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I Love Corso Riggs


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^^ I noticed that too, and realized that some of the companion conversations are triggered after we get to a certain point in the class story. I guess they didn't figured some of us would boost his affection that much right from the start :rolleyes:
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BW continues to bring more fun. Here's what I got today on my emali, I suppose all who have removed their subs and\or did not log for a long time got same one. But for those who didn't get it - here's a screen.




Nice idea, BW, but don't seem to work for me, sorry :cool:


And art is rather poor, to be honest. I mean when someone "eagerly awaits you return" they don't usually have such a look on a face. It's something between "indifference"© and "just show up and I'll kill you". And they don't point blasters at you also (one not like Torchy, is it?). And the outfit...well, it looks likie "native" one from mantel, but he changed it a long time ago, didn't he?..


But, hey, may be it's just they tortured him (that's why he's still somewhat pale and blue) and made wear that gear and take that blaster, and make a pose, took his picture, and now they'll keep him as a hostage untill I return?.. :eek:

Evil BW people...:wea_03:


ps: and there are many glitches around fingers grasping a blaster.

Edited by NRieh
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BW continues to bring more fun. Here's what I got today on my emali, I suppose all who have removed their subs and\or did not log for a long time got same one. But for those who didn't get it - here's a screen.




Nice idea, BW, but don't seem to work for me, sorry :cool:


And art is rather poor, to be honest. I mean when someone "eagerly awaits you return" they don't usually have such a look on a face. It's something between "indifference"© and "just show up and I'll kill you". And they don't point blasters at you also (one not like Torchy, is it?). And the outfit...well, it looks likie "native" one from mantel, but he changed it a long time ago, didn't he?..


But, hey, may be it's just they tortured him (that's why he's still somewhat pale and blue) and made wear that gear and take that blaster, and make a pose, took his picture, and now they'll keep him as a hostage untill I return?.. :eek:

Evil BW people...:wea_03:


ps: and there are many glitches around fingers grasping a blaster.



lmao they actually do that?!

i can see it now for my operative from vector


" Agent, we miss you T.T "


course, if they used my bh, and had a big, sad-eyed blizz.... who could say no to a sad looking blizz?!

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dude..he was drunk on my ship 10 seconds after i got it, and hitting on me o.o


Hitting on me, yes; but then having anything actually come of that? Ohhh, the waiting. Honestly, Corso, if I'd been a patient sort of girl I wouldn't be a spacer. :p



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BW continues to bring more fun. Here's what I got today on my emali, I suppose all who have removed their subs and\or did not log for a long time got same one. But for those who didn't get it - here's a screen.




Nice idea, BW, but don't seem to work for me, sorry :cool:


And art is rather poor, to be honest. I mean when someone "eagerly awaits you return" they don't usually have such a look on a face. It's something between "indifference"© and "just show up and I'll kill you". And they don't point blasters at you also (one not like Torchy, is it?). And the outfit...well, it looks likie "native" one from mantel, but he changed it a long time ago, didn't he?..


But, hey, may be it's just they tortured him (that's why he's still somewhat pale and blue) and made wear that gear and take that blaster, and make a pose, took his picture, and now they'll keep him as a hostage untill I return?.. :eek:

Evil BW people...:wea_03:


ps: and there are many glitches around fingers grasping a blaster.


I got that too, though I didn't look at the art long enough to be that critical of it. I was just all "Why? Is he really so bored he wants to be sent off to make more guns?"

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Hey, uh, if you don't want your Risha, I'm happy to take her. Could always use another one of those around.


Definitely. I know I said the line "anything that gets you off my ship," to her in Act One, and meant it.


I bitterly resent BW's giving me such lines when they intend to stick me with her permanently.


WTB Kill Companion ability.



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Dear Corso


I owe you an apology.


You've put up with so much for me. You never complain when I say "You go first", getting shot at by those underhanded types we always seem to fight. You don't mind when I'm a bit slow on the meds, because I always get you back up in time. You didn't complain when I modified your harpoon to explode (I still don't know how I pulled that one off, but it makes a great jet pack) . You do all this for me.


