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My experience playing marauder (up to level 34)


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Marauder is a beast. Use your defensive cooldowns, Force Camo if you get low and ping pong agro to your companion(I don't even use Quinn, I use Jaesa). I soloed the etirety of my Class quest on Alderaan(lvl 32 mobs) at lvl 30 with Quinn and the 42+ class stuff i did with Jaesa and have used her since. Beyond the DPS and Def cooldowns you can Force Camo and ping pong agro on harder mobs(elites mainly) between you and her, add in Perdition instead of berserk for the increased Def stats and elites don't really have a chance. Use your interupts on mobs that heal(we got 2 damn it) and you shouldn't have a problem. Stop being bad and you'll be good? And yes I am Carnage. QQ baddies.
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OK people, let's be clear here: I had absolutely no problem doing solo quests as marauder, of course not, that's not my point.


My point is, as a Sorcerer I can solo most heroic 2 quests, and 2-man heroic 4 quests of my level. I'm talking about things like taking up to 4 elites of my own level on my own here alright.


Do you guys honestly think you can do that as a marauder and then say it's fine compared to what other classes can do? Go ahead, as a lvl 10 marauder and try to solo heroic 2 quests with Vette and tell me how it goes.



I mean geez, people are so quick jumping to conclusion and basically giving me a guide on how to do solo quests as marauder, as if that was some kind of achievement (congrats to that guy who soloed his class quest and thinks he's a boss when it's supposed to be soloable). I had 0 problem doing solo quests either, piece of cake, but look at what some other classes can achieve and then say we are just fine?


Alright, that's it for my rant :)

Edited by Demorase
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So you're telling me you want every class to be the same? You want Mauarders to be able to heal, have a tank/healer companion, and do amazing dps?


No, hes saying he doesn't want them to SUCK, which they do outside of group PvE.


Sucks at soloing, sucks at PvP.


Hope you got a lot of friends who avoid PvP.

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No, hes saying he doesn't want them to SUCK, which they do outside of group PvE.


Sucks at soloing, sucks at PvP.


Hope you got a lot of friends who avoid PvP.


doesnt suck at soloing, and doesnt suck at pvp


I am lvl 33 and have never group quested in this game yet. I have died maybe three times, never died once on the act 1 final boss, its a steamroll with the marauders dps.

I play in warzones alot, and i am consistently in the top 3 dps, medals, objectives on my teams.


Learn this is not wow, learn to play a jedi class, and how their skills work, the entire class is based on how you use your skills, there is no crutch for the whiners.


Im happy to try and help answer anyones question if you feel the need to private message me, other than that marauder is a good class, sure it can use some tweaks, but the game just came out, get real you guys, balancing doesnt happen over night, if you dont like marauder move on.

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I am 42, and I've had no problem soloing gold mobs with Jaesa as my companion. Marauders require the use of a lot of their skills when things get difficult. If I start getting low I "vanish" and let Jaesa tank while I unload on the enemies. I am rage spec, maybe that makes a difference?
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Being unable to solo content designed for groups of your level would actually fall into normality (and I don't think any marauder can pull 2 gold and a couple of silvers and survive without somehow fleeing the fight). That would also imply that sorcs are OP.
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doesnt suck at soloing, and doesnt suck at pvp


I am lvl 33 and have never group quested in this game yet. I have died maybe three times, never died once on the act 1 final boss, its a steamroll with the marauders dps.

I play in warzones alot, and i am consistently in the top 3 dps, medals, objectives on my teams.


Learn this is not wow, learn to play a jedi class, and how their skills work, the entire class is based on how you use your skills, there is no crutch for the whiners.


Im happy to try and help answer anyones question if you feel the need to private message me, other than that marauder is a good class, sure it can use some tweaks, but the game just came out, get real you guys, balancing doesnt happen over night, if you dont like marauder move on.


Go play another class and you'll see that what you think is "good" is far from it.


