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Inquisitor and Consular Class Changes in 6.1.1 - Feedback


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It’s nice to see that Seer / Corruption specs are getting some attention but it seems the changes were made for the sake of changes, not to improve class' performance.


I did some parsing on live and on PTS using both Revitalized Mystic and Empowered Restorer sets. There was hardly any difference in terms of HPS, and PTS experience was rather underwhelming and annoying, mostly because of 2 reasons:

  • I got used to having 1,5 CD reduction on Healing trance, and rotation feels clunky without it.
  • I don’t like that too many abilities are tied to Rejuvenate and its effects. Wandering mend has always been useless without Conveyance, and you needed it for Healing trance as well since its crits are, well, critical for Force management. Now there’s also no point in using Benevolence without it, and you have to choose constantly which ability to use when Conveyance is up. Choice is good but it feels messy. I guess we have to be grateful that nothing is tied to Force speed yet. :rolleyes:


Other notes:

  • Buffs to Force management are hardly noticeable. I was hoping it’ll allow me to spend less time hitting Vindicate and more time using actual healing abilities, and it’ll improve my overall performance. Nah. It just compensates the removal of 1,5 CD reduction on Healing trance. A change for the sake of change.
  • Changes to Wandering mend and One for All tactical made me chuckle. Yeah, let’s nerf the ability so the tactical that’s meant to impove this ability wasn’t too OP. Another change for the sake of change.
  • Single target sustained healing somewhat improved; I like Deliverance + Rejuvenate + Benevolence combo. Merc’s single target and burst are still superior though.
  • Revitalized Mystic set feels completely useless now. Empowered Restorer set will only be useful in encounters with lots of raid-wide AoE damage when you have time to bubble everyone in advance. None of Sage / Sorc sets can be compared with Op's Tactician and Merc's Concentrated Fire sets.


To sum it up, with these changes my Sage and Sorc healers will continue gathering dust. There’s still no point to choose them over other classes.



  • Leave 1,5 CD reduction on Healing trance as part of Revitalized Mystic set bonus.
  • Don't nerf Wandering Mend but redesign One for All tactical so it gives WM one extra healing charge but each WM charge deals less healing.
  • There was suggestion to redesign All for One tactical so Salvation provides that “burst of Force energy” in the beginning, not in the end. Everyone who enters the pool when it’s already on the ground gets that “burst” as well.

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Dear Developers,


If you´ve read any of the feedback on the CLASS forums after 6.0 or even on the PTS before launching 6.0, you would know HATRED spec is very underpowered both PvP and PvE. PvE it is less noticeable perhaps due to the slower nature of things, but the parses tell their own story.


Hopefully someone on the combat team at least plays HATERD a little bit to understand that.


I am a long-time HATRED player. It is my main and has been for many years and even though i mostly PVP (ranked and unranked), I do partake in operations and MM fps.


But as I stated in my mentioned feedback posts here on the forums or in this specific thread, HATRED needs a BUFF to either DPS or Surivivability or BOTH actually to be viable but, let's not forget, FUN to play with.

I know most of us tend to think that usually (that their main classes need buffs for some or other reason), but without going into the specifics, this is the truth for HATRED. If you play it or read about it, you will understand why.


I applaud you buffing sorc healers as this was needed and sort of a consensus of the community and was written about on the forums many times.


So please do not nerf the DEATH KNELL set. Or if you do, please find other alternatives to boost the defenses and damage of HATRED.


And actually why DEATH KNELL. It seems to me sometimes, that even though all classes and subclasses have many set bonuses, your team forgets that IN REAL LIFE people use only 1-2 that are viable. So if you know this fact, by nerfing the well-known DECEPTION/INFILTRATION dps problem when this class gets stacked in PVP, why do you also nerf HATRED by a lot more in a sense.


Please re-think how to make HATRED better. I know I am in the 1-2% that play this spec A LOT, but still, please don't make me go off the game or play another class that is not so fun because you are nerfing it so hard.

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It´s not static. But I don´t know on which stats it depends :)


Hmm interesting, unfortunately I can't install the PTS for some reason, which kinda sucks :/ so I don't get to see any of this for myself lol.

