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What's the reason why people don't care anymore about objectives? The maps are bad.


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anyone who doesn't share my opinion is dumb.

Yeah, basically this.

I wanted to reply to the OP, but I couldn’t find the words for it with insulting them too much.

I think this post pretty much sums up what I think about the original post.


I mostly agree with of what the topic's author posted. A case could be made that Level 75 characters are overpowered for the maps.


For example with current tacticals and set-bonues anyone who tries capture a match-opening node will be met by the premade stealths combo of quick move then multiple critical hits the quick move triggers. For huttball you are pretty much surround by ranged class circular firing squad.


Regardless, the current state of Warzones (unranked 8x8) is one which is dominated by premade gank squads who are fully augged with set bonus gear versus randoms who are increasing grouped themselves with a premade - whose sole purpose is to deathmatch the opposing premade.


Warzones are becoming the new Overworld PVP.. That is in addition to becoming the new 8v8 group ranked minus rating and rewards.

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I mostly agree with of what the topic's author posted. A case could be made that Level 75 characters are overpowered for the maps.


For example with current tacticals and set-bonues anyone who tries capture a match-opening node will be met by the premade stealths combo of quick move then multiple critical hits the quick move triggers. For huttball you are pretty much surround by ranged class circular firing squad.


Regardless, the current state of Warzones (unranked 8x8) is one which is dominated by premade gank squads who are fully augged with set bonus gear versus randoms who are increasing grouped themselves with a premade - whose sole purpose is to deathmatch the opposing premade.


Warzones are becoming the new Overworld PVP.. That is in addition to becoming the new 8v8 group ranked minus rating and rewards.


Sorry, but most of that is just an excuse for people who can’t play objective pvp.


But I will agree that premades in this meta (with so few real PVPers left in the game), have had their day in the sun. I’ve always liked premades in the past, but a 4 man premade these day can wreak the queue and matches because whole teams rage quit and then people stop queuing.


I don’t think they should totally remove the premade option, but a compromise would be to allow 2 man premades.

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I mostly agree with of what the topic's author posted. A case could be made that Level 75 characters are overpowered for the maps.


For example with current tacticals and set-bonues anyone who tries capture a match-opening node will be met by the premade stealths combo of quick move then multiple critical hits the quick move triggers. For huttball you are pretty much surround by ranged class circular firing squad.


Regardless, the current state of Warzones (unranked 8x8) is one which is dominated by premade gank squads who are fully augged with set bonus gear versus randoms who are increasing grouped themselves with a premade - whose sole purpose is to deathmatch the opposing premade.


Warzones are becoming the new Overworld PVP.. That is in addition to becoming the new 8v8 group ranked minus rating and rewards.


This is the dumbest post analysis I've ever read and I feel bad you typed it all out.

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This is the dumbest map analysis I've ever read and I feel bad you typed it all out.

This is the dumbest post analysis I've ever read and I feel bad you typed it all out.

These are the best responses in this thread and I feel glad you typed it all out.

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There is no reason to do objectives really..


What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all..... The PVP gear crates are one of 6.0's biggest jokes by dropping very little gear you can actually use.


Some matches are totally unbalanced and sometimes premades just farm randoms


My other problem is that for example last night on DM I had to leave 6. Hutball games in a row because all I was getting was lagball. Players hate lagball because it pops so much, while In the past we had it from time to time and it was fun to play. Now it's just : OH GOD NO -- leave match. :mad:

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There is no reason to do objectives really..


What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all..... The PVP gear crates are one of 6.0's biggest jokes by dropping very little gear you can actually use.


Some matches are totally unbalanced and sometimes premades just farm randoms


My other problem is that for example last night on DM I had to leave 6. Hutbagroup to gangll games in a row because all I was getting was lagball. Players hate lagball because it pops so much, while In the past we had it from time to time and it was fun to play. Now it's just : OH GOD NO -- leave match. :mad:


Apart from Huttball, that BW's obsession of TOO MANY pops has rendered it boring:

It is bad players that group to gang 4 vs 1, because they are too stupid or unable to do anything else.



  1. Try to avoid them.
  2. Group with others. Mostly they don't attack even numbers.
  3. Don't try objectives alone. The only think you 'll achieve, is the team losing one player.
  4. Run around the nodes when possible. Often those groups attack all together to a node - even 8 vs n. They do not guard usually.

Edited by Aetideus
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There is no reason to do objectives really..


What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all.....



You get to fkn win.


I swear it seems like Swtor amassed bunch of people that don’t wanna win .... scared of winning, losing, trying, everything lol, dunno this community is so weird.

Every game I played wheter on a computer or irl I see everyone trying to win, just not swtor.

