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Game is too difficult now.


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Sometimes, when I'm thinking things are too easy, I have to remind myself that I have level 50 companions, all the datacron bonuses, bonuses from being a Legendary player, plus Guild bonuses, and maybe a couple others I've forgotten.

For someone new, starting out with none of those extras, things can be a bit tougher. :rolleyes:

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You still can solo MM FPs and Uprisings in your sleep with heal comp.

They'd better remove healing companions from the game for good.


No need for that. The game has always had healer ability comps from the get go. It's incredible to me that people actually need them to be be Jesus-droid level strong now though or suddenly they feel that the game is too hard.


Talk about training wheels. They really opened Pandora's Box with the way they handled comps during Kotfe/kotet. From giving us access to basically all of them, to removing gear, to buffing them into demi-gods... all bad moves in my view.

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You still can solo MM FPs and Uprisings in your sleep with heal comp.

They'd better remove healing companions from the game for good.


Even if that were true, which for most people it is not, then those things should be toughened. Making the story grindier for trash mobs does nothing to add to the experience.


At this point all I want to know is how much of this was intended. Obviously some of it was, like the needed healing companion nerf, but is all of it? Or is some of it an unintended effect of something else? Because there was zero in the patch notes about lowering player defenses or buffing trash mobs.

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Lowbies in FPs are even more useless now than they were before - I won't join an FP with lowbies as even in Hammer Station the lowbies were dying repeatedly while enemies were living noticeably longer.


Lol what.

I just soloed vet Hammer with lvl 15 character (Anni mara) & lvl 1 Vette on dps like 5 mins ago.

It can't be easier than it is now.

And, well, vet HS was soloable by lowbies since forever.

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for most people

Lets begin from the point when you are speaking for yourself only.

Casual players (persons that do 2-4 HM raids and 5-10 MM FPs & uprisings per week) were crying for content being too easy for years now.

And what they got with 6.0? Exactly, game was simplified even more.

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Lets begin from the point when you are speaking for yourself only.

Casual players (persons that do 2-4 HM raids and 5-10 MM FPs & uprisings per week) were crying for content being too easy for years now.

And what they got with 6.0? Exactly, game was simplified even more.


These "casual" players are the ones with top tier gear, all the datacrons and +500 presence from their legacy. There have been plenty of players who were not saying anything because it was tuned fine for them.


So just because your viewpoint was louder doesn't mean your speaking for anyone more than I am.

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Lol what.

I just soloed vet Hammer with lvl 15 character (Anni mara) & lvl 1 Vette on dps like 5 mins ago.

It can't be easier than it is now.

And, well, vet HS was soloable by lowbies since forever.


And so can I - with a healing comp, an account with max legacy, and knowledge of the game as I'm sure you have.


What I can't do is carry new / casual player lowbies through and expect to have a fast, smooth and easy run without having a healer crutch (player or companion).


Anyways - world content is still stupid easy, it just takes longer.


Vet FPs are still easy, they just take longer and have more potential for failures, especially with all dps groups and doubly so if some of them are lowbies of the new / casual player type.

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Lets begin from the point when you are speaking for yourself only.

Casual players (persons that do 2-4 HM raids and 5-10 MM FPs & uprisings per week) were crying for content being too easy for years now.

And what they got with 6.0? Exactly, game was simplified even more.


You have an interesting definition of "casual" players :)


As for the "difficulty", I think most of it stems from lowering level lock on planets. I am on Tatooine atm and I think level lock for it was 32(?), now it's 29. Lower lvl = less dmg/hp/stats = longer fights.

The game is not "more difficult", it's just more time consuming (or more inconvenient if you will). Some situations now require more than just spamming a default attack, eg I needed to "plan" to take out a group of mobs that killed me yesterday (yes, killed ! First time in ages - I was spamming force storm [becasue it's awesome] but now it will not cut it).


So, yea... the game is not more difficult, it's just more inconvenient.

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That isn't it. I've been leveling a new Jedi Knight over the past week and am only level 45. There has been a huge change in difficulty in terms of doing normal story content I am well overleveled for. I did Tatooine last night (again as a level 45 with heroic gear from level 40+ heroics so well over leveled and geared) with Kira set on DPS and was losing over half my health every other group of trash mobs. I had to have her spend a lot more time in healing to get through things.


This isn't only a companion issue either. Content that used to be possible with your companion dismissed is now tearing through me like tissue. The worst part is its not even making it harder, just longer. When Kira is on healing I can still do everything without any issue, but I can't keep her on DPS for trash like I could before. So it's just as easy for story content, just quite a bit longer.


Well they did change level sync so that you are more closely balanced to how it was meant to be at release, at least for operations and flashpoints. I guess it made its way to planets and leveling as well. They still missed the mark quite a bit from what I've seen, but welcome to what leveling difficulty is supposed to be like, you don't have super stats when over leveled like the past several years.

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You have an interesting definition of "casual" players :)


As for the "difficulty", I think most of it stems from lowering level lock on planets. I am on Tatooine atm and I think level lock for it was 32(?), now it's 29. Lower lvl = less dmg/hp/stats = longer fights.