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Dear Developers,


If you´ve read any of the feedback on the CLASS forums after 6.0 or even on the PTS before launching 6.0, you would know HATRED spec is very underpowered both PvP and PvE. PvE it is less noticeable perhaps due to the slower nature of things, but the parses tell their own story.


Hopefully someone on the combat team at least plays HATERD a little bit to understand that.


I am a long-time HATRED player. It is my main and has been for many years and even though i mostly PVP (ranked and unranked), I do partake in operations and MM fps.


But as I stated in my mentioned feedback posts here on the forums or in this specific thread, HATRED needs a BUFF to either DPS or Surivivability or BOTH actually to be viable but, let's not forget, FUN to play with.

I know most of us tend to think that usually (that their main classes need buffs for some or other reason), but without going into the specifics, this is the truth for HATRED. If you play it or read about it, you will understand why.


I applaud you buffing sorc healers as this was needed and sort of a consensus of the community and was written about on the forums many times.


So please do not nerf the DEATH KNELL set. Or if you do, please find other alternatives to boost the defenses and damage of HATRED.


And actually why DEATH KNELL. It seems to me sometimes, that even though all classes and subclasses have many set bonuses, your team forgets that IN REAL LIFE people use only 1-2 that are viable. So if you know this fact, by nerfing the well-known DECEPTION/INFILTRATION dps problem when this class gets stacked in PVP, why do you also nerf HATRED by a lot more in a sense.


Please re-think how to make HATRED better. I know I am in the 1-2% that play this spec A LOT, but still, please don't make me go off the game or play another class that is not so fun because you are nerfing it so hard.


Based on Kre'a's Hatred PVP guide, I do not use Death Knell for Hatred and it was a very good choice to do so now that they are nerfing. I like the other set very much and the opener, while not as OP as Deception's, it's quite potent.


The thing is.. most dot specs are kind of meh in this game. They rely on keeping up their bleeds, but can be so easily interrupted, stunned, pushed away, rooted etc and if that happens the dps suffers quite a serious blow . ;)

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I never post on the forums. I'm an avid reader, but usually I don't feel like it warrants an answer from me - a lot of people have already said all I wanted to say, after all.


I love the Sorcerer. In this game, it's my favorite storyline, my favorite voice acting, my favorite visual effects, and (along with the sage) my favorite playstyle (Corruption coming first by a large margin, then Madness). I've played (extensively, and in all game modes) every other class and spec this game offers, but nothing comes even close to matching up to it, for me. I don't enjoy playing the other classes, other than through their respective storylines.


I was subbed since day one (with a break when Bioware decided not to make new raids for a couple years), and enjoyed the hardest raid content this game had to offer with a progression raid group. That's something I no longer do, essentially because I would either have to play a class I don't enjoy, or be a hindrance to my group compared to someone who would play Merc or Op. Game Balance shouldn't force me into making such a choice.


To make it clear, my enjoyment of this game - my reason for subscribing - is directly linked to this class (and specifically the Corruption spec, and Madness to a lesser extent). I'm not asking for it to outperform the other classes. I'm also not asking for it to be merely "adequate" or "enough". What I want is for Corruption Sorcerers to be as desirable for a group as a Merc or an Op healer can be. I'm not asking for more, but I also won't be satisfied by less : again, I do not want to hinder my group by playing something that would be underperforming compared to other options.


Those changes don't do that. At all. Others have explained it in this thread already, with parses and lots of details, so I won't bother do that again. What I will say instead is this :


I play this game for the Sorcerer class. I subscribe to this game for it. I've spent the last couple months considering unsubscribing, but I held back because those healing changes were announced. Now that they're here, though, I'm starting to regret waiting.


So I'm unsubscribing.


Balance is a hard job, but it's your job. So please do it well, and make it so that each healer spec is as worth having in a group as the other two. When you do that, when I can have fun in this game without being a hindrance to my teammates, then I'll come back. Until then, I'll spend my money on games in which I can do that.

