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It's time to DELETE some warzone maps.


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When I queue up for pvp, I WANT TO PVP. Many maps just PUNISHES the players for actually pvp'ing. This fact made me not care about objectives anymore, I just run around looking for people to fight.


Quesh Huttball - The most disgusting pvp experience one can have due to de-sync and ****** map design.

Odessen - The objective is to NOT pvp if you want to win, it's really really stupid. It should activate ONE node at a time, so teams would FIGHT for that node. Bioware won't change it so better to delete it.

Yavin - Extremely laggy, the FPS tanks so f'ing much. Civil War already exists so Yavin is 100% useless, delete it.

Vandin Huttball - The map design was done by a 1 yr old, I literally have no other words to describe how bad this map is.


Voidstar - Perfect, it incentivizes pvp, you are constantly in action and team fight is really good.

Novare - Awesome map, team fight is good and design is good.

Hypergates - Could use a map design rework, delete the pylons and make it only kills gives points, this will incetivize people to team fight and actually pvp instead of "LaST sEcOnD cAp bruh".

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I agree with you, except on Yavin, which is perfectly fine (lag wise) and I play with 220+ lag.


And don’t remove the pylons in Hypergates. That would just dumb it down. It’s already one of the best maps around (as far as I’m concerned), if you aren’t getting enough combat, then you’re playing it wrong.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You're approach is totally wrong, it is clear you don't understand the design philosophy of object-orientated maps and you do not care about objectives at all, you just want to fight. The game experience you are looking for is called arena. Queue SR and all your complaints becomes pointless, neither will you spoil others' fun trying to play objectives.


Your only valid point is about Quesh: that is a heap of trash in ever aspect and the game would be better off without it.

Edited by varietasplus
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Odessen is such a great map, full of skill and brains. Really someone asking to delete it should stop doing PvP.


Vandin Huttball is good with the exceptions of the Fraps and the current Air-Jumps bug. I actually prefer it to the class maps. Quesh Huttball has the same fraps problems.

I think all Huttball maps needs a ten second stealth activation probe on the defense or something of the like to make them all more competitive matches.


I think the maps which need tweaking is Civil War (may be make it more similar to Yavin) and I really would like a tweak to Voidstar, in the sense that if some one caps the first dorr in the first mins 95% of times it is over.

The approach to CW and Yavin-CW is a bit to simple in the sense that after 50% is done game is won. This kills a games early which is not healthy for competitive PvP.

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Not the maps fault people don’t want to play the objective


I like objective pvp, but that map is poorly designed, even if the base concept is ok.


Some Problems with OPG


1. The map is too big for it to be a proper pvp map.

2. Some classes are basically immune to certain map mechanics (looking at you snipers with entrench)

3.... too tired to think of others... but I know there are some

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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What if we told you there was a PvP mode where the only objective is to kill the enemy team?


This means, only dps can/should q. for pvp. No healz, no tanks, no taunts, no guards. Have fun.

Otherwise ... mentioned classes somehow intentionally lower own "kills" to help u be more productive. Not fun for em.


P.S. about all sorts of hutball ... I would make to lose ball for all kinds of rolls/jumps/teleports. U did roll - u lost the ball (or those skills are blocked at all to use). That will fix - pass or walk.

Edited by alexzk
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I like objective pvp, but that map is poorly designed, even if the base concept is ok.


Some Problems with OPG


1. The map is too big for it to be a proper pvp map.

2. Some classes are basically immune to certain map mechanics (looking at you snipers with entrench)

3.... too tired to think of others... but I know there are some



I totally disagree with all of your statements. A good team knows how to cover all nodes and mods. Whether pugs care is a different matter. Also, an enemy moving in hordes my global down one node, but this strategy becomes more and more counterproductive with each round.


The fact that certain classes (not only sniper, mara and sorc also) have skills that makes them immune to interrupts is something that needs to be countered before they get into position.


This is the best warzone type this game has to offer owing to the diverstity of situations you have to handle based on the nodes and mods. You simply have to choose where and what for you need to fight. If this is too much for anyone to take, they can find many other games (or content in this one) that is less demanding on their brains.

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This means, only dps can/should q. for pvp. No healz, no tanks, no taunts, no guards. Have fun.

Otherwise ... mentioned classes somehow intentionally lower own "kills" to help u be more productive. Not fun for em.


P.S. about all sorts of hutball ... I would make to lose ball for all kinds of rolls/jumps/teleports. U did roll - u lost the ball (or those skills are blocked at all to use). That will fix - pass or walk.


Your logic is flawed. Killing the enemy is the only goal in arenas (and benefitial in warzones) and you contribute to achieving that goal regardless of your role for tanks and healers keep the DPS alive. Playing a tank or a healer is an attitude, they don't need to kill anything to achieve their personal goal/to fulfill their own motivation.


As for hutball, there was a short period of time when they implemented this feature, but it did not please the gaming community. There is nothing wrong with enabled gap closers with a ball in general. Without it, only tanks could carry the ball without getting killed in a few seconds. There is a problem with gap closers with short CD or dsync.


Operative roll is the perfect example. Not only can operatives double roll with ridicuolusly low CD, but they can not be seen while rolling, neither can they be targeted. They can roll without a target required and they roll in the air/diagonally without falling down, covering huge distances. Add a 3-second dsync to the matter and HB becomes unplayable (Quesh adds vertical teleportation to the picture). If you don't have classes with a lot of root/slows in the team or operatard gets guard/heal, the outcome of the match is obvious.

Edited by varietasplus
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I like objective pvp, but that map is poorly designed, even if the base concept is ok.


