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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disabilities and DataCrons


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I have no disability, but I agree that the ones that require a single make or brake jump are simply infuriating. I love that many are well hidden, and I also love the ones that are placed out in the open, but where the route is hard to figure out. But I've never enjoyed mario and I never will, I'm just not a nintendo guy.


I get that they should be difficult, but there is already plenty of difficulty thrown in by the puzzle aspect. Spending an hour trying to figure out the route to a datacron is difficult and a lot of fun. Spending 30 seconds figuring out the route and then 5 hours attempting the same infuriating jump over and over again is NOT a lot of fun, at least not to me.


The +3 STR on Nar Shada is a prime example of a datacron that is simple to figure out but annoying as heck to get to. There is this one jump about halfway through that needs you to be lined up absolutely perfectly and hit the jump button during a micro-second window of opportunity, or you'll fall down and have to run back up again for another attempt. I wasted more than four hours on that one before I looked it up on youtube. I figured I must've missed something obvious, but nope, there it was, right there on youtube: the jump from hell.



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You can't jump across a ledge, but are playing to such a high level of pvp ability that a datacron is make or break for you? Sorry, but if you really have a disability which makes reaching the datacrons completely impossible, you're already at far too much of a disadvantage in live pvp to even notice any benefit from them


+ 10. I think it, you say it.

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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


If your motor skills are good enough to the point you think you are an average+ PVPer, then they are probably good enough to find all the datacrons.


If your motor skills are a detriment to your PVP skills, then getting the datacrons probably won't help you out that much.


FWIW I have arthritis and carpal tunnel and it has a negative affect on my reaction time. I suck at PVP as a result. I certainly don't expect any MMO to cater to my physical disabilities since that would affect the gameplay of everyone else.

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Maybe the reverse is true?


People say that DataCrons won't help the OP at higher level PVP due to his motor skill, but surely any advantage is an advantage. But what you suggest is that the OP gimps himself further as it won't matter anyway (How horrible is that?).


Anyone (I imagine it will be a lot of you) knows we have all ran that dungeon just to get an item with the tiniest of upgrades so to say such things are silly. Everyone wants the most powerful character they can possibly get, but I digress.


Though I don't have a sure fire fix for Datacrons as it stands at the moment with disabilities in mind without turning it into a collection process of just clicking on an item or a SWG style mentor system where someone else could help (like one person collecting gets it for the party). I would like to see in future maybe Datacrons which require multiple people working together to get them. Therefore leaving the more ambidextrous or Mario like challenges to one player while the other solves more complex mental/riddle problems/challenges.


Please try to remember guys just because someone has a disability they should not be excluded from any level of PVP or part of the game. We are all clever people here and should be looking for solutions to help are fellow players and not just dismiss it as a one off.



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You say you can't get the datacron because you lack fine motor control which puts you at a disadvantage in PvP. Aren't you already at a disadvantage because of your disability? So you can just add the loss of datacron points to the disadvantage you already had. I don't see the problem.
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You say you can't get the datacron because you lack fine motor control which puts you at a disadvantage in PvP. Aren't you already at a disadvantage because of your disability? So you can just add the loss of datacron points to the disadvantage you already had. I don't see the problem.

All disabled players should get a 50% health and damage bonus to compensate!

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Nasty community here- miserable ppl posting here- you should be ashamed of yourselves- god forbid anything happen to you that gives you lot a disability!


Karma is all i have to say


Umm, no... the game is INSANELY easy already. You want them to make things even easier for a .0001% of the population? Give me a break.

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Excuse me?


I'd really re-think how you word things in the future.


Lowest common denominator is a classic, often used turn of phrase that everyone should have learned in primary school math. It isn't an insult. In fact, in this case it is spot on.


The OP is lamenting the fact that his motor coordination skills make it difficult to navigate the datacron hoop jumping. I have perfectly normal motor coordination and I have spent hours falling from pipes and ledges trying to get some of these things :(


If Bioware were to have designed the system so that it was optimized for people with minimal motor coordination, that would be the literal definition of "least common denominator" - with the denominator in this case being motor coordination. Instead, it is likely optimized for people with average to above average motor coordination.

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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


You have the motor control to pvp but not to get datacrons? ***?

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Nasty community here- miserable ppl posting here- you should be ashamed of yourselves- god forbid anything happen to you that gives you lot a disability!


Karma is all i have to say


I have a disability. I deal with it. I don't ask the world to change to accomodate me.

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Non trying to be insensitive towards your disability, but you really don't expect mass market games to be made with people with disabilities in mind do you?

I think there are cases when some things can be. I like console sports games, and am disappointed when some actions are tied to the right stick that don't really need to be, however, I know nothing can be done to get me playing an FPS.

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Non trying to be insensitive towards your disability, but you really don't expect mass market games to be made with people with disabilities in mind do you?


To be fair, MMOs do not typically require this kind of "platforming" action. Presumably he stays clear of Tomb Raider or Mario type games as is.

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