There is I think lots of reasons (like for example sitting a node for 15 mins is stupid) but the people’s attitude is very unusual. Even in ranked fellows leave after 1 round or keep saying I don’t care or just don’t even try to play as team ( off heal , peel and so on). TR dead cuz that’s too hard ofc.

Seems epeen in swtor is so warped that fellows are to scared to try in case they lose xd

I dunno

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There is no reason to do objectives really..


What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all..... The PVP gear crates are one of 6.0's biggest jokes by dropping very little gear you can actually use.


Some matches are totally unbalanced and sometimes premades just farm randoms


My other problem is that for example last night on DM I had to leave 6. Hutball games in a row because all I was getting was lagball. Players hate lagball because it pops so much, while In the past we had it from time to time and it was fun to play. Now it's just : OH GOD NO -- leave match. :mad:


I actually could not disagree with this more. PvP is about wins or losses, not rewards, not shinies, not banners, not dps... did you win, or did you lose. Literally any other consideration is meaningless.


I agree 100% that the rewards should be on par with other similar activities, but none of these things are justification to choose to not play in the intended manner.


Play how you want, its your dime, but take some accountability for the decision. Own it, just say i choose not to... fine, i can respect that at least, ill choose to not play with or against you and everyone will be happy, but like so many other things in this world stop blaming everyone but the one in the mirror.

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You get to fkn win.


I swear it seems like Swtor amassed bunch of people that don’t wanna win .... scared of winning, losing, trying, everything lol, dunno this community is so weird.

Every game I played wheter on a computer or irl I see everyone trying to win, just not swtor.

There is I think lots of reasons (like for example sitting a node for 15 mins is stupid) but the people’s attitude is very unusual. Even in ranked fellows leave after 1 round or keep saying I don’t care or just don’t even try to play as team ( off heal , peel and so on). TR dead cuz that’s too hard ofc.

Seems epeen in swtor is so warped that fellows are to scared to try in case they lose xd

I dunno


I have come to similar conclusions. And I can’t understand the mentality of not trying to win in case you lose. It really amazes me that people literally don’t try because what if they lose while trying?

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I actually could not disagree with this more. PvP is about wins or losses, not rewards, not shinies, not banners, not dps... did you win, or did you lose. Literally any other consideration is meaningless.


I agree 100% that the rewards should be on par with other similar activities, but none of these things are justification to choose to not play in the intended manner.


Play how you want, its your dime, but take some accountability for the decision. Own it, just say i choose not to... fine, i can respect that at least, ill choose to not play with or against you and everyone will be happy, but like so many other things in this world stop blaming everyone but the one in the mirror.




(On a seperate note, Flop, do you play on SF and were you on a new alt last night on Korriban?)

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As I tried to explain already people here (especially the one that think win = fun) don't even try to understand the other side that's why nothing will ever change


some people fun mean to fight fare fight no matter from result and fun is more important than a win


sometimes doing objective is really boring and give you NO REWARD WHATSOEVER to do something boring while playing = why should i do it


but people here keep preaching about win bla bla bla pvp win is the reward


**** that the reward when i play a videogame is to have fun win or lose doesn't matter if i enjoy what i am doing but too many people only want to see their side I see both side and i think i understand why some peopel don't want to do objective and don't care about win


because there are flow in the system especially in the reward but okay keep thinking that people that don't care to win and just like to have fun are idiots it will just be worst for you becuae they will keep play the way the find it fun and you will still complain and get mad because they don't do objective so instead of fix situation your stubbornness makes it worst

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(On a seperate note, Flop, do you play on SF and were you on a new alt last night on Korriban?)


I play on both SF and SS, leaning to SF these days for main. But no i was not on Korriban last night. Would you mind PMing me why you ask? Dont want to hijack the thread :)

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You get to fkn win.


I swear it seems like Swtor amassed bunch of people that don’t wanna win .... scared of winning, losing, trying, everything lol, dunno this community is so weird.

Every game I played wheter on a computer or irl I see everyone trying to win, just not swtor.

There is I think lots of reasons (like for example sitting a node for 15 mins is stupid) but the people’s attitude is very unusual. Even in ranked fellows leave after 1 round or keep saying I don’t care or just don’t even try to play as team ( off heal , peel and so on). TR dead cuz that’s too hard ofc.

Seems epeen in swtor is so warped that fellows are to scared to try in case they lose xd

I dunno


I have played around 5000 +games on my main alone(around 4700 wins) and winning or losing is not fun for me anymore. Sure.. who doesn't like to win ? But it's no big deal if it's a loss due to factors I cannot control, like my team not caring at all.