The game is not "more difficult", it's just more time consuming (or more inconvenient if you will). Some situations now require more than just spamming a default attack, eg I needed to "plan" to take out a group of mobs that killed me yesterday (yes, killed ! First time in ages - I was spamming force storm [becasue it's awesome] but now it will not cut it).


So, yea... the game is not more difficult, it's just more inconvenient.


I didn't notice the level lock changed. I didn't even think to look at that. Was that in the patch notes?

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They really opened Pandora's Box with the way they handled comps during Kotfe/kotet. From giving us access to basically all of them, to removing gear, to buffing them into demi-gods... all bad moves in my view.


Hah! I can imagine the complaints right now if companions had to be geared all over again :D

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The biggest hit to healing companions was the removal of the shielding ability that they had. It blocked all incoming damage for a short time and was almost always active before you actually got hit with an incoming attack. That gave the character the ability to withstand the "alpha strike" of the mob and the healer time to recover the lost health from being stunned and knocked down. The thing with taking that away is that the various classes don't have the same ability to avoid that damage without that companion ability. Ranged classes are all but immune to knockback and stun (very few NPCs have a ranged knockback or stun and those that do are usually found in very small groups). Tank classes have a built in damage reduction and healers have far better healing abilities than companions ever had (not to mention the double healer effect if they use a healer comp as well). The change disproportionately affects the lightly armored DPS classes. Add to that taking the cooldown on the most powerful healing ability from 0 seconds to 9 seconds and adding two more seconds to the cooldown for their other meaningful healing ability and you have companions that are generating a lot less healing than before.


All of the issues with the healers (and the extra damage everyone was taking) were brought up in the PTS forums and Bioware's stated position was that you were not really taking more damage, it just looked like you were. Which was completely false, obviously. What is going on now is that the nerf to companions is an even greater impact than it was on the PTS where everyone was massively overgeared and represented a more elite population than is on the general servers. If they were seeing issues with companions, it should have been realized that the issue was going to become much worse when the average skill level (and gear level, and companion level) dropped moving to Live.


It is possible that this was implemented to slow down gearing by higher ability players or to increase the overall cost of leveling to act as a credit sink. It certainly had no chance of making the game harder for those who thought the game was too easy already. All in all it impacted the population in the game most likely to just give up on the game.

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Agreed. Everything feels too grind-y now. Not my thing. To each their own, but I'll let my sub expire (wish that wouldn't take a few months).


I liked it better when I did NOT have to turn my comp onto heal and take forever clearing mobs and bosses. That's just no fun for me. Challenging bosses that require learning mechanics.. that's the good kind of difficult. Whacking at an NPC all day while I just stand there, that's lame. I'll never understand why anyone wants that sort of "difficulty."


Yep this is what I was saying all along.


Grindy isn't fun and it's not the way to increase difficulty. It's just boring and gets old fast.

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Is this thread for real?


The game can still be effortlessly face-rolled by smashing your head repeatedly onto the keyboard.


Go start a brand new toon.


The new content was a faceroll on already geared toons. Class stories etc now are a different story. When ypu do this don't start with a companion, wait till they give you one.

Edited by Suzsi
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If by companions suck now you mean half the time they decide to stand there and stare at a wall rather than attacking enemies or healing you despite you ordering them to then yeah mine suck now too. That is when I can even summon them at all...
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In addition to the heal companion nerf there were changes to level sync. On most planets the level sync cap was lowered by 1 (so you are 1 level lower than you used to be), in addition there were changes to the formula used so that when level synced you will have about 2/3 the health and base damage that you had pre 6.0. This will also have an effect on the difficulty.
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The game is definitely way more difficult now. WAAAAAAAAYYY.


It was noticeable solo'ing heroics with my level 70 character.


It smacked me in the face and tossed me around the room with a fresh little Nautolan, when I tried to solo the veteran Esseles.


I've done that multiple times with fresh little characters in the preceding few weeks. The very first time can be hard but nowhere near impossible.


Now it's impossible.


I managed to very slowly cheese Isric - by leading him right up to the NPCs and dying close enough to the respawn point that I could attack him again before he killed the NPCs and reset himself.


I couldn't even come close to killing Ironfist. Even setting Qyzen to tank, he would regularly hit me with ranged attacks which ate over half my health. I might have gotten his health at most down to 80%.


Between this change in difficulty and Nautolans bizarrely not having a clear complexion option, I'm inclined to go back to playing my existing characters for the moment.


Companion influence is super important and the first flashpoint, while tedious and repetitive, does help to give new characters a leg up.


And I just know the devs will introduce clear complexion as a cartel market option, which I'd have to buy and then pay real money to apply to all of my Nautolans. So holding off on playing seems like a good idea.

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i think bioware intended for 4 heroics and vet flashpoints to require at least 2 people now. i dont think that is terrible for a mmo.


Went into Vet Korriban last night on a lvl 70 in 240ish gear. 2 other similar geared 70s and a level 75 in 260+ gear. We wiped on one of the gold mobs and adds at the start. Because I know my rotation I continually pulled aggro on my sorc and died on many pulls. As always people are running around on boss fights hitting koltos when they don't need to. This has always been and will ALWAYS be an issue and is going to be horrible with the new difficulty settings. I will no longer queue for many of the FPs going forward because of these issues. If this is BW thinking they did us a favor I'm not thanking them for it.

Edited by Sinhammer
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