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6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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I don't remember ever having this smooth gearing curve in the history of the game. Not to mention horizonal variation and flexibility. I love it.


I would love to hear from OP which version of SWTOR they think had a better gearing system.

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I played 4 evenings and I´m 306 with some Tacticals and 4 set bonus. But I only run random master FPs with my guild.

We cleared the new flashpoint in master mode already (without Bonus - we didn´t find him).


I don´t think the system is perfect but it´s better than 5.0.

And the system with many setboni is similar confusing like it is in ESO.

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I don't remember ever having this smooth gearing curve in the history of the game. Not to mention horizonal variation and flexibility. I love it.


I would love to hear from OP which version of SWTOR they think had a better gearing system.


4.x before they brought in the galactic command crap.

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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


I did pretty much only MM FP and a few ops. I’m bis 6 piece and 3 tacs for healer 2 dps. If this isn’t the easiest gearing ever I dunno what is. Sorry your wrong. Was bis and 6 piece yesterday less than a week into the expansion and now working on a dps set

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Im a returning player, came back about a month before onslaught was released. To be honest, the only thing i was disappointed about was the Galactic Command Points to the Renown Points. I found you got more and better items/ gear in the command boxes than you do in this new renown system but other than that Im fine with the game so far.


As for the the original poster, well to be frank, you sound like a *********** baby. Any mmo rpg when it comes to endgame is a grind/farm for BiS. Bioware/swtor/EA has given us multiple ways to get BiS gear. Now just because you only want to PVP, thats your problem bud. You sound like an entitled baby. If you think threatening to keep your 14$ and cancel your sub is going to instantly change something your living in a dream world. There's thousands of us that are completely ok with the current game and gearing system, including myself.


Even with this thread you created there are far more people that are ok with the gearing system then there are people like yourself complaining about it. So keep your sub, see you later, we're not going to miss you. Bye :)

Edited by Skotcho
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4.x before they brought in the galactic command crap.

You mean back when we only geared trough tokens? How is that better roflmao.

None of the items ever had bis mods, you had to grab multiple tokens just to get you accuracy stats right, tank gear was pure def overload... yeah, sorry but no, it really wasn't.


We had once a good system with PVP gear where we got to pick and choose expertise mods for pvp currency.

And that was it. For only third of the playerbase.

Edited by Kiesu
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This system means people are playing the game, I never saw such active activity on FP. This is great to see people coming back on this type of content. BUT FP as most effective activities is not pleasant, raid would be far better. They are too long now with cap nerf cause of higher level.


We need more loots in raids, as much as more interesting loots. SM ops should be same as vet FP, as vet ops should be same as MM FP, but with more loots (around 4/boss in Fp is nice - need more loots in ops to be fair around the time needed to do - around 8/boss would be great to see).

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I really like the new system. Was super easy to get to 306 if you wanted to push it and knock it out. Back in the Masterwork system, it took months to get the full set since you could only get so many MW crystals per week...


Now I'm fine tuning all of my armorings, mods and enhancers to get the right mix of low endurance and high crit/alac/etc... Not all 306 suits are crated equal and the randomness of the mods keeps me going.


I have spent a metric ton of creds on rerolling amps though... That gets old as most of the pieces only offer amplifiers that I'll never use.

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You mean back when we only geared trough tokens? How is that better roflmao.


Because it wasn't RNG. I could do said raid, get said token, pick said gear. No running the same FP over and over and over and over and over and over for RNG gear to drop and there wasn't 20 different versions of a mod and there wasn't a damn RNG vendor that gave you a random mod out of that ridiculously large list of mod variants. Is there even a purpose to do raids anymore? There's no more direct drops. Why bother raiding anymore when you can just spam the quickest FP?


Also pvp gear existed and I could *gasp* pvp to get the gear I wanted and wasn't forced to pve to gear up.


6.0 gearing system is rng trash and it sucks even more for pure pvpers being forced to pve.

Edited by Raansu
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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


I agree here, even though i got to 306 ilvl fast i still have many wrong enhancements, mods and armorings with wrong stats. I need crit not accuracy, i need more power not mastery or endurance yet game continues to throw me gear parts with stats i don't need. And yeah i noticed to play ranked pvp less because of need to do booring pve Dailies and weeklies just because they provide better gear which i need for pvp.... Emperor Palpatine would definitely say "Ironic, he had to stop playing pvp he likes to get gear in pve he hates to be able to play pvp". Sounds more like real life rather then a game where we also have to do things we often dislike to be able to live as we want.



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This system means people are playing the game, I never saw such active activity on FP. This is great to see people coming back on this type of content. BUT FP as most effective activities is not pleasant, raid would be far better. They are too long now with cap nerf cause of higher level.


We need more loots in raids, as much as more interesting loots. SM ops should be same as vet FP, as vet ops should be same as MM FP, but with more loots (around 4/boss in Fp is nice - need more loots in ops to be fair around the time needed to do - around 8/boss would be great to see).


