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I Love Corso Riggs


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(note - this thread is probably more for the women, though I'm sure a few men will chime in too! After seeing all the threads hating on Corso, I just had to make one like this. The poor guy needs a pick-me-up!)


My dearest Corso,


You have fought by my side faithfully through many battles. You have bled and died for me, and each time I bring you back to fight by my side again, you let me know just how much you love my company.


You have brought me mountains of underworld metals, and you decorate the bridge of my ship so wonderfully with that handsome scarred face of yours that I can hardly sit in my captains chair without wanting to ask you if you've ever done the deed over a 3d map of the galaxy.


Other companions have come, but you are still the one I turn to, still the one I want with me. The night you kissed me on the bridge I knew all my dreams would come true. I got my ship back, and I got you.


Other people may make fun of you, call you a farm boy or say that you're stupid, but I know the truth. Besides, they must have just forgotten another hero from another time who was nothing but a farm boy from Tatooine before he saved the galaxy.


So, my faithful companion Corso, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and your presence with me through all the trials we will face on our trek through the galaxy.


All my love,

Your Captain, Lilli'an

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For what it's worth I love him too. I love his lines when he kills mobs... what is it? "Now your dumb, ugly AND dead!" There was another time when

Someone says we won't last five minutes in a certain area and he chimes in and says, "We're pretty tough, bet we'd last at least ten minutes!"



Plus I am playing and leveling as a healer, and he's a pretty good tank.


Anyway, his lines and "personality" and of course my Smuggler lines and the humor of the Smuggler story line win it all over for me. If my guild wasn't Sith side, I would play the Smuggler full time. More so than my bounty hunter (which is a great class... but leveling as a healer on BH is rough right now without a tank pet and Mako is so whiny it drives me nuts).


I don't think I will ever get rid of Corso as my pet... no matter what else comes along. I just like his character too much.


Hey OP, did you change him at all cosmetically? I took customization 2... just seemed to fit better.

Edited by Jilla
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Honestly I couldn't stand any of the customizations so I left him as he is. I love his hair :p


Farming up Nar Shadaa commendations so I can give him a fully moddable headband and not have his face covered by some ugly helmet is pretty nice too.


I have a problem with loving my smuggler too much - my main is supposed to be my sentinel, but every time I get a few levels on her, I switch over to the smuggler and catch her up lol.


Looking forward to finishing up the romance quest and whatnot. Glad I play on an RP/PVP server, though it is a little hard to RP being married to the same companion every other smuggler gets, lol!

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"We're pretty tough, bet we'd last at least ten minutes!"




Haha yea that had me laughing pretty hard. I do occasionally find myself talking to him, so sometimes he says the most perfect things.


"Corso, I think I'm going to have to rip all my hair out if we have to do one more quest for this Hutt."


"Anything you want, captain."

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bowdaar and corso get the exact same abilities. the only difference is bowdaar gets a charge, corso a harpoon. corso uses aim gear - basically trooper vanguard. the wookie uses strength gear which and oddly enough strength based shield generators


because of the strength thig, it's actually easier to gear up bowdaar as everyone and their mother is a freaking jedi knight and i'm on my 4th char over 30 with two over 40 and i swear to you right now - 50% of all drops i see in the game are medium and heavy strength armor.



from a pure min/max perspective corso has an edge due to harpoon allowing you to pull that single patrol away from a pack and to pull mobs in to you so you have to move less - provided you control it manually. they are on equal footing in terms of mitigation if using the same level of gear and appropriate for them.


it's a matter of flavor, but i do say that everytime corso does a yeehaa i wish he had been voiced over by nathan fillion

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Dear Corso,


Your body popped so nicely after I ejected you out the airlock.


Now Risha fights by my side in that skimpy slave outfit I gave her.








because of the strength thig, it's actually easier to gear up bowdaar as everyone and their mother is a freaking jedi knight and i'm on my 4th char over 30 with two over 40 and i swear to you right now - 50% of all drops i see in the game are medium and heavy strength armor.


Gearing up Risha is easiest because you just give her all your old mods.

Edited by StealthNerf
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Dear Corso,


Your body popped so nicely after I ejected you out the airlock.


Now Risha fights by my side in that skimpy slave outfit I gave her.








Gearing up Risha is easiest because you just give her all your old mods.


I want to throw Risha out the airlock. Maybe then she'd lose those gaudy purple rings and that ugly *** pink suit she wears.

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I want to throw Risha out the airlock. Maybe then she'd lose those gaudy purple rings and that ugly *** pink suit she wears.


Honestly, I wish male smugglers got a female Corso instead of just Risha and Akavi (and yes, I am definitely customizing Risha into less makeup as soon as that's available). When I first saw Risha (without her makeup) and heard that you got her on Alderaan, I was hoping for a Princess Leia mimic (like how we get Bowdarr to parallel Chewbacca) - nope. :rolleyes:


Really, when I first heard about Corso I was expecting him to be a generic human companion, but he's turned out to be one of my favorites. I guess he and the two interesting aliens sort of make up for the lack of a lightside male love interest.

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My favorite thing about Corso, is that he approves of me flirting with the ladies. And since every female I talk to gives me the option to flirt, +15. ;)



The Jedi in the LightSpring quest is freaking clueless! I flirted my way through that quest and she totally missed everything.



That being said, I have begun making the switch to Bowdaar (still getting better gear for him). I am a little bummed that his look has not changed w/ armor, but I think he looks fantastic. And I underestimated just how much I would like my wookie.

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