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PSA: Companion Gifts, The GTN Inflation, and you.


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Yeah it always amazed me cause the vendor on the fleet sells the purple versions of all companion gifts for 10K each but try to find any below 10K on the GTN. So just go to the vendor.


Also the gold ones go for ridiculous prices, up to 200k each. Their point value compared to the purple ones roughly comes down to 40K so about 4 times as good as the purple ones. So if you buy them for more than 40k you're ripping yourself off.


I know because I've been selling them but I just assumed so rich folk didn't care to overspend. If it's players that just don't know their actual value then I'll happily lose those sales.


The grade 6 gold are absurdly priced by Bioware at 250K on the vendor - which helps keep the GTN prices high.


Also if anyone is dumb enough to use the gold ones to level a companion, it works out to something like 40 million based on the vendor price, less if one finds them for 150K or so on GTN - but still way overpriced.


Considering you can find even the CM version of the rank 50 boost on the GTN for less than that, I'm not sure who buys the gold grade 6 gifts (either from vendor or off the GTN).


But I have a character that keeps a few posted on the GTN any time they go above 200K, which is usually several times week - and they sell.

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This game could in the End if it totally got rid of the subscription could Triple its bottom line simply by letting people play the game as intended, let me give you a concept to mull over This game has what 2m subs a month? @ $15 a month now let me throw a bit of math at you Say it is 100% free EXCEPT what is all in the store and has close to 50m people playing. if of those 50m people playing only 80% spend min $5 a month... what does it correspond to for this game? think about it if they just opened up PVP alone never mind the OPS or FP's just pvp. I can almost tell you that people looking for a game to play other than WoW and GW2 that offer free pvp play?? people in the door is money in the pocket.
That's a nice story but pure speculation. And it's also been said in the past that subs are actually people who spend a lot on the CM mostly and subs aren't just about the money but also relate to loyalty and commitment because there is a regular financial commitment going on.



*** isn't the fact that all F2P don't spend money... simply not true the store could live from F2P buying just $5 a month on CC. let me put this in perspective one store has a cover charge at the door per visit of $15 while another store with the exact same products has no cover charge at the door.... where would you go to shop?? :)
I'm saddened that you decided to go this way. I never said that f2p don't spend money at all. I was clearly talking about the stuff they get without paying for it. So for you to act like I did is just low.

Also your example makes no sense. The game is not a store, the CM is. There is no fee to enter the store. The game is content if you've forgotten that.

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That's a nice story but pure speculation. And it's also been said in the past that subs are actually people who spend a lot on the CM mostly and subs aren't just about the money but also relate to loyalty and commitment because there is a regular financial commitment going on.



I'm saddened that you decided to go this way. I never said that f2p don't spend money at all. I was clearly talking about the stuff they get without paying for it. So for you to act like I did is just low.

Also your example makes no sense. The game is not a store, the CM is. There is no fee to enter the store. The game is content if you've forgotten that.


That is kind of what I am getting at you want outstanding content that really boosts this game it is in fact entirely based on SWTOR bottom line whether you do say it or not. it isn't low at all. I am by far passionate about this game.. I share on FB I share as much as I can to motivate interest. I shouldn't have to do this its SW it "Should" sell itself. the fact it has a store to begin with is just stating the lowness of the franchise and not to what I pointed out that is already obvious....


Loyalty? really you think loyalty keeps the lights on? sorry friend hate to break it to you but there are games that are 100% FTP and their store pays for all the content EVER including story content. here is my proof. google STO <Star Trek Online> :)


EDIT: Here is one last Example, When was the game offered a FREE two weeks in content? the current recruit a friend doesn't really do much. they need an Actual FREE TWO WEEKS! what would it hurt, to give even subs a free two weeks to see if it generates new interest seeing as there is a new movie coming plus a new Disney series...

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The Revan's Mask from the vendor isn't compatible with Collections, I think, whereas a CM-bought or CM-via-GTN-bought one *is*, and newer players are unlikely to have that many certificates..


