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Alts - 1 of each spec


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In general story content, you're liable to get frustrated by the relatively low (compared to the DPS Disciplines) damage output of the tank discipline. I know I did for Kinetic Combat (tank) versus Infiltration (DPS) on Shadow(0), so much so that I switched the one who was in KC to Infiltration halfway round one of the Traitor Arc [sOLO] mode FPs.(1)(2)


(0) My Guardian tank(4) didn't even get as far as meeting Doc before she gave up tanking in favour of Vigilance.


(1) Strongly disrecommended, by the way. You have to finish the FP in a DPS discipline but with no DPS-mode tertiary stats at all (no Alacrity, no Crit, no Accuracy) and a bunch of useless tank stats (Absorb, Shield, Defense, which are no use to a DPS character). What was worse was that my character's favourite (and highest-influence) companion was The Traitor himself, so not available as an actual companion.


(2) Remember that on those FPs, [sOLO] is for advancing the story, while [sTORY] is for playing solo.(3)


(3) Despite the joking manner of presenting it, that statement is entirely serious.


(4) This one: https://i.imgur.com/jJlYIKS.jpg I feel I should mention that I don't take "dressing the part" very seriously in this or any other MMORPG.


Disclaimer: I blither a *lot*.

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So lets say I make 3 Guardians and level them up with the 3 different specs I have available. Has or does anybody do this? How useless or useful can this type of situation be? Returning old player.


Story is the same. But, if you play pvp or do end game content, you might find it useful to do this because you have 1 of each setup and ready to go. You also get to learn the specs properly and how to counter them in pvp.

It’s why I have 40 Alts. Even though I’m crap on many specs, playing them and knowing more than the generic basics can help you understand them in a confrontation.

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So lets say I make 3 Guardians and level them up with the 3 different specs I have available. Has or does anybody do this? How useless or useful can this type of situation be? Returning old player.


Don't do it (just because of specs).

There are reasons for having a class more than once, for example if you want to do the same operation multiple times a week and don't want to play any other class for that.

But the different specs are not a reason for multiple characters. You can change them for free at any time and it just takes seconds.

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So lets say I make 3 Guardians and level them up with the 3 different specs I have available. Has or does anybody do this? How useless or useful can this type of situation be? Returning old player.


I have 45 toons, which helps me greatly in gearing up characters. Now that all gear out side of the bleh Cartel Market, ....your life has simplified drastically!

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Don't do it (just because of specs).

There are reasons for having a class more than once, for example if you want to do the same operation multiple times a week and don't want to play any other class for that.

But the different specs are not a reason for multiple characters. You can change them for free at any time and it just takes seconds.


Space Barbies I tell you. The more Alts the better :D

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So lets say I make 3 Guardians and level them up with the 3 different specs I have available. Has or does anybody do this? How useless or useful can this type of situation be? Returning old player.


field respec seems like a better option? by all means, having alts of the same advanced class can be beneficial - it used to be a quicker way to gear with past systems and it helps getting around lockouts by still playing your favorite class.


But if the whole idea is having 3 guardians just because there are 3 specs, seems very unnecessary, especially for dps. I have a small army of assassins, none of them is locked to a discipline, I respec all the time if I want to/need to and share the legacy gear sets among them.


what sounds faster and easier to you: logging out, grab your guardian tank, logging back in and join the group again and travel (or be summoned) or stay logged in, opening your legacy bank, grab your tank gear and respeccing without leaving the group or the instance? whichever you choose, then probably that's the answer for you :)

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So lets say I make 3 Guardians and level them up with the 3 different specs I have available. Has or does anybody do this? How useless or useful can this type of situation be? Returning old player.

I run a juggernaut DPS and Tank. I don't like respeccing myself. Also to me it's part of the character and personality. I sit down when I make a new character and say ok this person is a tank because.... So it's part of their story.


So to me it's part of the character story and I don't like respeccing on the fly. Since I do find leveling a bit tedious these days with the superfluous levels above 50 so I do tend to start as a DPS and then become a tank later. I do find it good practice is also because I act as a dwt and learn to do a bit of tanking on the way without having all those abilities but the truth is that leveling to 75 as a tank takes a lot of patience. Or I use a Master's Datacron for instant level 70 and then just do the stories because then it's alright.


I just find that at end game level, I try to keep the specs with the individual character but it's about preference and not so much practicality.

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Back long ago in around 4.0 I used to keep 1 each of tank, DPS and heals going on each faction, in order to jump on any with guildmates and help in any role thay were short of.


But in the end, everyone left and I'm on my own. I occasionally jump to a different class and spec to stop myselff from getting completely rusty, but I think if you've been around some years you settle into a groove with a favourite character and class.


