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Barbershop please!


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This comparison is beyond silly. Have the game devs of SWTOR been living in a void for the last 7 years?


Or, you know, they have had to implement thousands of things in too little time and had to choose which had priority and which could wait until after launch?


Just like every developer studio in existence?

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Create your chars more carefully?


lol its your own fault



A lot of people don't look closely at their chars when they make them, and only notice the flaw sometime into playing. I'm a geeky roleplayer so I tend to make sure my character looks as close to what I want as possible before exposing her to the game.


Honestly, though, I 'd love loose and long flowing red locks. Instead I had to settle for a pony tail and some bangs.


For Bioware to say " Nope. Not at all." Is akin to slamming a door in their own face. While its their game, I think they should keep their options open.


I think over the next year or so there will be some huge additions and changes coming. It would be foolish and arrogant for Bioware not to consider its competition, and Im sure they are very very aware of that.


As much as I want beautiful red waist length hair, I would be happy to wait longer for it if it meant some sort of tool that would more effectively group me with people who need heroics. It shouldnt take me 3 days to find a group and ten minutes to finish the heroic lol

Edited by Laylla
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Can anyone think of a technical limitation or difficulty that would delay implementation of an NPC that would let you open the last page of the character creator? The one with the complexions, jewelry, hairstyles, etc?


The techical limitation would be the amount of programmers and the priority assigned to this addition. Currently the GUI designers are busy with the modifiable user interface. The system's programmers are busy hacking away at the bugs and implementing new features that did not quite make it to launch but that are necessary for the next flashpoints and operations. And game system is working on those new flashpoints and operations, as is the art department. They are likely also working on a new planet, or on reusing/expanding existing planets as well.

At some point this issue will drift to the top of the list so that the different departments involved can work on it and it gets added to the game. Until then: have patience young padawan.

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WoW was launched with everything, ranging from a balanced community to hundreds of final end content... Didn't you know?


Also, a barber shop, an manicure and a red-light house.



For the first 5 words I thought you were serious. I wanted to smack you. :p

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I am all for a barbershop system.


Recently I noticed some color discrepancies with my game/video colors. I try to keep my calibrations fine tuned as I do web development on the side along with some image, and video editing.


I picked up some hardware that is very good at fine tuning monitor colors for the cleanest effect. Once I did this, and logged back into the game, I realized the colors I had chosen for my character, were not what I actually chose. My colors were that bad on the monitor.


So... because of issues like this, I think it would be plausible to allow a barbershop in game to fix issues like this.

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This is not WoW! Changing hairstyles ruins the community!


I remember back in vanilla WoW when nobody could change hairstyles. There were no ninjas and stuff. When they added it in WoW the community was ruined. They could start ninja stuff in dungeons and just change hairstyles after.


I say BIG no to hairstyles. It ruined the WoW community! I hope Bioware does not listen to WoW fanboys and add this crap feature. Just get a guild instead!


Uh...what? You DO you realize that although you could change your hair color, style and peircings/facial markings, you still had the same name, right?


Actually, the more I read your post, the less it makes sense.


You're weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The techical limitation would be the amount of programmers and the priority assigned to this addition. Currently the GUI designers are busy with the modifiable user interface. The system's programmers are busy hacking away at the bugs and implementing new features that did not quite make it to launch but that are necessary for the next flashpoints and operations. And game system is working on those new flashpoints and operations, as is the art department. They are likely also working on a new planet, or on reusing/expanding existing planets as well.

At some point this issue will drift to the top of the list so that the different departments involved can work on it and it gets added to the game. Until then: have patience young padawan.


No. Seriously. This is not a programming intensive issue like implementing an LFG or resizing your UI. both of which are already in the works.


This is about reopening the last page of the character creator screen. Just as discussed in the squashing bugs are triaged and some bugs which are easier to fix are done before a much older bug that is more complicated.


Reopening the last page of the character customization screen is one of those easy to implement-high payout moves.


