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About the Nautolan and over filled character slots


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You heard me say I deleted 31 toons, right?


That is YOUR choice, no one forced it on you, if you'd had wanted to keep those toons, you could have, still doesn't change the fact that the over limit was forced on this person. Also, just because you had 31 chars you didn't give a crap about doesn't mean he does.......



Also, the merger happened quite awhile ago. So it would have been possible to grind out that cash if he'd been around back then, but he wasn't. If I'd subbed at that time, I wouldn't have had to delete so many, but I didn't, and that's on me. People make choices.


It's irrelavant how long ago the merger was, the op might not have been on much to grind, he may be an rp'er, or maybe he, like a lot of people don't want to, and shouldn't have to grind credits just to fix an issue that was FORCED upon them .

neither does when he subbed matter. He's not asking for a lot like some people do, he's asking for a free char slot, not even a char token, just the slot.

Edited by DarkGruffalo
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Thanks to the server merger, I have 93 characters on one server.

:eek: Ok, i like to play this game but ...I'm not so masochistic.:D I currently have 15. Each class, all DD.

Now I'm going to test the healers and tanks. I do not think I will pass the 24 slots. I will take care of the existing ones extensively. It is the a new class is coming. ;)

Edited by Batwer
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Just to let you know you will need only 24 characters because the tacticals are geared for the different specs oh and good look gearing you main because you might be lucky to gear someone out of the twenty four. Just keep the highest gear on whatever toon you are playing. Gear score is critical when hoping to beat R.N.G.
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Why the hell would anyone need MORE than 50 character slots???


I mean... are you a hoarder in real life?

Nobody *needs* even *one* character slot. There are people with a *lot* of characters, and the decisions that led to them making that many are their business, not yours. (For reference, I have 58 used out of 64, because BioWare added more "built-in" slots below my purchased slots some time back. I do go through from time to time and delete the especially purpose-free characters, but I have a bunch that are there for particular purposes that aren't done yet, and I promise that I'll get them done about the same time that Lord Renning releases Malora from his service.(1))


(1) Eventually.

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I opted to create as many toons as I could before the server merge; kept a whole lotta slots that way. :rolleyes:


Many did. :)

The issue then is its still costing you CC to change to a Nautolan. You lose the character slot if you delete if not under your now max number of slots. So the only way is to use the character change terminal which is not free. As said many like me already paid once, don't see why we should have to pay twice for the same thing.

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That is YOUR choice, no one forced it on you, if you'd had wanted to keep those toons, you could have, still doesn't change the fact that the over limit was forced on this person. Also, just because you had 31 chars you didn't give a crap about doesn't mean he does.......





It's irrelavant how long ago the merger was, the op might not have been on much to grind, he may be an rp'er, or maybe he, like a lot of people don't want to, and shouldn't have to grind credits just to fix an issue that was FORCED upon them .

neither does when he subbed matter. He's not asking for a lot like some people do, he's asking for a free char slot, not even a char token, just the slot.



Well said, beside I know I paid real money for my character slots don't see why I should lose any just because another player is happy to. So totally with you on this.

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That is YOUR choice, no one forced it on you, if you'd had wanted to keep those toons, you could have, still doesn't change the fact that the over limit was forced on this person. Also, just because you had 31 chars you didn't give a crap about doesn't mean he does.......


ok, I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point or just can't read. I had the same problem as this guy. except instead of having to delete 8 characters after the merge, I had to delete 31. Do you get that now? In order to PLAY THE GAME AT ALL, I had to delete 31 characters. Do you get that it wasn't my choice, it was forced on me by the merge? Do you get that I didn't make a thread moaning about it, looking for pity from guys like you?


Jeezus. This is why I asked if you 'read the part...' It wasn't a rhetorical question, and you clearly didn't.


Well said, beside I know I paid real money for my character slots don't see why I should lose any just because another player is happy to. So totally with you on this.