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So I like the changes to sage/sorc healing, but I still have some pretty big issues with vindicate.


Under high intensity scenarios, vindicate needs to be used after every one or two activations of a healing ability. In pvp or nim ops this is not an over exaggeration, for an ability to be used in such a high amount, it really needs to be off the GCD. Team mates at low health can die in a second, so it really does matter. I would like to suggest that vindicate come off of the GCD, or at least be tweaked so it does not have to be over used (as it currently is). For me healing isn't about pressing one ability more than any of your heals, it just takes so much fun out of game play. I would even prefer that it went on CD after being used rather than how it works now. The CD could be 5 or 10s, a similar CD to restoration, but obviously generating far more energy than one press of vindication currently gives.


Going in the right direction with the healer changes, but energy management definitely needs to be the focus of any further changes.

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So I like the changes to sage/sorc healing, but I still have some pretty big issues with vindicate.


Under high intensity scenarios, vindicate needs to be used after every one or two activations of a healing ability. In pvp or nim ops this is not an over exaggeration, for an ability to be used in such a high amount, it really needs to be off the GCD. Team mates at low health can die in a second, so it really does matter. I would like to suggest that vindicate come off of the GCD, or at least be tweaked so it does not have to be over used (as it currently is). For me healing isn't about pressing one ability more than any of your heals, it just takes so much fun out of game play. I would even prefer that it went on CD after being used rather than how it works now. The CD could be 5 or 10s, a similar CD to restoration, but obviously generating far more energy than one press of vindication currently gives.


Going in the right direction with the healer changes, but energy management definitely needs to be the focus of any further changes.


We tried this back in 2.10 and it was absolutely horrifying. I still have PTSD from it. The devs probably won't consider doing anything like this ever again, or at least I hope they don't. The problem is if you lower the amount of time you spend on using Consuming Darkness/Vindicate (or completely remove the time you spend it at all), you increase your uptime on healing. This leads to us having way more HPS than we should have, so then they have to nerf all our healing values. So yeah, we'll never have to stop healing, but the actual healing amounts of each of our spells drops dramatically, and therefore the cost of said spells drops as well so you're not using Consuming Darkness/Vindicate nearly as often anyway (cause you're never running out of force due to the low cost of everything) and it becomes a super easy, boring, ineffective mess.


You think our burst potential is low right now? Taking Consuming Darkness/Vindicate off the GCD, or giving it a long CD period, will lower it even further, and completely hamper our versatility. The fact that we have to stop everything we're doing to use Consuming Darkness/Vindicate to regain some force is a huge factor into why some of our heals have a little kick to em, and allows us to deal with burst and sustained damage in equal measure.


I'd prefer seeing set bonuses and tactical items getting tweaked, vs a total class overhaul any day of the week.

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I´m confused after reading the comments. So is this a buff or just a bit shuffeling around?

English is not my first language so I don´t completly get the impact of all the changes.

I thought that Empowered Restorer and Storm's Succor are the buff and rest is just shuffeling numbers.


If this is not a buff then I waited 5 months for nothing?

Do I have to play merc and spam kolto missile like the nim players in the videos?

Is that supposed to be fun and show skills?

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[*]The Death Knell Set Bonus has changed:

[*]4 piece: The cooldown of Recklessness / Force Potency is reduced by 15 seconds. Whenever you activate Recklessness / Force Potency you gain Reckless Critical, making your next Maul / Shadow Strike or Leeching Strike / Serenity Strike critically hit


Okay, what the HELL?!?!? Assassin was already not great DPS wise among melee and you're going to nerf the one thing we were good at to the ground?!?!? Sins have been shat on update after update for YEARS now! This has got to stop!


The additions to Deception are nowhere near enough to compensate! Make Crackling Blasts do 30% instead of 20, Slashes do 40% and Surging charge do 100% more damage and MAYBE then the tradeoff would be worth it! Stop ruining PVE over the miniscule PVP community.


That's not even getting into the absolutely awful Tacticals we have, if you want to funnel the burst into sustained damage, then maybe try giving us DoTs on Discharge as well and boost the damage the burn does!

