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A talk about content difficulty


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Given that a lot of changes are coming in 6.0, I'm not sure how much of a priority this is to the development team, but I think we should talk about the difficulty of content while leveling a toon. Personally I think that the buffs to companions from 4.0 along with level sync-ing really puts a damper on the gameplay experience.


I understand that part of this is that Bioware wishes to cater to the more casual playerbase, but I think that we should at least have the option to need to be competent at playing the game to clear content like storyline bosses. Fights that were once epic to complete like the Emperor at the end of the JK storyline is so laughable it's ridiculous.


I just think that we should be able to enjoy the gameplay aspect of the storylines, especially since some people will probably level new toons with the 6.0 drop with some people coming back to the game.


Perhaps some mechanic could be implemented to bring the difficulty back in line with the earlier versions of the game?

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From other reports, it appears that general gameplay difficulty has been increased for solo content. First, companion healers have apparently taken a bit of a nerf. Second, the level-sync has been adjusted. You are now set several levels lower on a given planet than you are on Live.


So the difficulty will likely not reach pre-4.0 levels, but it should be a bit more challenging than the current face-roll leveling experience.

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To caveat on this discussion, I wish to add the degree of competence one develops while leveling thus carrying this ' god-mode ' into Story/Vet Ops to HM/MM Ops, sorry Im school. The difference in someone running a story mode operation and then going to hard mode is a huge difference. BW has never really had a good idea/plan to introduce mechanics as something that needs to be done to kill an OP boss but do you think you can try.


I am not arguing for easier HM/MM Operations but I am convinced that Story/Vet Operations needs to be made harder otherwise the person progressing into hard mode is in for a rather rude awakening.

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To caveat on this discussion, I wish to add the degree of competence one develops while leveling thus carrying this ' god-mode ' into Story/Vet Ops to HM/MM Ops, sorry Im school. The difference in someone running a story mode operation and then going to hard mode is a huge difference. BW has never really had a good idea/plan to introduce mechanics as something that needs to be done to kill an OP boss but do you think you can try.


I am not arguing for easier HM/MM Operations but I am convinced that Story/Vet Operations needs to be made harder otherwise the person progressing into hard mode is in for a rather rude awakening.


I'll counterpoint this.


Typically, in order to increase difficulty, bioware just increases health pools and decreases rage timers. What this leads to is "harder" actually only meaning "longer", which makes Ops and flashpoints feel like a slog.


Besides, it pretty much is a given that you need a guild to routinely do anything harder than SM Ops, and from that, people learn the ropes. The system was very hard at one point, but they ended up making it easier because no one wanted to do Operations other than very few. When they made it easier, there was an influx of people finally doing operations, and from that, those interested got taken in under the wings of guilds and initiated into harder content.


I am actually ok with things as they are now, and really, with the new level sync, other than making everything just a HAIR harder/beefier, SM Operations and Vet Flashpoints on PTS now feel more brisk and fun as a result.

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I'll counterpoint this.


Typically, in order to increase difficulty, bioware just increases health pools and decreases rage timers. What this leads to is "harder" actually only meaning "longer", which makes Ops and flashpoints feel like a slog.

I'm pretty sure this is what it always was for leveling (when things were more "difficult"). That along with some classes not having a healer in long fights and mobs spamming CC you can't counter.


Never understood why some people want to go back to that. I don't find tedium enjoyable.


I challenge myself by not using a healer companion and running heroics solo (which is partly to avoid tedium by having two DPS, if I'm being honest). Some of the higher level ones keep you on your toes without a healer (like Belsavis, Voss) even if you're max level.


If it becomes a slog to get through solo content, I'm probably going to become intensely disinterested in replaying things. It's one of the reasons I find KOTFE/KOTET so difficult to replay. I mean, honestly, I'm so over the repetitive combat, sometimes I'd like to just be able to play story without it... just sit back and watch. Tacticals might help with that on an end-game level, but surely not for leveling.

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From other reports, it appears that general gameplay difficulty has been increased for solo content. First, companion healers have apparently taken a bit of a nerf. Second, the level-sync has been adjusted. You are now set several levels lower on a given planet than you are on Live.


So the difficulty will likely not reach pre-4.0 levels, but it should be a bit more challenging than the current face-roll leveling experience.


If the player's level is higher, Level Synch now sets the character to the maximum level for the planet instead of +2. Level Synch looks like it then "normalizes" health, damage and healing to what that player would be if they were wearing blue gear of that level. Gear contributions to mastery, power, and endurance are otherwise ignored.


