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Crafting and PTS


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Crafting costs and the mats needed are just completely out of touch with reality.


Lets start with something basic. MK-11 augment kits.


It takes 40,000 green jawa junk to buy the grade 11 green mats to make 10 of the new green components, so they can be RE'd to make 10 MK-11 components.


So in order to craft enough for 14 MK-11 kits, you need to craft 140 new green components, so that there will be 140 MK-11 components. At 40,000 green jawa junk, per 10 new new green components, it costs 560,000 to buy enough of the basic green mats to make craft the needed MK-11 components, so you can start to craft MK-11 kits. This does not take in to account any of the other costs or mats needed to actually craft a MK-11 kit. Just the costs in jawa junk if you were to buy the mats needed to craft enough MK-11 components to outfit 1 toon with the new kits.


If I did not have a ton of the medpacks that could be RE'd, there is no way I could have been able to get to the point of attempting to craft anything on the PTS.

Edited by Flying-Brian
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do feel sorry for the BW codemonkeys at this stage. The pressure has got to be intense.


Me too. Bioware have a culture called “crunch time”. This is where they do 79-100 hour weeks in the last 6-10 weeks of a launch. Staff literally have nervous break downs etc.

It’s all documented in this article about how Anthem went wrong




As a business manager myself who cares about my staffs well being, if it was me, I would push back this expansion another month or two.

It’s apparent to all involved in the testing that it’s not ready yet. I think everyone with a conscience would understand if Bioware decided to put their staffs well being first over a “locked in stone” release date.

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All right. I've been so disillusioned by all this that I didn't think I'd do more testing, but I buckled down and did one last experiment today, in the hope that we can break this down to the devs in an extremely obvious way.


Parameters of my test:

  • 1 HOUR of gameplay time
  • 8 Companions used for running missions and crafting in that time, lowest influence 20 highest influence 50 (most at 30)
  • Purchased only the white crew skills mats, all other mats acquired solely through gathering and missions in that 1 HR
  • I was the only person of my faction on the instance of Onderon, meaning I had effectively zero competition for nodes


The net result of 1 HR of dedicated crafting gameplay with zero competition for resources garnered:

  • From Gathering:
    • 558 green mats
    • 403 blue mats
    • 201 purple mats

    [*]From Missions:

    • 156 green mats
    • 8 blue mats
    • 0 purple mats


The net result of what those mats were able to make:

42 entry level green Cell Grafts, at a cost of 896,000 credits solely in white crew skill mats. (The mats were technically only sufficient for 32 grafts, but I got some lucky crits in there that brought it up to 42. So 42 is the more generous figure and not guaranteed, and if you used the baseline 32 all of this would be even worse.)


The net result of what those Cell Grafts were able to make:

18 entry level green Medpacs ("Premium Kryprax Medpac"), at a total cost (white mats + mission costs) of 968,250 credits.


So in a nutshell: It cost me 1 million credits and 1 HR (plus 20 minutes or so of shuffling around and actual crafting) of 100% dedicated-to-crafting time in order to make 18 single use medpacs, the equivalent of which can be purchased from a vendor for 1/5th the cost (each of those crafted medpacs cost 53,792 in credits, and a vendor-purchased one with the exact same stats costs 10,600 credits). I tried to RE all of them and failed, meaning I just flushed 1 million credits and one hour down the drain.


There is no universe in which this makes sense. I ask the devs (or a player more dedicated than I) to please look at the number of Cell Grafts that are required for any of the mid-range or high-range schematics, and divide them by the 42 (or 32) I was able to get out of one hour of dedicated game play, and thereby determine how many hours would be required just to make the green cell grafts required (and yes I am aware that this math gets exponentially more complicated when you consider that you have to invest green grafts into blue grafts and etc, and that's part of the point).


It's also extremely important to note that the 42 green cell grafts I was able to get out of 1 HR of gameplay is the absolute rosiest best it could ever possibly be, because I had ZERO competition for resources. In reality, when we're competing against the whole server on just two planets, that number ought to be dramatically slashed, which makes this all mortifyingly worse.


