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September patch preparation?


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Am I going about this right?


  • [Charged Matter Transubstantiator], [Encrypted Memory Core], [Refined Isotope Stabilizer]: Sell on GTN (or craft something & sell)
  • Command Crate: Doesn't matter much; open for companion gifts and cosmetic stuff before or after patch
  • Unassembled Component: Wait what they'll convert it to, I guess? Someone mentioned a vendor on Ossus, but he doesn't want to talk to me (story line required?). I have about 40k of those ...

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Some of that stuff will be in the open. GC is going to remain but it will simply be renamed, its value increased in gear drop rates and tiers removed. Thats it on that end. I'm not sure on the rest of your list, i'm sure someone else can fill in on that.


I doubt there will be a great deal of information and mechanics being put out earlier than planned as dataminers are going to uncover it and ruin the entire thing and you'll have a few killjoys out here who will take an especially perverse delight in linking such a thing and spoiling it for others. I suspect you won't get much out until just before launch or when it is launched.


Hopefully EA can get more information out soon on specifics, the 27th is the last tuesday of this month and that is two weeks away, so we got at most 6 weeks before the latest release date on 24th september if it holds in that september window, and that doesn't leave much time to showcase the hell out of this expansion for advertisement purposes to hype up the customers.

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Unassembled Component: Wait what they'll convert it to, I guess? Someone mentioned a vendor on Ossus, but he doesn't want to talk to me (story line required?). I have about 40k of those ...


40k UC's? You haven't found the right vendor then. Per week per toon, you can buy 1 masterwork data crystal for 500, and a 2nd one for 1000. With 40k, you should be able to buy tons of 258 gear, or decorations.


Whatever the conversion is, it'll be terrible.... something like 3 credits to 1 UC.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Am I going about this right?


  • [Charged Matter Transubstantiator], [Encrypted Memory Core], [Refined Isotope Stabilizer]: Sell on GTN (or craft something & sell)


The CMT's yes, sell or craft.

The cores as far as I've seen aren't worth anything. I've been destroying them in the crates when I get them. As for the Refined Isotopes, I'm not sure they're going anywhere as they're not Grade 10 (they're Grade 2 I believe) and they're used for crafting more than gear. You use them for Dark Projects which are used for either companion compendiums or swapping 1 for 1 for encryptions for ship or sell on GTN.

The R.I.S. are the only ones I've not seen dropping in price, they stay consistently around 350k per one.

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40k UC's? You haven't found the right vendor then. Per week per toon, you can buy 1 masterwork data crystal for 500, and a 2nd one for 1000. With 40k, you should be able to buy tons of 258 gear, or decorations.


Whatever the conversion is, it'll be terrible.... something like 3 credits to 1 UC.

I don't have the Ossus reputation, will stay in 248 until the September patch. It's all from about half an hour of pvp per day.

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I don't have the Ossus reputation, will stay in 248 until the September patch. It's all from about half an hour of pvp per day.


Why would you not have the ossus rep by now? With that many UC that's a waste that will be converted when you could be in BiS gear going into the new patch with very little effort. :eek:

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Why would you not have the ossus rep by now? With that many UC that's a waste that will be converted when you could be in BiS gear going into the new patch with very little effort. :eek:


I for one havent bothered with ossus gear. I grinded the rep for the pub side title, but all the gear I've gotten via quest rewards or random crate drops is sitting in my characters' inventories just so I can screenshot it to be an obnoxious jerk on occasion.


I stand by my opinion that adding gear in ossus was a stupid, pathetic, and wildly successful attempt at forcing people to Ossus because apparently making new content enjoyable for the simple reason it's new content, and the first in years, is too difficult for BW. Therefore, I will accept whatever pathetic handout I get for my UC because I'm just that stubborn.

Edited by KendraP
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I for one havent bothered with ossus gear. I grinded the rep for the pub side title, but all the gear I've gotten via quest rewards or random crate drops is sitting in my characters' inventories just so I can screenshot it to be an obnoxious jerk on occasion.


I stand by my opinion that adding gear in ossus was a stupid, pathetic, and wildly successful attempt at forcing people to Ossus because apparently making new content enjoyable for the simple reason it's new content, and the first in years, is too difficult for BW. Therefore, I will accept whatever pathetic handout I get for my UC because I'm just that stubborn.