Just a small bit of extra info on this, the vendor mask was, once compatable, as were other items bought from the vendor, they unlocked in collection. But they changed it (not sure when), probably because people used certs instead of spending cc's :)

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That is kind of what I am getting at you want outstanding content that really boosts this game it is in fact entirely based on SWTOR bottom line whether you do say it or not. it isn't low at all. I am by far passionate about this game.. I share on FB I share as much as I can to motivate interest. I shouldn't have to do this its SW it "Should" sell itself. the fact it has a store to begin with is just stating the lowness of the franchise and not to what I pointed out that is already obvious....
What i find low is that you put words in my mouth that I never said. Interestingly you don't respond to that part.

Loyalty? really you think loyalty keeps the lights on? sorry friend hate to break it to you but there are games that are 100% FTP and their store pays for all the content EVER including story content. here is my proof. google STO <Star Trek Online> :)

You aren't very good at logical reasoning. You are now equating loyalty to subbing. I never did that but you do now and that is bs. Loyalty comes in different forms and works differently for different types of people. A sub model is a form of loyalty basis but not the only one. I really suggest you read a little better and stop thinking so binary. It's not all this or that, all black or white.


SWTOR is a sub game with an added F2P model for a large part of the game. The intent is to bring people to the game and hope to get them to stay (loyalty) and spend money. This loyalty doesn't just mean subbed. Also f2p players can be loyal to the game but that works in a different way.


However, when you do not pay a sub and get a lot of content for free, I do not think it's fair to whine about the restrictions. In the end the game does need paying customers. F2P players can spend money in the CM but neither you nor I know how many. What I do know is that with 5.0 BW took out weekly passes and restricted endgame to subs only. That tells me that subs are important for their business model otherwise they wouldn't do it and keep doing it. EA just told us a couple of weeks ago that SWTOR's lifetime revenue is about 1 billion dollars. Compared to WoW that's not that much but compared to most other MMOs it is. The game is not doing what it could've done I would say, but it's doing well enough for EA to brag about it. So their business model seems to be doing fine for them.

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What i find low is that you put words in my mouth that I never said. Interestingly you don't respond to that part.


You aren't very good at logical reasoning. You are now equating loyalty to subbing. I never did that but you do now and that is bs. Loyalty comes in different forms and works differently for different types of people. A sub model is a form of loyalty basis but not the only one. I really suggest you read a little better and stop thinking so binary. It's not all this or that, all black or white.


SWTOR is a sub game with an added F2P model for a large part of the game. The intent is to bring people to the game and hope to get them to stay (loyalty) and spend money. This loyalty doesn't just mean subbed. Also f2p players can be loyal to the game but that works in a different way.


However, when you do not pay a sub and get a lot of content for free, I do not think it's fair to whine about the restrictions. In the end the game does need paying customers. F2P players can spend money in the CM but neither you nor I know how many. What I do know is that with 5.0 BW took out weekly passes and restricted endgame to subs only. That tells me that subs are important for their business model otherwise they wouldn't do it and keep doing it. EA just told us a couple of weeks ago that SWTOR's lifetime revenue is about 1 billion dollars. Compared to WoW that's not that much but compared to most other MMOs it is. The game is not doing what it could've done I would say, but it's doing well enough for EA to brag about it. So their business model seems to be doing fine for them.


you may be right, I am not insulting you, and I am not ************ about the locks. what gets me is that the golden rule needs to not change. in which case I find that flawed. to be honest keep the sub, but with the rate of cost of living skyrocketing especially in the Country I live in. there just isn't enough $$ to go around. and being disabled things get rough when you play more than one game. yeah I get it, some people only focus on the game at hand, is it really black and white and binary when I can only aford to sub to one game here and there not to mention the other games I play which I cant.


So yeah, keep thinking everyone in the world is in the number one economy... I guess that would make my options even more limited... I am trying very hard not to force an opinion, and make different choices. perhaps that's the entire issue is way the Quality of the game Vs. The amount I spend in it compared to what is offered elsewhere. subscription is not loyalty its a tap in a persons wallet. that went out the door like magazine subscriptions only to be validated by illusions. simply my opinion, and yeah I understand what you are saying, but thankfully we can disagree without being put out by it :)

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So yeah, keep thinking everyone in the world is in the number one economy..

Of course I don't think everyone lives in the number one economy. I don't live in the no. 1 economy either by the way but I can't complain either where I live. But there you go again putting things on me that I never said. It really is a pattern with you it seems. But then I do get the sense there's a lot of emotion there.


