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I Love Corso Riggs


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...What? I didn't get that conversation after leaving Coruscant. The first conversation I had with Corso on my ship was his drunken advances. ....


Did something get skipped? Did I lock myself out of a romance?


I gave Corso lots of presents :o I believe he is 2.5-3K affection when this triggered.

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I have to admit that I kind of see where the Corso hate is coming from. When I made my gunslinger, I decided I wanted a change from my ruthless bounty hunter. I knew I wanted to play my gunslinger as the sort of gal whose heart is somewhere near the right place and decided that she'd keep her own greed checked when it seems like innocent people are truly in need or in danger--like a female Han Solo. Luckily, Corso generally approves.


I want to play my scoundrel as a cold-hearted profiteer, however, and I'll be pretty annoyed when my only romanceable companion keeps disapproving of her.

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I have to admit that I kind of see where the Corso hate is coming from. When I made my gunslinger, I decided I wanted a change from my ruthless bounty hunter. I knew I wanted to play my gunslinger as the sort of gal whose heart is somewhere near the right place and decided that she'd keep her own greed checked when it seems like innocent people are truly in need or in danger--like a female Han Solo. Luckily, Corso generally approves.


I want to play my scoundrel as a cold-hearted profiteer, however, and I'll be pretty annoyed when my only romanceable companion keeps disapproving of her.



Well the 'only romanceable' companion thing will likely change as they add in new content, expansions etc. They've already said they will make new companions for same-sex romances, so it really only stands to reason that they would also add new opposite sex romanceable companions for those who aren't too keen on the current ones.


That said I've thoroughly enjoyed every romance I've done so far - Doc is hot as hell and so is Malavai Quinn, so having three awesome digital men just doesn't get old for me :p

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Just wondering. How do you think, why there are no same threads for any other companions? I've browsed some other class forums, and there were not even something close related to any other both male or female chars.


People love Corso. People hate Corso. People talk about Corso. People already making jokes about Corso. Looks like there's not much of those who just don't care. He turned out to be a perfect subject for a meme. Have you seen anything same for any others? May be I just missed something? I didn't make any alts yet, just enjoying my story. I mean, there must be some other "same grade" companions?


I'm not sure, if those who created him really understood what they were doing. But result seems just..bursting. And I'm not talking about personality or gamplay mechanics and etc now, I'm talking about the way he affected so many players. Some of which(probably - many), I suppose, have quite a normal personal RLs, husbands and kids.

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I'm not sure, if those who created him really understood what they were doing. But result seems just..bursting. And I'm not talking about personality or gamplay mechanics and etc now, I'm talking about the way he affected so many players. Some of which(probably - many), I suppose, have quite a normal personal RLs, husbands and kids.



Well... I would have made I love Malavai Quinn and I love Doc threads, but I figured I better stick with Corso otherwise people would be like "HEY AREN'T YOU THAT CRAZY CHICK WHO WANTS DOWN CORSO'S PANTS LOL!" Besides that, a lot of chicks find Doc to be kind of pervy (I like guys like that on occasion though, they can be... fun) and Quinn to be too hard to get (that's what makes it fun), and as leader of team Corso, I have to keep our eye-candy farmboy first in my mind!


That said other than being a writer, I am married and "normal", at least as far as I can tell - Corso just makes me smile, he's the kind of guy who'd open your car door for you, treat you well, then laugh when you pop out from behind him and shoot someone in the head for being a jerk.

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errr.... Vette?

Hardly. I've browsed sith forum for 3 default pages


- 1 topic considering her collar 5 default pages in topic

- hating Vette discussion - second forum page, 9 default pages

- funny comments - 2 default pages.


We are here on 46th page, topic rarely falls off 1st forum page.

Also currently on the same 1st page are:

- joke thread (brand-new one, already 2 pages in a topic)

- discussion about being too nice for smuggler - 6 pages


- haters topic about spacing him away - second page of the forum, 13 pages.


I mean, she may be good, yet not that....er..popular?