Edited by Hakuryuukou
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Okay, what the HELL?!?!? Assassin was already not great DPS wise among melee and you're going to nerf the one thing we were good at to the ground?!?!? Sins have been shat on update after update for YEARS now! This has got to stop!


The additions to Deception are nowhere near enough to compensate! Make Crackling Blasts do 30% instead of 20, Slashes do 40% and Surging charge do 100% more damage and MAYBE then the tradeoff would be worth it! Stop ruining PVE over the miniscule PVP community.


That's not even getting into the absolutely awful Tacticals we have, if you want to funnel the burst into sustained damage, then maybe try giving us DoTs on Discharge as well and boost the damage the burn does!


Assassins are near the top of the meta. Not sure how you think they aren’t great dps wise. And they are also getting a buff to sustained damage vs triple crit openers. So in a pve environment, they should actually be better than they are now.

I’m not sure if you misread what the Devs said or don’t understand the mechanics of the changes. But maybe go test them out before posting rage at the devs.

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I´m confused after reading the comments. So is this a buff or just a bit shuffeling around?

English is not my first language so I don´t completly get the impact of all the changes.

I thought that Empowered Restorer and Storm's Succor are the buff and rest is just shuffeling numbers.


If this is not a buff then I waited 5 months for nothing?

Do I have to play merc and spam kolto missile like the nim players in the videos?

Is that supposed to be fun and show skills?


IMO they just moved things around.


With Wandering mend nerfed One for All tactical becomes a default one. You can take Storm’s Succor for fights where intense AoE healing is not needed but as a Sage / Sorc you want usually some kind of middle ground, both decent burst and decent AoE.


They made Empowered restorer a bit more useful but nerfed Revitalized mystic so it’s also just moving things around. Besides it’s like adding half of Rejuvenate heal to other bubble’s effects; it will slightly improve HPS, and that’s it. Yeah, they introduced a new set that’ll drop form Dxun NiM but most players won’t have a chance to obtain it. And honestly, I don’t find it more appealing than other sets. You’re meant to sacrifice the most useful DCD you have to heal you raid for ~70k total and absorb some damage (not sure how much) every 3 minutes, slightly less with utility. Ugh.


It looks like they also nerf Op’s Tactician set, and probably something will be done to Mercs. In this case Sorc healers may become a bit more appealing as a class but certainly not because of stuff that was listed in OP.

Edited by Ollmich
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You’re not going to become “un-viable” because of this change, when has any class in the game ever been “un-viable” in PvE.


The “I’m going to be a burden on my team, oh woe is me” mentality is getting strained fast. In general, the belly-aching from Consulars (Sage/Shadow) in 6.0 has been annoying.


“Oh our tacticals and set bonuses aren’t good” “Our healing sucks” “sorc is weak” “sin has no defenses” “sin damage sucks” “sorc damage should be better” “my class is going isn’t going to be viable”


Unless you’re doing some world record NiM runs, it won’t matter. Even then, most people going for that already swap metas like crazy.

Edited by UltraFlashStar
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“Oh our tacticals and set bonuses aren’t good” “Our healing sucks” “sorc is weak”

Unless you’re doing some world record NiM runs, it won’t matter. Even then, most people going for that already swap metas like crazy.


Well I wanted to do NIM and our tacticals and sets are weak.

So I was thrilled that storm succor will be usefull and we finally get roaming mend + 1.

But that doesn´t mean much if roaming mend is nerfed.


Yes sorc is not unplayable but it´s more effort than spamming kolto missile.

Some of my friends said the devs won´t touch merc healer.

So of course the voice back in my head says I should switch to merc to make it easier.

But I´d rather stop playing than play a FOTM.


But maybe they will change more for the healer classes. Let´s see.

Edited by Ahwassa
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too little too late


I was playing scounder healer in nim for years they broke the class.

I wait months to see if they will do something they don't



So i start playing sage and they broke my class again ...

I wait months to see if they will do something they don't


So i start playing a other game since i don't fancy doing nm/hm with one hand behind my back.