Its not any persons fault, its just the way Bioware has made their game. I see fewer and fewer Marauders in warzones every day, and theres a reason beyond "L2P" or "Wait till 50" for that. There is nothing the Marauder has going for it over any other class except the little 20% single target healing debuff with the 15sec CD 10m range. And its just not enough.


If I'm wrong name some things.

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Apologies, but my experiences with the Maurader (which isnt much as of yet), is much much much better than that of the Jedi Consular(which is the inquisitor mirror class on republic).


My Consular Shadow is lvl 28, and I can say that I die a few times to elites I should solo sometimes, my Qyzen dies often, and forget about laughable Tharan.


Levels 1-10 for warrior vs Consular is night and day. I blew through the first 10 levels as Sith Warrior in under 3 hours. It took me nearly 5 as consular.


I guess I'll find out the issues with the Maurader class leveling up, and if it is bad, at least I still have my lvl 28 consular.


But if it is easy enough to lvl, Im ditching the consular.

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It is very slow going playing a marauder. I am now lvl 42.5 and it has picked up speed since 40. Annihilation spec is very very very true to what many people will hear about marauders, IT IS LEVEL DEPENDENT. The heal on bleed crit ticks is minimal but timing berserk with 3 stacks of deadly saber and an impale up, can tip the scales a little. Once you get your annihilation ability, omg, you shred through weak and strong mobs and given enough time on elites it is fun the rotation you have to watch. Do no be afraid of using your defensive cool downs, this class practically requires it, but guess what they are on low cool downs and you build fury fast enough. I haven't tried carnage as I see that as a PvP or Operations spec only. Rage I could see being interesting for leveling, good increases to crit chance and earlier damage abilities through talents.


Just a tip that I will throw out there and people can tweak to how they feel as far as a rotation.


force charge -> deadly saber -> impale -> battering assault -> (use a relic) -> annihilation -> swingx2 -> force scream -> ravage


That is my opening rotation so far, gets bleeds up and annihilation stacks going, puts our abilities on the short cool downs and by the end they should be coming back up for your next round (deadly saber -> impale/battering assault -> impale/battering assault -> annihilation). It basically becomes a matter of keeping bleeds up and making sure you use annihilation on cool down (annihilation is rather tricky due to watching rage consumption and cool downs).


Edit: for the life of me I think I have the wrong skill name for impale, I might be thinking rupture. Sorry xD. Should be the attack skill that also puts on a bleed.

Edited by Vaahanian
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Yeah it's rupture.


But again, we are running in circle here. The problem is not dps, marauder has very good dps. That's not the point.


The problem is that you drop like a fly if focused and you got no real cc, that right there is not what you wanna have when you are a pure dps class that can't do anything else.



Reasonable scenarios would be things like:


A class that can heal but has no cc: bah you'll be alright, you can outheal a lot of stuff.


A tank class that's super tough but has no cc: you can probably last long enough to make up for the lack of cc.



Not reasonable:


A glass canon that has no cc, no heal, can't tank, has to go in melee range to do stuff: what????

Edited by Demorase
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I like the progress this thread has been making, although it actually isn't making any progress. :D But i digress.


Imagine, just imagine that the maruader class had great survivability, imagine that all the times you died in PvP where reversed and you killed the person who killed you. Don't you think that'd call for a nerf? Our weak point, which every class should have a weak point, is our survivability. In PvP situations we want to charge in there get a nice smooth kill or two and then force camo out, or something along this line. In PvE situations i really see no problem, with the two damage reducers(Cloak and Saberward) and force camo it's simple to survive.


I understand that we are somewhat squishy, and that i get destroyed within seconds when i'm focused fired down. Is this normal? Idk. Is it broken? No, because you learn to work around it and you can. Many maruaders finish warzones on top of the damage and kills chart, i know i do. Where do i lack? My deaths, i usually am runner up for the most deaths in the game. (Mostly due to poor play on my part :rolleyes: )


It's not up to me if this is balanced or not, all i know is it's working for me. I log into the game, i que up for warzone, or do some quests and i have a blast on my marauder. Again, this is all about playstyle, and working around your weaknesses. It may be true that marauders have more weaknesses. I'd disagree though, with our amazing damage how can we be weak at all?


