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Is planned game performance update in future?


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Hello developers I have question about your steps in next years.. Is planning to optimize or update the game engine for new technologies in future like directX, multithreading, 64bit or something else? This really needs better performance. Thank you!
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Hello developers I have question about your steps in next years.. Is planning to optimize or update the game engine for new technologies in future like directX, multithreading, 64bit or something else? This really needs better performance. Thank you!



we can hope, but i wouldn't hold your breath. Every time someones brings it up, we get the usual about the hero engine being crap, and all the codes a mess. Although they have been working on it, so who knows

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DirectX isn't new. (1.0 was released in 1994.)


Multithreading isn't new. (In fact, it's older, as a concept, than I thought. Something recognisably the same concept as multithreading appeared under a different name in OS/360 - for IBM System/360 mainframes - in 1967. On PCs, multithreading was supported by all versions of Windows NT, all the way back to 1993. The most recent version of Windows NT is called "Windows 10".)


64-bit isn't new. (The first 64-bit data / 64-bit address CPU was the MiPS R4000, released in 1991.)


But of course that's not what you mean.


What you mean is DirectX versions above 9 (SWTOR is currently on DX9), multithreading *inside* SWTOR (which is already there, although could in theoretically be expanded to make better use of many-core CPUs(1)) and 64-bit compilation (which is a somewhat hairy process for long-standing game engine code).


None of those things would be cheap, and would distract the developers from building actual new content for a substantial period, and introduce hairy new bugs. (My day job - for over 30 years - is "programmer", and I've seen the sort of thing that happens during a 32-to-64 port. It's not fun.)


(1) My main PC has eight two-thread cores, for a total of 16 vCPUs.

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Hello developers I have question about your steps in next years.. Is planning to optimize or update the game engine for new technologies in future like directX, multithreading, 64bit or something else? This really needs better performance. Thank you!


This joke is almost 8 years old. They can preffer you to enter CM shop and buy some stuff. GEAR UP!

Edited by helpmewin
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I wouldn't count on it. It would have been done already because the game has needed a performance update for several years. Games newer than SWTOR have already even gone through performance/upgrade enhancements (ESO for example). I honestly think their engine is just too borked to do anything with.
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I guess the question would be how much content were you willing to give up for that?


I think that would be a massive undertaking. They haven't done it till this day for a reason. But they have slowly been working on it.


The biggest problem i see is that the game struggles to find where a player is, especially when there is vertical movement. This might be related to the net code more than the base code where assets are constructed.


But i'm sure that if they were bothered to upgrade the engine to 64bit it would help tremendously. But let's be honest. working on developing an engine to those lengths alongside developing game content is something they don't want to do. I think at this point it's become obvious that this is a battle we will never win.

Mistakes were made and we are stuck with it.

Edited by Nemmar
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My performance with this game is absolutely ok with everything set to max, even during 24 men raids/events.

What we really need is more content imho. The current update is nice but again massively lacks content.

Edited by Khaleg
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My performance with this game is absolutely ok with everything set to max, even during 24 men raids/events.

What we really need is more content imho. The current update is nice but again massively lacks content.


While there are a few lucky outliers (you apparently being one of them), there have been, and still are, thousands of players who go from 120 FPS in the open world down to 25-40 in WZs and Ops regardless of their specs or settings used. Makes no difference. I have built 3 completely different PCs during my time in SWTOR (2 Intel, 1 AMD), and this game has still performed horribly. TBH, the best performing PC was the oldest one, which makes zero sense. The point is there are definitely major issues that have needed fixing for years now. At this point, people should be able to run this game on a potato, but you have people with God rigs who have a slideshow in WZs and Ops.

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Hello developers I have question about your steps in next years.. Is planning to optimize or update the game engine for new technologies in future like directX, multithreading, 64bit or something else? This really needs better performance. Thank you!


I guess this will depend if better game performance impacts players still using older PC's or not. It may or may not depending on how its done. It be pointless doing so if half the players don't have good enough PC's to play On the other hand if everything is on BW's end then cannot happen soon enough. I know my PC cannot cope with anything after Ossues, games far to slow and my characters move so slow it's maddening. As my characters move normal on earlier planets it must be down to higher graphic's or just more of it on later planets. Well that's my theory.

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