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Too much like Starfox


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It's nice that spaceflight is like Star Fox. If it wasn't going to resemble any of the spaceflight from previous Star Wars games, at least it resembles Star Fox.


I would have rather had spaceflight like that of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, or the Rogue Squadron trilogy though. Lots of fond Star Wars memories they could have capitalized on, instead of the vague memories I have of renting Star Fox 64 and beating it in two hours back when I was 10.

Edited by carnac_fett
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Yes because clearly expecting features that aren't even new or innovative in a 2011 MMO makes people ignorant.....


Go back under your bridge

They're ignorant because they say "oh it's bad it's just like Starfox!" but the fact is, Starfox is awesome so it doesn't matter.

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I unlocked 2 more Space Missions just as I left for work. Super hyped to jump in and play them when I get home.


Wish they would introduce swoop racing as well.

And PvP Pazzak too. :D


Don't be hyped


They're all the same rollercoaster battles only the stuff you need to kill takes more hits to kill. Hell even the pattern each enemy takes is identical for each mission, it's boring and repetitive, only reason I do them is because A. they take at most 30mins of my day to do the dailies, B. they're stupid easy once you memorise them and C. I want the pilot outfits

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They're ignorant because they say "oh it's bad it's just like Starfox!" but the fact is, Starfox is awesome so it doesn't matter.


Starfox was awesome 18 years ago, it's awesome now because of nostalgia


However, some of us want more advanced and less linear gameplay having come from games that offer that less linear gameplay.

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Don't be hyped


They're all the same rollercoaster battles only the stuff you need to kill takes more hits to kill. Hell even the pattern each enemy takes is identical for each mission, it's boring and repetitive, only reason I do them is because A. they take at most 30mins of my day to do the dailies, B. they're stupid easy once you memorise them and C. I want the pilot outfits


I know what they are... I find them a fun minigame like diversion. I like to see how much better I can do each time I play the mission. I think my favorite experience so far is the anti-fighter sweep through the asteroid belt. Feels very like the scene when the Falcon goes in and is persuid by the TIE fighters. I look forward to the dailies resetting on them.

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Starfox was awesome 18 years ago, it's awesome now because of nostalgia


However, some of us want more advanced and less linear gameplay having come from games that offer that less linear gameplay.


Ok, I have to say, what in the world were you expecting for what is basically a mini-game. Did anyone really expect to have a game ala the old beloved star-wars space-fighter games of old? Really? You want space combat in this game on par with EVE (or whatever else out there is 'the cutting edge' for such things)?


It is what it is, and for what it is its quite enjoyable. That's the point. Its not complex, but if it were we wouldn't actually have anything right now, because they wouldn't be done making it!

They have plans to increase/expand it in the future. Simple fun mini game space combat now>nothing until they best possible experience they can make 2 years from now when the release major content patch 5 or whatever.

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Good simple fun. What's not to like?


I can only hope that they plan on elaborating the ship system at some point. Having equipped items for the ship doesn't quite do it justice, I don't think, and it's a good avenue for character progression with tangible results.

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