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I Love Corso Riggs


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My affection with him is at 9200, I suposse I went overboard with the gifts. I would always get a little upset when my compaions came back with a gift he wouldn't like, such as imperial stuff lol. When they come back with a weapon or courting item I find myself talking to the computer saying "oh he'll like this." I rushed through the class quests just so he would talk to me again. Had to have my fix!


i went crazy with gifts on my first smuggler too, lol. i prolly shouldn't have, though. he gave me a lvl 45 quest at level 37. you have no idea how difficult it was for me to go through the game without talking to him for so long. >_< it felt like he was giving me the silent treatment. not to mention my lamentations when Corso's questline ended 7 levels before i hit 50 caused a bit of concern with my guildies.


i rerolled a scoundrel and am forcing myself to take it slow, lol.

Edited by happysister
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I got 'Gunfight in Gorinth Canyon' at level 33, which sucked. Cue a long slog to level 42 and I completed it a couple of nights ago.


I then unlocked a rush of conversations with Corso which concluded in marriage, I screenied this (and have it as my desktop background):




Since then I haven't logged my smuggler in at all - she's 8 levels off max, but I feel a bit sad, and like I don't want to play her any more because what I found most fun is now over. I know it's my own fault for rushing with gifts etc but I couldn't resist the soulful brown puppy dog eyes of my favourite farm boy :)

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I got 'Gunfight in Gorinth Canyon' at level 33, which sucked. Cue a long slog to level 42 and I completed it a couple of nights ago.


I'm in the same boat right now. I'm lvl 32 and have that quest, I keep telling myself I need to slow it down with him but I got a purple gift last night I just had to give him lol. I barely was able to do the "In a pickle quest," I stealthed all the way to that cave, took a while but my country boy was happy. So now I'm slogging along as well, I guess him not talking to me gives me some motivation to get to work leveling, but still, it sucks. Although every once in a while he'll make a comment about the scenery in Alderaan, I guess we finally went to a "nice world" lol.

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I'm in the same boat right now. I'm lvl 32 and have that quest, I keep telling myself I need to slow it down with him but I got a purple gift last night I just had to give him lol. I barely was able to do the "In a pickle quest," I stealthed all the way to that cave, took a while but my country boy was happy. So now I'm slogging along as well, I guess him not talking to me gives me some motivation to get to work leveling, but still, it sucks. Although every once in a while he'll make a comment about the scenery in Alderaan, I guess we finally went to a "nice world" lol.


I did Gunfight at 40, but now my smuggler is retired, just after reaching valor rank 60.


Oh well. Guild decided to run away to aussie server, so that's what I get.


Now my Bounty Hunter is my main, but I've rolled several other smugglers just for more Corso - and I don't give him any gifts at all, EVER. It's so easy to get his affection up the gifts are just... not neccessary :p

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Since then I haven't logged my smuggler in at all - she's 8 levels off max, but I feel a bit sad, and like I don't want to play her any more because what I found most fun is now over. I know it's my own fault for rushing with gifts etc but I couldn't resist the soulful brown puppy dog eyes of my favourite farm boy :)


well, there is one more convo after marriage (the true final convo) if you didn't get that one already. plus he sends you 3 letters in the mail after that.


and if that doesn't satisfy you (why would it?) you could always reroll another smuggler and do it all over again. the latter of which i am guilty of, lol. i keep telling myself it's because i wanted to try out the other AC, but let's be honest...i needed more Corso.

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well, there is one more convo after marriage (the true final convo) if you didn't get that one already. plus he sends you 3 letters in the mail after that.


and if that doesn't satisfy you (why would it?) you could always reroll another smuggler and do it all over again. the latter of which i am guilty of, lol. i keep telling myself it's because i wanted to try out the other AC, but let's be honest...i needed more Corso.


If Corso and Torian were real, I'd totally be a polygamist.

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I don't give him any gifts at all, EVER. It's so easy to get his affection up the gifts are just... not neccessary :p


You're totally right about that, he gives affection points quite often. I'm sure I will make a gunslinger after this character, and take it slow with no gift giving. Seems like the conversations will come a little more, naturally - well, as natural as a pixel can get lol :)

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A couple nights ago I did the one where

you have to be drug mules.

I was so wishing I would have gotten to say something snappy like "This is the worst first date ever."


I'm getting kinda frustrated that now we've had like 2 conversations where my character has been totally ready to date him and he does nothing about it. Probably because I'm such a terrible boss. :(

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well, there is one more convo after marriage (the true final convo) if you didn't get that one already. plus he sends you 3 letters in the mail after that.


and if that doesn't satisfy you (why would it?) you could always reroll another smuggler and do it all over again. the latter of which i am guilty of, lol. i keep telling myself it's because i wanted to try out the other AC, but let's be honest...i needed more Corso.