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That said other than being a writer, I am married and "normal", at least as far as I can tell - Corso just makes me smile, he's the kind of guy who'd open your car door for you, treat you well, then laugh when you pop out from behind him and shoot someone in the head for being a jerk.


Yeah! Just how I see him, too. I was lucky enough to have significant men in my RL who were much the same way (hubby, dad). Come to think of it... well, no wonder I'm having so much fun with my pixel fling!


Yeppers! It's not just younger chicks who adore him. Even this old gal who is passed being interested in a RL relationship with the opposite sex thinks Corso-with-the-voice-that-would-melt-steel is a super-sexy guy with all the right moves.


Devs: More Corso convos, please! And don't forget to make him dance with me in the future. I'd like that. A lot.

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Corso just makes me smile, he's the kind of guy who'd open your car door for you, treat you well, then laugh when you pop out from behind him and shoot someone in the head for being a jerk.


exactly. <3 he's also pretty optimistic and lighthearted. not that he never gets mad or upset. but more often then not, his random comments cause me to shake my head and chuckle, making doing all the dirty work that much more enjoyable. half the time i bring him with me just to keep me in good spirits.

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exactly. <3 he's also pretty optimistic and lighthearted. not that he never gets mad or upset. but more often then not, his random comments cause me to shake my head and chuckle, making doing all the dirty work that much more enjoyable. half the time i bring him with me just to keep me in good spirits.



Same. He'll also be the reason for my 3 different smugglers... after I finish one of every class first so I feel ok with doubles (lol).


Man all this leveling + hardmodes and ops is really killing my writing :p

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Same. He'll also be the reason for my 3 different smugglers... after I finish one of every class first so I feel ok with doubles (lol).


he was the reason i started my second smuggler, even though i lie to myself and say it's because i wanted to try one of each subclass. i have a feeling that i'll continue making more and more smugglers until Bioware finally issues an expansion that includes more companion conversations. *wonders how many smugglers she'll go through before then*

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Yeah, for some reason Corso just has a very polarizing effect on people. He either melts you into Jello, or you want to watch his lungs explode as he floats away into the abyss.


Whenever anyone refers to him as "farmboy" I get this overwhelming desire to hear him say "As you wish"


I mean, that is the kind of guy he is. Someone who would change his name, become a pirate, fight an expert swordsman, a giant, and a crazy sicilian, deal with the dangers of the Fire Swamp only to be rendered "mostly" dead, then come back to life to storm a castle, all for his woman, even if she was living with some other dude while he was gone.

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God knows, I do understand what you say here, still I find that "famer cowboy" actually is just a part of that char. He's definetely not that simple as could seem from the first glance.


My question was, however more not about how do people feel, but WHY. I mean, lets take me as an example. Could be not that very representative - but anyway... I'm ok with family - I'm not a teen girl, or some ugly net-living non-lifer. I got wonderful (if not perfect) man and two kids. I'm into all aspects of RPGs for about 15 years, I guess (larps, muds, table games, some GMing etc). I read a lot, I watch movies etc. Still, I may swear on my ep4-6 SW DVD box, that never ever any fictional male char (neither from a book nor a film nor a game) did not cause such an emotional response in me. If only that fictional male char was not INITIALLY a part of my own fiction, created for my own very personal usage.


I didn't know or read anything about companions before rolling my current smuggler. I mean, I didn't come into class just because I saw handsome face or something. There was actually a hard choice between smuggler and consular (I needed to pick up a healing class). God knows how happy am I, that I'm not a Sage. :o


And it's also nice that I got 11 levels more to go. I already hate that endgame, where is NOTHING. And I'm very non-altoholic player. IA still may be tried, yet...

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There was actually a hard choice between smuggler and consular (I needed to pick up a healing class). God knows how happy am I, that I'm not a Sage. :o


And it's also nice that I got 11 levels more to go. I already hate that endgame, where is NOTHING. And I'm very non-altoholic player. IA still may be tried, yet...