Devs, I beg of you. Please accept that the system is broken. Whatever you are attempting to achieve by making crafting staggeringly more expensive, it is not going to be worth the cost you pay in player happiness.


I have to come back to what I said in an earlier post: You wouldn't ever think to charge players credits to queue for Warzones, while at the same time letting Warzones reward currency and mats that net players tangible in-game rewards in credits and gear. And yet, with 6.0 crafting, by setting the materials cost so astronomically high, you are asking a whole group of players to pay an enormous in-game cost for the privilege of their fun. Crafters have always had to invest some degree of credits into crafting, but with 6.0 that has been made extreme beyond reason. If my goal is to acquire items, 6.0 crafting delivers a ROI so abysmal it's laughable; I could do virtually any other activity the game offers and get more reward by orders of magnitude. And in the meantime, people who craft for fun have now lost their fun.


A couple other important metrics to note from my test:

  • Gathering from nodes:
    • 1 HR with zero competition equalled harvesting 48 total nodes.
    • The average yield from each node: 12 greens, 8 blues, 4 purples

    [*]The range showed parameters are set very randomly wide:

    • Lowest number of green mats from a node was 5, highest was 18
    • Lowest number of blue mats from a node was 2, highest was 13
    • Lowest number of purple mats from a node was 0, highest was 10

    [*]Cost of mats from missions:

    • Spent a total of 72,250 credits on missions, and got a total of 156 green mats.
    • That breaks down to: 1 green mat = 463 credits, which is in the realm of pretty bad GTN selling behavior.


And since Jawa Junk as a "supplementary" system has been discussed, I should add the following test I conducted that is very relevant here. I had saved up all the unused gear drops I got from multiple runs of Hammer Station, and deconstructed them all tonight to see what that netted me in terms of scrap with an eye to crafting.


Results of Deconstructing 150 pieces of gear:

  • 150 pieces of gear broke down to:
    • 1,275 green jawa scrap = 6 green mats
    • 829 blue jawa scrap = 4 blue mats
    • 259 purple jawa scrap = 1 purple mat


Deconstructing 150 pieces of gear ranging from rating 270-280 is not sufficient to create ONE SINGLE GREEN CELL GRAFT.


This system makes it so that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for anyone to craft anything. For a fraction of the cost and a miniscule fraction of the time (because none of this post even touches on the fact that exotic conquest mats are still required for entry level green gear), I can just buy things off vendors and get my gear from drops that are just as good if not much better than anything I can make.


Please stop trying to tweak what nodes drop or what missions give, and acknowledge that the issue is what you have decided things COST TO MAKE. Those costs need to be drastically slashed, the requirement for exotic materials in anything other than Artifact or Legendary schematics needs to be entirely removed, and the base cost of Grade 11 components needs to be brought in line with the historical norm.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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Devs, I beg of you. Please accept that the system is broken. Whatever you are attempting to achieve by making crafting staggeringly more expensive, it is not going to be worth the cost you pay in player happiness.


Well said, JB, well said.


It's almost as if you did, like, real testing and stuff. You're not just emotionally ranting, you're actually providing data. Reading some people's posts around here you'd think all we do is complain, that we're just irrational nutjobs who want things handed to us. So, kudos to you for actually going out and providing the data to back up what we've all been saying.


Thank you, and Developers, please look at what JB has done.

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I gave up trying to count becase of how futile it was. But I went through millions (and millions) of jawa scrap and credits crafting components to be able to craft enough MK-11 augment kits and new augments to test out.


I did not have many extra augments left over from what I needed, but of those I tried (and failed) to RE to learn the next schematic.


I have less the 100k green scrap left, so there is no way I can try to make enough components to craft another round of augments to try to RE again.


There is no way a single player can be self-sustaining in regards to crafting in 6.0 if the system as it is now goes live. And you are doubly screwed if you were planning to outfit alts with a full set of augments.


The only players I can see being able to take advantage and utilize the crafting as it is on the PTS are very large guilds that can pool the resources of a lot of members to overcome the amount of mats needed to craft (and that may have very large stock piles of jawa scrap saved up), and those players that have billions stashed up from previous exploits, and can buy what they needed as it is sold on the GTN.


