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Do the actual Female community a favor & create the pink Zeltron race (tired of ugly)

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This isn't a tedious request. Really just a reskin of human. All you have to do, cosmetically, is take a human and give us pink shades, with some blue or purple hair. Tired of getting the ugly races guys ask for.


This one, Zeltron, I can really use!! And I know I'm far from the only one who would. Do us a solid, BioWare.



Zeltron pics:


Edited by BlackSilverDawn
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This is hardly a gender issue, why even try to present as one?


I don't think all the pretty, skimpy female only clothing was brought into the game just to please the female players ...


In practical terms - if you want a red skinned/pink skinned human just make a pureblood sith without visible bone spurs or tendrils. I might be a bit biased though, since I think the whole zeltron 'bred to be beautiful' background and 'pheromones so they're irrisistable to everyone omg' is absurb.


[They could always just give more colour options to the existing human options. No need to add a whole new race you need to pay to unlock. ]

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This is hardly a gender issue, why even try to present as one?


I don't think all the pretty, skimpy female only clothing was brought into the game just to please the female players ...


In practical terms - if you want a red skinned/pink skinned human just make a pureblood sith without visible bone spurs or tendrils. I might be a bit biased though, since I think the whole zeltron 'bred to be beautiful' background and 'pheromones so they're irrisistable to everyone omg' is absurb.


[They could always just give more colour options to the existing human options. No need to add a whole new race you need to pay to unlock. ]


^Come on, we know that the "skimpy" outfits weren't created mainly for female players (most in my guild don't wear such things); always see the guys running around with campy looking comps, *laughs. Think OP meant the race, as I don't see anything mentioning outfits... I'd definitely take a Zeltron companion, looks fun. As for the race, it beats the last one we got... uuggghh, or a Kel Dor or Rodian, that I'm also very unenthusiastic about: I'll +1 this, rather than having one of those. Plague event this week, make another vaccine if pheromones are really an issue. Still hoping for Yoda race and rock the shotos (or Yoda race comp or baby Yoda companion).

Edited by Willjb
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[They could always just give more colour options to the existing human options. No need to add a whole new race you need to pay to unlock. ]


^This. 100%. More species options is always great, especially for RPers, and adding a variety of different colours for Humans would be easy money for BW. New species without adding a new species, bundle it up as a Zeltron customisation pack for Humans.

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Pfft, what a sexist request (yes it's sexist)


If we're talking about near humans I'd take Pantorans over Zeltron any day.


^No, I can't handle any more Chiss looking races, it's already like blue man group as it is on fleet (many have more Chiss & humans than anything else); a Pantoran is just a Chiss with human eyes (and stupid looking face-whatever that is: really don't want that). boo hoo, I've heard far worse on here, not to mention sexist outfits; I love it when people like to overplay offended (it's silly), Mad. (About as relevant as saying your name is racist). Pft = *****fart, btw.

Edited by Willjb
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The only issue with making the various near-humans additional colorations of the human species is the Imperial anti-alien prejudice and the fact that some Imperial NPCs actually note whether or not the PC is Human or Alien.


In thoery I guess this could still be handled if there's a way to tie a Human/Alien flag in the code to what choice of coloration you gave to a human character, but it would likely be simpler to create a blanket "Near Human" species as a direct copy of the Human except tossing in a couple of different skin color, eye color, and other small variations that would essentially let you make most of the "human looking except for [X]" species.


I, for one, would like to have the tattoo options in order to have a Kiffar


The issue with the catch-all species would be in not having a separate Species-specific social ability, or the ability for any NPCs to reference your species directly other than being "alien" or "near human"


For that matter, it's always bugged me that Cyborg is a separate species rather than have cybernetic options for all species. Especially since the only cybernetic about a "Cyborg" species are small bits on their face/head unless you also pop for the cybernetic armor bits.

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I'm confused. All the SW-wiki entries for Zeltron describe them as red-skinned, just like Sith. The only pink-skinned ones I could find were in people's overly sexualized artwork.


I'm happy to see new races. I think the Wookie and Devaronian folks have been waiting longer, though.


Me? I want to play a Jawa but I doubt that would ever happen, as the animations would need to be changed, otherwise I'd be kissing their knees while they kissed open air. Of course, maybe they'll want to add more Ugnaughts now that "The Mandalorian" has made them so popular, in which case they'll just have to program a bunch of apple crates...

Edited by Xina_LA
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I'm confused. All the SW-wiki entries for Zeltron describe them as red-skinned, just like Sith. The only pink-skinned ones I could find were in people's overly sexualized artwork.


I'm happy to see new races. I think the Wookie and Devaronian folks have been waiting longer, though.


Me? I want to play a Jawa but I doubt that would ever happen, as the animations would need to be changed, otherwise I'd be kissing their knees while they kissed open air. Of course, maybe they'll want to add more Ugnaughts now that "The Mandalorian" has made them so popular, in which case they'll just have to program a bunch of apple crates...


^Looks quite pink everywhere I look: comics, even the official action figure from Hasbro is clearly pink

(see link below)


(perhaps it's your monitor settings? ik, pink is derived from red, but everything I see of Zeltron is pink...)



(I feel the same way about a playable Yoda race; can't pull off the romance though, lol.)

Edited by Willjb
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Well as a part of the fermale community, for whom this thread claims to speak, for I can savely say, I have no interest in playing a Zeltron. I have my beautiful races in Togruta, Twilek, Mirilians and now a nice ****** looking sth lady. I don't need pink characters, thank you very much.

