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Everything posted by THEOscott

  1. Grit teeth mostly otherwise really like throwing arm for that 70% acc de buff along with maybe forcebound set if I wanna be a total arse.
  2. I don't get it, you introduced legacy ignore. If someone is saying something you don't like ignore them if enough people do it they will not get a pop due to MM. Seems redundant to me.
  3. I always thought it would be nice if after using intercede players lose you as a target and have to retarget you. I think those few secs could help with the issues Jugs are having being tunnelled in ranked.
  4. Keep regs the way they are upto 74 then add ranked rewards and a new rating system to 75 8vs8. Add decos, color crystal and mounts as prizes. I would get more competitive.
  5. You get 800 hooks on a guild Flagship. Please change to 6000. K THX xoxooxo
  6. Unplayable. I am unable to even load the GTN reliably. Feed the hamsters umkay.
  7. Assuming your not a clicker. Zoom out and play the off objective, it will get better over time.
  8. Yup would be a fantastic QOL change to up the number of Decorations allowed and a change that cant be that hard to do so no development costs. Please devs make it happen xoxooxo
  9. https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/statue-of-the-oriconian-warrior/ Paying 20mil.
  10. I really like the place my Rage Jug is at the moment. Yolos have been fine I just don't take him into grouped as pressure comps just ruin you with the low resists we have compared to Veng.
  11. The new green parts are 2/2/2 just make those they disassemble in stacks of 99.
  12. Try it on a char that has not started KOTFE.
  13. You been to see Youn yet? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843013&page=2
  14. I can call him up fine when not in the KOFTE story areas.
  15. Just did a mission for a guy called Youn. Once done my alerts started flashing and I could start getting comps back http://prntscr.com/8tkdpw
  16. The 35% damage reduction from 2018 expertise helps somewhat.
  17. So I have been reading a lot but can not seem to find any information to the crafting system in Fallen Empire. I have 12 characters all with 6 companions with max affection and crew skills, will I lose these and have to re-build at level 65? Does anyone have any info? Cheers.
  18. Have a look at the new pack on Dulfy.net . Seems they are coming in this next set of packs.
  19. Got a few odds and ends to sell thought I would try my luck here- One Full Tulak Hord armour set and one without helm. Set of Rohlan Dyres Armour Set of Remulus Dreypa Armour Set of Mandalore the Ultimates Armour A few Black/White White/Black Dyes Droid Officer Transport Corellian Stardrive Stealth A few Tropical Orobird Mounts A few ST-7 Recon Walkers Marsh Raptor Will be around and in game on the 30th from 13.00 GMT all day. Am open to trades looking to finish off my Binary Star Realty Rep so any stronghold packs would be wonderful. If you would like to buy anything just stick your in game name here and I will add you for a chat. Cheers.
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