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Guild System Is Still Outdated Because of One Thing...


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After trying hard to get my guild back, I was forced to take a break from video games while I was away for work for a couple months our guild was stolen - everyone was removed from the guild. All of my high ranking members were also taking a break, this was when content was not being updated regularly (Ossus only took about an hour to complete and most of us were just waiting for new good content like raids, etc...). So during this content drought we took a break, most of us didnt plan on it, it just happened. News of the new expac coming out soon has brought us all back, but our guild was stolen.

Upon requesting help for this, this is what we find out...


'I understand that you invested heavily in your guild and you would like to get it back, but it wont be possible for us to add you back into it.


In Swtor, if Guild Leader has not logged in to Star Wars: The Old Republic on their Guild Leader character for an extended period of time (30 days or more), the system will automatically remove them as Guild Leader and pass their leadership on to the highest ranking member who is a subscriber and has logged in within four weeks. If there were no active subscribers in the guild over the last four weeks, the highest ranking Preferred or Free-to-Play member who logged in within four weeks is promoted.

Also a change in the subscription of the active guild leader will also cause the leadership to be transferred.


If none of your friends or officers you appointed were no longer playing, the system transferred the leardership to the active player at that time. Therefore, the new leader can manage the guild as he sees fit ( disband, kick inactive members etc ).


If you have any feedback you would like to share on how our guild system works, I would recommend to post on our official forum'



So even if it was some random player that was initiate, just because he logged on he is entitled to all the hard work and investment that went into building it? This is not an issue I have had with ANY other game. I dont get warned via Email that all my **** is about to be stolen and that i should log on?


I built this guild myself. I unlocked the Yavin HQ fully, decorated it to 100%. I unlocked the Flagship and decorated it hardcore too. Upgraded the bank, etc... I did guilt events, raids, etc... and someone is entitled to all that just because they logged on? Probably close to 500mil in credits invested into it and someone can just take it because they logged in and I dont even get a warning, it just happens? What?!?!?! Is this system meant to help keep guilds together, because it makes sure there is always an active guild leader? Because it seems like this system has broken up more guilds than it has kept together...


We have talked about starting a new guild, but all that work seems pointless if the risk of this happening again is there... This has got to be the most ridiculous guild system I have ever seen... A guild that has been around since SoR is just gone, because the game just gave it away to some Initiate Member just because he logged in while we were waiting for content...

Guilds in SWTOR take SO MUCH investment to build up, and a Free to Play or Preffered can steal it, without ever investing anything. This is wrong...

Edited by Phaedruss
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Yeah. It sucks. It would seem you and your friends left the guild to die tho. The system usually makes it to where the guild can still thrive and keep going for other members.


I think you should remake your guild. You know what you're doing and can get it back up to your standards pretty fast if your friends also help. I think if you know you're going to be gone for a few months toss that leadership to someone you trust and know will at least log in once a month.

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if you are not going to bother logging in for 28+ days, then why should you still have the guild? why should the other people have to suffer a guild that has no leader, or council that will take care of it, keep it running, doing stuff with it. I have no sympathy for anyone that loses a guild because they didn't log in. At the end of the day, it's YOUR fault, not BW/EA, and not the fault of the people who have stuck with the guild. No one 'stole' the guild, you abandoned it. Edited by DarkTergon
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Yeah. It sucks. It would seem you and your friends left the guild to die tho. The system usually makes it to where the guild can still thrive and keep going for other members.


I think you should remake your guild. You know what you're doing and can get it back up to your standards pretty fast if your friends also help. I think if you know you're going to be gone for a few months toss that leadership to someone you trust and know will at least log in once a month.


I dont see how giving a guild to a random person, whoever logs in first when the guild is taking a break, would help a guild thrive. Thats not how leadership works... Just because some is appointed guild leader by the game, doesn't mean anything. Not to mention, after talking to some people, it seems like 9/10 this is what happens: Noobie gets a guild because he logged in, everyone in guild is removed, noobie has a guild!

Edited by Phaedruss
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if you are not going to bother logging in for 28+ days, then why should you still have the guild? why should the other people have to suffer a guild that has no leader, or council that will take care of it, keep it running, doing stuff with it. I have no sympathy for anyone that loses a guild because they didn't log in. At the end of the day, it's YOUR fault, not BW/EA, and not the fault of the people who have stuck with the guild. No one 'stole' the guild, you abandoned it.


I took a break... Real life happens. I did not abandon anything. If I had been warned about this, or reminded via email or something, I wouldnt have let this happen. SWTOR can't be bothered to email me saying 'you havent logged in for a while and in so many days you will not be guild leader anymore'?

