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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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My $.02.


I'd prefer the datacrons be a bit more tricky to find or require solving complex puzzles or defeating challenging bosses.


Fighting the crappy jumping mechanic and bad terrain / collision mapping in this game can be frustrating.


And all the comments about 'go practice playing Mario on NES' won't help as knowing how or where to jump in those games won't help you learn SWTOR's idiosyncrasies.


And for the millionth plus time, frustrating crappy mechanics are not the same as difficult mechanics, they are just frustrating and crappy.


As for the original OP, I'd be happy with improvements in the jumping physics of this game along with improved terrain / collision mapping while leaving the jumping in, but baring that, would again rather see the datacrons require solving complex puzzles or defeating challenging bosses (bonus points if the boss scaled to the player with no way to just out-level the boss)


THIS ^^^^^^


i just started collecting them and whats funny is how many times i was right next to one but couldn't get to it but also didn't even know it was there B^P i.e. the one where you need someone else with you to unlock the other side lock, or the one in the middle of a bug infested area inside a chest that is locked.... i remember being there and thinkin ***?!?! how am i sposta get this box open?? where do i get a key??? what good loot is in this box?!?!? or for the one with the two locks on either side of the room, well hell why cant i get my companion to unlock that other one fer me??? and why aint there no one around??? B^P


i have to agree though that the jumping in this game is just as good as jumping was in SWG... for yall that don't know that's BAD!!!!! i spent about two hours trying to be spider man on Tat the other day and after getting stuck between two rocks for 15 min waiting on my fast travel to cool down i gave up and went on with trying to get the others on that planet. the getting stuck between two rocks really pissed me off the most though B^P


i really think it would be more fun if instead of being in places where you have to jump onto small ledges and run across a rope to get to, they were instead in hard to find places that was protected by a boss that is leveled with you and or a complicated puzzle (more so with the puzzles though)

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If each planet's datacrons were lined up in the middle of the spaceports, people would complain they had to fly around to all the planets to click them.

True, you should've seen the complaints on these forums when the datacrons were first "announced" (actually, someone ran into one during an open playtest at I think it was E3).

Several 50-page threads about "how totally unfair it was to force those who were only interrested in raiding into cron-crawls to optimize their characters to be viable for end-game content" popped up in a matter of hours. It was glorious!

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The bottom line is that a lot of players now days want games to be easy, and full of shortcuts. I commend Bioware for making the Datacrons in hard to reach locations. If they weren't, there would be no challenge at all, and would make achieving them boring. If you don't like the fact that this offers a challenge, and you can't complete for some unknown reason, then I don't know what to tell you;


Sounds like a lot of people in this game need to L2J (Learn to Jump)

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The bottom line is that a lot of players now days want games to be easy, and full of shortcuts. I commend Bioware for making the Datacrons in hard to reach locations. If they weren't, there would be no challenge at all, and would make achieving them boring. If you don't like the fact that this offers a challenge, and you can't complete for some unknown reason, then I don't know what to tell you;


Sounds like a lot of people in this game need to L2J (Learn to Jump)

No, bottom line is that the game could be harder mor challenging, but it should deliver an actually good working jumping ohysics for that, which it sadly does not. And that is why the people complain, not because it is challenging, but because the jumping physics in annoying and is not fun to actually use it.

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No, bottom line is that the game could be harder mor challenging, but it should deliver an actually good working jumping ohysics for that, which it sadly does not. And that is why the people complain, not because it is challenging, but because the jumping physics in annoying and is not fun to actually use it.


Me personally ive found the jumping physics in this game when it comes to cron hunting VERY easy, heck on some I just auto run and hop appropriately in time and use my mouse to steer if need be to stay more on track, theres nothing wrong with the jump mechanics imo its just inpatient people not knowing how to use a keyboard and mouse

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Me personally ive found the jumping physics in this game when it comes to cron hunting VERY easy, heck on some I just auto run and hop appropriately in time and use my mouse to steer if need be to stay more on track, theres nothing wrong with the jump mechanics imo its just inpatient people not knowing how to use a keyboard and mouse


i would like to see you do a video on youtube of your mad jumping skills then and show us just how easy it is for you B^P


do the Tat Spider-man run without falling once (and no editing!!!! and with auto run on) if you can do that then nun o us can complain at all


bet you haven't completed any o em B^P

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Find a copy of Donkey Kong for MAME and you can get in some practice at jumping. ;)


That doesn't help the situation; jumping in Swtor is terrible. It doesn't matter how many platform games you've played in the past, the jumping mechanic for Swtor is bad. It's too clunky to jump and it's unforgiving.

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Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)

youtube.com there is videos and some even tel you kinda how to jump if it's to hard for ya

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Yeah, they're difficult to get to and obtain, that's the point. But even with a few of them being difficult to get to, once I get a toon to 50 I go and gather all of the applicable datacrons, which usually takes 1-2 days of my normal playing time, so roughly 6-8 hours.
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I was like the OP for awhile. I found the platforming to be very frustrating. Then, I stopped trusting my eyes and common sense on the jumping, lol. I thought I needed to get closer to the edge to make certain jumps. However, it turns out, you will basically fall off the ledge before you can get any air. So I started standing back further and, even though it looked like I shouldn't be able to cover the jump from that distance, I was able to. Once I figured that out, it was much, much easier.
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I love the platforming aspect of the datacrons.


Just last week was on the Tatooine baloon with some people and myself and an opposing faction person missed the 2nd drop onto the ledge on the sandcrawler. We stuck around, went hostile, and with a few tries were able to force push eachother up onto the ledge.


So much fun rather than just beating each other senseless.

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I started playing the day the game was lunched. I was level 50 in 4 days, Full Columi Tier in 5 days and had all the Datacrons in the game in 8 days. Clearly u are doing something wrong sorry to say. If there is something that this game isnt is hard in "jumping" to get Datacrons
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I love the platforming aspect of the datacrons.


Just last week was on the Tatooine baloon with some people and myself and an opposing faction person missed the 2nd drop onto the ledge on the sandcrawler. We stuck around, went hostile, and with a few tries were able to force push eachother up onto the ledge.


So much fun rather than just beating each other senseless.


that one isnt to bad other than the wait time BUT the one where you run across rooftops is a pain in the back side due to the odd angles

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  • 3 months later...
that one isnt to bad other than the wait time BUT the one where you run across rooftops is a pain in the back side due to the odd angles


The first one Republic side? That one is actually one of the easiest ones to get; to see if it was possible, I made it all the way to the datacron while riding my Lhosan Duster. The comparable Imperial one, though, is considerably more annoying to get because of odd jump angles, as you describe.

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