The only thing I did was to get the main hand from flesh and steel. The rest of the 252 gear “I now have” comes from trading UCs or getting drops from the CXP crates.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I for one havent bothered with ossus gear. I grinded the rep for the pub side title, but all the gear I've gotten via quest rewards or random crate drops is sitting in my characters' inventories just so I can screenshot it to be an obnoxious jerk on occasion.


I stand by my opinion that adding gear in ossus was a stupid, pathetic, and wildly successful attempt at forcing people to Ossus because apparently making new content enjoyable for the simple reason it's new content, and the first in years, is too difficult for BW. Therefore, I will accept whatever pathetic handout I get for my UC because I'm just that stubborn.


Then why even play & put money in the game if you are going to be that petty? Which is all honestly you're doing (call it what you like, stubborn, bull headed, etc..lolol). A glorified fit because the studio didn't do what you wanted. lol

Was Ossus a joke gearing wise? Yes. But it was new content in a content drought.

Just play it & utilize it.

BW doesn't care. If anything some of the devs might read this & laugh at you. lol

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Honestly? I don’t have clarity about how to prep for 6.0.


The majority of exotic crafting materials and end game currencies are going away. We have no idea how much money we will get for them but Musco said don’t save them up expecting a windfall. I think the conversion will be pathetic.


Region/planet and event currencies that are bound to character aren’t going away. This would include Relics of Ossus and Dantooine Surveyor Notes, casino gambling event tokens. I’m not sure about Alliance Recon Data from the Umbara flashpoint, but I assume they fall under this category.


Naturally, all the “physical” event currencies, like gray helix components, rakghoul dna canisters, completes bounty contracts, are obviously not going anywhere.


The only question in my mind will be what will happen to the decorations on Ossus that you buy with Masterwork Data Crystals. I don’t *think* they will be taken away, I suspect the price will be converted to relics of Ossus. If the Devs plan on removing them I believe they will give us a couple of weeks notice to buy them now while we can. Just like they did with the Makeb gazebo. If they don’t intend to remove them and there’s no way to buy them after 6.0 then obviously it’s a bug. Either way, the decos are bound to legacy so buying them now only benefits your aesthetics.


Unlike previous expansions, where the highest item rating of end game gear was around the level of starter raid gear at the new level cap, I don’t think that will be true in 6.0. I’ve been following several threads in the PTS, and the amounts of accuracy and alacrity needed to make current targets is well beyond what 258 gear currently hits. Furthermore the new scaling tech for the operations seems to imply that having 258 gear will not give you any kind of edge in doing hard mode EV and KP, the two operations most progression raiders use to quickly boost their gearing early in the expansion. Taken those two facts with the new paradigm of tacticals, multiple set boni, and amplifiers, and I think 258 gear won’t make a hill of beans difference come 6.0. So if you don’t need the 252 or 258 gear now for what you like to play, I don’t think you’ll be at a disadvantage when you ding 75.


I would work on capping reputation wherever necessary, including Ossus. The devs did say they want to transition from multiple bound currencies to credits+reputation requirement for many things. If the decos currently sold for Masterwork and Monumental Data Crystals will be bought with credits, they will likely have a high rep rank requirement.


I would not spend credits. I would not buy materials, even Forgotten stuff for crafting 258 gear. I would absolutely never pay the 41 million credits for a single Forgotten Transformer to craft a 258 mainland/offhand. Why would I spend tens of millions of credits on gear that will literally be obsolete in a couple of months. It’s a rip off for the regular player and unfortunate for the skilled raiders that actually worked hard to earn them.

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Then why even play & put money in the game if you are going to be that petty? Which is all honestly you're doing (call it what you like, stubborn, bull headed, etc..lolol). A glorified fit because the studio didn't do what you wanted. lol

Was Ossus a joke gearing wise? Yes. But it was new content in a content drought.

Just play it & utilize it.

BW doesn't care. If anything some of the devs might read this & laugh at you. lol


I continue to pay because I continue to believe in the game for whatever deluded reason.


I don't like a decision they made and don't think they should add gear and call it new content. Ossus was new content in and of itself. Did they not trust themselves to make it replayable because it was the first new content in years? I for one would have participated more in Ossus sooner had they thrown nonsensical gear behind it. I like the direction that Ossus takes the story and would have utilized it to catch multiple characters up had it not been for the gear addition.


And again locking the gear behind Ossus and changing the system in the middle (oh wait, near the end) of an expansion are secondary complaints to the primary one of adding gear without readjusting the scale of all existing "endgame" content is something I think is simply stupid.

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