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I Love Corso Riggs


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Now see, I would picture him more as a Bo or Luke. He's just a good ol' boy, never meaning no harm ;)


I seem to like the rather divisive Bioware characters, Alistair & Anders being the top two. They both have very vocal lovers & haters. And after DA2, Anders probably has more hate than love. I try to stay away from those debates. I also liked Kaiden, I think he gets a bad rap. And Sten too... although I wouldn't want to romance him. Actually, I loved pretty much all the DA:O characters.


I can't really speak to many of the other romances in swtor -- I started out with Corso and haven't been able to play another class long enough to get to a romance point. I miss having the farmboy around, he brings a smile to my face as I'm playing.


I keep hearing good things about Quinn, so maybe I'll try and level up on the Sith side inbetween all my smugglers.



I like Doc a lot, he's like the douchebag you love BECAUSE he's such a douchebag.


***? lol


Worst pickup line... ever

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Just wanted to toss in my Corso love. <3 He's certainly taking his time with the romancing though. My boyfriend and I are leveling together as a Scoundrel & Jedi Knight (forget which spec), and he got laid by Kira a heckuva lot earlier than Corso made any sort of move. I feel like Bioware lets men be as promiscuous as they want, but gals aren't afforded the same luxury.


Seems wrong to me a Jedi got laid on his home world within the first 10 levels, and the first guy I get a chance to flirt with is an old gambler past his prime on Coruscant... Really, Bioware? Jedi aren't even supposed to get into relationships, let alone have one night stands!


Also, for whoever asked - I had my affection up to about 6500, with nothing proccing a conversation/quest after around 4500, when I hit the end of Chapter 1. I'm pretty sure unless you max out your affection with him or get well past where I was, he shouldn't spoiler you on the end of the chapter. As soon as I finished Chapter 1, I was BOMBARDED with quests from him!


The female Imperial Agent has an option to sleep with an enemy just to keep his mouth shut in starting zone Hutta.

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The female Imperial Agent has an option to sleep with an enemy just to keep his mouth shut in starting zone Hutta.


There was a fun "girl bonding" scene with Kaliyo and the agent who was working with the PC on Balmorra. Basically the female PC gets to go off to "celebrate" alone with the guy at the end of the mission, and Kaliyo gives a "you go girl" - although Kaliyo wanted to play with him herself if PC didn't take him up.


Another fun girl-bonding moment for the female IA. Kaliyo: "You take the smart ones, I'll take the rich ones, we'll be all set."

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I love Corso. Honestly, the whole reason I'm playing a smuggler is because of him. He reminds me a lot of Alistair, who I also adored. Bioware has a knack for writing goofy, sweet, protective guys and that's right up my alley.


I am pretty jazzed about getting Torian on my BH. He's no Corso but he'll do.

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I like Doc a lot, he's like the douchebag you love BECAUSE he's such a douchebag.


I just love Doc!! He's just hilarious!! The lines do get better....a little bit.



I finished the Doomsday mission today and he finally reveals his real name! It's too bad he's ashamed of

:p I think it's cute!


Ok, enough of about Doc, we need more Dear Corso!!


"Anything you want Captain."


Love it.

Edited by Boosterdog
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I just love Doc!! He's just hilarious!! The lines do get better....a little bit.



I finished the Doomsday mission today and he finally reveals his real name! It's too bad he's ashamed of

:p I think it's cute!


Ok, enough of about Doc, we need more Dear Corso!!


"Anything you want Captain."


Love it.


In that pic of Doc, he reminds me of my very favorite Bruce Campbell !

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I just love Doc!! He's just hilarious!! The lines do get better....a little bit.



I finished the Doomsday mission today and he finally reveals his real name! It's too bad he's ashamed of

:p I think it's cute!


Ok, enough of about Doc, we need more Dear Corso!!


"Anything you want Captain."


Love it.


Ohh wow =) thank you for something little on Doc! I just got him with my JK so I'm happy for all the info. I must say that after playing a smuggler I get the char of Doc so much better. He really does the same sort of lines as my hubby's smuggler when he tries to chat up a girl. Or that guy in the Cantina on Tatooine.


Gong to hit the ligthspring next with my smuggler-girl. Can't wait to get to chapter 2 with her and Corso. Latest convo with pixel-boyfriend was the one when you talk about how things went with his cousin. Really trying to pace myself so I don't end up with a mute Corso for the last 3 lvl:s. I had a mute Alistair for the last quarter of DA:O, the first time I really got to talk to him again in the later part of the game was setting up the Dark Ritual with Morrigan... Ohh the joy... Will never ever do that to myself again.