And yet, on Tatooine, you got peeved when I told the Sith where to go. I thought you were being unreasonably pro-republic then. Now, I realize that you weren't being unreasonable. Your family was killed by seperatists. It's only natural that you'd be aggressive to anything anti-republic, and the empire is pretty high on anti-republic. I may not agree, but I understand.


That's not to say you've never caused me any trouble over this. Saying that we should be taking the fight to imperials on Nar Shadaa is one thing. Saying it while standing next to three sith and an imperial officer is another.


But hey. What I owe you is an apology for getting in a snit over our argument where sith are concerned. And, so, I most humbly apologize from the bottom of my heart.


Tacha Lynn of the Silver Nova

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Maybe someone can let me know, I had the proposal quest last night and I don't know if I actually married him or not..



After he says I can perform my own marriage on my ship I picked the 2nd option which is something like, "OK, done, let's do it now" and he was like, "You have no shame". I did say yes to the proposal so at least we're engaged, though if I didn't marry him I'm gonna be super pissed.



It was a cute scene anyhow.

Edited by elliotcat
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Maybe someone can let me know, I had the proposal quest last night and I don't know if I actually married him or not..



After he says I can perform my own marriage on my ship I picked the 2nd option which is something like, "OK, done, let's do it now" and he was like, "You have no shame". I did say yes to the proposal so at least we're engaged, though if I didn't marry him I'm gonna be super pissed.



It was a cute scene anyhow.



The first option has you go through Corso and FemSmuggler's vows. So I would assume you're actually married.




Some classes have short, on-ship wedding weddings (Torian/FemHunter), some get married off screen (Quinn/FemWarrior), and some are just engaged (Iresso/FemConsular). Corso/FemSmuggler is the first one.

Edited by Ellyria
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It actually depends on your choices of conversations.



you can get married right away and say your vows

you can get engaged and save the ceremony for later

you can turn him down




You can watch most possible alternatives on FluffyNinjaLlama's youtube account ^^

They are all in a



I've listened to that playlist often while working on my illustration of Corso Riggs ^^

Thank you, FluffyNinjaLlama, whoever you are ;)

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Some classes have short, on-ship wedding weddings (Torian/FemHunter), some get married off screen (Quinn/FemWarrior), and some are just engaged (Iresso/FemConsular). Corso/FemSmuggler is the first one.


Thanks for explaining that, I havent married any of my romances yet so was wondering about that myself.

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Listen, anyone who wants a really romantic guy who isn't corny needs to make a consular and romance Felix Iresso. omg he is such a darling. Manly, protective, but sweet and funny. There are a lot of customization's for him so you can choose your preferences. I have a lvl 30 Smuggler and Corso can be funny when he's jealous, but Felix is MUCH more romantic than Corso. I have a trooper also, and Aric Jorgan is pretty much an army guy. I didn't enjoy his romance as much.


Just my two cents. From reading Iresso description, I thought he would be a dud. but i liked Felix so much I want to roll a Shadow now to romance him again!

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Listen, anyone who wants a really romantic guy who isn't corny needs to make a consular and romance Felix Iresso. omg he is such a darling. Manly, protective, but sweet and funny. There are a lot of customization's for him so you can choose your preferences. I have a lvl 30 Smuggler and Corso can be funny when he's jealous, but Felix is MUCH more romantic than Corso. I have a trooper also, and Aric Jorgan is pretty much an army guy. I didn't enjoy his romance as much.


Just my two cents. From reading Iresso description, I thought he would be a dud. but i liked Felix so much I want to roll a Shadow now to romance him again!


I made a Consular for the sole purpose of being my main's (fem smuggler is my main) mom on the legacy tree. Now I want to play her so I can see whether Ayang loves her stepdad or hates him.