I wasn't 'happy' to do it. I see you don't read posts either. I was forced to do it by the merge, so I made some difficult decisions about who to cut. And I did it. So all these guys telling you that BW can only accommodate you to a certain point? They're right. I lack sympathy for someone who only has to delete 8, much less someone who claims to be so attached to his characters but he hasn't logged into the game in the nearly two years since the merger happened.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I wasn't 'happy' to do it. I see you don't read posts either. I was forced to do it by the merge, so I made some difficult decisions about who to cut. And I did it. So all these guys telling you that BW can only accommodate you to a certain point? They're right. I lack sympathy for someone who only has to delete 8, much less someone who claims to be so attached to his characters but he hasn't logged into the game in the nearly two years since the merger happened.

The way I figure, you shouldn't have had to delete any because of a mistake made on BioWare's part. However, getting mad at others for not understanding your point or position isn't really helpful. Perhaps it just wasn't explained clearly. I would also say that BW can only accommodate to a certain degree is not only an unfair statement, but factually incorrect. We've seen them perform multiple server merges as a cost-saving measure. We know they keep trimming things down to save money while at the same time artificially raising the rarity value of items on the Cartel Market to trick people into spending more money trying to get them.


Being able to support more than 50 characters per server is incredibly easy and not as data consuming as you'd think. Especially given the enormous decline of the player base. Certainly, some may come back when the new story content hits, and then leave just as quickly in the few days it takes to go through everything and the rigor of boredom sets in again. Essentially there is no reason to remain a subscriber for more than a month out of every year. Just enough to get the content and then drop it again. There is no sustainable end-game material and the Roadmap model of adding content, as I mentioned, just isn't a sustainable business model.


The only effective choice in this late stage is to appeal to and appease as many of the remaining players as possible. Giving us one new thing while tightening the choker around our throats isn't going to keep peoples attention, nor endear us towards them. All this will do will give them a revenue spike for the month before all those returning and new subs vanish and everything sharply drops. That's it. There's no reason to continue feeding into this when the current BW simply isn't capable of producing the content necessary to maintain player interest.


And I am saying this as someone who has been almost continuously subbed since the games release. So that's 8yrs of being a subscriber, with only a matter of days being unsubbed because I had to renew my payment methods. And that was it. And I can say that, after this holiday season, I'm just going to stop. There just isn't enough here anymore to keep me invested passed this point and I've struggled to maintain my interest.

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I paid real money for my character slots


This is a good point. I think that in large part, the issue of losing characters slots in that server merge isn't so much about expecting Bioware to accommodate players' wishes as it is expecting to get what you paid for.


Before the merge, there were 17 servers. If you bought a character slot back then, you were paying 600 CC (paid for with real money) for the ability to create 17 additional characters. With the server merge, the value of the character slot you purchased was essentially reduced to 5.


If you're like me, and you only play on the English-language servers because you don't speak French or German, then the value of your character slot was reduced from 11 to 3.


So, in effect, Bioware reduced the value of the item they sold you by over 70% ... but they still kept all of the money you paid them for it. I think it's understandable why a person would be ticked off by that.


They did increase every player's character slots in the merge, but that only amounted to getting back 12 character slots (for a Subscriber) of the potentially 208 character slots lost on Star Forge and 104 on each of the other four servers. Not much to alleviate the issue.

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ok, I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point or just can't read. I had the same problem as this guy. except instead of having to delete 8 characters after the merge, I had to delete 31. Do you get that now? In order to PLAY THE GAME AT ALL, I had to delete 31 characters. Do you get that it wasn't my choice, it was forced on me by the merge? Do you get that I didn't make a thread moaning about it, looking for pity from guys like you?


Jeezus. This is why I asked if you 'read the part...' It wasn't a rhetorical question, and you clearly didn't.




I did read your post, you seem to be the one lacking in understanding, in a lot of ways



When the merge happened, I was pref, and I had bought several server slots, but I still had to delete 31 chars.



I didn't have a main. I only have one [well, a couple] now because I've taken them through end-game stuff. Before that, I just made chars, finished their stories, got them to max level, and moved on to the next one. I didn't go back and play them unless they were crafters. Presumably many of the players in this thread are the same way. So it's not playing each char for an hour a night or something, no. It's taking a different char through the stories, making different decisions, different personalities....and moving on.


