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Disappointment of a Game, READ FAST


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What I find interesting in all of this is the fact that these people who aren't very happy with the game or its features, are no longer playing, or threatening or claiming to unsubscribe and go somewhere else are STILL HERE posting.


I guess that maybe that works for some, but when I unsubscribe from something, I usually cut all ties, and that includes the forums, because if I don't feel a need to play the game, why would I even want to discuss the game anymore?


However, I suppose that some people are different and simply want to troll their opinion for the sake of doing so. I'm sorry that you don't enjoy the game anymore, or never did in the first place, but you know what? More for me. I'm enjoying the game very much, and as the game just officially launched a little over a week ago, I'm not going to pitch some huge three year old tantrum because I don't have what I want right now.


To those saying that they should have a perfect game right this minute, you must be new to the world of MMOs, or you wouldn't say such a ludicrous thing. If you want an extremely polished and hugely close to perfection MMO, you shouldn't have pre-ordered. You should've waited about 6 months at least, give or take.


This is my second MMO launch. I played WoW years after it came out, EQ2 a year or two after it came out, and I played FFXIV at launch. You want a real joke? You should have seen the launch for FFXIV, as they had to start offering free time to everyone, and people were stepping down left and right because of the mess that game was.


Back to this being my second MMO launch, I'm very satisfied in the game. Sure, it has bugs, big DEAL. Every game has them, some even have more than others years into their franchise (The Sims 3 being a prime example). It is a fact of gaming life that you will have one bug in every game you play. There will be something you don't care for, don't like, or no longer want. If that's the case, then go ahead and unsubscribe, and devote your time to something you will actually enjoy, because I don't understand how someone can enjoy whining on a forum for a game they no longer play, or no longer want to play. It sounds very unhealthy to be honest. Sure, everyone's allowed an opinion, and I respect that, but to be very curious, if you don't like something, why are you still devoting time to it even by posting an opinion? Shouldn't you be posting on the forums of a game you actually enjoy, or playing said game? If you're going to cut ties, then cut ties, and stop wasting forum-space with this nonsense, because that's what it's quickly turning into.

Edited by xXAngelicEvilXx
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Angelic, unhappy people can still try to have hope, or vent their discontent.


I for one am disappointed in many things in this game, yet I have hope that the current state of the game is the result of a hasty release.

I only hope as much, because the game, as it is, is not competing with some of what exists right now, and any of what is coming.


And by competing, I don't mean in quantity. Screw quantity. I really mean depth.

I would rather - a thousand times - be showered by a quality game that came out short on content, because then I'd be happy making an alt or whatever, and awaiting eagerly for more content.


The way it is now, I'm not sure I'll bother sticking around, but I'll give it more time.

And by the way, it's not the bugs that really bug me. It's certain design choices.

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" Quote from Julsnet"


-No social aspect to game. The chat is soo annoying. More in aion but also a bit in wow, you could customize your chat so you have for example, on tab for general chat, one for only regular chatting with people around you, one tab for party chat, one for guild, or you could even mix a tab to have like guild and party chat. In this, all you have is one social tab and one combat tab. The social chat is filled with the General [barrens] chat of people randomly talking about stuff, so a lot of times you miss people who try and talk to you. Its already hard enough to talk without chat bubbles, this makes it near impossible.


FIRSTLY CHAT BUBBLES ARE **** secondly you can alter all the chat aspects and create your own tabs colors and input. JEZ read up on the game your slating before you slate it.


Yeah things are not smooth at the mo and yeah there are probs they need to be sorted and ive even post on some of them to get done as im fed up of little things that can get fixed with ease, but the true players who stick with playing swtor will reap the rewards and people like you who are just whining because that want it now now now might as well leave us gamers to it a go back to your rubbish "wow".


I recon by summer next year swtor will be settled and doing well for us swtor gamers.

Edited by Shadow-Republic
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This isnt a car.


A product is a product, in business you learn from your predecessors or you fail, ask the other MMOs out there, but fine I will humor you.........


I made a game for you, ignore that fact that it has pong graphics, the sound is choppy, and the controls suck...........give me the 60 dollars because that's how games used to be!

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b4 i respond i just wanna say i do love the game so far. However some of the stuff said is true but the game is just over a week old. Its when we r 6 months into the game and nothing is bein done is when people should post like this. But ya stuff like the whole staic barrier thing i definelty notice and its insanely annoying, the combat CAN feel clunky at times. lack of duel spec, macro's, meters, and most of all the absolute lack of ui customization really sux. But all that can be fixed and i'm sure the devs will work to make this game the best they can.
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b4 i respond i just wanna say i do love the game so far. However some of the stuff said is true but the game is just over a week old. Its when we r 6 months into the game and nothing is bein done is when people should post like this. But ya stuff like the whole staic barrier thing i definelty notice and its insanely annoying, the combat CAN feel clunky at times. lack of duel spec, macro's, meters, and most of all the absolute lack of ui customization really sux. But all that can be fixed and i'm sure the devs will work to make this game the best they can.