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So after some testing on PTS:

  • The Empowered Restorer set bonus has been redesigned:
    • 4 piece - Static Barrier / Force Armor leaves a heal over time on the target for 12 seconds after being applied
    • 6 piece - Static Barrier / Force Armor immediately heals the target when applied


The initial heal is nice, although it is lost at the start of the combat. The HoT component does not really do much, but why not. Overall when testing this set duo with my friend in a specific situation where he took 9-10k dtps (so the barrier would pop almost immediately and almost all healing would be effective) I could bring this to be a similar amount of heals as the Sustaining Darkness (4.2% vs 4.3%). Othervise it is probably meant to be dropped onto dps who got some small aoe hit to heal him up a little, while having shield that would protect them? The set bonus is not bad, though nowhere close what dps get with their set bonuses (like 10%+ increase on dps). But it is now definitely usable compared to what it did before, and might be the best one for generic healing on sorc. In 2 sorc run there might be a bit of competition about bubbling, but that can be fixed by frames.


  • The Revitalized Mystic set bonus has been rebalanced:
    • 4 piece - Refreshing Resurgence / Rejuvenate on a target refunds 5 Force
    • 6 piece - Healing a target with another healing ability while your Resurgence / Rejuvenate is active on them has a 15% chance to cause your Resurgence / Rejuvenate to provide an additional, unscheduled tick of healing


A huge nerf to current most widely used sorc healing set. I guess you do not expect people would be happy about it. The 4 piece bonus lets us regenerate 0.83% of our class resource every 4 GCDs if played perfectly - I really really tried to see my force bar move differently with and without it, but.. nada, no luck, no idea if it works or not as the number is just so absurdly low. The 6th piece bonus is best procced by Revivification, because we do not have other HoT (well we do if we use the other set, we would have a HoT on the bubble, but since those 2 sets are exclusive... ) which means we would have to drop our aoe heal on the tank instead of the group to make some use of the bonus. It also changes the sorc healing to be more of a HoT on tank, and not much aoe heals on group... I can see it used on one sorc in an ops, but I would hate to see 2 sorcs with this set at the same group. It would either greatly decrease group healing, or the set bonus would be hugely underused.


  • The Endless Offensive set bonus tooltip has been updated:
    • 4 piece - Now indicates that Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz healing is also increased by 10%, if applicable


Thanks for this, actually it might make this set into a healer set a little - are there any plans now that there are 8 new nim Dxun sets to have this and other sm/hm Dxun sets that are currently not available on tech fragment vendor to be moved there? I mean... raiders will again have their exclusive in newest content, so we will not care about releasing the old exclusive sets to be used more broadly. And if those sets are available on vendor, you might actually see people start using them, now most of people just says they might want to try them but will not bother getting the 6 pieces, as there is no reliable way to do so.


  • Tactical Item: Storm's Succor / Metaphysical Mender (formerly Storm's Succor) has been redesigned - now each charge of Energized / Empowered (formerly Energized) reduces the Force Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz consumes by 30%, and the healing component of Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz is a smart heal with a 20-meter range from the target with roughly 56% more healing


This deserver a praise and a big jar of chocolate chips! This is how tactical items should be. It completely changes the gameplay of a sorc healer when used, it can actually be a nr.1 healing ability in parse in a specific situation (or for me it was). It is also not usable in every fight, in some it is even undesirable (Terror, any fights where you do not wish to push a boss under certain %) so it will be better to swap for a different tactical. The smart heal is actually smart and does heal the person with lowest health, and I like how it gets cheaper when I save the Volt Rush stacks and use them in succession.