One of my main credit sinks atm is buying outlander token slots to recreate chars I lost. I won't be making all 31 [that would be way too expensive] but I've made about five since the merger. Server character slots are cheaper, but I don't want to start from scratch. I already finished their class stories, I just like having them around.




From above, you had to delete 31 chars because you were prefferred, you didn't have a main, you did the class story/maxed them, and didn't give a **** about what happened after that, unless they were crafters. you wanted to experience the different stories, that's great, that's YOUR choice.


If you had been a sub, you would have had to delete a lot less, but still, it wouldn't have mattered, as by your own words "I didn't go back and play them unless they were crafters" The OP has his chars maxed, chars he wants to keep. Maybe he's not a whale, and can't afford to throw away credits or real money to get new ones, who knows.

The thread is about asking for a free slot, so that players who have maxed, don't get stuck with buying new slots, just to experience the new species, especially if that person has to delete 8 chars, that they WANT to keep, or spend cc's or credits THEY MIGHT NOT HAVE to bring up their max.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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I wasn't 'happy' to do it. I see you don't read posts either. I was forced to do it by the merge, so I made some difficult decisions about who to cut. And I did it. So all these guys telling you that BW can only accommodate you to a certain point? They're right. I lack sympathy for someone who only has to delete 8, much less someone who claims to be so attached to his characters but he hasn't logged into the game in the nearly two years since the merger happened.



Forced? Sorry but don't believe you at all. I have 90 characters on DM, cannot make any more, would have to delete 38 if I wanted to make a new toon on that server. I don't have to delete any, neither did you. If dropping sub you just pick and chose which to activate, the rest would still be there in a holding state until you subbed again. you did not have to delete any at all. Yes I too have preferred accounts with far more characters per server than I can activate, the ones not activated are still there in that holding potion.


Sorry but you post is a outright lie. You chose to delete, you were not forced to as you claim.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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TO: DarkGruffalo:


First off, you need to chill. You didn't even answer the question but instead went straight for a personal attack. That doesn't fly here. Keep on topic.


Now to try and answer some of your vitriol you're spewing at me...

All your "excuses" as to why he keeps those characters still doesn't answer the question at hand. IF you like making & leveling toons for the story, just to park them at level cap & remake another one, you are NOT invested in that toon. Matter fact you are not even going to remember the exact story choices you make on each and every toon for 50+ toons. (Unless you are keeping a massive spreadsheet and/or recording your game play every toon.)

So IF you want to make new toons & can't afford to buy more slots *which is understandable* YOU have a choice to make. Delete old unplayed toons. Or don't make the new ones. As BW isn't going to give you much aside from the sales.


For the "transfer" comment. You should pay better attn to the devs announcements as they just announced a sale like Mon/Tues regarding transfers & slots. With sales it's a lot more affordable.

Yet again, you choose to attack my personal character with nothing but assumptions.

In the history of this game I have only ever bought CC's once. And that was before I subbed just to get preferred status. (Per hubby's request.) Yet before my CM purchase the other night, I had 14k CC's. It's not that hard to gain CC's per monthly grants & RAF's. (And before you go attacking me there, most if not all excluding the hubby are random's from like the forums.)


No, I don't "deserve ruder" all because for some reason you felt personally attacked at a question meant for another poster. :rolleyes: It is a public forum of which I can ask other posters questions & post my opinion.


Don't care for "how much some pixel stuff goes for". I don't pay ridiculous prices for pixel stuff. RL money goes to far more important things than throwing cash at a game/pixels. So yes, it's just pixels to me. One day this game will be gone & all we will have is the memories of it. Pixels don't take precedent over RL.


I'd have to agree that hanging on to all those extra characters doesn't sound sensible. I "only" have 20 characters, but there's easily 3 or 4 of them I could delete if I had to - I simply don't have that much invested in them.

I find it hard to believe that the OP can't find 9 characters to delete. (8 to bring the number down to "level" and then 1 more to create an empty spot.)