Just more of my input, hope you enjoy. :p

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My point is, as a Sorcerer I can solo most heroic 2 quests, and 2-man heroic 4 quests of my level. I'm talking about things like taking up to 4 elites of my own level on my own here alright.


Then isn't that a problem with Sorc being overpowered and not marauder being weak? I dunno I don't have either of these classes as my main and it seems to be logic to me that if a class can solo hard things ment for 2 or more people, then that's a problem with balance.

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Sup guys,


Like a Marouder lvl 28 i have to say that this is a very funny Class to play, yet very dificult too.


I still don't know well others class (neither Marouder end game), but i think we can't compare just with sorcs, since i think sorcs are a little over power rigth now (DPS/HEALER in 1 class is never a good idea...), but i don't whant to talk about sorcs in this thread.


Anyway, i really think the class need at least 1 skill that "prevent from movement impair" for some seconds, becouse, if you can't move, you are useless and dead.


Also, i don't know if Marouder's end game deal as much damage as it have to... becouse else, will be necesary to improve it, or improve the general resistance.




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  • 1 month later...
Just wanted to add my 2cent.


I started playing as a Assassin and rolled my marauder when I hit 38.

Assassins are really fun in pvp when they can smack some face but

levling just makes me want to kill a puppy.

Im not gona go into details but that class is broken in terms of solo questing.

(No its not a L2P issue or L2gear your pet issue). :rolleyes:



Ok back to the Marauder.


The first 10 levels fly by and I havent had an issue with elites so far and im now lvl30.

I might add that the first elites I tried on my assassin almost ended up in a broken monitor and keyboard. :mad:

Vette has some really nice dps and it helps since she can hold agro and kill of 2 mobs on her own when im busy killing that silver mob.

I used Quinn on some elite mobs and he has some nice healing going but the dps from Vette usally helps more to bring the mob down faster.


The spec I used the first levels was:


Shii-Cho form.

Just VS (manage your rage with cooldowns) your way through mobs and enjoy the pwnage with Vette.

After lvl25 I respeced full Annihilation and its not as boring or as fast as just VS but it gets the job done and you dont want to split your points now.

Juyo form.


A good tip for a new marauder might be to pick up Biochem and make med pacs.

The pacs you get are easy to make and have good healing early on and they WILL help you level faster.

You will eat em like candy when you level. :D


The second tip is just to learn to play your cards better.

Take another look at all your skills.

What do they do? How can they help me kill faster? Can I silence that silver mobs cast to help me survive better? Can I stun/incap mobs so I get time to burn down the others?

Try on a few packs and change keybinds around to make it more smooth.


Also dont skip group quests and bonus quests.

Being 2levels above the area you are in helps alot.

All in all I can just say that so far im having a blast on my marauder and I wont be going back to the assassin anytime soon.

That being said I still have 30-50 to go and I might end up having a massive rage on the flaws in the class.


With other classes you dont need to be 2 levels above you can be 2 levels below. BH for example takes down groups of mobs 4 levels above , elites 2 levels above at 38.

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OK people, let's be clear here: I had absolutely no problem doing solo quests as marauder, of course not, that's not my point.


My point is, as a Sorcerer I can solo most heroic 2 quests, and 2-man heroic 4 quests of my level. I'm talking about things like taking up to 4 elites of my own level on my own here alright.


Do you guys honestly think you can do that as a marauder and then say it's fine compared to what other classes can do? Go ahead, as a lvl 10 marauder and try to solo heroic 2 quests with Vette and tell me how it goes.



I mean geez, people are so quick jumping to conclusion and basically giving me a guide on how to do solo quests as marauder, as if that was some kind of achievement (congrats to that guy who soloed his class quest and thinks he's a boss when it's supposed to be soloable). I had 0 problem doing solo quests either, piece of cake, but look at what some other classes can achieve and then say we are just fine?