So, for example, if you go to Ossus at level 75 with 268 gear, you're squished back to the equivalent of 242-244 blue unaugmented with about 116K health and about a 3400 damage bonus. With what testing I did, Ossus was fine up until inside the Jedi Library instance. More than one gold in a trash pack was very challenging, particularly if you could not CC, or it broke due to AOE attacks from the story companion. Those golds hit extremely hard and missing an interrupt could mean getting globaled. [it was so much fun killing Malgus the Space Lich over and over though. To bad he would not stay dead. Damn story plot.]


If below maximum level for the planet, the character stats are likely left as-is with whatever gear they are wearing. I haven't experimented with this though.


I guess we'll have to see how many cries for help come when new players tangle with their chapter 1 last boss encounter. That was usually the first big hurdle. Any of the Chapter 3 last boss encounters like on Korriban or Dromund Kaas though probably still remain absurdly easy.

Edited by TerraStomper
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I never understood no matter which game I have played some players say they need a more challenging game. Yet they have the best game gear possible. A simple solution is to get lower level gear and go for the gusto. Pretty simple. I don't do ops not since way back when. Doesn't matter my game has nothing to do with ops. I pay my own monthly fee. I am not here to play it the way someone else likes it. Now when I went through CZ 198 my companion was 56 on both. Just verified it again. I believe they have toughen it up on PTS. Really makes you wonder why you need really good gear.
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I never understood no matter which game I have played some players say they need a more challenging game. Yet they have the best game gear possible. A simple solution is to get lower level gear and go for the gusto. Pretty simple. I don't do ops not since way back when. Doesn't matter my game has nothing to do with ops. I pay my own monthly fee. I am not here to play it the way someone else likes it. Now when I went through CZ 198 my companion was 56 on both. Just verified it again. I believe they have toughen it up on PTS. Really makes you wonder why you need really good gear.


Because what they want is to control OTHER PEOPLES difficulty. Making your own experience more challenging is blindingly easy. Only laziness can explain someones inability to tone down their companion or their own gear level. Making others experience more tedious or difficult is what these people want, the ability to dictate others game experience.

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Because what they want is to control OTHER PEOPLES difficulty. Making your own experience more challenging is blindingly easy. Only laziness can explain someones inability to tone down their companion or their own gear level. Making others experience more tedious or difficult is what these people want, the ability to dictate others game experience.


Lol nicely put..)

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Because what they want is to control OTHER PEOPLES difficulty. Making your own experience more challenging is blindingly easy. Only laziness can explain someones inability to tone down their companion or their own gear level. Making others experience more tedious or difficult is what these people want, the ability to dictate others game experience.



Agree totally. Far to many now make demands that affect everyone else. These same players talking about difficult/easy levels are the same players crying because they cannot get maxed out in gear straight away with RNG. Its very easy to reduce your own character to what ever level of difficulty you want. Then just add back in when doing more difficult game play such as NIM.


Lazy does not cover it, its far more than that. It is about controlling other players.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Agree totally. Far to many now make demands that affect everyone else. These same players talking about difficult/easy levels are the same players crying because they cannot get maxed out in gear straight away with RNG. Its very easy to reduce your own character to what ever level of difficulty you want. Then just add back in when doing more difficult game play such as NIM.


Lazy does not cover it, its far more than that. It is about controlling other players.


You preach the following 'It is about controlling other players' but you do the same.... 'Oh you want harder content, just take off your gear'


SM, flashpoints, open world, is accesible, and should be, to everyone


HM raids should start to introduce mechanics or dps/heal checks, depending on fights (which not everyone can nor should be able to clear, it's called hardmode for a reason, and should be to challendge a group at a decent to average skill level, with medium to high gear)


and NiM should just be the hardest content in the game. and should challendge the people who know their class in and out, with high to BiS gear.


that;'s not trying to control your game experience. you have SM, if HM and NiM are to hard for you, and NiM raiders shouldn't have to make artificial dificulty by removing gear, that's stupid.

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BW relying on casuals already ruined this game.

Do you know why this game is on the brink of collapse? Because of you casuals. New people come, try it and refuse to continue because it's too easy.

Your lvl 15 companions actually play your content for you, not you.

You can solo MM FPs using only basic attack if you have healing companion.

This is simply ridiculous.

The current state of this game with 5 servers 95% of population on which are RPers is a perfect example why developers shall NEVER listen to casuals.

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BW relying on casuals already ruined this game.

Do you know why this game is on the brink of collapse? Because of you casuals. New people come, try it and refuse to continue because it's too easy.

Your lvl 15 companions actually play your content for you, not you.

You can solo MM FPs using only basic attack if you have healing companion.

This is simply ridiculous.

The current state of this game with 5 servers 95% of population on which are RPers is a perfect example why developers shall NEVER listen to casuals.


