complaints from PVP players about how these "non-PVPers" were ruining PVP just so they could get CQ points (and at one time rare mats) faster and had really no interest in PVP. Bioware did exactly what they asked for, make PVP unattractive to players who were only there for the CQ points. You're asking Bioware to put back what a vocal portion of the PVP community asked be removed in the first place.


Its a pretty universal and human complaint to make. For a big portion of people doing competitive stuff in video games, fault is always with performance of somebody else: In TOR, my team lost because of the conq farmer. In World of Tanks, everybody who has ever killed me has always used uinfair pay2win ammo unfairly. In Counter Strike, guy who got me surely used some wall hack. etc etc etc


It was an issue in to some degree in TOR tho, devs fixed it pretty handily quite a while back: both WZs and GSF used to give good conquest...if your team won. So a smart conquest farmer wanted to play for the team. If you make conquest rewards based on performance in pvp, issue goes away almost entirely. Conq objective based on medals earned is already a thing for both GSF and pvp - its just that in pvp it gives pitiful amount of conquest and in GSF, it is avasilable only twice a year or something. Already there for both - Just irrelevant in both as well. Both pvp and GSF track a ton of things. Damage done, kills and assists, capturing satelites, destroying turrets, etc. It'd be pretty natural to tie a great number of these as daily repeatables. It'd be entirely comparable with what planetaries now have.Giving pvp/GSF objectives that require some sort of actual..performance is nicely in line with spirit of pvp and ensures you won't get decent conq by sitting afk on your arse.


**Commercial break**

Did you know that GSF actually tracks your entire career as a pilot? All the matches, wins, defeats, kills, assists, accuracy% etc that you have ever managed go to arecord for each of your characters. Its pretty cool!

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So...If GSF and PvP, which many of us agree, should offer more Conquest points:


Why would those players ever run group content? What happened to gravity?


After all, group content is the bread and butter of MMORPGs?



If GSF/PvP/Grp content and doing planetaries all were in the same ballpark in terms of conquest, then people wanting to make lots of conq to help their guild/and or themselves out would do what they want.

We aren't talking about some decimals here. When it comes to GSF&PvP, It isn't some 12% difference we speak of. Its 1500 conq in 10 mins vs 30.000-50.000 in 10 mins. A digit is missing. If the difference is closer to 500% than 50%, then people feel bit too drawn towards one singular activity.

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I have to say I'm quite happy with the new conquest system. I get to play group content when I want to, with people I want to, and go do solo stuff when there's nobody around I'd like to play with. And everything I choose to do, brings me CQP. So I don't really see what's wrong with that.


If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from GSF, then do what everyone else does: cap the toons you want to cap fast with all those new objectives, then go play whatever you enjoy most. Just because your favorite activity doesn't bring as many points as some other activity, doesn't mean the other activities need nerfing. Or soon we're gonna have role players and GTN players whining that they can't make the same amount of CQ than the rest of the playerbase just by sitting at GTN or playing with emotes near other players. Just play the game, you'll get plenty of CQP from everything you do.

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I have to say I'm quite happy with the new conquest system. I get to play group content when I want to, with people I want to, and go do solo stuff when there's nobody around I'd like to play with. And everything I choose to do, brings me CQP. So I don't really see what's wrong with that.


If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from GSF, then do what everyone else does: cap the toons you want to cap fast with all those new objectives, then go play whatever you enjoy most. Just because your favorite activity doesn't bring as many points as some other activity, doesn't mean the other activities need nerfing. Or soon we're gonna have role players and GTN players whining that they can't make the same amount of CQ than the rest of the playerbase just by sitting at GTN or playing with emotes near other players. Just play the game, you'll get plenty of CQP from everything you do.


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If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from GSF, then do what everyone else does: cap the toons you want to cap fast with all those new objectives,


Was this a good or constructive advice back when solo cotnent was in a real tight spot conq-wise? "If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from the solo stuff, just cap the toons you want by doing some MMs or PvP and then get back to your heroic mission grind".


More importantly: You actually nailed it. "then do what everyone else does" is exactly right. People who like doing planetary missions are doing planetary missions. People who don't like doing planetary missions but like conq are doing planetary missions. People who don¨t like planetary missions but like helping their guild are doing planetary missions. Getting fast and efficient conq is pretty monotone now. One activity for all.




. Or soon we're gonna have role players and GTN players whining that they can't make the same amount of CQ than the rest of the playerbase just by sitting at GTN or playing with emotes near other players.

I think its fun how you speak of this as if some obscene unnatural nightmare image. :D Today, right now, you can log in and get around 30k conq from companion gift spam, deco spam and garbage selling. Doing a GTN search or writing an /emote would be perfectly in line with those objectives, heh. Actually, writing a single /emote by hand would prolly make the toughest of the fleet janitot-tier of objectives! Picking a smile emote to use to another player being a nice fast 5k reward would make no less sense than companion giftng.


Play a pvp match. You get less conq than you get for giffting Treek a new toothpick. Grats.