Some Problems with OPG


1. The map is too big for it to be a proper pvp map.

2. Some classes are basically immune to certain map mechanics (looking at you snipers with entrench)

3.... too tired to think of others... but I know there are some


U really have no idea how PvP works. ***.... U can do so much in this map, so much variables, it is the best map in Swtor. I do rank it first cause really it depends what you have with you. So many games I was losing with 300 points and won with five points.


You check Snave's guide how this map works, can help you with it....


I was not impressed when it launched but the more you understand this map, the more it is one of the best in Swtor along with Denova, and AH

Edited by limenutpen
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Totally rubbish thread.


if you want to just PvP, queue ranked (solo or group)-problem solved.


Regular war-zone is objective based and that is fine. Odessen is big, i'll give you that


I like the mix of objections with a 8 man team, along with PVP. 4s don't offer that. Not everyone enjoys arena style PVP. Your point is moot. Far too many variables regarding what people like/don't like for your one-size-fits-all logic.

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U really have no idea how PvP works. ***.... U can do so much in this map, so much variables, it is the best map in Swtor. I do rank it first cause really it depends what you have with you. So many games I was losing with 300 points and won with five points.


You check Snave's guide how this map works, can help you with it....


I was not impressed when it launched but the more you understand this map, the more it is one of the best in Swtor along with Denova, and AH


I hate OPG, it’s that simple. let’s just leave it at that. As far as how pvp works, Ive got a better understanding than 90% of the players still in this game. So please, don’t condescend to me. Maybe have a look at the damn guide I have linked in my signature before you make judgements on what I do or don’t know,

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I totally disagree with all of your statements. A good team knows how to cover all nodes and mods. Whether pugs care is a different matter. Also, an enemy moving in hordes my global down one node, but this strategy becomes more and more counterproductive with each round.


The fact that certain classes (not only sniper, mara and sorc also) have skills that makes them immune to interrupts is something that needs to be countered before they get into position.


This is the best warzone type this game has to offer owing to the diverstity of situations you have to handle based on the nodes and mods. You simply have to choose where and what for you need to fight. If this is too much for anyone to take, they can find many other games (or content in this one) that is less demanding on their brains.


Maybe if you had a 8 man premade team like the old ranked system it would be a great map. But people are ridiculously stupid in pvp these day. Many can’t even read the map or know what the coloured mods do or when or how to use them.

Add the distance between the nodes and them not being able to visually see the enemy and you end up with one of the worst maps in the game (experience wise).


I do like objective pvp a lot more than death matching or arena. But you need 7 other people on your team who also like it and want to play it. That rarely happens in OPG and the map is so big that it’s impossible for one player to do it on their own, which is how it feels every time I stay for a match.


The concept is good. But it’s too big for 90% of the players in this game to comprehend because they only seem to want to kill what’s in front of them and chase them all over the place. The idea of going to an open node or staying to defend one is not in their vocabulary. they’d rather fight at one that’s not open or all run off and let the node go neutral again.

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I hate OPG, it’s that simple. let’s just leave it at that. As far as how pvp works, Ive got a better understanding than 90% of the players still in this game. So please, don’t condescend to me. Maybe have a look at the damn guide I have linked in my signature before you make judgements on what I do or don’t know,


Putting aside all your acknowledgable contribution to PVP forums, this post is the epitome how you go wrong sometimes. You fight relentless battles - that is ignored most of the times, shame on Bioware - but not entirely for the sake of common sense but your very personal reasons, which undermines your efforts.


You hate OPG, you've grown tired of HB and you don't want to keep your frustration for yourself, your suggestions and efforts lean toward reducing the pop rate for these warzones. And that is the problem, you can not remain objective anymore, therefore your efforts not necessarily serve the interest of the majority of the players base, which is a shame, considering the time you invest into making things better.

Edited by varietasplus
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I like the mix of objections with a 8 man team, along with PVP. 4s don't offer that. Not everyone enjoys arena style PVP. Your point is moot. Far too many variables regarding what people like/don't like for your one-size-fits-all logic.


Your point is moot as well, because players ignoring objectives and globalling down players that are trying to play objectives bring one-sided arena features into the gameplay that is destructive for the latter. And for that reason, it would be best if these players did not join warzones and transitioned into arenas instead.

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This is going off on a tangent. A big reason people don't like the Huttball/OPGs is because:




80% of the MATCHES ARE HUTTBALL/OPG we have told the devs for YEARS now to make the pops less frequent they are not listening to the player base


This has been told to the devs probably THOUSANDS of times.


It's not hard to do they have done it.


When a new warzone comes out, they decrease the frequency of the pops after enough people complain in a week or so.

Edited by AocaVII
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OPG does not pop more frequently than any other wz on Darth Malgus server.

HB maps do seem to pop more frequently in a 100 warzones, that has not changed since the pre-expansion era, reasons for that remain unknown (unique pop rate has nothing to do with the fact there are 3 HB maps).


Frequent pop should not be a reason to hate something, since you can leave before start if you got bored of it. I leave AH in an instant unless I am in a premade.


Neither frequent pop, nor clueless pugs should be a reason to delete maps. You don't chop off limbs just because it is more difficult to solve the real underlying problem.

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You're approach is totally wrong, it is clear you don't understand the design philosophy of object-orientated maps and you do not care about objectives at all, you just want to fight. The game experience you are looking for is called arena. Queue SR and all your complaints becomes pointless, neither will you spoil others' fun trying to play objectives.


Your only valid point is about Quesh: that is a heap of trash in ever aspect and the game would be better off without it.


I need to up this. I applaud your politeness. The OP is clueless about what is PvP all about. regs/ranked

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