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What I and you except from 7.0 (If we ever see it. )


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Why are you paying for this game if you want it shut down?


The Bigger question is why are we talking from 7.0 when its a goof while away, patch 6.1.1 comes out in april and looking at swtors previous expacs we wont 7.0 till atleast 6.10.


Although they have teased something big for the games 10 year anniversiry, which Im hoping will be 7.0 which means, the devs might have already started development on it, which might link to why story stuff is so small in 6.1 and after

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The Bigger question is why are we talking from 7.0 when its a goof while away, patch 6.1.1 comes out in april and looking at swtors previous expacs we wont 7.0 till atleast 6.10.


Although they have teased something big for the games 10 year anniversiry, which Im hoping will be 7.0 which means, the devs might have already started development on it, which might link to why story stuff is so small in 6.1 and after


I'm pretty sure that they are already working on 7.0. Back during the last dev stream for Onslaught last year Charles said that they have already figured out the concepts for 7.0 in accordance with what has been established in 6.0.


The unsure thing is whether Coronavirus will affect them and push it back.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Shara jenn and former minister to talk

Darth Jadus to defeat again


I also want to learn who is minister's wife, he mentioned that several times in class story, perhaps she is a important figure in the Dromund Kaas or somewhere else we did not meet yet,


I just want to talk with the minister about life for hours

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The Bigger question is why are we talking from 7.0 when its a goof while away, patch 6.1.1 comes out in april and looking at swtors previous expacs we wont 7.0 till atleast 6.10.


Although they have teased something big for the games 10 year anniversiry, which Im hoping will be 7.0 which means, the devs might have already started development on it, which might link to why story stuff is so small in 6.1 and after


The REAL bigger question is all of those rants,trolls,haters on this forum uses same "code" to moan about. "pull the plug, rabbit hole" perhaps they are all same person? perhaps they organised bots with a goal to destroy this game? perhaps they are reddit lowlifes trying to act like a human dignity?

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I'm pretty sure that they are already working on 7.0. Back during the last dev stream for Onslaught last year Charles said that they have already figured out the concepts for 7.0 in accordance with what has been established in 6.0.


The unsure thing is whether Coronavirus will affect them and push it back.


Well thats what I was saying, even though were a huge way away from 7.0, I think they are already developing it as they have said they are teasing something big for the 10th anniversiry which I assume will co-inside with 7.0

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The REAL bigger question is all of those rants,trolls,haters on this forum uses same "code" to moan about. "pull the plug, rabbit hole" perhaps they are all same person? perhaps they organised bots with a goal to destroy this game? perhaps they are reddit lowlifes trying to act like a human dignity?



Were you talking in general or calling me a bot? xD cause I wasnt moaning about the game, or saying we should pull the plug xD

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Were you talking in general or calling me a bot? xD cause I wasnt moaning about the game, or saying we should pull the plug xD


Yea we are all bots, and everybody shouldn't even think about criticising the game. Just should be thankful mighty Bioware is looking to our direction. A great contribution to the topic. Keep it up.

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First and foremost, update the engine.


But perhaps most importantly, do it right or dont do it at all. What i mean by that is that EA has to get behind the game for once. Put proper support into it, both resource wise and finance wise, and stop shoving it into the background giving us the scraps when they dont have some other garbage $50 for a weekend game to try to dump on us.


If they cant do those 2 things, im not sure i even see a point. We can go on with a hours worth of content every 2 months indefinitely. There are too many good MMOs out there right now for that to last.

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First and foremost, update the engine.


But perhaps most importantly, do it right or dont do it at all. What i mean by that is that EA has to get behind the game for once. Put proper support into it, both resource wise and finance wise, and stop shoving it into the background giving us the scraps when they dont have some other garbage $50 for a weekend game to try to dump on us.


If they cant do those 2 things, im not sure i even see a point. We can go on with a hours worth of content every 2 months indefinitely. There are too many good MMOs out there right now for that to last.


i agree completly.

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  • 11 months later...

I second the need for a distinction between pve and pvp gear again.