^Yes. I have 33 on SS alone. One of every republic class & their sith mirror, plus an extra like 2 of my fav classes, and 2 sale toons. In the end I could honestly go & delete a few because I never play their classes. They're not fun to me & am not that invested.


I think that after all is said and done, everybody should play the way they want but if you have an extreme playstyle...and some of you do...then there are consequences. It's just not reasonable to expect to be accomodated as much as people are asking for.


I have no problem with people having 60 or 150 characters but at some point that will cost you. Yeah the server merges created an issue but I do think that BW have gone a long way to accomodate this and the reality simply was that the game needed server merges to stay viable from a cost-perspective.


So play as you wish but there comes a point that extremes will cost you. If the OP has to buy or earn (cause you can buy them from the GTN for credits) them then that is the consequence of that choice. Create a new account if you must but there are limits to everything.


Again I'm fine with people wanting to play the way they want to. I'm not fine with people crying because they don't want to pay for their exorbitant wishes. Call it what you want but you can't deny that these numbers are far above average and there just are some realities out there that people have to deal with. It's not all fair perhaps but I do feel some people want things for free that just aren't reasonable all things considered.


^Tsillah nails it spot on.

Bolded & underlined an important part. If you want to play that way, and that's fine. That is ON you. No one else.


I didn't have a main. I only have one [well, a couple] now because I've taken them through end-game stuff. Before that, I just made chars, finished their stories, got them to max level, and moved on to the next one. I didn't go back and play them unless they were crafters. Presumably many of the players in this thread are the same way. So it's not playing each char for an hour a night or something, no. It's taking a different char through the stories, making different decisions, different personalities....and moving on.


Bolded the relevant part here. Therein is my question & wonderment.

You even stated yourself, you did NOT go back unless they were a crafter. And most don't. You moved on.

Soooo.....Why not delete them?? That's what I'd like to know. What makes you want to keep them, even though you know you will not go back to them??? :rak_02:

Also, I to don't really have a main. I go from whatever one I want to play. My healing Mandos lately have been fun in PvP. Still enjoy the Sage/Sorc dps. And of course my Guardian/Jugg dpsers. (What used to be my main, tanking, I've not done in group content in a LONG time. Got burnt out on it.)

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TO: DarkGruffalo:


First off, you need to chill. You didn't even answer the question but instead went straight for a personal attack. That doesn't fly here. Keep on topic.



First of all, it was on topic, the topic was why should he have to pay for more slots just to get a new speices, when he's over the limit that was forced on him by the merger, he'd have to pay for 9 new slots, wether cartel coins, or credits, it doesn't matter. Just because you have no investement in your toons, it doesn't mean him, or others don't. People have reason for keeping toons that YOU DON'T know.


May be I was a bit heated, you YOU brought personal attacks in to it,



"You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels..."


Bascially, you just told him, and others that, they have no life, rl responsibilites, and are horders. Not only that, but you've pissed on what their values could be. Maybe pixel stuff is valuable to them. Just because it's nothing to you, doesn't mean someone else values it any less. Again, you have NO IDEA why he wants to keep those chars.

What he asked for was a simple request, not to have to spend more money, on slots just to get the new species, he didn't ask for loads, didn't ask to raise the limit so he could make more, just wants the one char slot, so he could try it out.

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First of all, it was on topic, the topic was why should he have to pay for more slots just to get a new speices, when he's over the limit that was forced on him by the merger, he'd have to pay for 9 new slots, wether cartel coins, or credits, it doesn't matter. Just because you have no investement in your toons, it doesn't mean him, or others don't. People have reason for keeping toons that YOU DON'T know.


May be I was a bit heated, you YOU brought personal attacks in to it,



"You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels..."


Bascially, you just told him, and others that, they have no life, rl responsibilites, and are horders. Not only that, but you've pissed on what their values could be. Maybe pixel stuff is valuable to them. Just because it's nothing to you, doesn't mean someone else values it any less. Again, you have NO IDEA why he wants to keep those chars.

What he asked for was a simple request, not to have to spend more money, on slots just to get the new species, he didn't ask for loads, didn't ask to raise the limit so he could make more, just wants the one char slot, so he could try it out.