I do disagree here, - this is a very narrowminded view, if the game only caterd to nim raiders, it would die out very quickly, with only 5% doing it, However I do also feel like to many things have been made to easy, my main concern with that is though, that it's just been made a lot harder to make the step from being a casual sm raiders, to wanting to try HM, with there being a huge diffrence in dificulty (to big for some) - always thought more mechanics have to be added to sm (even if far far less deadly, just to sort of show what to expect in HM)


there is also nowhere near as many rpers as you think. think the number is more like 10-15% if not less. most people just cassualy go about their buisniss, lvling, redoing stories, some flashpoints/conquest and story mode ops.


escpially lvling, flashpoints and open world, are things that more solo focused players do, and should also be caterd to them,.. while I do really miss companion gearing, and beating the story bosses that actually felt like a boss. I also understand why some people like the way it is now (even though i really don't)

Edited by Folcwar
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You preach the following 'It is about controlling other players' but you do the same.... 'Oh you want harder content, just take off your gear'


SM, flashpoints, open world, is accesible, and should be, to everyone


HM raids should start to introduce mechanics or dps/heal checks, depending on fights (which not everyone can nor should be able to clear, it's called hardmode for a reason, and should be to challendge a group at a decent to average skill level, with medium to high gear)


and NiM should just be the hardest content in the game. and should challendge the people who know their class in and out, with high to BiS gear.


that;'s not trying to control your game experience. you have SM, if HM and NiM are to hard for you, and NiM raiders shouldn't have to make artificial dificulty by removing gear, that's stupid.


No, its lazy. Take a little responsibility for your own game play. If a nim raider wants challenge outside of nim, it is extremely easy to do so. SM and leveling is NOT your private nim training ground. If you need to train new raiders, do so, dont expect the game to be tailored as your private domain.

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BW relying on casuals already ruined this game.

Do you know why this game is on the brink of collapse? Because of you casuals. New people come, try it and refuse to continue because it's too easy.

Your lvl 15 companions actually play your content for you, not you.

You can solo MM FPs using only basic attack if you have healing companion.

This is simply ridiculous.

The current state of this game with 5 servers 95% of population on which are RPers is a perfect example why developers shall NEVER listen to casuals.


Developers (esp biware/EA) listen to people with MONEY. Ncsoft wants a large income from swtor, they arent going to jettison the casuals because of 1% of the playerbase not liking them

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No, its lazy. Take a little responsibility for your own game play. If a nim raider wants challenge outside of nim, it is extremely easy to do so. SM and leveling is NOT your private nim training ground. If you need to train new raiders, do so, dont expect the game to be tailored as your private domain.


you should read what I wrote better.


You're assuming I want that, while I clear stated that sm, fp, open world, is, and should stay/always will be, accesible to ALL players.... and that I want HM - and NIM to be harder (depending on skill, average for HM, best for NiM)


Please... read.


You on the other hand, want the game dead easy, and just want people to take off gear to make things harder.

Downside is, even if I take all gear off, nothing is hard. due to bolster, all SM raids can be done naked, with a green weapon, same for all leveling, and veteran flashpoints (master in a group probably too) /thanks bolster.


You're the one trying to enforce YOUR will on others, while blaming me to do so. GG.

Edited by Folcwar
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BW relying on casuals already ruined this game.

Do you know why this game is on the brink of collapse? Because of you casuals. New people come, try it and refuse to continue because it's too easy.

Your lvl 15 companions actually play your content for you, not you.

You can solo MM FPs using only basic attack if you have healing companion.

This is simply ridiculous.

The current state of this game with 5 servers 95% of population on which are RPers is a perfect example why developers shall NEVER listen to casuals.


I like to see your stats proving that. That cause I think it is so it must it must be so doesn't work.

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you should read what I wrote better.


You're assuming I want that, while I clear stated that sm, fp, open world, is, and should stay/always will be, accesible to ALL players.... and that I want HM - and NIM to be harder (depending on skill, average for HM, best for NiM)


Please... read.


You on the other hand, want the game dead easy, and just want people to take off gear to make things harder.

Downside is, even if I take all gear off, nothing is hard. due to bolster, all SM raids can be done naked, with a green weapon, same for all leveling, and veteran flashpoints (master in a group probably too) /thanks bolster.


You're the one trying to enforce YOUR will on others, while blaming me to do so. GG.


He is talking about changing the level of gear. Easy to do to make it tougher. So people can do these without gear huh. I anxiously wait for the video.

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BW relying on casuals already ruined this game.

Do you know why this game is on the brink of collapse? Because of you casuals. New people come, try it and refuse to continue because it's too easy.

Your lvl 15 companions actually play your content for you, not you.

You can solo MM FPs using only basic attack if you have healing companion.

This is simply ridiculous.

The current state of this game with 5 servers 95% of population on which are RPers is a perfect example why developers shall NEVER listen to casuals.


Don't blame the casuals or roleplayers. What happened at the beginning of the game when we lost quite a few people that were here when the content was harder. Yes, I do know what I am talking about, the content for our stories was harder and yet people still left. So you see as I always have said it depends on the people you talk to .