  • Corruption / Seer
    • Dark Infusion / Deliverance healing increased by roughly 7%
    • Innervate / Healing Trance healing increased by roughly 6%
    • Reduced the base Force cost of Revivification / Salvation by 15 (from 75 to 60) and the healing it deals by roughly 11%
    • Reduced the base Force cost of Roaming Mend / Wandering Mend by 20 (from 70 to 50) and the healing it deals by roughly 19%
    • Penetrating Darkness / Clairvoyance now increases the critical chance of Dark Heal / Benevolence by 10% (instead of increasing bonus healing by 3%)
    • Dark Concentration / Altruism now also increases the healing dealt by Dark Heal / Benevolence by 50%, in addition to its other effects
    • Renewal healing increased by roughly 67%
    • Secrets of the Dark Side / Erudite Mender has been redesigned and now increases the healing done by Resurgence / Rejuvenate and Renewal by 10% (instead of reducing the Force cost of Roaming Mend / Wandering Mend by 10)


All in all, it just moves healing around, both AoE heals are now significantly weaker and single target burst heals tiny better (the numbers are not so high due to the 3% loss on all healing, so it is like 3-4% gain on Innervate/Dark Infusion). The reduced Force cost of the 2 abilities is again not noticeable, because we lost the 2 abilities that did it before, so maybe we will save now 5 force which is.. better than nothing, but also not something to make an impact. Resurgence is now doing even more than before, I think this ability is so overloaded that it stops being funny. But overall it felt that sorc now is focused more on single target regeneration healing - not sure if this is the intention? AoE healing is definitely not as it was nerfed, single target burst was about the same as before as now Innervate with longer cooldown has to be replaced with more Dark Infusion or Voltaic Rush spam.


  • Force Bending / Conveyance now reduces the activation time of Dark Infusion / Deliverance by 0.5 seconds (up from 0.25 seconds)


It is nice change, the cast was now 1.4 sec so it sometimes went off before the target I was healing died. On a more serious note, it has its uses and if there is not a spike incoming and I know it will proc a free Dark Heal, it can be used to heal up target that dropped and is not in immediate danger. Not a bad use of Resurgence.


  • Force Bending / Conveyance now makes Revivification / Salvation activate instantly and no longer reduces its Force cost
  • Force Surge / Resplendence no longer affects Revivification / Salvation


This is a necessity now with Innervate longer cooldown. It took me a few minutes to get used to it (as I still tried to burn stacks first and cast this after) but overall not a bad change. The usage of Resurgence to make it instant cast is rather situational, as it is better used with other abilities, but it has its place when whole group stacks up and gets damage. Since it heals now for even less than before, we will probably use this skill even less in situation when it would not heal at least 4 ppl.


  • Tactical Item: One for All has been redesigned - now gives Roaming Mend / Wandering Mend one extra healing charge


It will be probably default tactical, but it is kinda... uninspired. It gives a bit more aoe healing, but it does not alter game play in any way. It is just like those generic ones that give damage increase stack when you damage - just slap it on and forget it exists. Ik now there must be some lazy tacticals for lazy people and this one is just it. But I would still prefer old Roaming mend without nerf to healing and 4 targets than this.


  • Tactical Item: All for One has been redesigned - now Revivification's / Salvation's pool concludes with a burst of dark / light Force energy, healing up to 8 allies within it


It looks nice (visually) and on a fight where people stack up it would be great. Usually they run around and cat herding dps to stand still in one place is just hopeless endeavor. It did not behave consistently though, it worked fine when I cast it on myself and stood in it whole time, but when a friend simulated a dps and ran into circle later did not get the burst. But I did not spend much time testing it.



All in all there will be changes to sorc healers... not rotation, more like priority system. The overall hps will not change noticeably (more healing over time on tanks, less on the group, same numbers in total, but different gameplay). The Force management is still the same pain as before (remember that even though Revivification does not take stacks, Innervate cooldown is longer by about 2 GCDs when you are doing something constantly). We will have some fun with Storm's Succor. Probably biggest and maybe unintended buff to sorc healing in nim operations is the change to scaling. So do not expect some miracle here, it is a change, not really buff or nerf. It will take some time to get fully used to it, so the PTS feedback will probably be more math and theory than real hands-on experience.

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Oh. For. ****s. Sake.

Why did I even bother learning how to do well in this spec with gathering storm & stormwatch so I might try a little ranked. Foiled again. Might as well go back to being crap and use the volt rush set up. At least it was easy to play & it's not being nerfed.


this is a PvE sustain nerf....over like several minutes of attacking damage drops off at least 1k dps.


in PvP I think the changes will have very little noticeable affect, because damage under polarity shift has actually been buffed (although it lasts 5 sec shorter), so actually in PvP Ling can be actually stronger because you want to do as much dps as possible in a 20sec polarity shift burst to force a death.

