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9 Musco replies to the Tulak thread. Not one about gear problems for 4 weeks :mad:


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Eric, HOW hard is it to reply to player reports and questions about the wrong set bonus gear dropping for their selected class spec??????


There are 5-6 threads and many posts, including a bug report thread. We’ve had no QA reply and no reply from you in 4 weeks since people started to report this.


The problem has not gone away. We are still getting the wrong “set bonuses” for our class specs.


DPS assassins, Juggs and even the occasional merc getting Tank set bonuses

DPS Sorcs getting healing set bonuses.


This would not be as big an issue if it wasn’t every set bonus drop. I’ve received enough tank stuff on my sin to have 2 and half full tank sets. I’ve received 1 DPS piece from a weekly pvp box, but it only had 302-304 internals and I’m 306 rated (different issue I know, but still annoying).


All we are asking for at this point in time is for you to find out from the team if this is working as intended or you know about it and working on a fix.


You obviously have time to reposed 9 times to the tulak hord thread (which I’ll admit was needed), but why can’t you take 1-2 mins to write one yellow post about this problem that people have had since 6.0 launched.


Just reply please to any of the threads or make your own.


1. “Working as intended”




2. “Working on a fix”




3. “ broken, but too long to fix anytime soon, so will end up being, “working as intended”


Please Eric, player frustration LvLs are approaching or have exceeded their limits to unsub over this.

I’m sorry if my posts on this are being more militant, but it’s born of pure frustration of you ignoring the community.

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In situations such as these even I have to admit more care and attention should be given to meaningful communication. Especially as this is a point of frustration with several players and should be addressed to at least show that the dev team isn't letting it hanging in the air.


I realise of course that they may be already working on a solution and that they want to report when they have something to work with, but then they should at least let us know they're actively looking for a solution or are in the process of making one. Just leaving it open in the air with no word on it will only work to further aggravate players.

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so you are prioritiizing some individuals(assuming 50% of the got the problem sitting right in front of their display by accidently choosing the wrong loot spec) over a whole server/community/area leaving the game cuz they cant play at all for like combined 30 hours at prime time in the last 7 days?


cmon, you cant be that ignorant.


eric is just one man, hes gotta set priorities, and tulak hord should definitly be at the top of that list right now.

Edited by mrphstar
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so you are prioritiizing some individuals(assuming 50% of the got the problem sitting right in front of their display by accidently choosing the wrong loot spec) over a whole server/community/area leaving the game cuz they cant play at all for like combined 30 hours at prime time in the last 7 days?


cmon, you cant be that ignorant.


eric is just one man, hes gotta set priorities, and tulak hord should definitly be at the top of that list right now.


I don't think that's what she mean . Yes a server black out is a priority, but drop by and say something about others issue would help with the frustration .


Silence doesn't help anyone .


If this guy is busy coding and fixing and tuning a server, maybe he can send someone to drop a line . It aint much to ask, a LINE is it ?

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so you are prioritiizing some individuals(assuming 50% of the got the problem sitting right in front of their display by accidently choosing the wrong loot spec) over a whole server/community/area leaving the game cuz they cant play at all for like combined 30 hours at prime time in the last 7 days?


cmon, you cant be that ignorant


eric is just one man, hes gotta set priorities, and tulak hord should definitly be at the top of that list right now.


You are either trolling or don’t have a clue about the situation.


Maybe go and read all the threads and you will see it’s not people toggling the wrong spec or needing the wrong drops

You can find the links to most of them in this bug report and there are other threads and posts not listed there too. So I’m not the only one with this problem. There are a bunch of people reporting it, which means there are probably a hell of a lot more in the game who don’t post on the forums.




Eric is the Community manager, it is his job to manage expectations and find stuff out. He is also not just one man. He has a team and there is also a QA response team he over sees that replies to bug reports. Someone has seen these threads and posts and he probably has too,


It would take him 2 mins at most to reply or no time if he delegated. It would take an email to the dev team to ask for an answer or him walking past their desk to ask. All up, it should not take more than 5 minutes of his time to find out,


Now yes, he is busy, but we haven’t just been waiting a day or a week for a reply. It’s been 4 weeks and is approaching 5 weeks. Surely he has had 5-10 minutes in 4 weeks to get an answer and reply? I don’t think that is too much to ask or being ignorant of the situation.