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Don't blame the casuals or roleplayers. What happened at the beginning of the game when we lost quite a few people that were here when the content was harder. Yes, I do know what I am talking about, the content for our stories was harder and yet people still left. So you see as I always have said it depends on the people you talk to .


Some of the bugs and such drove people away also. Play was like running in quicksand. Key word /stuck also beware of pink dogs.

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Because what they want is to control OTHER PEOPLES difficulty. Making your own experience more challenging is blindingly easy. Only laziness can explain someones inability to tone down their companion or their own gear level. Making others experience more tedious or difficult is what these people want, the ability to dictate others game experience.


Longtime lurker here and yes i completely agree with this!

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An option to choose our own difficulty level or an increased difficulty for the most difficult content, i would not mind as it would not negatively impact me.


Increasing the difficulty for everyone on every kind of content, then nope.

As it is now, people who want their own game to be more challenging can do so by running around "naked" or with low level / cosmetic gear and with their companion on passive, but if the content becomes harder for everyone, there would be no way to make it easier for people who don't want their game to be a challenge.


If i want a challenge, i'll play Monster Hunter for instance as some monsters are really hard to kill, and story is not necessarily the main attraction of the game, here i just want to enjoy the story and dress up my toons and their companions, not take forever to kill a lot of trash, between 2 objectives.


I fist played when companions had a set role and we had to gear them, when things were more difficult and lvling was way slower, and it took forever to kill trash, and i didn't stay very long as i found the game incredibly boring as i was constently underleveled and always had to do some lvling before continuing the story, that was absoluteny not fun. AT ALL.

I came back after the changes were made and stayed since then as it became much more fun to me. If things were to go back to how they were at the begining, i'd just leave again.

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I'm all for choice. Letting players choose the difficulty level of their content, like you have with KOTFE and the flashpoints and Ops, is great. Imposing a higher difficulty level on everyone because some players want to look down their noses at anyone who is a casual or wants a more easygoing experience? Nope. Nyet. Full stop.
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Don't blame the casuals or roleplayers. What happened at the beginning of the game when we lost quite a few people that were here when the content was harder. Yes, I do know what I am talking about, the content for our stories was harder and yet people still left. So you see as I always have said it depends on the people you talk to .


Something I would like to add on an experiment that I've just about completed. A few weeks ago with the double XP weeks I started a fresh new character... A smuggler / Gunslinger. My current rating is a 230. After level 10 I placed my character on Master mode .. and left it there. I've done FP's some in solo mode .. default (whatever that is... I still did not change it on my character selection) .. several heroics … etc. I ran just about everything in that mode: until I got to KotET. Since that point for the most part I have ran the chapters in veteran mode. However, it should also be noted that there were some that there was just no way.. so I dropped them to story mode in order to complete this exercise and finish this toon before 6.0 release.


I know my own style of play. I have not changed too much of anything. Don't ask me what changed. I wish I could answer that with all of the technobabble terms needed to better explain. But there is unquestionably a change in how the game is played.


BTW.. it should be noted that I am NOT lazy ! Granted my hand/eye coordination is slowing down a bit (and I know that too) .. but I'm a far cry from expecting things to be dialed down in order for me to enjoy the game. I respect those who play better and harder than I do..


That said.. 6.0 will be no different. Gear will matter. How to play the game will change … again ! IMO the BEST solution is for the "selection of difficulty" levels to be made available regardless of what aspect of the game being played .. with the possible exception of OP's . As I understand it those are somewhat different in nomenclature to begin with.


At any rate .. just my $.02 worth. And I hope this makes sense.

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I don't think the difference between a Vet vs. MM Operation is purely an increase in health pool and a decrease in enrage timers but an absence of mechanics. I never argued that I find Vet Ops boring and tedious because I'm walking around in 258's. I said


BW has never really had a good idea/plan to introduce mechanics as something that needs to be done to kill an OP boss but do you think you can try.


While the difference in health pools and enrage timers are increased/decreased when you jump into MM Operations/Flashpoints, the penalty for not accurately reacting to mechanics is increased immensely. I was trying to argue that BW does not have, in my mind, a decent attempt to introduce players to mechanics that will hurt thus players not being penalized for ' standing in stupid ';


take in point to the last boss in Athiss flashpoint - healer needs to cleanse the dot that he throws out or it hurts...a lot in MM Athis but in SM Athiss it is purely a tickle the person can counteract with popping their health pack.



I'm not going to argue Raiders versus Casuals because that is not the thread topic. I do think the numbers drasticly decreased during the lull of 3 1/2 years without a new Operation and many people left the game due to that. I know my Empire Guild went from having 13 Raid teams every week to 2 during this time.

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