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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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Well... after getting to 306 for a while, i have to say i dislike this system.


I get so much useless crap and no useful items. I do weeklies, flashpoints, dailies, warzones and i get nothing but trash (i'm 306 but not every slot is 306 and the stats are wonky, so i need alternatives, but all i get is 302/304 or worse stuff)). I'm sick of it. This is simply not fun. I want to go to a vendor and get my gear.


But you can! Supply Section, human woman for Imps and alien guy for reps. When you see the game being a dick and not giving you upgrades anymore you go to that vendor, look at what slots of your gear have the lowest level and buy them. The vendor\s unmoddable gear will always be better then yours. Of course you can get unlucky and get moddable peace with lower level mods inside, and that sucks, but you can just buy the same item again and get the unmoddable version.


If you are trying to get to full 306 gear in all slots without using vendor at all, then yes, gearing is a nightmare. Especially around 290 level when upgrades in drop start getting scarce.


Oh and that "useless crap" is meant to be turned into TF, so it's not so useless.


As for the renown crates - they are NOT Galactic Command 2.0, you are not meant to rely on them as much as you relied on command crates.

Edited by Gelious
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There are a lot of mods. I would like an exchange vendor too, but we know the devs love RNG, so I don't think we will get it. Especially since then we could infinitely trade and resell the mods to get the amplifier we want (tech wizardrly pls).


I want the higher mastery, low endurance, medium power mod because I think that's good for scoundrels due to the new ability giving +20% to mastery total.


Or at least increase the amount of tech frags if you Deconstruct one from the vendor. You pay 175 tech frags and get 4 back if you deconstruct

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So, now I got used to the system. I start to like it. I have never been so fast on the highest level of equipment. A few more adjustments and my Main is ready. I then use the Legacy Armor to upgrade my twinks faster.:)

The RNG dealers are annoying. They should be exchanged for meaningful dealers.



I'm curious what equipment they think up for 6.5 or 7.0. Actually, they now have every crap through. But maybe they are creative. :D

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Nah, 5.0 was the worst. 1 star thread.


Your stuff please.


5 Star Post.


Yes, it is objectively the case that PvP is not the fastest way to gear. But many had BiS (minus amplifiers, which is not germane to this conversation) on day ONE.


To equate this to the 5.0 -5.6 era is not only quixotic, but demonstrably false.


There are plenty of criticisms (e.g., crafting / level locking of FPs and OPs) to be leveled against Onslaught -- this is not one of them.



Edited by Jdast
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I hate getting stuck at certain ilevels. I've had to buy at least 5/6 pieces of unidentified gear between 280 and the current 283 I'm sitting at now because I just keep getting low gear or low mod drops that do nothing to help boost me further and it's frustrating to still be getting 270-274 gear drops or 278 mods/armourings/etc that do nothing for me either. :(


I only saw lower level gear drops on veteran mode flashpoints, i kept progressing doing hardmode flashpoints.

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LOL at the 'I love it' crowd - you do realize that it's all meaningless, once you hit 306, you'll be stat capped just about everywhere in the game save for the new op and fp, so they might as well have given everyone stat templates.


And not just that, everything at or near 306 is gold (ooooh, so shiny), so repairs and mod removal cost 4X as much.


Which is far far far better than the "I hate everything crowd". As for the complaining about the cost of removing mods and stuff, Please that is just pathetic as you can make credit very very easily and quickly at high level. Also there is nothing wrong with 306 gear, The only players who need it are OP players and as you said in your own post they can get better gear by doing Op's. If better gear did not drop in OP's you be complaining about that, or someone else would, This is a fact because already has happened more than once on these very forums.



As for the OP's statement of "worst gear in SWTOR history" Well you know this comes under just 'whatever' to me as you would of complained no matter what, just like the person I quoted above. Is the gear system prefect? No of course not, but never could be no matter what BW did because every player(s) wants something different and no such thing as one size fit all. So there was no way BW could never please everyone.


If you don't like my post Dawn, then maybe you should not be as patronizing to other players who don't share your opinion. I could easily just do the old LOL at all your post too.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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Stuff to put inside your gear literally rains on you in flashpoints and operation and if you don't like group content - there is plenty to earn in chapters, dailies, solo flashpoints and renown crates, just a bit slower.

