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Remove guard from dps please


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You're a bit of an idiot aren't you? Of course there was a 4th player, they didn't specify the class or spec but it doesn't really matter. Also, I referred to assassin as the second weakest class, I didn't specifically mention specs. I think we could spend some time debating whether lethality is squishier than deception but this is besides the point anyway.


And yes, it was a sorc healer too.


Just to clear up things, the combat dev just gave a few statistics in a conversation where pt survivability was being discussed so my original post may have been a little bit inaccurate, i'll edit it now.


Idiot? The fact you actually think a player with my experience would actually consider a 3 v 4 with those classes/specs to have an advantage overall vs any composition of 4 classes/specs with similar roles is the moronic part, but not everyone sees sarcasm all the time, myself included. We all good =) just try to be way more detailed next time if possible.

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This is ridiculous, 3 dps with a healer and two of them just cross guarding each other and our team has only one dps who has guard and no one can guard him. SO ofcourse our team will loose since enemy team is just hitting one target without need to switch while our team has to spend time on swapping and these swaps don't really help much since switching targets still takes time which helps enemy healer to heal up both dps easily. Only tanks must have guard since it's their role to save team mates from dps. When dps can both guard, spam taunts and do dps this is not normal and gives a huge advantage in heal/dps ranked games.


Fine with this when they remove DPS from tanks cause tanks shouldn't be doing DPS!

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This is ridiculous, 3 dps with a healer and two of them just cross guarding each other and our team has only one dps who has guard and no one can guard him. SO ofcourse our team will loose since enemy team is just hitting one target without need to switch while our team has to spend time on swapping and these swaps don't really help much since switching targets still takes time which helps enemy healer to heal up both dps easily. Only tanks must have guard since it's their role to save team mates from dps. When dps can both guard, spam taunts and do dps this is not normal and gives a huge advantage in heal/dps ranked games.


From my experience double guard dps teams also won teams with no double guard. No matter what enemy team did, either they splited dps, or all of them swapped between guarded targets or they puted one of their dps on guarding target it was much easier for our healer to outheal it compared to enemy healer who was forced to heal heavily zerged one sin/jugg/pt or even merc in his team. I fully agree that something must be done with cross-guarding dps in heal games since it is too easy and too opped. It keep a jugg/sin/pt who has no guard support in his team in great disadvantage compared to enemy team which has 2 guarding dps players.

Edited by bladech
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sin main for 3.x and 4.x and dps jugg/pt main for 5.x, I would take some nerf of some kind for offguard. It is far too easiely abused, far too strong and relying on the arguement that these spec bring nothing else to the table is excuses. It's bioware job to design classes not provide some broken mechanic to make up for lazy design. Enet anyone? Edited by Seterade
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sin main for 3.x and 4.x and dps jugg/pt main for 5.x, I would take some nerf of some kind for offguard. It is far too easiely abused, far too strong and relying on the arguement that these spec bring nothing else to the table is excuses. It's bioware job to design classes not provide some broken mechanic to make up for lazy design. Enet anyone?


They could add a DPS-guard punishment buff/debuff... Whenever a DPS puts guard on a target their own DPS takes a 75% reduction. Something like that.



Fine with this when they remove DPS from tanks cause tanks shouldn't be doing DPS!


WB dude!

Edited by Lhancelot
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  • 2 months later...
So dps with guard continue to guard each other in heal games while healers heals them easily and swapping doesnt help while they can just sit on ONE target without spending any time on swaps....while sins can guard and not die even in games without healers thanks to double vanish :D this game is getting worse and worse Edited by omaan
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Multiple thread in this forum: NeRf “X” cLaSs, RheEEeEE!!!


Responses from other players: “X” class is fine. “X” feature of the class has been in game since launch.


Response from angered players: Do YoU eVeN Ranked Bro?!? BIoWaRe NeEdS tO BaLaNce ArOunD RanKeD!!


Next thread title: RIP ranked. “X” sErVer NeveR HaS RaNKed PoPs. BIoWaRe HatES PvPeRs, RhEEE!!!!!!


Keep up the good work, folks. It’s all entertaining as hell on a slow day at work.

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I mean, it was fine when they just had taunts. But Guard should definitely be a tanking ability. Taunts + Guard means why even play a tank in PvP? Just my opinion...especially with a timer on Huttball...




All kinds of silliness these days.

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I mean, it was fine when they just had taunts. But Guard should definitely be a tanking ability. Taunts + Guard means why even play a tank in PvP? Just my opinion...especially with a timer on Huttball...




All kinds of silliness these days.


Yes. Guard ought to be a tank only ability. Just like DPS ought to be a DPS thing.


IMO I like when roles are more defined, unlike the modern MMO gamer it seems. Seems now, everyone wants every class to be able to do everything.

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Yes. Guard ought to be a tank only ability. Just like DPS ought to be a DPS thing.


IMO I like when roles are more defined, unlike the modern MMO gamer it seems. Seems now, everyone wants every class to be able to do everything.


Indeed i think my statement were too harsh. Dps should keep their guard but same ad dps classes who can heal are weak at healing (normally it is 1-3k hps) dps who can guard must be able to guard only around 15% and their class energy must go really down if they guarding someone. Or guard must have a big cd.

Edited by omaan
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