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Guild System Is Still Outdated Because of One Thing...


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The rules about transferring guild leadership should be stated more clearly.


At the time of guild creation, a message at the bottom of the dialog box where you're trying to get 4 people to join you, and where you name the guild upon creation, in big red letters, would be a great place to say "Leader must log in every 28 days to retain leadership rank."

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Yeah, IF you go to EA help. I was referring to in-game. It's obvious that people can easily start a guild without knowing such details, and apparently you don't need to go to help to find out basically how to recruit, set members levels, setup the Guild Bank, etc, etc.


In one of the Guilds I'm in, the "owner" of the guild lost his GM status because he neglected to log in to the GM character. He and I were levelling alts together at the time. (The guy who became GM transferred it back.)

He then later suddenly quit and the GM status was transferred to that same other guy again.

Then that guy didn't log in for too long and the GM was transferred to one of my characters.

Then I was sick and didn't log in and the GM was transferred back to that other guy. :)

Every now and then I check to see if I'm the GM de jour. (We're the only two active players.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Then I was sick


Me after fatal heart attack:

Junior Medical Examiner: Sir! Sir! He's alive! I see his hand twitching!

Senior Medical Examiner: Nope, he's dead. That's just a muscle twitch trying to log into his guild leader toon.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I think you should remake your guild. You know what you're doing and can get it back up to your standards pretty fast if your friends also help.


Just do this. ^


As others already said it's a dumb policy and guild system how it transfers leadership... but... oh well.


It's not a catastrophe just reform a guild and begin anew. It could be the start of something beautiful, you never know. Unless you don't reform a guild! Then you will never know.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Me after fatal heart attack:

Junior Medical Examiner: Sir! Sir! He's alive! I see his hand twitching!

Senior Medical Examiner: Nope, he's dead. That's just a muscle twitch trying to into his guild leader toon.


I know this is just poking fun at what he said, but it is exactly my point. I had to leave for work for a couple months and had no access to the game. It was spur of the moment and I didnt really have a choice. Being sick, work related issues, hell a heart attack or other hardcore health concerns... Players shouldn't lose everything they have worked for because life happened without even a warning. Trying to say I am a bad guild leader and deserve to lose my guild is ignorant and toxic. This system needs reworked.

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Just do this. ^


As others already said it's a dumb policy and guild system how it transfers leadership... but... oh well.


It's not a catastrophe just reform a guild and begin anew. It could be the start of something beautiful, you never know. Unless you don't reform a guild! Then you will never know.


And risk having something like this happen again? I put so much time and effort and credits into this guild. It was my guild, no one else did any of it. Why would I put more time and effort into a system that could potentially screw me if a life crisis happens again? This has drained all my excitement for the expac and takes away all the fun knowing it's all gone.

Edited by Phaedruss
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And risk having something like this happen again? I put so much time and effort and credits into this guild. It was my guild, no one else did any of it. Why would I put more time and effort into a system that could potentially screw me if a life crisis happens again? This has drained all my excitement for the expac and takes away all the fun knowing it's all gone.


Did you try to contact whoever leads it now? What did they say?

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Hell, even just implement a guild feature that allows the guild leader to decide what happens. Check a box if you want the guild leadership to transferred, check another box if you don't. The people that start the guild should have a say in what happens to their guild, rather than just have it default to giving it away...

I have never seen a guild system like this in any game, and really dont understand why its a thing. If a guild becomes inactive, and members leave to join an active guild - that should be the only consequence;you lose your members. Just giving the guild to whoever logs in, when guilds take so much investment is just dumb.

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No way for me to know who has it or if they are even active.


I see, so the guild is dead, you have not seen anyone with it's tag? What guild is it if you can share the name maybe we can help track down a member of it for you. Or, can the BW representative let you know who is leading it now?