Nice thinking of only yourself. Go queue team ranked and get zero pops or go queue solo ranked and wait hours for a pop while in previous patches it was nearly instant pops. By forcing one type of content they recking other types of content

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What do the devs get out of this change to gearing?


It seems some players have through luck, rng, hard work or grinding MM FP for a few days already geared up, So in a week they have finished the gearing system. So it doesn't seem like there was much point in reseting these folks and making them grind all over again.


For others the gearing system is driving them away, the rng or not seeing much enjoyment of grinding MM FP or whatever is making the game unenjoyable for them.


So I wonder who did the new system benefit. Or more to the point how did it help increase subscriber numbers or enjoyment. Would it not simply have been better letting the old gear have remained viable and added tactical and more set bonuses.


It seems a lot of work has gone into it, far more than to the story or content from the looks of the story or content and yet if you like it you probably finished it and where you want to be, if you hate it you are probably unsubscribing and if you are wondering if you want to come back the prospect of grinding MM FP to gear up probably isn't a massive selling point. So it seems this was a serious mismanagement of resources and implemented really poorly.

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I like it. I can rip mods from everything. And they have their own stat bonuses as well.


Me too, not as much as command crates but so far it's OK. It would be nice if more gear dropped form particular quests. Had gear from Black Hole each time I have done it, none at all on CZ. I also would like it if gear was more evenly spread, so far most has been tank gear & heal gears which is important for players who play those classes, only about 1 in 5 seems to be DPS gear. Which is odd as I would have thought DPS was the most commonly used. Still not asking for DPS to get more just around the same which is 1/3

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I've played since 2015 and this is the best gearing system to date imo. I play with 16 characters and really like what they did with the sharing of gear.




I love that I can share my gear with alts and they will start getting the next level gear too. It is so friendly to all my alts, plus the shared inventory for the tech fragments means that playing any character can get me the fragments to buy on an other character.


It is pretty awesome.


No more leveling every character to cxp 300 for them to be viable, now my mains get a yellow gear drop on every drop and i can share that with any of my alts. I can even change from tank to dps drops without changing my skill tree.


I have been playing since launch and this is BY FAR the best system.


Anyone that doesnt see that, does not remember battlemaster bags or grinding the only level 55 flashpoint over and over and over again with no legacy gear even.

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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.

At first I thought that gearing in 6.0 was going to be horrible but personally, I think it's actually one of the quicker ways to gear.


I took Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to play the story and then concentrated on gearing over the weekend. Between FPs and WZs my Sorc is at a gear level of 299. I don't remember ever being able to gear so quickly in SWTOR.

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it is the worst


getting to 306 isnt terrible but min maxing is meaningless except for 1 op and 1 fp... capping everyone, making stims, relics, buffs useless... its like they chopped off every limb of the game... if people gear in non capped BiS 50% of stats are going to be useless in 99% of content.

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Play release PvP with Battlemaster bags and then tell me again how 6.0 gearing is the worst ever. People are really trying to blow this out of proportion.


So replacing one rng system with another rng system is an improvement how?

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My take on this gearing: It sucks.


I love the fact that we have different sets, but make them more meaningful for each class. Some sets are not worth keeping.

Secondly: this gearing sucks. Most people atm are playing Hammer Station and Red Reaper only to get the gear they need. This is a no-go. I understand the need to make FPs more viable for people, but this is really ridiculous. Ops are awful to play atm with level lock and Veteran's edge. My suggestion: ditch level lock and veteran's edge for ops and FPs, like it was in 5.0. Have all bosses in ops throw a piece of gear, or better yet, let's go back to the tokens. Have last boss of each FP throw a piece of gear/token.

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My take on this gearing: It sucks.


I love the fact that we have different sets, but make them more meaningful for each class. Some sets are not worth keeping.

Secondly: this gearing sucks. Most people atm are playing Hammer Station and Red Reaper only to get the gear they need. This is a no-go. I understand the need to make FPs more viable for people, but this is really ridiculous. Ops are awful to play atm with level lock and Veteran's edge. My suggestion: ditch level lock and veteran's edge for ops and FPs, like it was in 5.0. Have all bosses in ops throw a piece of gear, or better yet, let's go back to the tokens. Have last boss of each FP throw a piece of gear/token.


There's literally no point to play ops anymore. This gearing system basically removes raid progression.

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At first I thought that gearing in 6.0 was going to be horrible but personally, I think it's actually one of the quicker ways to gear.


I took Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to play the story and then concentrated on gearing over the weekend. Between FPs and WZs my Sorc is at a gear level of 299. I don't remember ever being able to gear so quickly in SWTOR.


You can also send that gear to your alts and they start at that point with getting gear.


It feels like every character on my legacy benefits when I focus on any one character, which I love.


I was skeptical at first, but I can really dig this so far.

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