With all the higher costs involved with everything and the extra credit sinks that have been added, I think 6.0 is going to bankrupt players that just want to be able to play ranked pvp, or raid at a HM/NiM and are part of smaller raid teams or guilds.

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Devs, I beg of you. Please accept that the system is broken. Whatever you are attempting to achieve by making crafting staggeringly more expensive, it is not going to be worth the cost you pay in player happiness.


Please stop trying to tweak what nodes drop or what missions give, and acknowledge that the issue is what you have decided things COST TO MAKE. Those costs need to be drastically slashed, the requirement for exotic materials in anything other than Artifact or Legendary schematics needs to be entirely removed, and the base cost of Grade 11 components needs to be brought in line with the historical norm.

2, 2, and 2 should be the cost for the cell grafts/ components period. Any thing else and you might as well remove crafting.

Agree 100% with both of these. There's already an additional layer of expense with making protoype components take three premium components, and artifact components take three prototype components. Making each component take 10/10/10 instead of 2/2/2 on top of that is destroying crafting. One artifact component really should not require 90/90/90 of basic materials, on top of all the purple and blue materials. And the price of jawa junk is a third form of inflation.


It's going to sound melodramatic, but I have to ask... did we crafters hurt you somehow, BW, for you to hurt us like this? Because triple-layered massive inflation is not something people do to friends.


(5% RE chance for augments is even a fourth layer of inflation, albeit a temporary one since it's a once-off cost.)

Edited by Estelindis
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The Crafting System is just not Working to the extent that despite still being able to get mats relatively easily compared to when it goes live, I can't face creating even the new Augs the work load is so onerous.


Critical Aug Blue, Schematic bought from the vendor requires: 1 Prototype Syntex Bonded Cloth (Bonded Attachment), 10 Processed Isotopes, 5 Solid Resource Matrix, 2 Prototype Lustrous Bonded Attachments.


Prototype Syntex Boned Attachment requires: 10 Prototype Data Spikes, 3 Premium Syntex Bonded Attachments, 10 Prototype Woven Syntex, 8 Premium Veda Cloth.


Prototype Lustrous Bonded Attachments require: 3 Premium Lustrous Attachments, 10 Prototype Lustrous bonded Attachments, 8 Premium Veda Cloth, 10 Prototype Lustrous Crystals.


Premium Syntex Bonded Attachment requires: 8 Standard Veda Cloth, 10 Premium Woven Syntex, 10 Premium Data Spikes


Premium Lustrous Bonded Attachment requires: 8 standard Veda Cloth, 10 Premium Lustrous Crystals, 10 Premium Lustrous Artifact Frags


So to make 1 Blue Crit Augment I need: 252 Various Green Items, 84 Blue Items & 15 Premium Items.


In Mission Times on a level 50 Comp a Medium Mission Takes 9.5 mins and yields 20 ish Items so 13 missions assuming some crits to get Blues as well so a mere 2 hours on a level 50 comp doing missions.


To try and get the Purple Schematic on a 10% RE Chance 2520 Greens, 840 Blues & 150 Premium.


If people can’t be bothered doing crafting on the PTS when stuff is easy to get just think what it will be like on the Live server

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Play Your Way

Crafting and New Vendors

[*]Crafters will be able to make competitive end-game gear (to continue the trend of play your way).



Just an observation: you stated, early on, that this expansion's theme was to allow players to play they way they want. Looking at the crafting mats today, we will not be able to play the way we want, we will be forced into playing content that we may not like to play just to get mats for crafting.


For example: Processed Isotope Stabilizer "Found in Master Flashpoints, Story, Veteran and Master Operations, and in Ranked Warzones."

I like Warzones, just not ranked because I can't stand to listen to ppl cry when they lose, so that is a no go for me.

I like Ops anytime I can get in them, but not everyone does. Flashpoints are cool too, but not for everyone.

The Solid Resource Matrix "rewarded for completing the personal goal of a conquest". Again, not every player wants to do all the activities required to complete the "personal goal" of a conquest.


Legendary Embers are obtained from harvesting and missions, which is part of crafting.


