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Vig/Veng parsing seems random


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Just a friendly suggestion, I mean more of a question actually - why r u frustrated generally over something that should be fun? It's a game...:rolleyes:


I am not an swtor expert, I just enjoy the game as it is yet in my experience, parsing and live event (like pvp) can't be compared simply because all the variables that make parsing a "single player event" and pvp a "multi-player event" differ tremendously - start by calculating the shear data difference between single parsing and pvp contest. In my opinion and from a IT point of view, this could be enough to make huge differences - it would be a complete different story if you say that you are doing bad in pvp yet you parse 20-25k each time.


Have you measured your "output" during a pvp event? I think there should be a way to do it... I kinda remember that group leaders had a software gadget that would tell ya who is "slacking" in a group...:D


Don't know, if you think that this is very important go search online a bit but I wouldn't bang my head around that...;)

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I do alright in pvp. Usually top dps. But when I parse it seems random. Sometimes I'm hitting 20k other times 22k-25k. Any tips for me. Getting frustrated at this point.


You need to give us more info if you want help. Start of with your stats links to your loggs.


And also keep in mind the randomness of geting force clarity stacks+crit luck will effect the outcome

Also do you mean your dps at certain points in the fight ? As it seems extremly unlikely that you have had a 25k dps parse since the current top parse for vig/veng is 23.5

Edited by timovdt
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