And of course, the Tulak hord isssue was urgent and needed his attention. At no time did I indicate otherwise.

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i am trying to get some feedback for you


it is not listed in the known 6.0 issues at https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-14th-Nov-19/m-p/4886775#M40174


In regards to item rating i am aware of https://help.ea.com/en-au/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/new-in-swtor-onslaught/


To make sure you get the best chance at an upgrade, try to keep all of your equipped gear at around the same Item Rating. If you’re running around with (for example) an offhand weapon with a lower Item Rating than your other gear, it drags your average down and means you’re less likely to get a good upgrade from a Renown Crate.


To make this easier, every item in your inventory with a green arrow in its thumbnail will increase your overall Item Rating if you equip it.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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i am trying to get some feedback for you


it is not listed in the known 6.0 issues at https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-14th-Nov-19/m-p/4886775#M40174


In regards to item rating i am aware of https://help.ea.com/en-au/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/new-in-swtor-onslaught/


To make sure you get the best chance at an upgrade, try to keep all of your equipped gear at around the same Item Rating. If you’re running around with (for example) an offhand weapon with a lower Item Rating than your other gear, it drags your average down and means you’re less likely to get a good upgrade from a Renown Crate.


To make this easier, every item in your inventory with a green arrow in its thumbnail will increase your overall Item Rating if you equip it.


thanks Owen for trying to get some feedback on the matter, hopefully we will get an answer soon!


I am another one who repeatedly experienced wrong drops (tank or healing gear when explicitly having a DPS loot discipline :( )

concerning your yellow parts:

I am well aware of what you wrote about the upgrade chance - but that only applies when you are not fully 306 - but when you indeed are a FULL (as in complete like every mod, enhancement, etc.) 306 you shouldn't get gear below that iRating! but that happens rather frequently still. And on Onderon and Mek-Sha only green with the occasional blue pieces are dropping from mobs (no matter if silver, gold, champion)... But that is probably another matter the team should investigate.


Right now an answer on the wrong-loot-problem described extensively by Trixxie and many others (including me) in several threads/posts would be more than welcome!

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To make this easier, every item in your inventory with a green arrow in its thumbnail will increase your overall Item Rating if you equip it.


Just to point out: That is incorrect. Some items are a lower iLvl & drag you down, but when you put on a higher iLvl it shows a green arrow on the lesser one. (The former 258 relics are one I've seen.)

Just always equip the higher iLvl regardless of stats.

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I think that you still do not fully understand how tacticals and set pieces are dropped (because you don't like how it is implemented, not because it is some rocket science).


As I wrote before, you will get drop of items that are usable on your character, as in they can be equipped.

Which means all general sets and tacticals, all base class sets and tacticals and all advanced class sets and tacticals.


Since the drops are based on what *you* can equip, the only way to narrow the amount of items dropped would be further restriction to specs (so for example One For All / All For One tactical would only be usable by Corruption sorc, and thus it would stop dropping for Madness/Lightning spec).


Note that while it would make sense for some items that revolve about certain ability that only one spec has (like Revivification is only on Corruption sorc, while Demolish on Madness) to be restricted only to given spec, some others are not so clear. Speaking of sorcs, the tactical that makes Voltaic Rush heal can be actually used by any spec, even if it is not optimal for dps - by restricting it to Corruption you would take out the possibility to use it for Madness/Lightning sorcs who can be playing a duo with a friend on melee class and using the volt rush to both dps and heal their friend at the same time. But many people view it as a "healer" tactical and think it should not drop for a dps at all...


Then you have even more generic items for a base class that usually make more sense for one spec and not for the other, but again... just because it is not meta it does not automatically mean it should never drop. There can be some niche content like solo star fortresses, no-death run of Eternal Championship, solo MM chapters or whatever where some tactical or set can come incredibly handy for dealing with certain mechanics. My sorc does not really have any use for Dire Retaliation set and it looks like a "tank" set suitable more for a sin. However I can remember a few places in MM KOTET/FE where it could actually work very well.... so again I would prefer if it drops and would be usable for any inquisitor class, even if it is not the bis.