How will I get the Isotope and Resource Matrix ingredients if I just want to do daily questing, and play casually to relax, after a hard day's work, or if I don't have time to get into anything time consuming?


This is NOT achieving "Play your way".


I'm not sure how your improving the crafting in 6.0 if your going to continue the trend of making players do certain content to get crafting mats. And your definitely not continuing the trend of "play your way".

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Crafted blue (73) critical augments and disintegrated them, didn't learn anything due to the essentially non-existing chance of learning a schematic (5%!!!!!). Assuming that there is a gold schematic to be learned from the purple augment the chance to learn the gold schematic will also be 5%, or even lower?


Hence, heaps of stabilizers and conquest mats are wasted before even be able to craft BiS augments, imagining that even more will be needed for purple and gold (if available) augments.


The material costs in combination with the chance to learn the schematic is ridiculous. Either lower the material costs or significantly(!) increase the chance of learning a higher schematic. Currently, crafting is just another aspect of the RNG gear grind...

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Can we please just go back to a time when I get some ingredients from gathering missions or Nodes I then combine these into a New Item.


If i want to craft a green item I use Green Ingredients, if I want to craft a Purple it has some purple ingredients.


I do not want to craft an Item, then use that item with some more ingredients to create another item, then use that item with some more ingredients to create the final item. It’s boring, frustrating, longwinded and above all else needlessly complicated.


Back in the day when Rakata gear was king, the schema for it was 8 Durasteel, 8 Zal Alloy and 8 Mandalorian Iron. That was it, nice and simple. Sure, the Mandalorian Iron was difficult to get but it wasn’t a list that I needed to have a spreadsheet to work out what I needed to create just 1 item.

So please just simplify the Schematics so crafting is simple and understandable.

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Crafted blue (73) critical augments and disintegrated them, didn't learn anything due to the essentially non-existing chance of learning a schematic (5%!!!!!). Assuming that there is a gold schematic to be learned from the purple augment the chance to learn the gold schematic will also be 5%, or even lower?


Hence, heaps of stabilizers and conquest mats are wasted before even be able to craft BiS augments, imagining that even more will be needed for purple and gold (if available) augments.

Actually, as I commented in another thread, it doesn't look like there's a gold schematic above the purple currently. At least, not for critical augments, the type I tested. Unless this is a mistake, purple is BiS for now.

So... I'm seeing a 5% chance of learning a new schematic from blue augments. Each blue augment takes 10 tier 3 prototype exotic materials (processed isotope stabilizers) and 5 tier 3 artifact exotic materials (solid resource matrix). Those costs, just for a 5% chance of learning the next grade, are insane. Full-on nuts. Yet again, I have no idea what BW are thinking.


Edit: I succeeded after three tries at "5%," so I don't know if I was simply lucky or if 5% is a misprint. Anyway, I see that the result is a rating 286 purple/artifact augment, which cannot be RE'd for a next level, so I'm assuming that's the top level for now? I'd been imagining a further legendary/gold quality augment at 306, which is part of why I thought the 5% chance to improve blues was so awful, but at least it's not quite as bad as that if the purple level is BiS for now.


The material costs in combination with the chance to learn the schematic is ridiculous. Either lower the material costs or significantly(!) increase the chance of learning a higher schematic. Currently, crafting is just another aspect of the RNG gear grind...

Yeah, I was "lucky" to succeed after three tries (assuming 5% is accurate) but I feel this'll be heartbreaking once it goes live. We're going to waste a lot of expensive materials.


The more I try the new crafting, the less keen I am for 6.0. I assume BW want to achieve the opposite effect. Yet they've been largely silent in the face of overwhelming feedback that crafting costs need to be wildly reduced and made more in line with the current situation.

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As a business manager myself who cares about my staffs well being, if it was me, I would push back this expansion another month or two.

It’s apparent to all involved in the testing that it’s not ready yet. I think everyone with a conscience would understand if Bioware decided to put their staffs well being first over a “locked in stone” release date.

I would go one step further. Instead of pushing back expansion I would lauch new content (onslaught) as 5.11, and discard Spoils of War, new abilities, and crafting system. Go back to design board and start again and do it properly.