Edited by Phaedruss
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I dont see how giving a guild to a random person, whoever logs in first when the guild is taking a break, would help a guild thrive. Thats not how leadership works... Just because some is appointed guild leader by the game, doesn't mean anything. Not to mention, after to talking to some people, it seems like 9/10 this is what happens: Noobie gets a guild because he logged in, everyone in guild is removed, noobie has a guild!


Clearly you didn't care about how leadership works. Leaders don't stop what they're doing and take 3 month breaks and come back with no leadership at their place of work or country and expect everything to be run smoothly without giving the people of said place someone to look up to and follow.


I'm not really sure why you think that you just up and leaving and all your friends up and leaving is ok for all the "random" people that you guys invited to said guild that was supposed to be for yourself from what you've said. Not sure why you would invite randoms if this was your intent.


IF you decide to come back and remake your guild. Maybe just keep it for yourself and friends if that's what you wanted in the first place. Don't invite anyone. Just your friends and yourself. You won't have this issue...unless you piss off one of your friends and he sabotages the guild..... hmmmm just get some people to sign up...then kick them...boom your own guild.

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I dont see how giving a guild to a random person, whoever logs in first when the guild is taking a break, would help a guild thrive. Thats not how leadership works... Just because some is appointed guild leader by the game, doesn't mean anything. Not to mention, after talking to some people, it seems like 9/10 this is what happens: Noobie gets a guild because he logged in, everyone in guild is removed, noobie has a guild!


It doesn't go to a RANDOM person. It goes to an active player of the next highest rank. If those people are all inactive, it goes to an active person of the next rank, and so on.


The only way it goes to some random at the bottom of the food chain is if everyone in leadership has abandoned the team.

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Clearly you didn't care about how leadership works. Leaders don't stop what they're doing and take 3 month breaks and come back with no leadership at their place of work or country and expect everything to be run smoothly without giving the people of said place someone to look up to and follow.


I'm not really sure why you think that you just up and leaving and all your friends up and leaving is ok for all the "random" people that you guys invited to said guild that was supposed to be for yourself from what you've said. Not sure why you would invite randoms if this was your intent.


IF you decide to come back and remake your guild. Maybe just keep it for yourself and friends if that's what you wanted in the first place. Don't invite anyone. Just your friends and yourself. You won't have this issue...unless you piss off one of your friends and he sabotages the guild..... hmmmm just get some people to sign up...then kick them...boom your own guild.


Wait... people arent allowed to take breaks in SWTOR? is that it? I'm a bad guild leader and my guild deserves to be taken away because real life came up and I took a break?

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I took a break... Real life happens. I did not abandon anything. If I had been warned about this, or reminded via email or something, I wouldnt have let this happen. SWTOR can't be bothered to email me saying 'you havent logged in for a while and in so many days you will not be guild leader anymore'?


you did abandon it, real life happens for everyone one, if you cared about the guild, you could have logged in once every 26 days(just to be safe) , why should swtor remind you? It's not their job, but as guild leader it was your job to log in and keep it going. You didn't think about the others in the guild, why should swtor consider you? There's too many people that walk away from guilds then come back later crying cause they decide they want it back, 5 mins once every 28 is not too much to ask. You expecting SWTOR to impement a system that sends out an email warning that you haven't logged in because you are'busy' is too much to expect them to do.

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Wait... people arent allowed to take breaks in SWTOR? is that it? I'm a bad guild leader and my guild deserves to be taken away because real life came up and I took a break?


Taking a break isn't the problem, being a lazy guild leader and not logging in at least once in 28 days, is. Thhat's the difference. If RL was busy, you could have told the guild, let them know you'd be away but logging in once a month to keep leadership, but that you would be back as soon as possible. At least it would show consideration, and people would understand. It would be up to them to wait or seek out another guild. Stop trying to blame everyone else for what you did, There are too many in this game who blame everyone else for the **** they cause to themselves

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Wait... people arent allowed to take breaks in SWTOR? is that it? I'm a bad guild leader and my guild deserves to be taken away because real life came up and I took a break?


Wait...you told me leadership doesn't work like that tho. Oh you are a bad guild leader if you abandoned the guild even if it was for RL issues. You can take breaks. Taking more then a 30 day break....gives the leadership over to someone who is actually playing. Which if you knew you were going to be busy you could of gave it to your friends. It would seem you stopped playing and so did your friends.



I really don't see what is to argue here. You put a lot of work into your guild. You couldn't log on for 5mins to check in with everyone in well over 30 days. I'm just kinda wondering why you think leaving everyone else hanging was a ok thing to do?

