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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: February 13, 2020


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Kudos to those select few that got their way.

Overall Bioware - awesome communication externally, awesome internal communication as well - leaving your community manager in the dark on a change this big.


Now that its official we'll see where that leaves us in a couple of months down the road.

Until then, we enjoy progging rehashed content once more.


The sad bit about this whole mess is the divide between "no lifer" and "pogger" NiM raiders as they so affectionately call each other.

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You didn't have to do that when they were actually hard, much less now. Get good, you have several more abilities than we had when world firsts were in contention.


nice comment, "get good" is such a good little phrase, yes i dont need to, BUT since scaling is so messed up you can stack defense and still have power and mastery.

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Yup, they just walk off together.

(Like Theron asking about taking a speeder, or Koth suggesting the dinner date in Hearts and Minds. You just get the suggestion of them doing that rather than the scene. In this case, it's the suggestion of the walk.)

What the what? :eek: I did not know this; time to dust of my character that romanced Koth.


I logged on after the update earlier and noticed the Alliance banners inside the base on Odessan are very bright.

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/3fbAJfc

Nearly missed this hidden amongst the raiders debating/fighting. I noticed this but since I rarely go into the base I wasn't that bothered the first time, but after running several alts through the mini story the bright banners are annoying. I think I'll make a bug post.

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Hey folks,


Ok, I talked with the team and this is an intended change for 6.1. Originally this was planned to come in a later Game Update so it could get more bake time, but when it was moved to this release it was missed for patch noting. I understand the frustration around the lack of communication on this one, it was definitely not meant to be a ninja change so apologies for that. I am working with the team to make sure we have a better process around changes shifting releases to make sure they don’t go unnoted.


That said, please continue to share your feedback on the change. We will monitor that along with our own MM Ops data and make adjustments as needed.






well you also added NiM Dxun was it also an intended change that didnt come in the patch notes?

if you remove veteran stacks entirely might be good to just scale everything to 75 so dps cant just stack defense rating

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Hey folks,


Ok, I talked with the team and this is an intended change for 6.1. Originally this was planned to come in a later Game Update so it could get more bake time, but when it was moved to this release it was missed for patch noting. I understand the frustration around the lack of communication on this one, it was definitely not meant to be a ninja change so apologies for that. I am working with the team to make sure we have a better process around changes shifting releases to make sure they don’t go unnoted.


That said, please continue to share your feedback on the change. We will monitor that along with our own MM Ops data and make adjustments as needed.






Nice to know that you're not gonna rely on public test serves anymore and just switched back to private ones with the same old two guilds...

so why gonna take the time and give you anymore useless feedback your team and especialy mr pucevich is gonna to ignore as all the feedback before.

last question. when is dxun nim test server coming up for the public andn not just your special developer guilds?

Edited by ultimarb
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dxum mm is also available.

it seems their rush to fix stuff allowed many other things to leak...


after all this fiddeling around with VE stacks and whatnot, cant you just make MM lvl 75? is it really that much work?


this change to old nim makes mods worthless... along with the already made useless relics, adrenals and stims....

Edited by dipstik
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You didn't have to do that when they were actually hard, much less now. Get good, you have several more abilities than we had when world firsts were in contention.


I'm sorry, is that MR Mathematically Impossible Fridge of Death and Taxes telling people to get good? THAT IS RICH

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Congratulations !

All those parses and killvids prove is that people who were bored with the content due to lack of difficulty can still do it.

Nothings really changed apart from the fact that a couple of others, who are not on that level, can no longer.

So again - congratulations on that ! You successfully keep the raffle that doesnt deserve it from calling themselves Nightmare Raider simply because they got the achievment.

/sarcasm off.


And to reiterate - I am not complaining about the difficulty itself, Im complaining about the approach some people take

"If a couple of teams can do it its fine, who cares about the rest". And about the fact that this change that noone - apart from the same people who can now again make a killing selling titles, mounts and timed runs - asked for actually made it to live without any consideration for the community as a whole.


And last of all, I am absolutely stumped by Biowares handling of this debacle.

A simple "It was intended / it was not intended" statement will not take hours to post.

There is a reason why there are 3 difficulties for operations.
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There is a reason why there are 3 difficulties for operations.


I didnt debate that in the slightest, dont know what youre trying to say here.

But if the highest difficulty content isnt achievable for anyone safe for a handful of teams than it is not scaled in a way that is healthy for the game.

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Nice to know that you're not gonna rely on public test serves anymore and just switched back to private ones with the same old two guilds...

so why gonna take the time and give you anymore useless feedback your team and especialy mr pucevich is gonna to ignore as all the feedback before.

last question. when is dxun nim test server coming up for the public andn not just your special developer guilds?