Same with me! I usually heal so looked at the healing classes first. Thought I would try something completely different and roll a pure DPS class (sentinel). Leveled it up to 50 with a buddy but no where near got me as excited as a femme smuggie! Jedi's personalities are as interesting as saltine crackers. Scoundrel just flew to 50.


Now I'm juggling between a gunslinger, IA, and commando. Wish I could just skip all the planet missions and only do class ones. :cool:

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Now I'm juggling between a gunslinger, IA, and commando. Wish I could just skip all the planet missions and only do class ones. :cool:


You can - I've been doing it on my SW. Make up the missing XP by doing PvP and space missions. I skipped most of DK this way and only did non-class quests that I knew were easy or gave me a title (like the Revan quest chain).

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I didn't know or read anything about companions before rolling my current smuggler. I mean, I didn't come into class just because I saw handsome face or something. There was actually a hard choice between smuggler and consular (I needed to pick up a healing class). God knows how happy am I, that I'm not a Sage. :o


And it's also nice that I got 11 levels more to go. I already hate that endgame, where is NOTHING. And I'm very non-altoholic player. IA still may be tried, yet...


Same! I didn't know anything about companions before rolling my smuggler, too. I had read about the different classes, and knew I wanted to be a smuggler or consular. Not for healing, but for ranged dps, which is what I love. (At that time trooper didn't appeal to me, although I love it now especially because of fem!Shep's voice)


I was sooo surprised at my reaction, and before I even got him as an official companion I was d'awwwing him and his gift of a blaster to go shoot 'em up.


I've made a second smuggler to try the other AC.... and to get more Corso time ;)


As far as skipping everything except for class quests -- I want to do that sometimes, but then I'm afraid of missing out on some good orange gear quest rewards. I need to start making a list of what quests give things I'm really interested in, and what just gives commendations or some such.

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God knows, I do understand what you say here, still I find that "famer cowboy" actually is just a part of that char. He's definetely not that simple as could seem from the first glance.


My question was, however more not about how do people feel, but WHY. I mean, lets take me as an example. Could be not that very representative - but anyway... I'm ok with family - I'm not a teen girl, or some ugly net-living non-lifer. I got wonderful (if not perfect) man and two kids. I'm into all aspects of RPGs for about 15 years, I guess (larps, muds, table games, some GMing etc). I read a lot, I watch movies etc. Still, I may swear on my ep4-6 SW DVD box, that never ever any fictional male char (neither from a book nor a film nor a game) did not cause such an emotional response in me. If only that fictional male char was not INITIALLY a part of my own fiction, created for my own very personal usage.


I didn't know or read anything about companions before rolling my current smuggler. I mean, I didn't come into class just because I saw handsome face or something. There was actually a hard choice between smuggler and consular (I needed to pick up a healing class). God knows how happy am I, that I'm not a Sage. :o


And it's also nice that I got 11 levels more to go. I already hate that endgame, where is NOTHING. And I'm very non-altoholic player. IA still may be tried, yet...


I can't say the same thing. Hecks, I started tracking the progress of this game towards its release, only because it's Bioware. Bioware's ability to produce games capable of instilling such emotional wrenches has stunned and awed me, since the first time a friend of mine handed me a disc labeled "Dragon Age" and said, "Try playing THAT game, you'll love it." I can't even wrap my head around it, except to say the people Bioware has writing for them deserve stupendous accolades, because they are hands-down i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e.


But I'm telling you, if you enjoyed Corso Riggs or Torian Cadera or Malavi Quinn, go look up some of Bioware's other games, check out Alistair Theirin, Fenris, and Kaidan Alenko. I've been falling in love with Bioware's characters for years now, with no end in sight just yet. I've heard rumors of a new Bioware franchise in the works, to boot. I imagine it'll be just as amazing a ride as I've thus far enjoyed.

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I can't even wrap my head around it, except to say the people Bioware has writing for them deserve stupendous accolades, because they are hands-down i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e.