I was thinking about it, but the major problem I have with this game is that with the exception of the class and companion quests, it's just not that interesting - I really hate having to do the same quests on different characters. The thought of doing some of the planets again (*coughTariscough*) makes me feel ill.


I've had 2 letters from Corso, awaiting the third :)

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I was thinking about it, but the major problem I have with this game is that with the exception of the class and companion quests, it's just not that interesting - I really hate having to do the same quests on different characters. The thought of doing some of the planets again (*coughTariscough*) makes me feel ill.


I've had 2 letters from Corso, awaiting the third :)


Just do the class quests and the MAIN storyline for each planet, and use pvp/pvp dailies to augment your exp. That's what I do. Granted, I end up finishing the class quest around level 47, but whatever.

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Now my Bounty Hunter is my main.....

Ah, so now we all know who's to blame for switching from harpoon into jetpack stuff, huh?..:D.


It's very unlikely to be canceled. But its title ("illegal jetpack") is the only positive about the change. It hell fits the context, really. My playstyle is totally ruined and I'm still unsure about resubbing for 1.2, but my inner RPer has no objections, as it (surprisingly) does not break the story.

Something like "You're dumb, ugly and...wa-a-ait, that thing over his back is still working? And makes you fly?Reeeeally?!":D


My problem is that I'm a heavy "monogamer", I rarely do alts, I tried BH\Pt just because I love vanguards mechanics (try to guess why, lol) and I wanted to change side and see new missions. But after my smuglady, which got me right from first screens (and I didn't even know Corso Riggs exists back then) I can't feel and enjoy BH at all. Not to say I just hate imps - so far most of cgaracters are either megalomaniacs or psychos (or both). And they build huge towers and statues in a swampy jungle and call it "capital"...Probably, I'lll turn back to rep side and make a trooper\vanguard if I decide to stay any longer. No romance(Sorry. Aric. NO.) or [flirt] options, I suppose, but at least I'll start on Mantell...nostalgia...

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Just do the class quests and the MAIN storyline for each planet, and use pvp/pvp dailies to augment your exp. That's what I do. Granted, I end up finishing the class quest around level 47, but whatever.


Ugh, pvp - no thanks :) the one true constant of the universe is that I am a total spanner at pvp, I panic, press all the wrong buttons, and I hatehateHATE dying. In fact, I am such a liability at pvp in that other game, after my (inevitably early) death, I usually ended up doing laps around the spirit healer, :just: out of range for the rez, because I contributed more to the team by staying dead :(


Perhaps I could fill in the gaps with space missions or something...

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Ah, so now we all know who's to blame for switching from harpoon into jetpack stuff, huh?..:D.


It's very unlikely to be canceled. But its title ("illegal jetpack") is the only positive about the change. It hell fits the context, really. My playstyle is totally ruined and I'm still unsure about resubbing for 1.2, but my inner RPer has no objections, as it (surprisingly) does not break the story.

Something like "You're dumb, ugly and...wa-a-ait, that thing over his back is still working? And makes you fly?Reeeeally?!":D


My problem is that I'm a heavy "monogamer", I rarely do alts, I tried BH\Pt just because I love vanguards mechanics (try to guess why, lol) and I wanted to change side and see new missions. But after my smuglady, which got me right from first screens (and I didn't even know Corso Riggs exists back then) I can't feel and enjoy BH at all. Not to say I just hate imps - so far most of cgaracters are either megalomaniacs or psychos (or both). And they build huge towers and statues in a swampy jungle and call it "capital"...Probably, I'lll turn back to rep side and make a trooper\vanguard if I decide to stay any longer. No romance(Sorry. Aric. NO.) or [flirt] options, I suppose, but at least I'll start on Mantell...nostalgia...


Haha trust me I'm not any happier about losing the harpoon than you are. Tons of companions (akaavi, for one) already have a jetpack, Corso's harpoon made him unique and made him perfect for a scoundrel.

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My problem is that I'm a heavy "monogamer", I rarely do alts, I tried BH\Pt just because I love vanguards mechanics (try to guess why, lol) and I wanted to change side and see new missions.


the BH is actually the only Imp class i can stand to play. warriors and inquisitors....all they do is hulk smash everything and people act like the ship droids around them, groveling all the time. and the IA story pissed me off so badly right from the beginning. BHs...i like their story, at least what i've seen of it so far (which is only up to Balmorra, so i'm still a total BH noob). to me, they feel like the Imperial version of a smuggler even if their play style is completely different. they're freelance for the most part, and even though they get roped into doing the Empire's dirty work, their main quest has nothing to do with the war.