Edited by Lhancelot
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Hell, even just implement a guild feature that allows the guild leader to decide what happens. Check a box if you want the guild leadership to transferred, check another box if you don't. The people that start the guild should have a say in what happens to their guild, rather than just have it default to giving it away...

I have never seen a guild system like this in any game, and really dont understand why its a thing. If a guild becomes inactive, and members leave to join an active guild - that should be the only consequence;you lose your members. Just giving the guild to whoever logs in, when guilds take so much investment is just dumb.


You know what is annoying, as the last remaining member you cannot drop the guild, that's the dumbest part. Worst case scenario one person who is inactive might be sitting on it, never to log in again.


If this is the case, maybe a guide will let you take over the guild on a character seeing it's dormant and clearly the last member aint doing anything with it.

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I see, so the guild is dead, you have not seen anyone with it's tag? What guild is it if you can share the name maybe we can help track down a member of it for you. Or, can the BW representative let you know who is leading it now?


I've searched for it on a daily basis, multiple times a day. They took the HQ off of the public registry, etc...

for all i know the guild was disbanded. I asked for some info on it in my tickets and was told nothing could be done.


Guild name was: Darth Nöx

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You know what is annoying, as the last remaining member you cannot drop the guild, that's the dumbest part. Worst case scenario one person who is inactive might be sitting on it, never to log in again.


If this is the case, maybe a guide will let you take over the guild on a character seeing it's dormant and clearly the last member aint doing anything with it.


asked about that maybe being a possibility, also nothing can be done...

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I would never join a guild knowing its leadership had locked any possibility of transfer if the leader rage quits the game, dies, leaves, gets major wife aggro and has to quit the game OR ELSE, too many reasons for top leadership to wither away. Smart people wouldn't join it, either, knowing their leadership is at a dead end if anything happens.


Why is that so important?


Only the guild leader rank can ban and unban, it can't be delegated to a lower rank. Only the guild leader can set bank privileges or buy additional bank vaults, that cannot be delegated to a lower rank. Guilds need their leader, not just be allowed to wallow around in the hopes he'll ever come back.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I would never join a guild knowing its leadership had locked any possibility of transfer if the leader rage quits the game, dies, leaves, gets major wife aggro and has to quit the game OR ELSE, too many reasons for top leadership to wither away. Smart people wouldn't join it, either, knowing their leadership is at a dead end if anything happens.


Why is that so important?


Only the guild leader rank can ban and unban, it can't be delegated to a lower rank. Only the guild leader can set bank privileges or buy additional bank vaults, that cannot be delegated to a lower rank. Guilds need their leader, not just be allowed to wallow around in the hopes he'll ever come back.


Then you join one of the many other active guilds out there? This is how it works in any other mmo...

Also everything you just brought up is even more the guild system is lacking. A guild leader should be able to set privileges to the officers, members, etc...

Edited by Phaedruss
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Then you join one of the many other active guilds out there? This is how it works in any other mmo...

Also everything you just brought up is even more the guild system is lacking. A guild leader should be able to set privileges to the officers, members, etc...


Well in this MMO, the game expects guild leaders to act like leaders or moves them aside.

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OP, I genuinely feel for you, you have a legitimate feeling of ownership over something that was taken from you. But let me present you with another situation.


I, too, had to take time away from the game, my reason was medical rather than work related, and when I came back I didn't find that someone had taken control from me, I wasn't guild leader, I found a relatively dead guild. When I last played the guild would average 25 people on a night during the week. Raid nights would see that go up to over 40. And the weekends would have 50, 60, or more. We had two progression raid teams and a couple casual teams that would all regularly run content.


The day I logged in following my hiatus only six accounts had logged in within the past 30 days. Myself, four others, and the guild leader who had not been on for over three weeks. Over the next several months the number of people who would log in and play regularly kept shrinking, a couple left, and throughout it all the guild leader would log in then immediately log off every 25 days. They wouldn't be on long enough to send a message to, and they never responded to mail. So for months the guild languished. Then, the guild leader cleaned out the guild credits and locked all of the guild bank tabs so those of us still playing couldn't even use that. None of us were high enough rank to move the guild ship, invade planets for conquest, or invite people.