Of course, some of the general items are more suited for tanks and some for healers, some are better for dps and some are role neutral, but bioware decided to not restrict them by class/spec. So I can make a tanky sorc dps with Durasteel Wall and Preserver set. Is it the best choice? Obviously not, but I have the choice to do so and "play my way".

Now a more proper example - The Victor set that heals you every 8 seconds after killing a npc is great for both dps and tank, it allows for using dps companion and almost no downtime needed for healing/meditating during daily or heroic missions, but obviously this set is not that great for healers. Should it be restricted to all classes but 3?


Honestly I am fine with how this system works, it could use some fine tuning to make some tacticals tied to one advanced class if the skill it modifies is only present on such spec (not for sets however, I want to be able to use the 2 pc bonuses from various sets). There is a way to buy directly what you want anyway. Because of that I really see all the set and tactical items drops as a bonus and a way to work towards getting achievements for completing the collection, not as a primary source to gear up.

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of course getting one piece of tank gear as a dps-specc from a veteran-fp-boss is more important, than a whole server being down for two weeks. it's just not worth it.


You must be new here and confused how fixes are done on SWTOR. I never seen the game down for 2 days, let alone a server down for 2 weeks while they patch fixes.


I give SWTOR devs credit on one hand, when it's clear they know what the problem is, they fix them. My issue is, are they really being told what needs fixed and what is still broken?


When you rely on the community manager, and he literally is completely silent regarding many different issues that have been raised since 6.0 was dropped, it's hard to believe informative feedback is being passed to the appropriate people.

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please...ever heard of exaggeration?


My apologies, it wasn't easy to discern that from your post you sounded very serious with your hyperbolic statement. Most of the time an emoji can tip others off that your statement was made in jest or meant to be sarcastic. Just a FYI.

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I don't think it was worth making a new thread about, since you also made the previous one.


The issue is as yet unanswered and as much as it's in your top 3 of priorities, I get the feeling it's not in theirs. It may have to do with the pre-occupation of a server not working right, it may have to do with crafting being a big stinking pile that they're actually working on and it may even have to do with the delay bugs in the GUI that is rather a priority as far as I'm concerned.


My advice to you is to manage your expectations a bit with regards to their communication, not for their sake but for yours rather.


I've got 6 characters in set bonuses and of those set bonuses pieces only TWO I got from drops at all. So not only where they not dropping the right set bonus for the class, they weren't dropping hardly any at all that I wanted to use.


And yet I have 6 characters in full set bonuses. Now I tell you this not to show off or to tell you how to play but to tell you that because this is possible it's probably not a priority and here's the thing.... Eric Musco collects questions and probably has to make a priority list. I'm sure he's smart enough to see the difference between 20 people asking about something and one person asking about something twenty times. Regardless, when he collects a question and pushes it to the devs to answer he has to wait for them to give him the answer back. And this is where the priority of the developers comes into view.


Now no matter how silly all of that may seem, I want to remind you of a certain Boromir meme and say the following: One does not simply get an answer from Eric Musco.


Creating multiple threads on the same topic does not change. Of course you are free to do so but I sometimes do worry about your blood pressure.

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I don't think it was worth making a new thread about, since you also made the previous one. The issue is as yet unanswered and as much as it's in your top 3 of priorities, I get the feeling it's not in theirs.


My advice to you is to manage your expectations a bit with regards to their communication, not for their sake but for yours rather.


Sometimes a repeat thread can get traction where a old one gets totally ignored, so I don't fault people for making repeat threads, especially when nothing has been responded to regarding a specific topic.


I do agree that at this point, especially for those of us that been here for years... We know this song and dance lol. Trixxie knows it for sure.


BW has NEVER been good with communication. Our best communication with BW was when our "community manager" went on vacation and Charles/Keith became active during that time doing a great job responding and relaying information that clearly was going straight to the devs.


During this period of time, all the feedback went into the Rishi SH, and what we seen was a direct influence on what was added/removed to that SH while it got created! It was obvious the devs were in direct contact with the player base on the forums and PTS thanks to excellent communication via Charles and to a lesser degree Keith.


I use this period of time as an example because the only difference during that time was who was controlling the community management on the forums, and with that difference we saw the most interaction between players and the devs happening.