,,mr pucevich'' is the only dev that actually gives a fu*k when it comes to raiding and the only one i ever saw in game. He was there for hm/sn dxun tests on pts he helped the groups that were doing the raid and generally listened to what ppl had to say. I done care about musco or any other guy, but ,,mr pucevich'' is the preson i respect when it comes to listening to feedback

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I didnt debate that in the slightest, dont know what youre trying to say here.

But if the highest difficulty content isnt achievable for anyone safe for a handful of teams than it is not scaled in a way that is healthy for the game.

Becouse only handful of people care about nim raiding at all, most of players want sh, romance options or whatever. NiM is spoosed ot be hard. I never saw anyone leave the game becouse it was to hard. In the past months, however i saw quite a bit of ppl leave the game becouse there was no challange anymore and it is too easy. ,,No StAcKs is KiLLinG Nim RaiDiNG Btw'' is a stupid argument. (not saying you said that but i saw it earlier in this thread). Nim Raiders want challange, Its that simple

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It seems like the developers just keep taking their queues from like Farming Components and Failure. Like they somehow don’t recognize that this is tantamount to the US leaving tax policy entirely up to Jeff Bezos. NiM operations shouldn’t be tuned so that ~100 people can clear them.


Look, I get that DPS checks needed to be tuned up relative to 6.0. No question about it - but over-tuning 5 year old ops to the extent that only an (admittedly vocal) minority can complete them is idiotic. Especially with such a gaping difference between HM and NiM.


Finally, I’d like to point out that my motives aren’t that I don’t like a challenge. I do. But it’s already hard enough to find competent raiders with our dwindling player base in 6.0. Limiting the pool of viable raiders to this extent, though, seems to be a bad idea to me.

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I didn't get a flirt with him either.

The 'flirt' part is the suggestion of you going on a quiet walk with him, it's a dialogue only a romance gets.


Aw, I was hoping for an actual walk. Damn. But thank you for the info. Glad to know it's not a bug even though I hope there will be... more.

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Kinda curious if any of you have actually tried the raids?


My team went from being able to farm any time run we wanted with ease to barely being able to kill anything! Couldn't kill Draxus, someone claimed it can be 7 manned? I would really like to see that video. Stuff is way too hard now without the stacks, I agree some stuff was too easy but now everything is at an almost unclearable level. Its absolute insanity and if its not fixed I see it killing a lot of raiding guilds and really the whole community.


Seriously go try ****, and please send me these clears - Moka#2763 because I don't think people realize how hard these raids actually are now. Had a team who last week got a time run of tfb spend the whole night just to barely kill writhing horror. Is this really what you guys want NIM to be? Our dps were all above 9k and we still enraged on writhing. We cleared 2/5 DP NIM but it was very sketchy, and DPS were literally being 1 shotted if they got hit with a thundering blast. I cant even imagine what the heal check on styrak is right now its probably insane. So please, all the people saying this is what you wanted, please link me your 6.1 Clear videos id like to see it, 7m 4/5 DF NIM no crystals, Dragonslayer, let me see it, then ill accept that my entire guild sucks. Until then, it was over nerfed and really needs to be fixed immediately to a more balanced middle ground.


Well if you experienced that big of a change with the stacks change then you might not be a master at the game. I know the dev's experience a lot of grief from players that don't bother becoming good enough and would rather have the dev's turn down the content. But then you irritate those that actually want some things to be "prestigious". Hence the idea behind Master Mode Ops. If you just want it to be easy then don't put harder ops in. Some of the bosses are still so easy that our group didn't bother with the old ops until the stacks were removed. We went in and it felt similar to the old times but still not AS hard as when each op dropped.


It is just better this way imo. At least its not just a complete walk through.

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Too many overly-vocal elitists commenting and I feel I must leave my two-cents here as well in order to better reflect the community's feelings.


A little about me: I'm a 87% operation player, I've been here since launch and I've seen pretty every fight when it was released. I haven't done Gods from the Machine nightmare, a few of the 16M achievements, and about half the special achievements from Dxun. Those are the one I'm missing to be 100%.


I dream of one day living this game at a point that it resembles it's prime. Back around the time of 2.x, we could get a 100% pug from fleet on a damn Saturday morning and clear both DF and DP HM with no wipes. And those weren't "pugs" (I won't mention names, but when you have the best tank on the planet and the top 0.1% DPS, you can't call it a pug). They were real stuff, getting random people we had never talked to from fleet (only double-checking achievements, of course). I loved those days.