Eventually, it was just myself playing regularly and one other person who would log in for an hour or so every few weeks. The guild leader just stopped showing up. When it came time for the leadership to transfer it went to the other person*. Not any of my character's that had logged in within days or hours of the deadline, but to the person who had not logged in for two weeks. Just as it was time for leadership to transfer again this other person logged in. Unfortunately, I was offline at the time and they decided to kick my character's from the guild.


Yeah, the automatic transfer system could use some work. Namely, it could transfer leadership to the most active player rather then just choosing randomly from anyone who meets the criteria. But it exists for a reason. Now, my case did result in me being kicked from the guild, and I think the other person ended up selling it (probably made a good amount since the guild ship was almost fully unlocked). I ended up making a small guild for just myself, and my brother and nephew who I got to try the game, and since then I've sunk millions of credits into the guild. When I had to take a short break, again due to medical issues, my brother took over so they could still move the ship and invade planets. They weren't left sitting in a guild with no permissions to do anything with it. And when I came back leadership was transferred back.


OP, I do feel for you, but you did abandon your guild. You, and those you entrusted the guild to, abandoned the other guild members to a leaderless guild. You could do as I've done and just make one for yourself, or you could invite just your close friends or family and not have to worry (too much) about someone taking leadership from you, but if you're the guild leader and you don't ensure that someone, yourself or someone you trust, is actually leading the guild then yeah, it's been abandoned.


* The transfer of leadership is random in that it will go randomly to anyone who meets the criteria.




This is how it works in any other mmo...


Actually, in every other MMO I've played there have been systems in place to automatically appoint a new guild leader when the current leader is absent for an extended period.

Edited by ceryxp
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Unsubbed and uninstalled game. I refuse to support a game that punishes it's players for making life a priority at times.


Whine some more. The only toxic person is you. We've told you many of times what you should of done. You're trying to justify abandoning everyone in the guild that weren't your friends. You can't justify not logging in for 5 mins every couple of weeks. Instead of taking that smoke break, log in.


You're just the worst type of person. If someone did this to you, you would be mad that the guild died because the Leader decided to not care about anyone but themselves. You literally did nothing but whine in this thread for your wrong doing. You expected everyone to rise up and comfort you. We didn't.


You screwed over your guild mates. Raged when you lost everything for leaving for months. You were snarky and didn't take feedback well unless it was someone who was willing to you let you cry on their shoulders. I tried to help you many times on what you could of done. All you did was make snarky and sarcastic remarks. Instead of thinking only of yourself, think of the others that were there....and the others that took your guild.

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He is sounding a bit petulant at this point, so I think we're done here.


At least the OP performed the service of bringing to the attention to new people who may wander through these forums in the future the importance of logging into guild leader toons < 28 days.

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So to be a good guild leader, I should remove all my members if I want or need to take a break? That is what makes a good guild leader? Gotcha...


First and foremost, you should try learning how to read.


A good leader doesn't vanish into thin air for a month at a time. I was a leader in a game, and not only was I on every day no matter what, when I decided I couldn't be, I hjanded it over to someone I trusted who would be. That's leadership, not just vanishing.

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I know this is just poking fun at what he said, but it is exactly my point. I had to leave for work for a couple months and had no access to the game. It was spur of the moment and I didnt really have a choice. Being sick, work related issues, hell a heart attack or other hardcore health concerns... Players shouldn't lose everything they have worked for because life happened without even a warning. Trying to say I am a bad guild leader and deserve to lose my guild is ignorant and toxic. This system needs reworked.


So by your own words - you didn't have access to the game. So how would an advisory email from Bioware have helped matters?


I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you. Best of luck to you on your next game.

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