You still took way too much from that & offense at something, that if anything, the OP should have. NOT YOU! (Plus the question was geared to him or anyone that has TONS & won't delete them, even when they admit they do not touch them afterwards.)


And you also misread it. I stated "unless you have NO"...you twisted & misconstrued what I stated.

You also ignored the rest of the post above. :rolleyes:


The rest aside this is how it stands:

Tsillah answered it.

BW's has given a solution.

The OP (and you since you've taken such a vested interest in this) have options. You have the choice to utilize those or just get irritated/angry/throw fits/whatever it is you want to do/call it. *shrug*


Just a side note: Pixel life should NEVER take precedence over RL. That becomes a dangerous place for anyone to be. To have values on pixels as you are stating, is in that place. You have to balance RL with pixels/fun/etc...Always keep a balance mate.

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Just a side note: Pixel life should NEVER take precedence over RL. That becomes a dangerous place for anyone to be. To have values on pixels as you are stating, is in that place. You have to balance RL with pixels/fun/etc...Always keep a balance mate.



I'm not going to bother with the rest, it's a waste of time and effort, but just to clear this up, pixel life can be anything, to anybody, no where did anyone say it was more important than 'real life' the fact you bother playing a game, or spending time on places like this, means you switch between 'real life' and virtual. It still doesn't change the fact that you have no idea what value, or symbolism, or anything that people place on their chars. You've no idea why they want to keep them, and it's pure ignorance or your behalf to think that because people value something here, doesn't mean they don't have a life. But you obviously live in your own little bubble, with your own little values, some people choose to accept other peoples values, wether they believe in them or not, some choose to respect them.

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Look, I'm going to make this really simple for you two, Savant + Ruffalo: I heard a rumor that BW might be increasing character slots for 6.0. If so, nothing to worry about, OP lucked out.


If that doesn't happen, OP has two choices:


1) He can ragequit

2) or he can suck it up and delete enough characters to get under the limit, then buy slots as needed to gain some space.


There's also 3) wait until next week, buy a cheap transfer, and send one or a couple chars to another server. Is that ideal? No. Nothing about the situation is ideal, but the sale coming soon is nice timing. I wish it had been around right after the merge. At least you keep your legacy.


I find it very ironic that savant made a 'parody' thread to lambast people making petitions here, but sees nothing contrary about demanding that BW give character slots for free. Well, just like those petitions, this thread is irrelevant. BW may increase server slots for everyone, or they may not, and the petulant, entitled whining that has gone on in here will have no effect on the process either way.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Forced? Sorry but don't believe you at all. I have 90 characters on DM, cannot make any more, would have to delete 38 if I wanted to make a new toon on that server. I don't have to delete any, neither did you. If dropping sub you just pick and chose which to activate, the rest would still be there in a holding state until you subbed again. you did not have to delete any at all. Yes I too have preferred accounts with far more characters per server than I can activate, the ones not activated are still there in that holding potion.


Sorry but you post is a outright lie. You chose to delete, you were not forced to as you claim.


When the merger happened, all the characters were set to inactive. In order to activate them, the inactive characters had to be deleted.


Now, it's possible that I could have selected characters I wanted to activate, despite being over the limit, and played those characters to earn enough money. I made this exact point earlier, and was shouted down because "he shouldn't have to spend tens of millions of credits for BW's mistake' [Note: not actually a mistake]. Regardless, It didn't seem that way at the time, and prior to the merge, I had never seen characters deactivated before. There was certainly no tutorial explaining how this works.


I find it odd how it's so important for you to prove I'm lying. If I were lying, how does that actually affect my argument that the OP needs to suck it up and delete some characters already? You argue to Rogue that he has no right to tell anyone how they ought to feel about their characters, but think it's fine to tell me how I feel just because I hadn't been playing them? lolwut? No, your arguments are an incoherent, hypocritical mess. The only rationalization I can come up with for your insistence that I'm lying about my experiences and feelings is because of some silly idea you have that those of us who lost characters must be in solidarity with this pity party.

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