Alright, that's it for my rant :)


yep i dont only think i can do it, i actually did it... there were points on hoth where i soloed heroics like a boss, 2 elites 2 strong without even dropping below 50% health...

something my Jedi Guard or Vanguard could only dream of...


most of the time i felt like starkiller... chopping through dumb troopers like they were nothing..

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Why is it that I am the only person on these boards not ************ about their class


I solo Heroic 4 with my mara, at level (24 CARNAGE).


Vette is a great comp, she holds aggro and deals decent damage, I can have her pull mobs, Choke and Charge the silver and she deals with the adds.


I run top line PVE Gear, self made purple mods in everything I can mod...


I ran Quinn once, he lives on the Ship now.


Melee DPS is a killer class, you need to kill faster, Low endurance high strength mods, mods for crit, power and surge.


Learn to play, not only your character but your companion as well.

My BH, well it is an easy class

My Assassin (DEC SPEC), Khem holds aggro while I strike from behind, silver is mind controlled while regulars are dealt with.


You can let them just do their thing, but you have control over them for a reason, to make them help you be more efficient, if you cannot manage them to benefit your efficiency in pve, it is a L2P issue, not a class one.


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Why is it that I am the only person on these boards not ************ about their class


I solo Heroic 4 with my mara, at level (24 CARNAGE).


Vette is a great comp, she holds aggro and deals decent damage, I can have her pull mobs, Choke and Charge the silver and she deals with the adds.


I run top line PVE Gear, self made purple mods in everything I can mod...


I ran Quinn once, he lives on the Ship now.


Melee DPS is a killer class, you need to kill faster, Low endurance high strength mods, mods for crit, power and surge.


Learn to play, not only your character but your companion as well.

My BH, well it is an easy class

My Assassin (DEC SPEC), Khem holds aggro while I strike from behind, silver is mind controlled while regulars are dealt with.


You can let them just do their thing, but you have control over them for a reason, to make them help you be more efficient, if you cannot manage them to benefit your efficiency in pve, it is a L2P issue, not a class one.



<3 my marauder

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Do you guys honestly think you can do that as a marauder and then say it's fine compared to what other classes can do? Go ahead, as a lvl 10 marauder and try to solo heroic 2 quests with Vette and tell me how it goes.


As a lvl 8 Warrior with Vette I soloed A&D and HM. I reached lvl 9 with HM and finished my class to get the hell off Korriban. If I went to 10, got my spec and went back to do HM and A&D at 10 I could only imagine it would be easier....


On DK, I did Saving Face and Personal Challenge Solo, I think at 12...


So.... What are you doing wrong?

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OK people, let's be clear here: I had absolutely no problem doing solo quests as marauder, of course not, that's not my point.


My point is, as a Sorcerer I can solo most heroic 2 quests, and 2-man heroic 4 quests of my level. I'm talking about things like taking up to 4 elites of my own level on my own here alright.


Do you guys honestly think you can do that as a marauder and then say it's fine compared to what other classes can do? Go ahead, as a lvl 10 marauder and try to solo heroic 2 quests with Vette and tell me how it goes.



I mean geez, people are so quick jumping to conclusion and basically giving me a guide on how to do solo quests as marauder, as if that was some kind of achievement (congrats to that guy who soloed his class quest and thinks he's a boss when it's supposed to be soloable). I had 0 problem doing solo quests either, piece of cake, but look at what some other classes can achieve and then say we are just fine?


Alright, that's it for my rant :)


I understand your point, but warriors are notoriously weaker in pve in MMO's. It's always the healer-caster ranged classes that can solo content (Aion-Clerics, Spiritmasters, Sorcs GW-Monks). When you select warrior as your basic class, you should expect to never be able to solo elite content, because that's the way the class is designed. It's melee, generally squishy without heals, and (depending on the game) does moderate to garbage dps. It's always sorc and healer type classes that can solo content, because those classes are generally designed to be able to dish out huge ranged damage, and/or heal-kite-dps.