After playing with the new system I would say it's the best in the game's history:

- Allows to directly buy set bonus gear and pick from different sets for each class,

- Gives you plenty of gear and plenty things to do with gear you don't like,

- Does not exclude any group of players (anybody can get almost anything, it's just a matter of time depending on chosen type of content),

- Tacticals are awesome.


While BW messed some things up (crafting is pure pain, there were some mistakes in balancing, not a fan of conquest changes) I find gearing near-perfect.


You must be a heck of a lot luckier than I am. I've had a whopping 1 item drop. One. Multiple heroics, story quests and dailies. 1 item. The ONLY progress I've made has been from spamming treasure hunting, and those very rarely drop left side. I've been saving my conquest and renown boxes until ilevel 276, but at this rate it's going to be awhile. The amount of tech bits from deconstructing gear from the treasure hunting missions has been minuscule, so I can't buy the missing pieces yet.


So from where I'm sitting, Command Crates were a hell of a lot more solo friendly. Ossus was a step backward, but it would have been fine if more content counted.

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I only saw lower level gear drops on veteran mode flashpoints, i kept progressing doing hardmode flashpoints.


You might get one or two high items in vet mode, but you do get lower items in master mode too when you get to one of those gear hump points (it’s especially bad when you have iRating 306 and it keeps dropping 302-304). As soon as you get past it, the gear increases again. This seemed to happen at 282 and 300 for me even though my over all iRating was 300, I noticed I had a 296 armoring. As soon as I bought one from the vendor (gave me 302) the gear drops increased again in iRating.

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Do what you don't want to do.


You do not want to run a stealth toon up to 75

You do not want to run Red Reaper dozens of times to get the gear up to 306.

You do not want to continue to do this after getting to 306 so you can get gear for other toons so they can be 306.


I did these things went from 283 to in less than 24 hours running red reaper over and over. Two man or three with a comp. No tank needed.


You do not want to run a non stealth toon up to 75

You do not want to run Hammer Station dozens of times to get the gear up to 306.

You do not want to continue to do this after getting to 306 so you can get gear for other toons so they can be 306.


You do not want to run a non stealth toon up to 75

You do not want to run Vet mode flashpoints dozens of times with Guildies and/or friends to get the gear up to 306.

You do not want to continue to do this after getting to 306 so you can get gear for other toons so they can be 306.


I got my six piece bonus after seven days since release.


So it may be a pain and something you do not want to do but if you want it over and done with than you do it.


Am I at BiS No and I will work at that for a long time but I know that I will pull up to 17k DPS with 228 augments in the new content. I expect that if I continue as I am now I will have all my toons at 75 in 306 gear without even leveling them up to 75 in less than a month. Once I do, they will put on their new shiny and go do something I like.



Edited by Hawkebatt
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In the lead up to 6.0, I had bought artifact authorization (it was on sale) and was starting to grind the Ossus weekly + the world boss to gear up. It was pretty annoying that I could only make progress once a week per character, but I was finally starting to get used to it... I'd take that over this new system.
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Did they nerf the RNG vendor in the last patch? Because I've been getting either pieces that are equal to what my toon is wearing or inferior. Today, I got a 275-rated mod-able belt when my toon was wearing 276. Tried my luck with mods and ended up with a 276. She's iLevel 277 :mad:
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personally, i don't hate the new system. what they have enabled is the ability to literally play any character you want that is level 75 and be able to make progress towards gearing that character, or any other one on your account. so if my agent is sitting at 260 but i don't want to play her i can just hop on my bounty hunter and get higher level gear to trade over.


also, i can't grind grind grind every spare minute i have anymore, so i feel the pace at which my 75s are gearing up is about perfect. every FP i do gives me 2+ pieces of usable gear and tons of mats from disassembling the pieces i don't want.


is this system the most fun for that very vocal minority of "hardcore gamers"? no, probably not. just keep in mind the normal people that pay the same subscription they do.


find out for yourself, don't take the word of some internet rager who is mad that he can't get through darkshire in classic wow so he comes and takes it out on swtor.