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With the nerf on Gathering Storm and the skills update, the lost of dps for lightning sorcer will be at least 1k dps for top players, but more around 1.3k dps for everybody. Good job, now the lightning will be the only spec in the game under 20k dps average, far far away from others.


I mean sorcer was playable 4 months in more than 3 years, we aggree is more than enought ... Very nice for an healer nerf by the way. Oh wait maybe is another lie from the team ?


Please finish the job and remove sorcer from this game now !

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Bioware what on Earth are you thinking? Deception Sin is already mediocre in PVE and now you are going to make it almost worthless. WHY? Some PVP fanatic was whining?


And you are nerfing the Gathering Storm set, WHY? Sorc was a viable DPS and apparently that was a bad thing?


Who is making these horrible decisions? And WHY?

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I am so glad they are nerfing the shadow dps. I get so tired of pulling aggro off of every fail tank that opens a fight with their taunt. It is so annoying doing SOOOOOOOOOO much DPS in a tactical FP with lvl 20 players. Hopefully now I can just go into a raid and not have to worry about getting yelled at for pulling aggro off of the tank when their area taunt is on CD cause they used it in a trash pull...


Also same goes for my balance sage. I cannot express my gratitude for first of all taking the most "turret-like" class in the game and making me add force speed to my rotation... cause the one thing I hated more than anything was not moving fast enough while standing still, but now you have also taken that single skill and made it more useless. Thank you so much for this, I am hoping that over a gradual progression of about 4 or 5 years you will make it so I have to use force speed before I can use any other skill in my rotation and also make it so useless that instead of adding movement speed, it will actually slow me down and help me to stand in all the aoe damage that raid bosses put out since it will be perpetually on CD and not be useful to actually avoid anything that I might need to.


Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see what else comes next.

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For Sage healer, there a lot of changes, which seem to me very bad (give me back my 1.5s redude CD on healing trance !!!!!!). Force management is simplified ...

Why modify the gameplay when player love it ? …

I'm disappointed ...

Suggestion : Create operations and content in the game rather than modify the gameplay of a class that does not really need it.


Sorry for my bad english …

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Bioware what on Earth are you thinking? Deception Sin is already mediocre in PVE and now you are going to make it almost worthless. WHY? Some PVP fanatic was whining?


And you are nerfing the Gathering Storm set, WHY? Sorc was a viable DPS and apparently that was a bad thing?


Who is making these horrible decisions? And WHY?


Yeah with these changes sorcs will struggle to hit 22K on dummy 6.5mil, while mercs, snipers (even markman) will be able to do that more easily.


So summery is, madness has been always mediocre, any buffs to it have been very minor and it will struggle to match io/as on dummy and is well behind virulence (even after viru nerf) - nothing new there.

Lightning, which was the one sorc dps spec to compete with merc and sniper dps will be gutted yet again.


Note, this above is for unscaled lvl 75 content, if looking at scaled content sorc will propably be brough "in line" at the cost of unscaled content.

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So after some testing on PTS:



The initial heal is nice, although it is lost at the start of the combat. The HoT component does not really do much, but why not. Overall when testing this set duo with my friend in a specific situation where he took 9-10k dtps (so the barrier would pop almost immediately and almost all healing would be effective) I could bring this to be a similar amount of heals as the Sustaining Darkness (4.2% vs 4.3%). Othervise it is probably meant to be dropped onto dps who got some small aoe hit to heal him up a little, while having shield that would protect them? The set bonus is not bad, though nowhere close what dps get with their set bonuses (like 10%+ increase on dps). But it is now definitely usable compared to what it did before, and might be the best one for generic healing on sorc. In 2 sorc run there might be a bit of competition about bubbling, but that can be fixed by frames.



How much healing are you getting for the upfront heal and the HoT? Just the baseline value not crits or anything.

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