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Listen, anyone who wants a really romantic guy who isn't corny needs to make a consular and romance Felix Iresso. omg he is such a darling. Manly, protective, but sweet and funny. There are a lot of customization's for him so you can choose your preferences. I have a lvl 30 Smuggler and Corso can be funny when he's jealous, but Felix is MUCH more romantic than Corso. I have a trooper also, and Aric Jorgan is pretty much an army guy. I didn't enjoy his romance as much.


Just my two cents. From reading Iresso description, I thought he would be a dud. but i liked Felix so much I want to roll a Shadow now to romance him again!


Iresso's was the first romance I finished. He's sweet, but I found him very boring. It doesn't help that 1) you get him so late and 2) FemConsular sounds pretty monotone and boring herself.


Corso's romance is just fine and dandy if you never flirt with anyone else. Being a hussy causes lots of drama. :D

Edited by Ellyria
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  • 3 weeks later...
Listen, anyone who wants a really romantic guy who isn't corny needs to make a consular and romance Felix Iresso. omg he is such a darling. Manly, protective, but sweet and funny. There are a lot of customization's for him so you can choose your preferences. I have a lvl 30 Smuggler and Corso can be funny when he's jealous, but Felix is MUCH more romantic than Corso. I have a trooper also, and Aric Jorgan is pretty much an army guy. I didn't enjoy his romance as much.


Just my two cents. From reading Iresso description, I thought he would be a dud. but i liked Felix so much I want to roll a Shadow now to romance him again!


This sounds great for me =) I always fall for the sweet stuff, lol


Currently playing a BH, but got my smuggler out for a little bit of crafting. Clicked Corso and he asks if we could speak on the ship. *melts*


Just got back to SWTOR after spending some time with my FemShep's. Forgot just how wonderful his voice is =)

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i just recently finished his questline again on my second smuggler. i'm starting to have withdrawals. >_<




Here you go =)


A Corso-pic to keep you happy!


And if you want to relive it vicariously for a bit. My little smuggler just started dating Corso this evening.


Complete and utter fluff pic


Just hit Alderaan and got this cute convo right before it. Guessing it might be a little while before he talks to me again. Oh well, he's worth the wait. Plus, after dying 3 times before finally being done with Tatooine he had earned a good smootch, lol.


( wish we could post pics straight in the thread, but oh well =) )

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You look a lot like a smuggler I ran the Esseles with on my Counselor. Annnnd just done with tatooine judging by the other thread, so that's about right assuming you've been playing your smug more than I've been playing my counselor (been mostly doing WZ and dailies with my GS). . . .You're not on Dreshdae Cantina, are you?

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You look a lot like a smuggler I ran the Esseles with on my Counselor. Annnnd just done with tatooine judging by the other thread, so that's about right assuming you've been playing your smug more than I've been playing my counselor (been mostly doing WZ and dailies with my GS). . . .You're not on Dreshdae Cantina, are you?


Whoah... I got a identical twin out there. Great! You can do sooo many interesting scams with that =)


Nope, that's not my server. But your friend on that other server has got good taste.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey hey! Corso's writer, Jennifer Hepler, posted some info about Corso over on the BioWare Social Network that I thought Corso fans might be interested in. :)


Jennifer Brandes Hepler wrote...


For what it's worth, Corso Riggs was originally designed as the "little brother" character for the Male Smuggler. He was so very clearly the beta male that it was very difficult for me to make him into a credible romance for as strong a woman as the female smuggler. After several failed attempts, the over-the-top romantic was the only real way to make him work as both a in-the-player's-shadow sidekick for the male player and a non-contemptible romance for the female. The romance was definitely written well after all of his non-romance plot dialogue, and after all the planentary romances as well. We write a lot of characters at Bioware; trying not repeat the same ones from game to game will always mean that different ones will work better for different people, and sometimes different games will work better for different people as a result.




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I wasn't sure about Corso at first, but now I think he's utterly adorable. How can you not like a guy who always has your best interest at heart? He's so gallant in an old fashion way.


Still, I think my smuggler will end up breaking his heart but in the end I think she'll come around. ;)

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