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Did they nerf the RNG vendor in the last patch? Because I've been getting either pieces that are equal to what my toon is wearing or inferior. Today, I got a 275-rated mod-able belt when my toon was wearing 276. Tried my luck with mods and ended up with a 276. She's iLevel 277 :mad:

No, this is normal, I am afraid. There is a separate RNG for each and every mod inside the moddable armor, and it's not a 100% chance that each of 2-3 mods are gonna be upgrades for you, and if one mod is not upgrade, it makes the whole piece not an upgrade.


That is why you shouldnt wear moddable armor until you get to 306. Even then it is still possible to get armor with 302-304 mods inside.


If vendor sold you moddable piece instead of unmoddable, check if you have higher mods in your inventory to replace

the lower ones, and if you dont, just buy the same piece again, you will get notmoddable version that wil be better.

Edited by Gelious
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Did they nerf the RNG vendor in the last patch? Because I've been getting either pieces that are equal to what my toon is wearing or inferior. Today, I got a 275-rated mod-able belt when my toon was wearing 276. Tried my luck with mods and ended up with a 276. She's iLevel 277 :mad:


Don't forget to look at your Equipped Item Rating (on the left side of the screen when you open up your character's gear window). That's what mod drops are based on.


I'm guessing that rating is probably at 273. Buying stuff at the vendor is almost always an upgrade (until you reach 306) of 2 points compared to your iRating. Look for your lowest pieces and upgrade those first.


Just as an example, if you have 7 pieces of 276, and 7 pieces of 272, your total equipped item rating is going to be 274. To increase that, focus on boosting the 272's to 276.


Edit: Sorry, coffee is still taking time to work. I failed to notice that you said your iRating was at 277. That's very weird and leads me to suspect they changed something. On the PTS, the changed it so purchasing from the vendor would always be an upgrade (until 306 of course). This has been my personal experience as well in gearing to 306 over the past week. Every vendor purchase has always been an increase of 2 levels compared to my iRating, including mods, barrels, hilts, armorings, etc.

Edited by sharkfishman
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Did they nerf the RNG vendor in the last patch? Because I've been getting either pieces that are equal to what my toon is wearing or inferior. Today, I got a 275-rated mod-able belt when my toon was wearing 276. Tried my luck with mods and ended up with a 276. She's iLevel 277 :mad:


I'm getting radom item levels from boss drops that are blow my that of my character. Currently item level 277 and receiving 272s from fp bosses and, oddly, gear for other specialisations - playing a ruffian and got two sniper rifles today...

Edited by Puppypickles
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I'm getting radom item levels from boss drops that are blow my that of my character. Currently item level 277 and receiving 272s from fp bosses and, oddly, gear for other specialisations - playing a ruffian and got two sniper rifles today...


I had exactly the same experience. I was VERY happy to see them FINALLY address the loot issue with TK sages (not getting loot drops), only to see nearly all of my FP drops last night were gear at my level. And as I was maxed out on tech fragments, I used the vendor to get an offhand and some bracers, and both of them were lower than my current gear level.


I think the patch Tuesday broke something.

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You might get one or two high items in vet mode, but you do get lower items in master mode too when you get to one of those gear hump points (it’s especially bad when you have iRating 306 and it keeps dropping 302-304). As soon as you get past it, the gear increases again. This seemed to happen at 282 and 300 for me even though my over all iRating was 300, I noticed I had a 296 armoring. As soon as I bought one from the vendor (gave me 302) the gear drops increased again in iRating.


True. I guess i kept deconstructing anything that was not an improvement so it didnt take much to just buy an upgrade item from vendor when i hit a lull in an item.

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Even if you get to 306 it doesn't mean your gearing is finished. You still need drops to get other 306 mod which gives power instead of endurance which your class doesn't need or stronger 306 armoring since your 306 armoring is weaker. More power 306 crit enhancement than 306 mastery>crit enhacement etc. All these min maxing is needed for better performance in pvp yet requires spending tonnes of time doing non-pvp content


I find it amusing that you of all people are complaining about gearing while all your PVP celebrity friends on Darth Malgus are flexing around the fleet with their shiny 306 fully set bonused gear and right amps.. and they got them after like 3, 4 days of PVE in a gearing system that is "very hard " on paper... On paper it's so easy that it's very likely they will add , 2 or 3 more tiers of gear with the max major story update that will likely come next year.