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A token of appreciation for a very under appreciated man with awesome hair.


Sorry, I had to customize him to get rid of the corn rows. Couldn't stand them, and since he's my romance, I wanted to be able to look at him all I want.

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bowdaar and corso get the exact same abilities. the only difference is bowdaar gets a charge, corso a harpoon. corso uses aim gear - basically trooper vanguard. the wookie uses strength gear which and oddly enough strength based shield generators


because of the strength thig, it's actually easier to gear up bowdaar as everyone and their mother is a freaking jedi knight and i'm on my 4th char over 30 with two over 40 and i swear to you right now - 50% of all drops i see in the game are medium and heavy strength armor.



from a pure min/max perspective corso has an edge due to harpoon allowing you to pull that single patrol away from a pack and to pull mobs in to you so you have to move less - provided you control it manually. they are on equal footing in terms of mitigation if using the same level of gear and appropriate for them.


it's a matter of flavor, but i do say that everytime corso does a yeehaa i wish he had been voiced over by nathan fillion


But Corso's harpoon is being changed to a charge in 1.2 - so that means they are....exactly the same, except 1 is human, the other is not? I wish they wouldn't change Corso's harpoon, though. Since we stealth in, he's usually right by me, so all I have to do is turn to beat on the mob that is on him.

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It's actually meant for a jedi guardian, you can buy it for 12 nar shaddaa commendations. Just go run some side quests or kill tons of mobs till you get enough for it, then remove the str/endurance mods and replace with aim/endurance and boom, you got a fully moddable headband for Corso to use forever :D


Wow, thanks for this! I will keep it in mind.

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I also use a modable headband for Corso, wish there was a way to keep headgear on your comps invisible because my poor lover boy looks like he's part in an 80's music video with it. Lol, as cute as ever but, it just looks a little odd.


It's actually one of the reasons I have a difficult time with my trooper, Corso is cute with the headband, Aric on the other hand.... But I like to see the face of my comps. Oh well.

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Hahaha... I think that headband on Nar Shaddaa is probably the most-purchased item on the planet ;D


You know, it MIGHT be fun to write a fic where Corso has just gotten the jetpack (probably salvaged) and he's sitting on the ship trying to figure out how to make everything work and kind of realizing that he can't carry the harpoon if he's wearing the jetpack and he can only have ONE of them.

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A token of appreciation for a very under appreciated man with awesome hair.



I totally agree, which is why I hated the companion mod they give you. if you chosse to use it he just looks generic. and that's not Corso Riggs.

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I totally agree, which is why I hated the companion mod they give you. if you chosse to use it he just looks generic. and that's not Corso Riggs.


this. not to mention, it just feels weird to change a companion's look after you've been introduced to, and spent a bit of time with them in their default look.

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Corso Riggs is a simple country boy with a love of combat and weapons and a non-negotiable respect for females.


He is, in essence, everything a Southern gentleman such as myself was raised to be. Well done, Corso. Well done, sir.

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Corso is awesome. Reminds me of Tripp from Enterprise. He's got the best lines and is a dude I would want to hang out with at parties if he was real … LOL


The thing is … we get a wookiee on Nar Shadaa… a WOOKIEE, people … smugglers & wookiees, peanut butter & jelly … the sun and the moon … starsky & hutch … this is How It Should Be



If you're a smuggler how can you not want to walk around with a gigantic wookiee at your back?


Today I found myself wishing I could take Corso and Bowdaar out at the same time. Oh the stories we would have...!

Edited by bigray
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I love Corso too, with all my little pixelated heart. I married him tonight:) But it makes me so sad to think there will be only one more "conversation" with him. I have started alts of every other profession there is, and have read about and saw vids of the other romanceable companions on YouTube, but.....I am afraid none of them will be as special as Corso. I guess we'll see:) On the other hand....I think I may have to play another Smuggler too, just to have my Corso fix once in a while ;-) C'mon, Bioware, write in some more companion stories, pleeeeeeeeeeaaase!
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Today I found myself wishing I could take Corso and Bowdaar out at the same time. Oh the stories we would have...!

That's not ME, you know 8P Though, I agree that they all COULD talk to each other (and with me, yes) at our ships. Not just random card play or chasing each other in some class cut scene...But...that's not ME, yes.


I imagine that most interesting lines could be between Corso and Risha. Especially if female romance acr is active. I really feel he's "not her kind of guy" (to put it mildly), and both he and his affection to capitan could really be a subject of some evil jokes .

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