Actually, as I commented in another thread, it doesn't look like there's a gold schematic above the purple currently. At least, not for critical augments, the type I tested. Unless this is a mistake, purple is BiS for now.

Yes, Purple augments are BiS at least for now. In PTS 1 / 1.5 were we were givel gear and augments at 1 credit from vendor there was only purple augments.

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First cost is 500k per craft. 1.5 million per toon. I have twenty two so lets say 18 are ready for Onslaught.

That is 24 million credits just for learning the next level.

Even if I limit it to just the six, six, and four it is still eight million credits. The cost of white, green, and blue fuel (vendor mats) is way up as well. Which will leave me to hunting for the mats in the world which everyone else alone with their brother, sister, cousins all the way to tenth cousin tenth removed will be farming.


Even if Onderon, Mek Sha, and the new section of Corellia is set up like Darvanis/Yavin in how populous the nodes are I doubt there will be enough to make farming worth the time. One green cell craft per node is not very rewarding and that is if you are lucky.


With your development team in Bioware crunch time I doubt you even have the energy to even change more than you have, but I can not say this any more or any less.


Keep crafting the way it was simple for the basic items. Keep the Reverse engineering for subs the same 60% and only increase the costs as the gear gets closer to being BIS. Then again is the gear even BOE? If it is not no one will craft anything.

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As a business manager myself who cares about my staffs well being, if it was me, I would push back this expansion another month or two.

It’s apparent to all involved in the testing that it’s not ready yet. I think everyone with a conscience would understand if Bioware decided to put their staffs well being first over a “locked in stone” release date.


Well, if the players were not being leaned on so heavily for feedback they would have no issue getting it out on time.


The problem is, it's like these devs just set their eyes on SWTOR for the first time ever, and have no idea what direction to go with the game.


"Hey guys here's lots of RNG for you... Tell us what you think!" This is after YEARS of feedback being given that RNG is AWFUL and NO ONE likes a gearing system heavily based off RNG. Remember loot boxes and RNG, how bad that was received? I do! How does BW not remember?


Fixing things that don't need fixed. Gutting crafting replacing it with an inferior awful new crafting system. This is the same route conquest went with 5.0. Anyway, they just seem oblivious to reality it's like they have had their heads buried in sand for the last 3-5 years.

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So far don't like any of this new crafting. It seems a change just to say it changed. Giving more mats is just the same as going back to have 2.2 to craft a mod and returning the amount you got to pre 6.0.


Giving Jawa junk, well may or may not offset the cost but still seems a pointless change. as for would it stop players crafting? May do so short term but long term probably not. if they were already crafting level 70 gear then after the protest won't craft stage, they probably will just because any new level 75 gear which can be sold has to come from crafting. Even then most will be legacy bound but gear that's not, well once it starts to be on GTN players will go for it for extra credits as to start with there won't be a lot so be expensive or worth a lot


. For me? well was not crafting level 70 gear so really not going to change anything for me. What it's not going to do is get me back into crafting. As credits really don't matter all that much to me since you took away mats from solo players into group play. So just no longer need credits to open ship doors.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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The 5% chance to reverse engineer a blue Rank 276 Level 73 augment means staggering amounts of materials and time may have to be spent just to learn a purple plan.


SRMs = Solid Resource Matrices required

LYCW = Large Yield Conquest Weeks

CREPS = Cumulative Reverse Engineering Probability of Success -- the probably that the purple plan has been learned within N crafts


Crafts  SRMs   LYCW   Learn Chance   CREPS
1          5          1            0.05                  5%
3          15        3            0.05                  14%
5          25        5            0.05                  22.3%
14        70        12          0.05                  51.2%
31        155      26          0.05                  79.6%
62        310      52          0.05                  95.8%


So, if a character crafts 62 blue augments from a year's worth of large yield conquest and reverse engineers them to learn the purple (best in slot) version, there is a 4.2% chance that the player will still come away empty handed.


Since the rare mats were put on the PTS for testing, I've managed to make 11 blue augments before running out of other materials. None of them were successfully reverse engineered to learn the purple plan. 3 more crafts to go to cross the 50% mark or 12 weeks worth of large yield conquest reward wait once 6.0 drops.