If you've CCs and /or credits to burn, then tank and heal specs aren't so bad with a DPS companion at rank 10-50 in tow. - At least for most of the story content up to current date. OFC if you're familiar with the story, you can skip some aspects of it, and oce you're at level cap , story is mostly unimportant for gearing up and end-game activities. Chances are you'll be at max level before the vanilla story runs out anyways.


You'l not see different story with different specs, but if you mix light and dark choices and swap genders to see the different romance options, it might help keep things a bit more interesting.


GL whatever you try, OP.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I have done this (because I'm altholic, and I like knowing how to play multiple things). But, in the end all my 7+ Jugg/Guardians ended up having fieldrespec and just jumping from tank to dotspec depending on what was next on the weekly tables to do. When you're farming conquest rewards like you often do in early expacs to get mats, convenience just rams over cool specialized alt setups.


But what is cool about knowing how to play each spec is it really helps you (especially if you're endgame raider) to recognize what spec will be most effective for which fight, and provide some carry value. It is extremely useful to be good at tunnelvision spec and dotspread spec and swap depending of what gives you more numbers at each fight. Fieldrespecking all the time can be tedious but this is how a lot of raiders clear tough stuff early.

Offtank who can swap to dps and back and have appropriate gear set with them to the raid are even more useful.


It's rare to have healers swap mid raid to anytihg but healing, but if you don't mind healing and want some quick FP ques, swapping to heal/tank from dps for fp or two reduces your pop times considerably.

I mostly only tank or heal FPs because I'm not a very patient fellow and want those quick pops, and use dps for pvp.


Lvling wise tanks and healers are a bit slow for clearing mobs, but I've lvled as both of those as well just to see how viable lvling is as either of those (put companion in DPS mode to save time).

Edited by Kiesu
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I have 8 assassin tanks permanently stationed in PVP zones next to Jedi battle commanders for doing conquest. I log in a toon, summon my guildies, we kill the commander, I flip to the next assassin tank at the next commander, wash, rinse, repeat.


Then I have a number of alts just because I like running toons through various gender/outfit/play style/alignment options.


This is one of my five accounts:



Level	ROLE	Class

10	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
41	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
70	DPS 	Trooper Commando
38	DPS 	Jedi Knight Sentinel
38	DPS 	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
70	DPS 	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	DPS 	Imperial Agent Sniper
23	DPS 	Bounty Hunter Powertech
70	DPS 	Imperial Agent Sniper
70	HEAL	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	DPS 	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
70	HEAL	Imperial Agent Operative
70	DPS 	Bounty Hunter Mercenary
70	HEAL	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
70	DPS 	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
70	TANK	Sith Juggernaut
42	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	TANK	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
70	HEAL	Trooper Commando
70	HEAL	Smuggler Scoundrel
70	DPS 	Smuggler Scoundrel
70	DPS 	Jedi Knight Sentinel
70	TANK	Jedi Knight Guardian 
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Shadow
70	DPS 	Trooper Vanguard
70	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
70	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
70	TANK	Jedi Knight Guardian
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
70	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
70	TANK	Jedi Consular Shadow
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
12	DPS	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
24	DPS 	Sith Warrior Marauder
17	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
38	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
20	DPS 	Agent Sniper
14	DPS 	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
16	DPS 	Trooper Commando
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
23	DPS 	Jedi Sentinel
37	TANK	Jedi Knight Guardian
31	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
15	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
37	TANK	Jedi Consular Shadow
10	DPS 	Smuggler Scoundrel
23	DPS 	Jedi Consular Shadow
38	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
23	DPS 	Jedi Knight Guardian
12	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
20	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
32	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
22	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
39	DPS 	Jedi Consular Shadow
21	DPS 	Jedi Sentinel
23	TANK	Jedi Knight Guardian
24	DPS 	Trooper Commando
11	HEAL	Trooper Commando
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
18	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
14	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
30	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
20	DPS 	Trooper Commando
25	DPS 	Jedi Consular Shadow
17	DPS 	Sniper
26	DPS 	Trooper Commando
14	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
21	DPS 	Smuggler Gunslinger
7	DPS 	Jedi Sentinel
70	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
52	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
14	HEAL	Jedi Consular Sage
17	DPS	Bounty Hunter Powertech
29	DPS	Sith Inquisitor Assassin
19	HEAL	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
23	DPS	Bounty Hunter Mercenary
21	DPS	Imperial Agent Operative
21	DPS	Imperial Agent Sniper
14	TANK	Sith Juggernaut
70	DPS	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
20	DPS	Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer
18	DPS	Sith Marauder
18	DPS	Bounty Hunter Mercenary
70	DPS 	Jedi Consular Sage
70	DPS 	Imperial Agent Sniper
70	DPS	Trooper Commando



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