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Taking a break isn't the problem, being a lazy guild leader and not logging in at least once in 28 days, is. Thhat's the difference. If RL was busy, you could have told the guild, let them know you'd be away but logging in once a month to keep leadership, but that you would be back as soon as possible. At least it would show consideration, and people would understand. It would be up to them to wait or seek out another guild. Stop trying to blame everyone else for what you did, There are too many in this game who blame everyone else for the **** they cause to themselves


I did... other members were tending to it while I was away. But during this HUGE content drought, everyone got bored and also took a break. So we are to be punished because of the lack of content? This is stupid.

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I'm a bad guild leader and my guild deserves to be taken away because real life came up and I took a break?



In my guild, twice in the last year leadership had to be transferred twice due to RL issues. The difference is plans were quickly made to move to an active member and transfer back upon return (unless the new leader was better, which they are!)


If you or your council can't make plans or at the very least just log on as mentioned, then yes you deserve what you got. :rak_01:

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I did... other members were tending to it while I was away. But during this HUGE content drought, everyone got bored and also took a break. So we are to be punished because of the lack of content? This is stupid.


Besides for dailies/raids/pvp/alts what really is there ever really to do? RP I guess. You had your friends take care of it but they didn't. Should of picked better supervisors.


Look. Most people take breaks. That's ok. If you wanna keep your guild next time (if there is on) take 5 mins. 5 MINS. Out of your busy day to log on if you're going to be gone for 30+ days. This system was put in a long time ago. Sorry about your loss. This was on you and your friends tho.

Edited by Grymmjow
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I did... other members were tending to it while I was away. But during this HUGE content drought, everyone got bored and also took a break. So we are to be punished because of the lack of content? This is stupid.


You don't seem to understand how to take responsibility for your own actions. You aren't the sort of person that should be leading anything.


The guild system doesn't check to see WHY a GM abandoned the guild for more than 28 days. All it cares about is that there's no one at the helm. No one was twirling their mustache at BW / EA plotting to make you not want to play for 28 days. YOU chose not to log in. Your guildmates in leadership CHOSE not to log in. The reason is irrelevant. Totally. Irrelevant.

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I did... other members were tending to it while I was away. But during this HUGE content drought, everyone got bored and also took a break. So we are to be punished because of the lack of content? This is stupid.


No, you just admitted they were BORED....you left, it's gone, you're not getting it back. Take it as a life lesson and move on. Next time organise it better. You still want to complain, ***** to the people you left in charge, who got 'bored' and let it go.

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You don't seem to understand how to take responsibility for your own actions. You aren't the sort of person that should be leading anything.


The guild system doesn't check to see WHY a GM abandoned the guild for more than 28 days. All it cares about is that there's no one at the helm. No one was twirling their mustache at BW / EA plotting to make you not want to play for 28 days. YOU chose not to log in. Your guildmates in leadership CHOSE not to log in. The reason is irrelevant. Totally. Irrelevant.


So to be a good guild leader, I should remove all my members if I want or need to take a break? That is what makes a good guild leader? Gotcha...

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So to be a good guild leader, I should remove all my members if I want or need to take a break? That is what makes a good guild leader? Gotcha...


You should log in for 10 freakin' seconds once every 28 days. This isn't rocket science.

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So to be a good guild leader, I should remove all my members if I want or need to take a break? That is what makes a good guild leader? Gotcha...


You are so dense. There really isn't any reason to come back to this thread. You left. Your friends left. You left everyone else hanging for months. You came back with nothing and someone who actually played took over.


If you want to take a break. Make sure someone you trust is going to continue playing...or stop acting like you can't take 5 mins out of your day to log in once in 30 days....get real.

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The rules about transferring guild leadership should be stated more clearly. It happens too often that people lose control of their guild because they weren't aware of the rules. An automatic e-mail might suffice. Or maybe, whenever the GM logs in they should get a message about it on screen, similar to the MOTD.


However, the general rule does make sense. The system can't determine whether you are just taking a break, or have quit the game for good, or dead, or whatever. So it is reasonable that it's up to the GM to log in occasionally.

Note btw, it's the character that is the GM that has to log in - not just one of the GM's alts.

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The rules about transferring guild leadership should be stated more clearly. It happens too often that people lose control of their guild because they weren't aware of the rules. An automatic e-mail might suffice. Or maybe, whenever the GM logs in they should get a message about it on screen, similar to the MOTD.


However, the general rule does make sense. The system can't determine whether you are just taking a break, or have quit the game for good, or dead, or whatever. So it is reasonable that it's up to the GM to log in occasionally.

Note btw, it's the character that is the GM that has to log in - not just one of the GM's alts.


Thank you for being understanding and not just being toxic. This is exactly my point.

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The rules about transferring guild leadership should be stated more clearly. It happens too often that people lose control of their guild because they weren't aware of the rules. An automatic e-mail might suffice. Or maybe, whenever the GM logs in they should get a message about it on screen, similar to the MOTD.

https://help.ea.com/en-sg/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-guild-management/ does state it quite clearly.