During this rare period of time, we also saw the most direct impact from players communicating to the devs via the forums on the actual dev work done. Specific little details people brought up on the forums was acknowledged and acted on by the devs! I was really impressed tbh.


Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, if this trend has gone on for years, is it really going to stop now? I doubt it, which is why it's better to temper expectations when it comes to communication (or lack of.) Basically we can only hope a vacation happens otherwise you can expect the "same old same old."

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1. “Working as intended”


Ok the feedback i have been provided is that there is no open bug report about wrong distribution of spec loot.


This is not like wow where 100% of the drops are for the current discipline or loot specialization since all items are character bound.


Most items in swtor should be legacy bound so you can and will receive items for others Specs to share between your other characters.


now after saying this most drops should be for a spec the character has selected.


If legacy bound loot is not the best way forward, now is definitely the time to offer constructive feedback in how it can be improved/changed.


if this is still to be viewed as a bug report it needs to have more details about the drop (personal loot, group loot, chest, followed up with screenshots, videos Etc and for bug reports keeping sentiment neutral is always best.


Hope this helps.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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The ONLY time I don't get loot for the specified Spec is when I get Set Bonus drops. From what I understood of the Set Bonuses, they were going to be one of the GENERAL Sets or it would be for your BASE class when you got them.


I have gotten Death Knell Set pieces with Tank Mods in them on my Shadow Tank.

Edited by MacCleoud
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Most items in swtor should be legacy bound so you can and will receive items for others Specs to share between your other characters.


now after saying this most drops should be for a spec the character has selected.


Hope this helps.


Makes perfect sense.

It's all legacy! Just swap around & use the vendors for what you're missing. :rolleyes:

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i am trying to get some feedback for you


it is not listed in the known 6.0 issues at https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-14th-Nov-19/m-p/4886775#M40174


In regards to item rating i am aware of https://help.ea.com/en-au/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/new-in-swtor-onslaught/


To make sure you get the best chance at an upgrade, try to keep all of your equipped gear at around the same Item Rating. If you’re running around with (for example) an offhand weapon with a lower Item Rating than your other gear, it drags your average down and means you’re less likely to get a good upgrade from a Renown Crate.


To make this easier, every item in your inventory with a green arrow in its thumbnail will increase your overall Item Rating if you equip it.


Thanks Owen.


You might not have noticed I have posted a few how to gear threads / posts helping other people. So I’m completely on top of how to do it and how it’s supposed to work.


I also have all 306 stuff and rating and most of the stats are BiS as much as we can work out with spread sheets and theory crafting. As mentioned in all the other threads, the issue isn’t the iRating lvling up. I know how to work that.

It’s 100% the incorrect set bonuses and tactical’s dropping for the wrong spec.


I know you are trying to help out. I’m appreciative you reached out. It’s such a shame someone on the community management team couldn’t find the time.


And I have to question why this issue has not been on the known issues list for the actual dev team because it’s been posted in multiple threads and posts and bug reports and the bug reports in the game for the last 4 weeks.

It makes me wonder if there is a communications break down between the community management team and the dev team.


Anyway, I guess Kieth is now probably aware of it and will ask some questions. Hopefully it gets added to the list this week and we see a fix by next week.

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ok so you actualy are that ignorant, nice.


i got bad news lil snowflake: the world doesnt revolve around you.


anyway, primary way to get tacticals and sets is to buy them with tech fragments instead of random drops. by the time you get a random drop in any op which fits the class you are playing AND you actualy win it, you couldve bought the whole set from the fragments you gathhered.....like 5 times....


might be a bug, might be intended, point is: nobodies gameplay is affected by it that much, that it would need an instant reaction.

if i were in charge i wouldnt even bother as long as there is a whole server breaking on daily basis and plenty of ACTUALY gamebreaking bugs.


so calm down and stop being self-centered.


/ignore... you are worth my time.

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Weren’t all of Musco’s posts for Tulak Hord on a Saturday? Cut the man some slack. He was trying to put out a fire.


If you think you have a bug, have you tried creating a bug report with screenshots in the appropriate forum?


My point was he only communicates since 6,0 released to put out fires and they have to be damn big ones to get his attention. He’s basically “AFK” and hits his space bar so he doesn’t disconnect.