Anyway, back to the matter at hand: this game's dwindling community does not hold enough numbers to justify such changes. I get it, nightmare is supposed to be for the best. But when only a ridiculously small percentage of the player base is capable of doing it, you're not readjusting content, you're effectively limiting what is available. It's the same as not having the content in the game at all.


I'm by no means the best, or even close to it. But I'm absolutely a nightmare player, I've done all of them successfully (again, except gods) at level when they were launched. I've cleared them all as tank, heals, and dps. But nowadays the community is so small that most of my peers simply don't make the cut. I mean, no wonder. The cut that has been established is the absolute crème de la crème. I'm sorry, but folks from the likes of Failure shouldn't be considered for even a second as a baseline, and it's baffling that they have been. They're not baseline material! They're the freaking ceiling!


And it certainly doesn't help that the gap between HM and NiM is so huge, specially now.


tl.;dr - waning community with insufficient players for the content proposed, over-tuned NiM by devs who have been befriended by elitists, too wide of a gap between HM and NiM.


edit: I was going to say that pulling a fast one and ninja-removing VE from NiM was just additional insult to injury. However, as it has already been pointed out by others, this was no secret to the raiding community as most of us had already heard it through the grapevine that devs were going to grant the wish of few in detriment of many.

Edited by JMNeves
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I figured it was time to chime in.


A little about me:

I am a HM player and can do NIM. I am by far not the best. I can Tank and Heal all HMs, and I can Tank NIM, not sure about the heal check. I have been doing ops and playing this game since it launched, early launch, on Dec. 13th, 2011. I originally healed for 1 of my raid teams and Tanked on the others. I think of myself as a very capable Tank that can change to what is happening in the moment in the fight, if things go wrong. I have cleared all HMs besides Revan, M&B and Corttanni and 4 bosses in Gods, that I have not cleared at level. I did Clear Revan, M&B and Cortanni in 5.0. Not because of skill but because we were working on other content that my teams didn't clear. We cleared it, some quickly and some needed work. It took a bit of time.


Now, about the change:

I don't mind the change, I see no real problem with it, BUT, I feel the level sync is not correct for it. It is level Sync'd for people to be in 242 gear with 228 augs, which is doable, since in 5.0 when it was released NIM dropped 240 gear. But, that does make it much much harder to clear. Yes, you do need to be about the top 1% to clear the content. Most of those players have left the game, and some do come back from time to time to raid with their old team every now and again. I know of 'Bell Hats' on Star Forge Server that just did DF HM and got to Brontes but found a lot of issues on Brontes that they were running into that they didn't before. Understandable, they lost the 30 stacks of Veteran's Edge. But, I know these people, they are some of the best that are around. The level sync is not correct if you want to make it fair and doable by more people.



Here is what I think should be done. The level sync doesn't fit the level of content people are doing. If you want to make it fair, give people 10 stacks of Veteran's Edge, that would be a little more equal to 258 gear that we had just before 6.0 came out. That would make it more even and keep it still hard for people to do. If you don't want to do that, here is a suggestion for everyone, that everyone will call me out on, but you can use a Nightmare Crystal. OH MY, what a terrible idea. Be called a scrub for using a Nightmare Crystal, how terrible. Its in the game, use it. I see no issues with it if you are using it for your first clear of the op or your 100th.


One more thing before I go:

I know most of you will call me out for stuff, But you know what, all my clears were legit. I have cleared everything as a Healer or as a Tank. I am not a great DPS, so I try not to prog on a DPS. If you want to call me a scrub for using or telling others to use a Nightmare Crystal, go ahead, most of you have used it at 1 time or another, NOT ALL, but most of you. I try not to chime in here unless I feel strongly about something and this is something I felt I needed to post about. If you can't clear NIM now because of the changes, there is something you can do about it besides complain to Bioware that the ops are to hard now, GET BETTER AT WHAT YOU PLAY!!! Ask for help from others how to increase your DPS, ask for help how to become a better tank, ask for help on how to be a better healer. Ask for help from good players in game, don't go and just look for a guide on some website, that sometimes a not very good player posted up. Get better at raid awareness, get better at switching targets, get better at keeping your DPS up, get better at mechanics. Just WORK to get better. The reason the game is so easy right now and that there are so many bad players in the game is because people originally complained the game was to hard at start, so what did Ben Irving do, he nerfed things for those people that couldn't do stuff, and nerfed more, and nerfed more. Now here we are and people are asking for stuff to be easier again. WORK HARD TO GET BETTER!!!



Sorry my rant is over,




Edited by Beckwith
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