But companies exist to make money and are not charities. Businesses need revenue or they stop being. If SWTOR doesn't get enough money then it falls apart. SImple as that.


Now don't think I don't get not having enough money for something. In fact I've been homeless before and lived times where I didn't have enough money to eat. I'm sure there are lots of people that were worse off than that, so again I'm not complaining about it, but don't think I do not have any idea what it's like to not be able to afford the things I want.


The truth is though when you do not have a lot of money, you have to make choices and you have to accept that you won't be able to get everything you want. A harsh reality for sure but a reality nonetheless. And it can be a hard adjustment. But that doesn't give a person any more rights on luxury items. The Rolling Stones sang "you can't always get what you want". And for a lot of people that is more true than for others. But what I'm saying is that just because you want something, doesn't mean you're entitled to it.


So I'm sorry that your economic situation is not great, but BW cannot help that either. They have people that work for them that have families to feed as well and they have bosses asking for bottom lines or they shut the place down. That's EA for ya. But what you want BW to do, in my opinion, is not realistic and wouldn't work for SWTOR.


You're right though, we can disagree and that's fine. I'm not trying to convince you but perhaps give something to think about. I wish you well in any case.

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Of course I don't think everyone lives in the number one economy. I don't live in the no. 1 economy either by the way but I can't complain either where I live. But there you go again putting things on me that I never said. It really is a pattern with you it seems. But then I do get the sense there's a lot of emotion there.


But companies exist to make money and are not charities. Businesses need revenue or they stop being. If SWTOR doesn't get enough money then it falls apart. SImple as that.


Now don't think I don't get not having enough money for something. In fact I've been homeless before and lived times where I didn't have enough money to eat. I'm sure there are lots of people that were worse off than that, so again I'm not complaining about it, but don't think I do not have any idea what it's like to not be able to afford the things I want.


The truth is though when you do not have a lot of money, you have to make choices and you have to accept that you won't be able to get everything you want. A harsh reality for sure but a reality nonetheless. And it can be a hard adjustment. But that doesn't give a person any more rights on luxury items. The Rolling Stones sang "you can't always get what you want". And for a lot of people that is more true than for others. But what I'm saying is that just because you want something, doesn't mean you're entitled to it.


So I'm sorry that your economic situation is not great, but BW cannot help that either. They have people that work for them that have families to feed as well and they have bosses asking for bottom lines or they shut the place down. That's EA for ya. But what you want BW to do, in my opinion, is not realistic and wouldn't work for SWTOR.


You're right though, we can disagree and that's fine. I'm not trying to convince you but perhaps give something to think about. I wish you well in any case.


I suppose everyone needs to make a living, all good though, part of life... as for me I now have a very Keen interest with my gaming Laptop I bought in august and toying with some Linux Distro's I have on USB, just to make things interesting ;)

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Be sure to look around at some of the venders on fleet. chances are anything that is otherwise tradeable on them. will likely be on the GTN at an inflated price)


Correction : It's not a "chance" , it's a "sure thing" !


Greed has finally taken over.


I do not buy on the GTN anymore because there seem to be nothing but exploiters out there anymore. I keep everything to my self and buy only at in-game vendors, even if this means that I won't get some of the better decorations, for example.

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her base contract is available from one of the fleet vendors... security key I think...then you can unlock it in collections and only pay 300k per additional character on legacy... very worthwhile for crafting zombies


Once you unlock in collections for CCs, you don't pay anything to get her on new characters. So buy the merc contract from the vendor in the bazaar, then unlock in collections, then you're good.

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I'd have to say that, as someone who got heavily into buying and selling in Guild Wars, and someone who briefly dealt with retail in real life, I can understand the enjoyment some players get from working the GTN.

However, I really can't understand why someone would tarnish their own reputation and self-image by purposefully ripping off other SWTOR players for imaginary credits. 😒

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Once you unlock in collections for CCs, you don't pay anything to get her on new characters. So buy the merc contract from the vendor in the bazaar, then unlock in collections, then you're good.


I’ve just discovered I’ve already got the contract sitting in my legacy cargo, but I have no idea what to do with it to get treek. Is there another vendor I take it too?

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Can you explain how to use your calculator? It seems like you waste credits compared to the Dulfy listed one.

you can stair step it just like dulfy does, by setting lower gift types (it'll even warn you about value caps) and/or lower target levels...