I’m glad he posted so much on Saturday to help with the problem. I just wish he could post too when he’s actually at work.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You must be new here and confused how fixes are done on SWTOR. I never seen the game down for 2 days, let alone a server down for 2 weeks while they patch fixes.


I give SWTOR devs credit on one hand, when it's clear they know what the problem is, they fix them. My issue is, are they really being told what needs fixed and what is still broken?


When you rely on the community manager, and he literally is completely silent regarding many different issues that have been raised since 6.0 was dropped, it's hard to believe informative feedback is being passed to the appropriate people.


Going on Owens post, it’s seems this problem isn’t even on their “known issues list”. Which leads me to think there is a massive communication break don’t between the community team passing info to the dev team.


Obviously the dev team can’t fix something if they aren’t told about it. This is why we need the community management team to respond to threads and posts on legitimate issues to let us know they’ve seen them and passed them on to the dev team. That lets us know they’ve seen it and there is no excuse if the dev team aren’t told. Which is why I’ve nearly been begging musco to make a reply to any of the breads on this problem so we know they’ve seen it,


I honestly feel bad for the dev team if they didn’t know about this and are just finding out, many of us have been blaming them for it not being fixed, when it’s not their fault.

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Ok the feedback i have been provided is that there is no open bug report about wrong distribution of spec loot.


This is not like wow where 100% of the drops are for the current discipline or loot specialization since all items are character bound.


Most items in swtor should be legacy bound so you can and will receive items for others Specs to share between your other characters.


now after saying this most drops should be for a spec the character has selected.


If legacy bound loot is not the best way forward, now is definitely the time to offer constructive feedback in how it can be improved/changed.


if this is still to be viewed as a bug report it needs to have more details about the drop (personal loot, group loot, chest, followed up with screenshots, videos Etc and for bug reports keeping sentiment neutral is always best.


Hope this helps.


So the thread in the “bug section” http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=971651


Has been totally ignored and so have all the other threads I’ve linked in it.


People have also made in game bug reports.


What more do players have to do to get them to lodge it as an active bug? March into their office with a lap top and demonstrate it?


I understand the system. I also understand how it was working on the pts and the feed back we gave them to fix it. Which they did in a week on the pts.


So I don’t have to keep rehashing this with you, please have a read of the thread I linked and the other threads in it. I think you will find the issue goes much deeper than what your post suggests is happening.


And I’m sorry Owen, this isn’t your fault and it shouldn’t be your fight. Where is Bioware? Why aren’t they here to discuss this?


Let me finish by saying the reason the sentiment is no longer neutral is because we are all frustrated at the lack of communication from Bioware.

It has been growing and growing the longer this has been ignored. I’ve made posts and threads at the start with neutral sentiment and no emotion, but after 4 weeks and no replies to ANYONE who has brought up this problem, my patience has gone out he window.


I’m willing to provide as much info that’s required if I haven’t already provided enough and have been willing to all along. I’m just waiting for someone to ask for it if they need more,

But I’m not going to make videos etc to prove my point when I don’t even know if they even care or are looking at the reports. Why would I waste my time?

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Makes perfect sense.

It's all legacy! Just swap around & use the vendors for what you're missing. :rolleyes:


And if all you get is tank drops and you don’t play any tank specs?


I’ve literally gotten the equivalent of 2 and half sets of gear specifically designed for a Darkness tank Sin when I play dps Deception. My wife has nearly as much and we’ve both got multiple tank tacticals.


ALL of our actual deception set bonuses gears has come from the vendor. Our Sins are now fully geared. But this problem is the same on Juggs, I’m now getting tank “specific set bonus” stuff for my rage Jugg. And my wife has even got tank set bonus stuff on her Merc?? WTH :mad:


So I gave up trying to gear my Jugg and my wife stopped with her Merc. I switched to my Lightning Sorc and start getting healing set bonus stuff instead of dps set bonuses.


I’m sure you can see why we are so frustrated. Buying from the vendor is supposed be be sexondary to gear dropping in the world. Now imagine if they’d never put those vendors on the fleet like we had to get them to do (they didn’t plan on direct sales).


Ready to unsub at this point.

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