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I find it amusing that you of all people are complaining about gearing while all your PVP celebrity friends on Darth Malgus are flexing around the fleet with their shiny 306 fully set bonused gear and right amps.. and they got them after like 3, 4 days of PVE in a gearing system that is "very hard " on paper... On paper it's so easy that it's very likely they will add , 2 or 3 more tiers of gear with the max major story update that will likely come next year.


Good for them. Meanwhile some people despise pve and want nothing to do with it. The same drop rates in flashpoints should be available in pvp. Its like ya'll can't wrap your head around this single concept.

Edited by Raansu
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Good for them. Meanwhile some people despise pve and want nothing to do with it. The same drop rates in flashpoints should be available in pvp. Its like ya'll can't wrap your head around this single concept.


Exactly. I played the pvp daily and ended up with 25 fragments for about an hour’s playtime. Doing flashpoints yields 300 in the same amount of time. Seems pretty out of balance, especially for ‘play your way’.

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Good for them. Meanwhile some people despise pve and want nothing to do with it. The same drop rates in flashpoints should be available in pvp. Its like ya'll can't wrap your head around this single concept.


Similar activities with similar time commitments should award similar rewards - but even in PVE, the rewards for the time and effort are all over the place, which is why players have been spamming Hammer Station or Red Reaper stealth.


Other flashpoints provide similar rewards, but take significantly longer due to everything from excessive RP cut scenes to large maps to annoying or over-tuned bosses.


I really wish they would address all the content and do a pass to adjust time and rewards - such that similar time in PVP awards an average (average of win / loss / medal based rewards) rate equivalent to time spent in PVE.


Similarly, instances that take longer than average to complete should have extra rewards (maybe just add rewards to some of the 'bosses' in the massive instances that currently have empty loot tables).


Lastly, the instances need a tuning pass - why waste time on a boss that may have a good chance of wiping the group or is just annoying and excessively long when you can face roll the bosses in Hammer Station for the same reward in much less time?

Edited by DawnAskham
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Good for them. Meanwhile some people despise pve and want nothing to do with it. The same drop rates in flashpoints should be available in pvp. Its like ya'll can't wrap your head around this single concept.


Except the premise of this thread -- given the title -- is that this is the worst system ever.


Snave, Krea and others all got BiS (possibly minus Amplifiers) within one or two days.


To say it is worse than 5.0 -- is a flat out lie. Even if you don't go their route and run certain FPs until your eyes bleed, we are talking about a few days you are behind.


Stop whining.



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No, this is normal, I am afraid. There is a separate RNG for each and every mod inside the moddable armor, and it's not a 100% chance that each of 2-3 mods are gonna be upgrades for you, and if one mod is not upgrade, it makes the whole piece not an upgrade.


That is why you shouldnt wear moddable armor until you get to 306. Even then it is still possible to get armor with 302-304 mods inside.


If vendor sold you moddable piece instead of unmoddable, check if you have higher mods in your inventory to replace

the lower ones, and if you dont, just buy the same piece again, you will get notmoddable version that wil be better.


Thanks for the clarification :) I'm not doing a lot of fragment-generating content so my experience with Mr. SciFi Pacrooti is pretty limited. I guess I'll have to get used to the idea of getting gearing booby prizes :p


Can you sell your junk piece back? I always got the impression it was a one-time deal. I didn't touch the endgame stuff much at all on the PTS.

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Am I at BiS No and I will work at that for a long time but I know that I will pull up to 17k DPS with 228 augments in the new content. I expect that if I continue as I am now I will have all my toons at 75 in 306 gear without even leveling them up to 75 in less than a month. Once I do, they will put on their new shiny and go do something I like.




But your Alts will need to be lvl 75 to wear the gear.

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Thanks for the clarification :) I'm not doing a lot of fragment-generating content so my experience with Mr. SciFi Pacrooti is pretty limited. I guess I'll have to get used to the idea of getting gearing booby prizes :p


Can you sell your junk piece back? I always got the impression it was a one-time deal. I didn't touch the endgame stuff much at all on the PTS.


You can’t sell you items back. The only ones that have a return timer are the set bonus items from the other vendors.


See if this guide I made helps you with the gearing


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