... the difference is the calculator uses exact values, for all gifts, all bonuses, all cost, and more importantly tells you how long it takes.... because if you look at the time involved, you'll notice you make up the difference in credits faster by simply using the wasted time to run Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa Heroics (which are ~1m credits for all of both)


Dulfy's guide was good for when it was made, but we can do better now

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consume it, it gives you a quest in th bazaar just like the CM companions do


And after that, you can unlock in collections and any character can then get a copy of the contract out of collections, which they can then consume to get the mission to talk to the droid in the bazaar to get Treek as a companion.


Also a bit off-topic, but I have a couple of the CM beast companions, and while using my real companions to run mission on a new character, found the beast (Nexxu) to be useless as a healing companion (each heal was very weak plus has the 'new and improved' increased cool down timer on abilities).


Using every cool down, stun, knock back, slow, etc I damn near died fighting a heroic boss (popped heroic moment and lived), only to come back the next day and use a standard companion against the same boss (and was still at the same level - over-leveled for planet and stat capped) and never drop below 75% while standing in one spot and using no defensive or control abilities.


Considering the CM companions (beast / droid) can't even craft, the fact that they suck in combat makes them beyond useless - might as well be a non combat pet.


Not sure what changed (maybe always weak, just not noticeable when they could spam their abilities) - I had used the cat in the past several expansions ago, and never had any issues.

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Not sure what changed (maybe always weak, just not noticeable when they could spam their abilities) - I had used the cat in the past several expansions ago, and never had any issues.

Previous testing has shown that they were definitely weaker as DPS, and while no hard numbers for healing have been available it's been pretty well known they aren't as good at that either... add the recent changes and yeah, not surprised in the least.


I'm two CM companions away from having them all (the CM ones anyways), and will be parsing all of them (and looking for a good way to parse healing and tanking on them)


Last person that tested them found Shae Vizla as best DPS comp (bugged aoe skill), followed by dual wielding ranged > dual wielding melee > single weilding normal comps > CM comps coming in last (with at least one CM comp being bugged to be even worse). Z0-0M was hands down best healer (bugged skill), and the remaining comps were assumed to follow the dual > single > CM pattern.

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Previous testing has shown that they were definitely weaker as DPS, and while no hard numbers for healing have been available it's been pretty well known they aren't as good at that either... add the recent changes and yeah, not surprised in the least.


I'm two CM companions away from having them all (the CM ones anyways), and will be parsing all of them (and looking for a good way to parse healing and tanking on them)


Last person that tested them found Shae Vizla as best DPS comp (bugged aoe skill), followed by dual wielding ranged > dual wielding melee > single weilding normal comps > CM comps coming in last (with at least one CM comp being bugged to be even worse). Z0-0M was hands down best healer (bugged skill), and the remaining comps were assumed to follow the dual > single > CM pattern.


Without wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, I think that when people have a decent idea of how to play their characters and how to approach combat encounters, you don't really notice the change in companions. I mean you might notice it but it won't change anything.


The only way I can imagine people having a hard time now is when they use low level influence companions, don't use cc, interrupts and stand in all damage circles without moving. I can't entirely blame people because BW allowed this for so long but I even see it in SM ops where people are entirely clueless about what they're doing.


You don't have to be hardcore or pro but I do sometimes wish that people took a little bit more interest in their character class and skills and learned a few basics. I was just in SaV and at Styrak they aggroed two groups in one go at the start. Not a problem as such but the dps were ignoring the healers and this went on and on till I asked people to attack the healers. That's a very basic combat encounter element.


Generally you kill the healers first, then the weakest mobs and then work your way up. There are reason for this. The kill order also means you take less damage in a fight cause weak mobs die faster and therefore you take less damage sooner. I suppose I don't need to explain this to you but this is the sort of thing I wish more people would pay attention to. It makes it more enjoyable for the others in the group also. And for this topic it also takes the heat of your healer comp.

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Without wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, I think that when people have a decent idea of how to play their characters and how to approach combat encounters, you don't really notice the change in companions. I mean you might notice it but it won't change anything.


The only way I can imagine people having a hard time now is when they use low level influence companions, don't use cc, interrupts and stand in all damage circles without moving. I can't entirely blame people because BW allowed this for so long but I even see it in SM ops where people are entirely clueless about what they're doing.