You get 54k conq or so in 10 mins by doing planetary solo stuff. Easily. You get 1.5k from a GSF/pvp match, which lasts about 10 mins each.

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Was this a good or constructive advice back when solo cotnent was in a real tight spot conq-wise? "If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from the solo stuff, just cap the toons you want by doing some MMs or PvP and then get back to your heroic mission grind".


More importantly: You actually nailed it. "then do what everyone else does" is exactly right. People who like doing planetary missions are doing planetary missions. People who don't like doing planetary missions but like conq are doing planetary missions. People who don¨t like planetary missions but like helping their guild are doing planetary missions. Getting fast and efficient conq is pretty monotone now. One activity for all.





I think its fun how you speak of this as if some obscene unnatural nightmare image. :D Today, right now, you can log in and get around 30k conq from companion gift spam, deco spam and garbage selling. Doing a GTN search or writing an /emote would be perfectly in line with those objectives, heh. Actually, writing a single /emote by hand would prolly make the toughest of the fleet janitot-tier of objectives! Picking a smile emote to use to another player being a nice fast 5k reward would make no less sense than companion giftng.


Play a pvp match. You get less conq than you get for giffting Treek a new toothpick. Grats.


You get 54k conq or so in 10 mins by doing planetary solo stuff. Easily. You get 1.5k from a GSF/pvp match, which lasts about 10 mins each.


The whole game was built around visiting different planets and doing the missions them. Everything else is on the side for a reason. You even killed your own argument again: 1 PVP / GSF match = 1 mission complete against 5 heroics + whatever bonus missions can't be equal because 5 and 1 don't equal each other

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Was this a good or constructive advice back when solo cotnent was in a real tight spot conq-wise? "If you feel like you are not getting enough CQP from the solo stuff, just cap the toons you want by doing some MMs or PvP and then get back to your heroic mission grind".


We are not in a tight spot conquest wise now, so that comparison is irrelevant.


More importantly: You actually nailed it. "then do what everyone else does" is exactly right. People who like doing planetary missions are doing planetary missions. People who don't like doing planetary missions but like conq are doing planetary missions. People who don¨t like planetary missions but like helping their guild are doing planetary missions. Getting fast and efficient conq is pretty monotone now. One activity for all.


And your problem with people being able to whatever they like in the game is...?



I think its fun how you speak of this as if some obscene unnatural nightmare image. :D Today, right now, you can log in and get around 30k conq from companion gift spam, deco spam and garbage selling. Doing a GTN search or writing an /emote would be perfectly in line with those objectives, heh. Actually, writing a single /emote by hand would prolly make the toughest of the fleet janitot-tier of objectives! Picking a smile emote to use to another player being a nice fast 5k reward would make no less sense than companion giftng.


Play a pvp match. You get less conq than you get for giffting Treek a new toothpick. Grats.


You get 54k conq or so in 10 mins by doing planetary solo stuff. Easily. You get 1.5k from a GSF/pvp match, which lasts about 10 mins each.


Exactly, so what is the point of your grief? You can cap as many toons as you want, as easily as you want. I'd imagine the only people having problem with this are the people who are too lazy to actually play the game. You'd want the rewards but are not willing to do what is required to get them, so others shouldn't get them either.

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You even killed your own argument again: 1 PVP / GSF match = 1 mission complete against 5 heroics + whatever bonus missions can't be equal because 5 and 1 don't equal each other



When we speak of how much&quickly conquest one can earn, you seriously think harping about number of mission done s is somehow more relevant than I dunno.. how much&quickly conquest one can earn??


TOR has huge wealth of different activities available. So different, that when estimating time and effort required and "weight" of activity involved..using number of miossions as measuring stick is completely backwards. Spending 3 hours doing Hard Mode Operation can be one mission complete. Sending Lana Beniko out to sell literal garbage you picked up is now a mission complete. When comparing "weight" of these things, you start and end with " wellp! they both missions:)"?




We are not in a tight spot conquest wise now, so that comparison is irrelevant.

Your quote and response here is telling enough. Just repeating it for some additional visibility makes one impressive counter argument rly.

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When we speak of how much&quickly conquest one can earn, you seriously think harping about number of mission done s is somehow more relevant than I dunno.. how much&quickly conquest one can earn??


TOR has huge wealth of different activities available. So different, that when estimating time and effort required and "weight" of activity involved..using number of miossions as measuring stick is completely backwards. Spending 3 hours doing Hard Mode Operation can be one mission complete. Sending Lana Beniko out to sell literal garbage you picked up is now a mission complete. When comparing "weight" of these things, you start and end with " wellp! they both missions:)"?





Your quote and response here is telling enough. Just repeating it for some additional visibility makes one impressive counter argument rly.


It's not backwards at all. While your doing a "3 hour Operation" as you call it, Your also getting points for killing mobs and guess what: You can send your companions out on gathering missions and raise your renown rank and get extra bonus points along the way

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