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Thank you for being understanding and not just being toxic. This is exactly my point.


no ones being toxic, we're just not listening to you whine, when you have no reason to. What happened was your fault, not ours, not EA, not santa clause, or the rocks...... It was yours. It's in the rules, it's stated clearly everywhere. You onnly came here to whinge because CS didn't bedn over and take it like you thought they would.

If people were being toxic, we'd be insulting you personally, calling you names , etc. All most of us did was point out it was YOUR fault, but you keep denying it, and whinging.

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I'm in 6 guilds, 2 on Satele Shan, which are opposite faction sister guilds run by the same GM/Council and 4 on Star Forged. The 2 on Satele Shan are thriving guilds, in which I am on council and very active, but many in the guild took a break after grinding Ossus, getting BiS 258 gear and clearing most HM/NiM content they wanted to. That included the GM and some of the council. They are all coming back when 6.0 drops. But before they decided to take a break, the GM promoted the assistant GM to GM and promoted a few trusted non-council members to council, to keep things going. We still do daily OPS for conquest, have kept our occasional guild events going and three of the HM/NiM progression teams are still running with subs filling in (2 other progression teams went on Hiatus until 6.0.) When they come back, everything will revert back. The temporary GM will give control back to the GM and the temp GM will go back to being assistant GM. The people who were on council who took a break will be put back on the council (the ones promoted to take their place will remain on council.)


Same thing happened at the end of 4.0 before 5.0 dropped. Though many left for Final Fantasy at that time and decided not to come back when 5.0 dropped. We quickly found replacements for them after 5.0.


So, if you decide to start a new guild and are dedicated enough, you should have no problem building one up after 6.0 drops. You already know the ins and outs of how to do it from your experience.



My 4 guilds on Star Forged are mostly placement holder/ personal guilds. Only one is a "real" guild. Though one of the personal guilds used to be a small progression guild back in 2.0. About a month before 3.0 dropped. half the guild broke off and formed their own progression guild, which in turn took the GM by surprise because it blindsided him despite being warned it was going to happen. He got all depressed by it. I told him we could rebuild it (I helped him build it in 2.0 after he created the guild and I was one of the original 5 to help him create it.) But, just gradually lost interest and eventually quit logging in after a month or 2. Eventually everyone else that was left in the guild quit playing the game (real life involving school, work, etc.) Eventually GM fell to me. Though, I didn't kick anyone from the guild. But after 3+ years, no one had logged on. Then the day 5.0 dropped, an original member logged. I asked him if he was back to playing and he said no. He said he noticed he kept getting charged each month on his credit card for the monthly subscription (he totally forgot about it,) and only wanted to log on to see if anyone was still around. He cancelled his automatic subscription renewal and I didn't see him again. A couple months after that, I decided to kick everyone since they weren't coming back (over 3 years for everyone else.) So, that particular guild is now a personal guild for 15 of my toons. I wasn't going to quit that guild and disband it because of the time and effort we all put into it with the unlocked guild ship, guild stronghold, etc.


Another personal guild of mine on Star Forged only has one of my toons in it. One day, when the west coast servers were down but the east coast servers were up, some from my guild on Harbinger decided to go screw around on an east coast server. So we created a "guild" and screwed around on the starter planets until the west coast servers came back up. None of those people had any other toons on the east coast servers since they all lived out west. I was the only one who played on both servers. After about a year, none of those logged on to the east coast server. So I kicked them (told them I was going to do it and none cared.)


Another guild on Star Forged is just a placeholder for 2 people's toons. The GM and myself. The GM takes long breaks but still plays the game since launch. He was taking some college classes during the night while working full time during the day. During that time, he didn't log on in the 28 day time frame. So I became GM. I was GM for quite a long time because even though I noticed he was logging on again eventually, we never met up. He plays at different times of the day than I do. But a couple months ago, by chance, we were logged on at the same time. I gave back the GM responsibility to him since he was the one who started the placeholder guild for some of mine and his toons. Since he was playing somewhat regularly again, I had no problem of doing it.

Edited by nootsie
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Wait... people arent allowed to take breaks in SWTOR? is that it? I'm a bad guild leader and my guild deserves to be taken away because real life came up and I took a break?


I've lost count how many guilds over the years I've inherited because the guild leader decided to take a break. Most I sold, some I gave away, one I moved one of my old guilds into.


Now you know the cost of walking away. Log in every 20 days or so and you'll be fine.


As far as the argument winding its way through this thread, I agree with the others. Why should rank-and-file members of a guild be punished by a leaderless guild, especially when those same members may very well have contributed and feel attached to that guild and don't feel like starting somewhere else just because the guy at the top wandered off.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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