You don't have to be hardcore or pro but I do sometimes wish that people took a little bit more interest in their character class and skills and learned a few basics. I was just in SaV and at Styrak they aggroed two groups in one go at the start. Not a problem as such but the dps were ignoring the healers and this went on and on till I asked people to attack the healers. That's a very basic combat encounter element.


Generally you kill the healers first, then the weakest mobs and then work your way up. There are reason for this. The kill order also means you take less damage in a fight cause weak mobs die faster and therefore you take less damage sooner. I suppose I don't need to explain this to you but this is the sort of thing I wish more people would pay attention to. It makes it more enjoyable for the others in the group also. And for this topic it also takes the heat of your healer comp.


The reason I noticed the difference between CM companions (nexxu) and regular humanoid companions was due to fighting a boss in a heroic that did a large amount of damage while having a large amount of HP (e.g. prolonged fight, significant incoming damage), and the CM companion could not keep my HP up even with use of all means to mitigate or avoid damage (DCDs, stuns, interrupts,knockbacks, etc).


I was able to survive by popping heroic moment (I would have died before killing the boss without heroic moment), and was left wondering if there was some sort of functional deficiency with CM companions, or whether I had found a mob which was over-tuned.


So I went back the next day (same level) and used a regular humanoid companion (Hexid - similar influence level as the nexxu) against the same boss, and never felt in danger (HP stayed above 75-80%) while not using anything more than an interrupt (no DCDs, no stun and run, no knock backs, etc).


Anyway, I don't have any hard numbers but the same fight with different companions were night and day experiences - and while up to that point I had not had issues with the nexxu keeping me up, that was most likely due to a lack of any significant incoming damage up to that point versus the nexxu's ability to heal (I was on a leveling assassin stealth running heroics - so little combat anyways).


I won't be using the nexxu again, and would not recommend buying these companions if one has plans to actually use them in a combat support role.


I also came to understand that some of the complaints around difficulty and companion changes MAY be due to the companion being used - as if I can find one example of a companion clearly unable to fill a role, there may be more (though I have not found any that stood out as complete failures other than the nexxu).

Edited by DawnAskham
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you can stair step it just like dulfy does, by setting lower gift types (it'll even warn you about value caps) and/or lower target levels...


... the difference is the calculator uses exact values, for all gifts, all bonuses, all cost, and more importantly tells you how long it takes.... because if you look at the time involved, you'll notice you make up the difference in credits faster by simply using the wasted time to run Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa Heroics (which are ~1m credits for all of both)


Dulfy's guide was good for when it was made, but we can do better now


It must be me or using it in google sheets on my iPad, but I’m having trouble getting to work properly.


Anyway, it sounds good. I think you put some work into it to make it prettier than the Dulfy website one. But I do like the Dulfy one because I can see the whole thing spread out in front of me visually from end to end. So I can decide which path to take based on how much time I want to spend giving gifts or how many credits I have on me or want to spend.

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And after that, you can unlock in collections and any character can then get a copy of the contract out of collections, which they can then consume to get the mission to talk to the droid in the bazaar to get Treek as a companion.


Also a bit off-topic, but I have a couple of the CM beast companions, and while using my real companions to run mission on a new character, found the beast (Nexxu) to be useless as a healing companion (each heal was very weak plus has the 'new and improved' increased cool down timer on abilities).


Using every cool down, stun, knock back, slow, etc I damn near died fighting a heroic boss (popped heroic moment and lived), only to come back the next day and use a standard companion against the same boss (and was still at the same level - over-leveled for planet and stat capped) and never drop below 75% while standing in one spot and using no defensive or control abilities.


Considering the CM companions (beast / droid) can't even craft, the fact that they suck in combat makes them beyond useless - might as well be a non combat pet.


Not sure what changed (maybe always weak, just not noticeable when they could spam their abilities) - I had used the cat in the past several expansions ago, and never had any issues.


Even with the healing Nerf, Z00M is still the best healer in the game as far as I’m concerned and Shae still has great AOE dps for blowing things up. (Shae’s not a bad tank either)

Both of them are my go to comps for harder content.



When my wife and I run Master mode together, she brings Z00M and I bring Shae.


We tired it with Lana and Theron and it’s a complete disaster.