So this time I will stay below 9000 until I reach 50. Try to reach max affection before the last class quest and just take it from there. Or are there any suggestions as to affection gain from you smuggler femmes that already have reached 50?

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It is the VERY VERY last talk Corso has with you if you marry him. Think it was called "getting sentimental" or something.


It was followed up by the letter asking if I would buy the land on Dantooine :p


i just got that convo with him... you're serious? that's the very last one? but he's not even at 10k affection yet! i still have like 400 AP left to go! AND I'VE GOT 7 MORE LEVELS TILL I HIT 50! i don't know if i can do this...i don't know if i can bare playing my gunslinger all the way to level 50 without being able to talk to my pixel husband. >_<


how long would you guess until they raise the level cap and add more companion convos? oh wait, the game's only been out for a month. *facedesk*

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Yea, I try to pace myself by leveling the side quests along with the class mission on one map. But I can't help it! The story is good and each class mission complete brings me a step closer to more Corso missions! :o


It's been a loooong stretch since Taris....:mad:

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He has decent armor but he has no damage. it will take you all day long for him to kill something. totally a drain on any healer. they have to make him commando or something or change his gun or skill. after taris hes a burden. unless you can find a very very powerful gun.:o
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He has decent armor but he has no damage. it will take you all day long for him to kill something. totally a drain on any healer. they have to make him commando or something or change his gun or skill. after taris hes a burden. unless you can find a very very powerful gun.:o


I use a fully moddable gun for him and am always upgrading the barrel and mods. Though now that we're 50, I'll be outfitting him in some epics and then gearing up Akaavi if I can find someone to craft me an artifact quality techstaff.

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He has decent armor but he has no damage. it will take you all day long for him to kill something. totally a drain on any healer. they have to make him commando or something or change his gun or skill. after taris hes a burden. unless you can find a very very powerful gun.:o


This is confusing. He has whatever you equip him with. Improve his gear, and with the stats you want, and that's what he has.


And I don't need him to single-handedly kill the stuff, I need him to hold aggro and stay alive. I can switch between healing and dps - and I do.

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Long weekend of heartbreak- three WHOLE DAYS of playing 6-18 hours a day and No Conversations!!


Not sure if it's the bug or not but ever since


"The Kiss"


he hasn't spoken to me besides the "Right Behind you, Captain" style responses.




It almost killed me on Alderaan when he was rhapsodizing over the view and said maybe HE would retire there after the war was over..... um... what about me????


I ditched that Prince for you, Farm Boy, and YOU are going to retire here?



I finished Chapter 1.... still nothing. Dang Dang Dang Dang.


Bowdaar and Risha are still talking to me. WTH?

/cry :(


Seriously... anyone else suspiciously missing Corso Convo? I also didn't get the 31 companion quest from Corso (listed on torhead) sending me back to Tatooine.... Please Please Please let 1.1 fix this!! I need my Corso back!


(I'm starting to wonder if he likes me TOO much (7500+) at 34ish - or he's mad that he gets killed ....er.... incapacitated....a little more than absolutely necessary.... if only I'd rolled the Scoundrel first...)

Edited by Welkyn
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I finished Chapter 1.... still nothing. Dang Dang Dang Dang.


Bowdaar and Risha are still talking to me. WTH?

/cry :(


Seriously... anyone else suspiciously missing Corso Convo? I also didn't get the 31 companion quest from Corso (listed on torhead) sending me back to Tatooine.... Please Please Please let 1.1 fix this!! I need my Corso back!


(I'm starting to wonder if he likes me TOO much (7500+) at 34ish - or he's mad that he gets killed ....er.... incapacitated....a little more than absolutely necessary.... if only I'd rolled the Scoundrel first...)


He was being quiet for the longest time for me too! The Tatooine quest showed up after completing the Port Nowhere line. So I guess it's a little after Chapter 1?



It's interesting...I flirted with Darmas on the intercom, Corso of course made his jealous comments, and all sorts of missions with him popped up! ;)



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Re: your last spoiler.... I did too... maybe I just didn't wait long enough after that cut scene...


it's just....



When someone asks you if they can Court you - and you say YES!!!!! they should actually START courting you.... ;) I've had people who can't stand me talk to me more than this guy who wants to ask for my hand.... sheesh




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