The 5% reverse engineering chance stinks.

Edited by TerraStomper
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I still want the new crafting to be changed to mirror every other rank. New is not better it is crap.


The new gear is Bind to legacy on Equip.


Managed to make thirty of them before I ran out and not a single one upgraded to the next level.


I got the attack adrenal to purple by deconstructing 53 of the blue at once to counter the 10%.


It really does not matter how many mats you add or subtract from the plans unless you remove the isotopes and the matrix. Who is ever going to buy a mk 0 268 if we get them for free after one run through Onderon/any other content that drops gear? Who would buy anything if buy the time they can craft the good stuff they have to charge 1 billion credits just to break even???


You think 258 is to high wait until the first person can craft a gold 306? I can see Armoring, mods, and enhancements that are unlettered going for tens of millions.


MK 10 will be used by everyone for a very long time.


Crafting is in this form broken, useless, and pointless. Maybe by next year people will have a few of the new augments if they are not filthy rich. Or gasp you can just stop with the new dung and KISS the entire expac!!!

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To those testing RE chances - do the amplifiers have any effect on the RE chance? I did notice that various crew skill bonuses can appear on them, but have not tried to test their effects myself.


They Currently do not effect Crits or Mission Times

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More examples of the complete imbalance between crafting and gear grinding


Started Crafting Armourings to see how they had been thought out. Standard Purchased from the Vendor Versatile Armoring which is a Irating of 274 requires 20 Processed Isotopes and 8 Solid resource Matrix with a 20% chance to RE. So 80 Processed Isotopes and 40 Solid resource Matrix later I got to RE to a Blue Armoring Irating 278 with a 10% Chance to RE Single Crafting Cost 20 Isotopes, 8 Solid Resource Matrix 5 Lustrous Grafts (50 Premium Lustrous Crystals & 50 Premium Lustrous Fragments + Veda Cloth) and 3 Premium Syntex Grafts ( 30 Premium Woven Syntex & 30 Premium Data Spikes + Veda Cloth). So withthe 10% RE Chance I should need 10 Blues to get the Purple. I did this and RE'd them to get the Purple with an Irating of 286. At this point i have given up testing anymore on Armourings as the Mats requirement is so great and the time its takeing is so long its pointless. Within 3 Hours of Grinding you would probably have a complete set above this rating the Mats required to make it would take Weeks and weeks to get to Just make 1 286 Armoring.


Now please tell me that you have heard what we are saying and something is going to dramatically change soon.


Nothing currently is worth crafting on the PTS.

Edited by DarthBryn
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There's another twist with the division of each type of material into three different quality grades/colours. Namely, the top/rich yield missions return only purples and blues as standard, not on crit. They don't return greens. Bountiful yield missions return primarily blues with a tiny amount of greens, plus usually (not always, in my experience) a few purples. Abundant yield missions return blues and greens. Only moderate yield missions return solely greens.


Some skills have more available missions per material type than others.


Skills with two missions at each yield level for every material type

  • Underworld Trading (fabric and metal).
  • Treasure Hunting (gemstones).
  • Investigation (researched compounds).
  • Diplomacy (medical supplies).
  • Slicing (tech parts).

Skills with one mission at each yield level for every material type

  • Archaeology (power crystals and artifact fragments; as always, color crystals are separate and anomalous).
  • Bioanalysis (samples and compounds).
  • Scavenging (metals and compounds).


If I want to get only green-quality of any particular material from archaeology, bioanalysis, or scavenging, there is just one mission that rewards solely those.


From the perspective of the old system, it might be useful - for mission skills, at least - to guarantee purples from certain standard missions rather than being prisoners of RNG. But in this system, where we need many more green materials than blues and purples (in a 9:3:1 ratio), our ability to gain green materials is artificially slowed. And crafting is already much too slow due to components needing 10/10/10 rather than the previous standard of 2/2/2.


(I will add, however, that putting mission discoveries back into crew skills at grade 11 is very welcomed. They were missed at grade 10. And I was pleasantly surprised to get some legendary materials on critting a discovered mission.)

Edited by Estelindis
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