Also a gear template that alows one button click to swap between different gear sets with different mods and enhancements and augments between them please.


Also Please make Jawa a playable species on imp side and ewoks a playable species on pub side.


If we're doing a full wish list for juggernauts/ gaurdians please allow saber reflect to heal us, or give us a force pull :).

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I dread it, but I think an ESO-style MMO is inevitable too. Which is a shame, because I cannot stand that game.


Sadly, I agree. Many EA games are a cheap copy of another franchise’s success. Fingers crossed this game continues doing well enough for EA to keep investing in new content.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I second the need for a distinction between pve and pvp gear again.

Also a gear template that alows one button click to swap between different gear sets with different mods and enhancements and augments between them please.


Also Please make Jawa a playable species on imp side and ewoks a playable species on pub side.


If we're doing a full wish list for juggernauts/ gaurdians please allow saber reflect to heal us, or give us a force pull :).


Nice necro there buddy.


That said, I guess it's an indication of the snail's pace that substantive content has always come out at given we're at nearly a year since this thread was started.


Everything the OP asked for is laughably naive. EAware operates under one singular mantra: "never ever fix or change anything in such a way that it makes it look like we made a mistake with how it was done in the first place." It's why we still have the abominable space on rails and no real, worthwhile pve open space content (they couldn't do it but the extremely technologically inferior Star Wars Galaxies did??). Likewise with crafting: the devs clearly hate crafters. The one new thing they give us of late is a virtually uncraftable item (300 Augs) except by the most elite of the elite raiders and PvPers. Crafting is a mile wide and an inch deep in this game, and no one "needs" anything to be crafted anymore (looking at the huge slap in the face to crafters that was giving BiS gear away as drops, with the only exception *maybe* being the Grit Teeth tactical, which isn't even needed for 99.999999% of the game's content). Look also at what they did with reverse bolstering. I used to be able to solo world bosses because I *earned* the ability by levelling to endgame, gearing up myself (and my companion which they also threw away), and now -- in the most immersion breaking and ridiculously underwhelming system that could exist -- I'm fighting mobs and doing missions as a fully min-maxed max level character alongside players who are level 10 in green gear.


The simple, barely cynical and mostly experience-based answer is that update 7.0 will be very very underwhelming, with only minor game changes of any substance.


All that aside, we already know there's a new star wars MMO coming out, so why in the world would EAware invest in this game -- one which still things that have been broken since launch *NINE YEARS AGO* -- beyond the bare minimum when this game has *maybe* a couple of years left.

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This is my expectation if we ever see 7.0

  1. We need to talk about elephant in the room which is this engine. It either needs a rework or complete overhaul. Delaying it cause only more problems. (e.g. More bugs, slower content production, outdated and tanked graphics and performance, unable to detect players cheats and more bugs)
  2. Dont create an empty, ********, lie slogan (e.g 'Choice's matter', 'play your way')
  3. Proper expansion content, big story, 2 raids, pvp maps and hopefully mods.
  4. Proper gearing. Getting BiS gear via farming 8-year old fp's is unacceptable.
  5. Seperation of pve and pvp class balance ( Either via a tree, instance, or expertise gear). Although 6.0 has good balance overall imo. But more frequent updates are needed.
  6. Complete making of the crafting system and conquest for that matter. More player-friendly and not cheatable/macro able/boring.


What do you except from 7.0 ?


You know, I don't agree on a single thing you want here, Not one.


As for what I personally expect from 7.0? I don't, once you start out with expectations you are already setting yourself up for disapointment.

I will play whatever comes along.

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I don't know what to expect and neither does anyone else.


What I would like is to see the choices we made at end of Onslaught (ie smuggler;s choice of what to do about hutts, agents choice of what to do about a dark council member trying to infiltrate the Hand, etc) actually have consequences, especially on saboteur.


I'd like to see saboteurs class companions find out they are a traitor and have to deal with their reaction. We already know Elara will leave the trooper. I could see Scourge welcoming the Jedi Knight as a Sith but you might have to kill Kira, I want to see what Temple, who ran to the Chiss when you vanished does when she finds out you are a Double Agent for real. will she be a hypocrite about it? Some wont care, Kailyo, Skadge, Blizz.