I'm voting for this. I think its a sign of pretty amazing writing/character development to write someone that makes people respond sooooo strongly. This is my first BioWare game and I have been super impressed by the writing.


I loved Corso right off the bat. Ten levels into the weekend warrior beta and I was hooked. I knew exactly what class I was going to roll first. (Sexy companion romance option PLUS absolute rage over my missing freighter?! There was never a question after that.)


Now as I work on my trooper I'm surprised I feel just as strongly about Aric Jorgan (sexy voice ftw!). Hated him when I first met him, but now, as I get to know him better, I love him to pieces.


So congrats, BioWare writers...you have turned me from a closet nerd to a pixel lovin mega nerd. And I couldn't be happier.

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But I'm telling you, if you enjoyed Corso Riggs or Torian Cadera or Malavi Quinn, go look up some of Bioware's other games

I somehow managed to miss MEs(and I'm very likely to get them now, unless more class content is added), yet I had all the NwNs and KOTORs. So, I may agree that it's BWs writings is their "secret weapon", which was implemended in some games earlier.


What I'm 200% sure of is that nothing ever even close was taken out into MMOs, and also none of my previous mmo\nonmmo games caused such an emotional response (in me personally). I could name Silent Hill 2 and some of KONAMIs chars and stories here, though. Not that close and personal, and stories were much different, yet the same approach to the char-development. Those did bring emotional part alond with gameplay.

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Hey all, new smuggler here, and I love Corso so far! There's just one little thing that bothers me about him.....*** is with his neck? o.O Did someone try to slit his throat once or something? Is he some sort of near-human alien dude with dreds and neck ridges? I can't stop looking at it, and it doesn't matter what skin he has on, the weirdo scar/ridges are there. Theories?
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There's just one little thing that bothers me about him.....*** is with his neck? o.O Did someone try to slit his throat once or something? Is he some sort of near-human alien dude with dreds and neck ridges?


I'm not sure what you're talking about. He's a pure-human since release (though he did appeared as near-human in beta, and some beta-movies still give us a basic Idea of what could he be like). And I, can't say which version is better - green eyes and less common appearance were not that bad, actually.


And, yes - he's got some scars, never noticed those on a neck though - just around the face. Where did he get those? Go ask him, I guess. Everyone has his\her own scars, you know, and not many like talking about them.


ps: ah, and in codex and some sites he DOES still appear as he was on original concept-art. I hope they'll change codex enrty some day, because that kiffar-style face has hardly anything to do with current in-game Corso.

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Hey all, new smuggler here, and I love Corso so far! There's just one little thing that bothers me about him.....*** is with his neck? o.O Did someone try to slit his throat once or something? Is he some sort of near-human alien dude with dreds and neck ridges? I can't stop looking at it, and it doesn't matter what skin he has on, the weirdo scar/ridges are there. Theories?



I'm actually pretty sure Corso's scars are from the savrip's on ord mantell. Has to be something with huge claws to get him across the face and the throat (yes he has scarring on his throat as well).


Personally I find the scars sexy and only wish Bioware had put something in where he told you where he got them. Maybe in the future!

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(yes he has scarring on his throat as well).

It seems to me, I got what you're talking about. Those are visible clear only on hi-res textures in cut-scenes (on my laptop at least - all set high and no shadows, and screens I googled also seem to be from cuts, not from "live"). And even there I can't tell for sure that those ARE scars, and not just some shade\light artifacts and\or wrinkles - too thin and regular for an old scar. Or am I still looking in a wrong place? :o


Just imagine what would the original wound look like, if blurred old versioin resembles something like haircomb traces? To remain as thin as we can see them, those should've been really deep ones. And also from something thin and very sharp, very close to each other, and there are several, almost absolutely parallel ones, about 5-6 lines, and it's a throat, you know.


Facial ones are definetely scars - especially visible aroud cheek and above eyebrow, even in regular textures. But those always looked more like explosive\fire\chemical ones to me. :o


And, as I mentioned before - who likes disturbing own old wounds?

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