Theron is the better healer of the two, but can be slow off the mark (not including the CD nerf). And he is complete crap at dps because his reaction speed is so bad. I can kill stuff before he even gets a shot off sometimes. Where as Shae nearly kills things before I can get a shot off, as a tank he is also slower than Lana. Honestly, Theron is pretty useless as a comp in any combat that should usually require a real player in that role.

Lana is better than Theron and a mediocre healer at best, ok dps and sort of alright tank. But no where near Shae’s lvl. In any of those 3 rolls.

Surprisingly, hexid isn’t bad at any role. Even healing, which I usually reserve for my ranged comps because melee comps tend to stand next to the boss and get hammered.


I will say, one of the best tanks still in the game is good old Khem Val. He has stood the test of time with all the changes to comps over the years :D

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Apparently, there's a tradeoff where you buy low-rank (grade 1 or 2) gifts until they stop working *then* switch to grade 5 purples. It saves money but takes longer to click through.


To give some numbers to this...

Going from level 20 to level 30 you'll save about 300,000 credits using type 2 over type 5.

747 type two gifts cost 448,000 credits

75 type five gifts which cost 750,000 credits.


I have the first two unlocks to speed up the gifting process (200k + 400k). I figure it takes me roughly 30 minutes of clicking to use type two gifts over type five. That's not terrible if I'm watching a movie and just mindlessly clicking but it's also 30 minutes that I could be not clicking. So, how important is it to save 300k? Up to the player.


If you're wondering how many type 1 gifts it would take from 20-30, it's twice as many as type 2 at 200 credits per gift so somewhere in the area of 300k. You'd save an additional 150k (for a total of 450k saved), but now you're clicking for an entire hour longer than you would with the type five (purple) gifts.


Personally, I use type 1 gifts from 0-15.. that's just short of 200 gifts. 15-20 I use the type 2 gifts (175 of them). From there I use purple/type5 all the way to 50 influence (433 purple). I think that's the best compromise between time and expense.


I haven't crunched the numbers to maximize credits, regardless of time spent, because the time cost would start to get absurdly high unless the person were using some sort of macro.


Also, just to put it out there. From influence 30 to 40 it would be:

2122 type 2 at 33 points each (cost 1,273,200 credits).

132 type 5 at 532 points each (cost 1,320,000 credits).

Is it worth clicking nearly 2000 times more to save about 50k credits? Probably not.


Please excuse any rounding errors as these are just my notes and weren't really prepared with sharing in mind.


:: Cough ::

Companion Gift Calculator

:: Cough ::


Way better than any old guide. Made by yours truly


PS. Low end price is now down to 4.05 mil


Speaking of saving time, I wish I knew of this sooner! Well done!

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Without wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, I think that when people have a decent idea of how to play their characters and how to approach combat encounters, you don't really notice the change in companions. I mean you might notice it but it won't change anything.[...]

doesn't bother me a bit... and for solo encounters, I agree for the most part..... depending on how hard the thing you're soloing is... the dps figures really come down to how long to does take to power through x content. knowing how to force positioning helps.


on the healing side though.... that you can really feel in a group where one person uses a heal comp instead of having a dedicated healer. Z0-0M is definitely almost as good as having a ok live player on your team, dual-wield comps feel like a kinda crappy live player, singles feel like a really crappy live player, and CM comps feel like that person that queued as healer in DPS spec that you vote kick from flashpoints.

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This game could in the End if it totally got rid of the subscription could Triple its bottom line simply by letting people play the game as intended, let me give you a concept to mull over This game has what 2m subs a month? @ $15 a month now let me throw a bit of math at you Say it is 100% free EXCEPT what is all in the store and has close to 50m people playing. if of those 50m people playing only 80% spend min $5 a month... what does it correspond to for this game? think about it if they just opened up PVP alone never mind the OPS or FP's just pvp. I can almost tell you that people looking for a game to play other than WoW and GW2 that offer free pvp play?? people in the door is money in the pocket.

it isn't the fact that all F2P don't spend money... simply not true the store could live from F2P buying just $5 a month on CC. let me put this in perspective one store has a cover charge at the door per visit of $15 while another store with the exact same products has no cover charge at the door.... where would you go to shop?? :)


LoL, 2m subs --- man, what a fantasy world you live in. Needed the laugh, thanks

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