And I want to see the Commodore finish her two year study of the Alliance and finally be up to speed. ;)

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This guy clearly gets no bunz and should be disregarded in all further forumn post as an example of what players really want and feel.


"nice necro guy" is a total beard chin statement, which is submit is further evidence of his irrelevance.


Make jawas AND ewoks a thing.


Nice necro there buddy.


That said, I guess it's an indication of the snail's pace that substantive content has always come out at given we're at nearly a year since this thread was started.


Everything the OP asked for is laughably naive. EAware operates under one singular mantra: "never ever fix or change anything in such a way that it makes it look like we made a mistake with how it was done in the first place." It's why we still have the abominable space on rails and no real, worthwhile pve open space content (they couldn't do it but the extremely technologically inferior Star Wars Galaxies did??). Likewise with crafting: the devs clearly hate crafters. The one new thing they give us of late is a virtually uncraftable item (300 Augs) except by the most elite of the elite raiders and PvPers. Crafting is a mile wide and an inch deep in this game, and no one "needs" anything to be crafted anymore (looking at the huge slap in the face to crafters that was giving BiS gear away as drops, with the only exception *maybe* being the Grit Teeth tactical, which isn't even needed for 99.999999% of the game's content). Look also at what they did with reverse bolstering. I used to be able to solo world bosses because I *earned* the ability by levelling to endgame, gearing up myself (and my companion which they also threw away), and now -- in the most immersion breaking and ridiculously underwhelming system that could exist -- I'm fighting mobs and doing missions as a fully min-maxed max level character alongside players who are level 10 in green gear.


The simple, barely cynical and mostly experience-based answer is that update 7.0 will be very very underwhelming, with only minor game changes of any substance.


All that aside, we already know there's a new star wars MMO coming out, so why in the world would EAware invest in this game -- one which still things that have been broken since launch *NINE YEARS AGO* -- beyond the bare minimum when this game has *maybe* a couple of years left.

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Please, pretty please. Make jawaas and ewoks a thing. it will add new life to the game


Also if juggz can force push god dammit we should be able to force pull.

Reflect healing us should totally be a thing in the talent tree

We need the easy access of one button gear swap so we don't spend 1 million+ credits swapping gear for whatever occasion. The last few patches have simplified several processes but this one remains tedious and exaggerated.


A complete engine overhaul seems like an unrealistic expectation but i agree its needed. I mean its 2021 and we have graphics from like 2005. On the UHD level i mean.


Maybe add one more piece of gear like a ring or a something so we can run two four piece set bonuses for extra customization for example i currently run the full descent of the fearless but would also like the set bonus for force choke slow (another four piece requirement)


Saber reflect heals on jugg would totally be viable since any decent jug gets tunneled by a whole warzone.


Ewoks and Jawa's would bring in mad money for bioware. so do it. I would love to be a juggernaut jawa running around *********** people up in a premade of jawa's lol. It would be epic!!!!!!!!!


seriously want too foot stomp that jawa and ewok idea . it will make more money than u imagine. in fact u should pay me for the idea when u realize how much of a success it is.


Please bring back pvp gear because it's needed. If u played pvp u would understand. but we reaaaally need to weed out the fp and heroic players. They don't care if they pull 400 dps in a martch and die 18 times so long as they get to right click the door til death all 18 times.


BUt lastly Jawas and Ewoks 0.0 .