So basically people should pay for a subpar game for 6 months and HOPE the issues are fixed?

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Angelic, unhappy people can still try to have hope, or vent their discontent.


I for one am disappointed in many things in this game, yet I have hope that the current state of the game is the result of a hasty release.

I only hope as much, because the game, as it is, is not competing with some of what exists right now, and any of what is coming.


And by competing, I don't mean in quantity. Screw quantity. I really mean depth.

I would rather - a thousand times - be showered by a quality game that came out short on content, because then I'd be happy making an alt or whatever, and awaiting eagerly for more content.


The way it is now, I'm not sure I'll bother sticking around, but I'll give it more time.

And by the way, it's not the bugs that really bug me. It's certain design choices.


My issue was not with people venting discontent, or trying to have hope.


However, it seems that a good few are past having hope, and have already unsubscribed. Those were the people my message was pointed out to, which I stated in said post. My post wasn't necessarily aimed at you, but at those who have said "I'm unsubscribing" "I'm leaving" "I've already unsubscribed," etc. etc. Why announce the departure? There's another thread floating around where the person has already unsubscribed, already told Bioware what they think, but decided to post their goodbyes here on the forums as well, which just does not make sense to me. I would think after telling Bioware, the people with the authority to actually do something that you're done, then there shouldn't be a need to come to the forums on a high horse and continuing the complaints. What can the people on the forums do about it? As I said, I understand venting, and opinions, but after you've unsubscribed? No, because there was ample opportunity to vent directly through Bioware when unsubscribing.



And just like everyone has the right to do all the things listed above, I share the same right of pointing it out and questioning it. *shrug*

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-PvP is broken, and CANNOT be repaired, at least for a year or two. Mixing all lvls together in warzones?!?!?! ***? Yah balance our health and damage of our moves, but do you honestly think as a lvl 19 I have enough spells to take on a lvl 38 we'll say who has cc's, stuns, and many pew pew moves? I pretty sure whoever thought of this system must have been on something.


-No reward for world pvp. So what's the point of even killing any of the opposing faction if I'm going to get NOTHING in return? I love world pvp, and it's fun to have epic battles with opposing faction members, but can't I at least get some valor points?!?! Even wow had honor to give for that



THis i actually agree with. i've seen lvl11 republic vs lvl50 empire on warzone this is pretty messed up, there should be level ranges in warzones so that even weapons and armor you aquire might give u the extra kick in pvp.

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Notice how the biggest whiners just cannot leave quietly? I can just imagine what they would be like to deal with in real life. :eek:


Ya isn't this like buying a car, and then standing out in front of the dealership with a giant sign because that lovely shade of magenta you ordered isn't EXACTLY the right shade YOU want it to be?

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I think that with a game of this complexity and magnitude nothing is better at exhuming problems than an actual release of the game. Sure, they've had time to develop and beta test it but it's likely to be virtually impossible to pinpoint all potential issues pre-release. People have a tendency to be blind to the good sides of a game whose release they've so eagerly waited and paid money for.
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Yes this game is dying so fast and everyone is unsubbing . Forget the fact that I counted over 30 US servers full last night and had a 40 minute wait time to get into my own server .


No one is playing right ?



/end sarcasm


Might as well take up a server slot while I have my free month?

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Ok, you don't like the game, none of us know you at all and none of us care if you are quitting. Had you come up with a list of issues you believe the game had, and wrote them out in an easy to read and functional post, that would be a different story. If you don't like the game, cancel your sub and move on. Plenty of people are enjoying it as is, such as me. I am quite confident that the game will improve as time goes on, but nine days after the official launch things are very good.
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Starfox was awesome, so it equals out. The warzones are made this way to bring everyone together. Who in ****S NAME (besides this guy) wants to wait for hours to get 20 level 10-19 to be in the same warzone? I'm pretty sure anyone who does is on something.


Also of course customer support is going to take a while, the game JUST CAME OUT.

Edited by The_Eyesight
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There seems to be only one thing i want to point out about pvp. As i was lvl 17, i got third in my first pvp warzone match, with players ranging mostly from 25-40.


Regarding your other arguments, i think your getting too hot headed and lazy. This is a great game, so before you comment on issues this game might have i suggest you don't treat SWTOR as a substitute for your personal life and more like a game.


Please unsubscribe, you won't be missed.

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their servers are small and dont hold that many people. they had 1.5 mill players as of 5 days ago, that number has dropped to 1.2. And at this stage in an mmo, the game should be increasing. Just another warhammer follower, soon to DIE




I don't care you don't care, just want to feed you: I'm gone as well. Have fun all. I hope swtor will become what you guys all hope.

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Just once I'd like to see a well written, logical post by someone explaining their reasons for (supposedly) cancelling their sub detailing their issues with the game, and offering some constructive feedback on what they feel would retain them/bring them back without any: Hyperbole, claiming to speak for others, made up numbers and just flat out lies.

Just. Once.


Won't hold my breath though. ;)

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