In the very last q/A someone suggested a way for players achievements and leveling to be spammed on guild chat. You can read what the developer wrote but to paraphrase: I love things like this that can be simple to implement. End of paraphrasing.


If they can arrange to allow g chat to be spammed every time someone gets an achievement, reopening the last page of the character creator is in the same category.

Edited by Vagessel
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  • 1 month later...
With all the current issues on their table including but not limited to people not being able to play I feel confident in saying this wont happen for a long time


The only reason you are confident is because whoever writes biowares code is pretty bad. The game was pushed for early release now people are stuck waiting for features WoW already has,While we play our basic WoW clone with (like it or not there are major similarities) without any of the improvements made over WoW's lifetime. Rift did it but did improve on a few things. Besides making professions button clicking from your tab what did Swtor improve exactly ?


It sure wasn't competitive pvp,it sure wasn't graphics,it sure wasn't end game pve,it sure wasn't changing combat/gameplay,it sure wasn't customization,it sure wasn't world pvp,it sure wasn't faction/population balance,and it sure wasn't barber shop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was hoping for more choice in hair styles, one that springs to mind is the human male jedi choices of long hair. Would really like to have an option of long and all in a ponytail for example. Was a little disappointed with lack of choice, at least on the male jedi side. others may disagree.


Also would like to see the ability to change hairstyles in game.


Thought others may share this same thought - but awesome game and keep up the good work! =)


- Yarah

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Bumping this for good measure. We really do need this feature ingame to be able to enjoy our opened Legacy race features on our existing characters.


I agree, the barbershop is a way to apply the legacy system AND the story.

"A young padawan can then grow older and become a master jedi, a father etc... "

Right now, the guy that is supposed to be my main and father of my alts just looks so young, doesn't make sense.


BW, seriously, that is clearly something that you should have thought about...

Edited by Koios
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I agree, the barbershop is a way to apply the legacy system AND the story.

"A young padawan can then grow older and become a master jedi, a father etc... "

Right now, the guy that is supposed to be my main and father of my alts just looks so young, doesn't make sense.


BW, seriously, that is clearly something that you should have thought about...


I want this so that I can finally give my Cyborg the implant he was intended to have, rather than the stupid techno glasses Agents are stuck with.

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I completely support this thread. We need it, here's my argument:


Anyone who plays this game as an MMORPG knows that having your character look exactly like you imagined him is important. In fact, it can make or break the character. If you imagined your character as a war hero, but he looks like a dunce, or you imagined them wise and experienced, but they look young and naive, it can ruin the entire character for you (as it did for me). But you still want to play that character because of the character, but you don't feel right because of the looks.


For this reason, there should be an in-game character editor system. Make it a person that costs us credits or fleet comms or whatever, but put it in game. Many people (I'm sure) have messed up their looks, but went with it just because and got too high in level to reroll just because of looks. And what about gear-loss? Also, how unrealistic is it for someone to get a haircut, or gain/lose weight? Sure, not everyone changed their eye color or traditional tattoos, but this is Star Wars, it's OUR Legacy! Please make this an in game option. It's not asking TOO much, and it would save everyone's time and hard work from going to waste. Again, I ask, please, put this system in the game.

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I'll add to the group who feel the need for a barber shop and more character customization is a must. Characters are supposed to be growing and evolving etc. Pretty hard to do with no barber shop or re-customization service available.


I've been wondering if SWTOR would go the WOW route and make you pay for major character changes or give them to us free in a later expansion. Honestly, my main is a Jedi Knight with body type 3 and I've come to hate it. But it's still my main, and my legacy is under that toon, I just wish I could "re-customize" him and go to body type 2 instead.... I'd even pay real money for that option (i.e. like WOW), but it doesn't exist at all right now in SWTOR.


I'm not so sure the features should be attached to legacy though, especially with the crazy amount of credits required as well. But please consider adding these features in an upcoming expansion. TXS

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  • 2 weeks later...

More character customization would be great, imo.


I play WoW as well as this game. Do you have any idea how long I spend putting together transmog outfits and then changing my appearance at the barbershop to suit? WAY too long.

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