I agree, that the players, who want to play a Wookie are probably first in line if a new playable race is up for debate.

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I'm confused. All the SW-wiki entries for Zeltron describe them as red-skinned, just like Sith. The only pink-skinned ones I could find were in people's overly sexualized artwork.


I'm happy to see new races. I think the Wookie and Devaronian folks have been waiting longer, though.


Me? I want to play a Jawa but I doubt that would ever happen, as the animations would need to be changed, otherwise I'd be kissing their knees while they kissed open air. Of course, maybe they'll want to add more Ugnaughts now that "The Mandalorian" has made them so popular, in which case they'll just have to program a bunch of apple crates...


It depends on where you look.


Canon: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zeltron

Physical characteristics

Skin color


Hair color




Legend: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zeltron/Legends

Physical characteristics

Average height

1.8 meters

Skin color

Light pink to deep crimson

Hair color

Red, blue, or brown


Pink/red skin, red or blue hair, capable of producing powerful pheromones.

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I would actually enjoy playing a Zeltron mainly due to my best friend that we lost a few years ago. She actually created a Zeltron in a roleplay (forum one) and loved roleplaying her in the forum roleplay. She had a dream that maybe BW would eventually create one but unfortunately she died before that dream ever was realized. If they did create a Zeltron, I would create one in honor of my friend.
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Well as a part of the fermale community, for whom this thread claims to speak, for I can savely say, I have no interest in playing a Zeltron. I have my beautiful races in Togruta, Twilek, Mirilians and now a nice ****** looking sth lady. I don't need pink characters, thank you very much.

I agree, that the players, who want to play a Wookie are probably first in line if a new playable race is up for debate.


^Haven't heard anything of a *Wookiee fan base for playable species. Never going to happen because of the romance scenes in game. Thus the same with Yoda race (probably more likely than a Wookiee, because can at least understand a Yoda talking). First in line, is more like who has realistic species that can really do the romance scenes, while appealing to enough players and not be too difficult to produce, and make it work.

Edited by Willjb
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^This. 100%. More species options is always great, especially for RPers, and adding a variety of different colours for Humans would be easy money for BW. New species without adding a new species, bundle it up as a Zeltron customisation pack for Humans.


^Really good idea. There are various humanoid species in the EU. It'd be like going halfway on a new species: you get more pigments, more variety, while not presenting to BioWare a more tedious task of more complicated aliens.


More diversity and variety of humanoids: I really like that idea. (For many of us, most of our toons are the human/ more humanlike species.)



There's a humanoid race, purple instead of pink called: KESHIRI. They look great and are my pick for a species.


(*link): https://www.google.com/search?q=keshiri+star+wars+adari&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiC4_zi4-HnAhXIaM0KHWIqDCgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=keshiri+star+wars+adari&gs_l=img.3...27835.29730..30002...0.0..0.146.626.3j3......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i30j0i8i30.nbK0oPZt8jE&ei=xlhPXoLoL8jRtQbi1LDAAg&bih=1352&biw=1246&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS863US863#imgrc=hME3uUlod9OMwM





if you're not familiar with Keshiri, here's some of what's written on them:


Keshiri are a purple-skinned near human species native to the Wild Space planet of Kesh.


Five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a lost Sith vessel crash landed on the planet. Many of the native Keshiri witnessed this arrival and believed the Sith to be the Skyborn, deities from their own religion. They pledged themselves to a life of servitude to the Sith.


Even after thousands of years when the Keshiri realized the Sith were not the Skyborn, they continued to work with them and serve them.


When the Lost Tribe of the Sith’s Armada arrived in the galaxy after the Second Galactic Civil War, many Keshiri were commanders and powerful Sith Lords. These included Keshiri High Lord Sarasu Taalon and Lord Korelei.


They had even managed to invade Coruscant until they were beaten by the Jedi.

Edited by Willjb
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This isn't a tedious request. Really just a reskin of human. All you have to do, cosmetically, is take a human and give us pink shades, with some blue or purple hair. Tired of getting the ugly races guys ask for.


This one, Zeltron, I can really use!! And I know I'm far from the only one who would.

Do you mean "guys" in the gendered sense, or just people in general? Because, red people with blue or purple hair would be ugly. So is this an ugly race that guys ask for or is it an ugly race that "gals" ask for. Or, more likely, no one asks for? 🙂


Interesting historical note:

Back before sometime in the 1800s, blue (powder blue) was the colour for girl babies and pink was the colour for boys. So, it's all just arbitrary.


But anyway, it would seem that all they would need to do would be to add pink shades to the available skin tones for humans. They already have the blue hair. Maybe they could add a nose ring (what I like to call a "snot catcher") to complete the ugly. 😏

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Why would i, as female, actually want to see a race(species) that implements all sexist and machismo stereotypes about females, in my favorite game? Of course i wouldnt. Even more, i cant imagine a woman that knows about lore background and still would play Zeltron.


If we're talking about near humans I'd take Pantorans over Zeltron any day.



And Umbarans of course. I really really would prefer umbarans over any other near-human species.

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This is hardly a gender issue, why even try to present as one?

It isn't.


Do the actual Female community a favor & create the pink Zeltron race (tired of ugly)

Perhaps the favor is all the males who'll be too busy chasing their game camera around with a hot little pink-skinned Zeltron in front of them to bother irritating any actual female players.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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