Doing 14k DPS is FUn, having as many solo kills as possible is fun, being in a good fight and dueling multiple enemies at the same time is also fun for me. I try to see if the game is winnable and try and help in my way to win, and if it's auto loss, I either: stay and make my own game within game or if it's a bad wipe by some premade or my team is rock bottom bad, I leave and hope for better next game. Also, if it's Hutball, I instant leave... I seek out a lot of 1v1 , 2v1, 3v1 situations in WZ if possible, that's what I do to test myself to the max all the time.


FUN is a subjective thing. What is fun for you is not fun for others.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Keep regs the way they are upto 74 then add ranked rewards and a new rating system to 75 8vs8. Add decos, color crystal and mounts as prizes. I would get more competitive.


What you suggested means the death of PVP in this game. People don't want ranks and ratings because that leads to toxicity and certain players grouping up to farm randoms to boost their ratings and claim the top rewards for themselves.

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Doing 14k DPS is FUn, having as many solo kills as possible is fun, being in a good fight and dueling multiple enemies at the same time is also fun for me.


that's is exactly what I am trying to say some people have fun that is not = winning (fun is more important than winning) the only thing more important than fun is a reward (well maybe not for a few people that played that much as that poster and they probably have all maxed for those people RANKED should be the goal)


The reward is really the instrument that if used correctly may help people to play it the right way and make it "more fun" for everybody.


Because "personal fun" very often is not equal "everybody fun" actually sometimes if you stretch your personal fun to extreme you can ruin other people fun and mmo are a balance of people interaction and fun. balance can be helped by some good reward (rewarding activity that are less fun, like guarding objective, but necessary for everybody's best experience and enjoyable match) that drives people toward a common good.

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Makes sense now. Self oriented and shiny things/reward wanting.


Anyway lads you can have your fun or whatever and a win too. How crazy is that? #mindblown. Like farm your numbers on right targets and get you 1v1s at enemy node. Guess you would know how it can be fun and competitive if you played ranked in the past. Or any sport outside of the basement.


Ehh 14k dps you can do on the dummy if that is fun. And I know man, there is no point getting out of your way if teams is hopeless or care too much, it’s just a game that has no competition but lose a game cuz people think they are “ too good “ to win or to try that is funny. Or have “fun” and maybe get pat on the back and participation trophy.


Anyway like other fellow said, you guys keep losing , suits me fine :)

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Makes sense now. Self oriented and shiny things/reward wanting.


Anyway lads you can have your fun or whatever and a win too. How crazy is that? #mindblown. Like farm your numbers on right targets and get you 1v1s at enemy node. Guess you would know how it can be fun and competitive if you played ranked in the past. Or any sport outside of the basement.


Ehh 14k dps you can do on the dummy if that is fun. And I know man, there is no point getting out of your way if teams is hopeless or care too much, it’s just a game that has no competition but lose a game cuz people think they are “ too good “ to win or to try that is funny. Or have “fun” and maybe get pat on the back and participation trophy.


Anyway like other fellow said, you guys keep losing , suits me fine :)


Aww telling other people what they should do to have fun and how to play and call everybody that doesn't think like yourself "live in a basement", this is a real mature person.


I was taught that winning is not everything the important is to play together and have fun since when this is considered "bad".


You see people that think only about winning is not any better than people that like to do dps or to have fun in any way they want but they think for some reason they are right and everybody else is wrong.

Edited by Pekish
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I have played around 5000 +games on my main alone(around 4700 wins) and winning or losing is not fun for me anymore. Sure.. who doesn't like to win ? But it's no big deal if it's a loss due to factors I cannot control, like my team not caring at all.


Doing 14k DPS is FUn, having as many solo kills as possible is fun, being in a good fight and dueling multiple enemies at the same time is also fun for me. I try to see if the game is winnable and try and help in my way to win, and if it's auto loss, I either: stay and make my own game within game or if it's a bad wipe by some premade or my team is rock bottom bad, I leave and hope for better next game. Also, if it's Hutball, I instant leave... I seek out a lot of 1v1 , 2v1, 3v1 situations in WZ if possible, that's what I do to test myself to the max all the time.


FUN is a subjective thing. What is fun for you is not fun for others.


You do realise you can do both at the same time? I do everything you said was fun while still playing the objectives, which means watching the nodes/doors and playing at the objectives and not fighting in the middle of no where.

This is even possible in Hutt ball if you support the ball carried, hold onto the ball respawn and stay on the enemy if they have the ball.


There really is no legitimate excuse for not doing it. People using those excuses you posted about not caring or about not winning are just being selfish to other players who are trying to win and end carrying them (which happens if you aren’t trying to win).

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