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I solo Heroic 4 with my mara, at level (24 CARNAGE).


Lol. You do not solo Heroic 4's on your Marauder using Vette, unless you are significantly higher level. I did great levelling my Marauder, died probably only two or three times the whole game, and even soloed a couple Heroic 2's. It is impossible to fight 3-4 elites on a Marauder with onlyVette. We do not have the cc, or damage reduction, to mitigate that much incoming damage. You might kill one, maybe even two, but then your cd's will come off, and you will die before you can kill the last.


Anyway, I think levelling we do fine. Yeah, we can't pull off what some classes can, but who cares. The game is still ezmode.

Edited by Selixx
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OK people, let's be clear here: I had absolutely no problem doing solo quests as marauder, of course not, that's not my point.


My point is, as a Sorcerer I can solo most heroic 2 quests, and 2-man heroic 4 quests of my level. I'm talking about things like taking up to 4 elites of my own level on my own here alright.


Do you guys honestly think you can do that as a marauder and then say it's fine compared to what other classes can do? Go ahead, as a lvl 10 marauder and try to solo heroic 2 quests with Vette and tell me how it goes.



I mean geez, people are so quick jumping to conclusion and basically giving me a guide on how to do solo quests as marauder, as if that was some kind of achievement (congrats to that guy who soloed his class quest and thinks he's a boss when it's supposed to be soloable). I had 0 problem doing solo quests either, piece of cake, but look at what some other classes can achieve and then say we are just fine?


Alright, that's it for my rant :)


If your geared properly you can solo 2 man heroics and even some 4 man heroics. I soloed alot of the 4 man heroics on Hoth using Quinn as my companion. I can usually handle two gold elites and a semielite. If there are more it all depends whether I can burn a gold elite fast enough so I can break up the spawn. Some heroics have droids which makes them alot easier.


Yeah it's not as easy as a sorc where you can blast from long range with a melee companion up front with the added bonus of cc.

Edited by grueber
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Lol. You do not solo Heroic 4's on your Marauder using Vette, unless you are significantly higher level. I did great levelling my Marauder, died probably only two or three times the whole game, and even soloed a couple Heroic 2's. It is impossible to fight 3-4 elites on a Marauder with onlyVette. We do not have the cc, or damage reduction, to mitigate that much incoming damage. You might kill one, maybe even two, but then your cd's will come off, and you will die before you can kill the last.


Anyway, I think levelling we do fine. Yeah, we can't pull off what some classes can, but who cares. The game is still ezmode.


Yeah, really I do...


It is not impossible, it requires making sure you know exactly what you will be doing when you need to do it. And L2G....


I got my Yellow Shard at lvl 18 on DK...


Survived that just fine.


Do I die, yes, do I die often (by claims that people only die like 3 times to 50) I suppose, but I do not make a claim that there are things I cannot do, because I do find a way to do everything. Every piece of equipment is modded that I can get modded, every mod is purple and at my level.


I know lots of people cry about crafting, but craft and RI are your friend, Purple Mods are significantly better.


My Mara is my Art, Grade 3 Crystals, Grade 2 Hilts and Grade 2 Enhancements (all purps) make my kill time short.


My BH is my Cyber, Grade 2 Armoring and might mods (again all Purps) go a long way.


Every time I level I check my gear, my companion's gear and make sure all mods are up to date...


Maybe it is too much work for ezmoders.....

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Can marauder work? Certainly. Is the mara performing at the same level as other classes? No, its just not.


I have ptech to 50, a sin in the 40s and various other characters in the 20, my mara is 30. Sorc, ptech, sin etc .. are all on similar levels of performance for level appropriate content and pvp.


My mara falls behind them all. Significantly.


Whether or not you can overcome the class's intrinsic difficulty by out leveling content, or choosing biochem, is irrelevant. Because the very fact that such difficulties exist is the heart of the issue.


There's no reason the mara should be this hard.

Edited by Sowwy
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