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Oh boy, so many wishes, so unlikely ever come true. But here goes nothing:

  • More responsive combat. It often gets so laggy and out of sync, I wish something was done to properly address this
  • 64bit client? Recently LOTRO introduced 64bit and players report a noticeable improvements in game performance.
  • I wish for new optional master mode levelling instances that would rebalance the 1 to 50 journey and class stories to be closer what we had in pre 3.0.
  • Proper expansion, maybe SoR size and style - heck I'd be happy to pay for it.
  • I wish reduced Cartel Market relevance and have in game content provide more of exciting new rewards. But sadly it seems all the coolest stuff is on Cartel Market.
  • This seems strange one, but I wish this too convenient travel options were removed. In game galaxy has shrunk, no longer has sense of scale or size. It is not an expansive game anymore, just lot of random locations a button click away. I want personal starship to be useful again, to have a sense of journey.
  • Personal starship be usable as proper mini stronghold that I could decorate.
  • Characters could actually sit and use furniture. I know we have an emote, but so often you end up awkwardly floating in the air ...
  • Guild ship Orbital Support to be actually usable. Vast majority of cases level sync renders it useless, except on newest planets, but those have nothing to actually do there so ...
  • A way to quickly swap builds. Say I have healer spec, I'd like a way to swap to dps with just one click. Something like in WoW. Define the gear, abilities, layout, keybinds, etc. I think feature like that woudl encourage more people to experiment and try other roles.
  • Remove credit sink aspect of Amplifiers. Idea itself is awesome, adding small bonuses is nice, but having it lottery slot machine credit sink is horrible. Clicking "Recalibrate" and watching your credits disappearing is no fun for me.
  • Drastically reduce the amount of RNG in the gearing process.
  • Remove Renown Stash completely. It no longer serves any purpose.
  • Reduce the amount of different mods available.

I'll stop for now.

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As someone who's been playing FFXIV a lot lately, I can definitively say that their engine is janky as hell, and that FFXIV is significantly held back by their old, outdated engine just as much as SWTOR is.


FFXIV is just as - if not more - clunky as SWTOR.


Their overhaul was a significant investment, of course, and the gameplay changed drastically. But that's not the same as a magical engine overhaul people latch onto, despite the impossibility.


I would not say this at all. I don't get stuck on random things, or die from opening closets in FFXIV, and the movement/gameplay is pretty fluid for virtually all of the classes and fights. Which is saying a lot because XIV usually has twice the amount of mechanics and terrain changes or "jump to this new location" parts during boss fights this game has. They''ve managed to make the game run fluidly on even a console with a controller (PS4). Even for the more demanding classes like Summoner that require frequent switching of ability bars, are very fluid on a controller. They've even managed to handle the mech combat better than the walker combat in this game. That's not even mentioning the added mechanics that this one doesn't even have like flying or swimming (god forbid if we ever got flying mounts in this one, the amount of potential bugs my god). They're pretty quick with solving any if few actual bugs. Swtor still has some that has existed for years from what I hear. The closet killing being one of em.

Edited by vallixas
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I expect three things:


1. 7.0 will be put on the PTS. Immediately following there will be many, long threads on the forums about how terrible 7.0 is, how the devs are ruining the game, how the posters would do it better, and how this (no, seriously this time) will kill the game.


2. 7.0 will go live. See #1


3. Most of us will just continue to play and amuse ourselves. Some of us may even stop and look around at the amazing scenery. 🙂

I think you've just defined the nature of the forums in one post.

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[*]This seems strange one, but I wish this too convenient travel options were removed. In game galaxy has shrunk, no longer has sense of scale or size. It is not an expansive game anymore, just lot of random locations a button click away. I want personal starship to be useful again, to have a sense of journey..


With over 170+ toons, I'm not interested in sitting there staring at a screen wondering if it's time to refill my coffee because I'm waiting for journey #170+ n to fly to a planet, or from an orbital station to a planet. No thank you.


Hint: The game doesn't force you to quick travel. If you use it, that's on you.


On an FTP account, you cannot exit a stronghold to your starship. Nor without high enough legacy do you have direct access to one's star ship from the planet's surface. You must first travel to the space port, find your class instance wall for your ship, board your ship, fly to the planet, and reverse the process.

Every trip, anywhere.


With an xp token ticking away, I have more important things to do.


No thank you.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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With over 170+ toons
Our experience should not suffer because you have created 170 characters. That is entirely your problem and not mine. Maybe the reason you have so many is that game doesn't challenge or feel engaging enough ...
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