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DArk vs Light event?


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In the recent livestream, they mentioned that finding a way to make the DvL event rewards available again was something they had "in mind", but nothing planned at the moment. They seemed to lean more towards bringing back the rewards than the actual event.


Rewards from other past in-game events have been brought back before and are currently available from vendors at the Cartel Bazaar. It's possible they will add the DvL rewards to those vendors eventually or through some other method. In any case, I would say that it's just a matter of time.

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At least add the armor set into the CM? newer players do not have access to the DnL xp boost gear


I'd be ok with them doing the event again.


it was a pain to grind out, I would NOT be happy if they just put it on the CM for people to outright buy.

Find a way to make people work for it like I had to a few years ago.

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I would NOT be happy if they just put it on the CM for people to outright buy.

Find a way to make people work for it like I had to a few years ago.

I agree that putting the armor on the CM would be a mistake. Some may interpret it as pay to win (to some degree).


In the recent livestream, they mentioned that finding a way to make the DvL event rewards available again was something they had "in mind", but nothing planned at the moment. They seemed to lean more towards bringing back the rewards than the actual event.


Well with the lifeday event loosing it's major reward (the fastest cxp gains in the game) maybe they could add the XP gear to the lifeday vendor. It couldn't be cheap and it would give a reason to keep doing the event. it would make it an annual way for new players and old that accidentally toss useful items out to gain a useful set of gear for leveling. I don't know maybe 1500-2500 parcels per piece or so to make sure there is a bit of grind behind getting the gear as to not offend people that did the DvL event while still making it attainable in a single month of game play.

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is it possible to make this event happen again?

i really really want that armor set, all of them.


In the form it was originally presented in, while it might be *possible*, it wouldn't really make a lot of sense, since the goals were set up when level 65 was the cap, and the game content ended at the end of KotFE because KotET wasn't yet out.


But a new version of the event, whatever it was called(1), could be interesting. In the current scheduling, there's no way it will happen before 6.0/Onslaught drops in September (the old one ran for four months if memory serves). That said, running the new version *after* Onslaught releases, as a way to encourage people to play, might be interesting.


(1) Naming things is hard. I think that "Dark vs Light" *wouldn't* be a good name, in part because of the confusion it would cause between the two events, but, as I've suggested on other recent threads related to this subject, something linked to the "going home" theme of JUS could be interesting. "Going Back Home" isn't a good idea, since the natural abbreviation of the term coincides with the British offence of "Grievous Bodily Harm", the most severe form of assault that doesn't involve actually killing someone. I previously suggested "Going Home Again" as an alternative.


Re: the armour sets.


There were three:

* Victorious Pioneer's given in stages as you went up the tiers. It put the "Ugh" into "Ugly", and gave an earned-XP bonus. (The bonus was originally on the shells since the armour was partially moddable - fixed armorings - but it was changed some time later to be higher-rated and to have removable armorings with the XP bonus on them.) It's not clear how it would work in a post 6.0 world, given that set bonuses are moving back to the shells(2). The number of people who have moved those armorings to other armour sets is likely to be significant.

* Victorious Trailblazer's (empty-shell moddable adaptive) given for completing the Champion tier. This is less ugly than the +XP set, but has large white armour panels that can't be dyed.

* Victorious Titan's (empty-shell moddable adaptive) given for completing the Legendary (highest) tier.


(2) This is a problem for the existing sets, and would be trivial to solve for the new ones. (Outfit Designer means that the godawful look of the set isn't important.)

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Only if the armor pieces and others are not tied or at least that one can move it in the legacy. ;)

The original +XP armour is, indeed Bound To Legacy. It was always worth remembering to remove high-level mods and enhancements *before* giving it to a new lowbie, since the previous character would have accumulated enough credits to do so easily, while the new character would not. Now that we have legacy credit storage(1), it's not so much of an issue, of course.


(1) Ratajack must be having fits.

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I'd be ok with them doing the event again.


it was a pain to grind out, I would NOT be happy if they just put it on the CM for people to outright buy.

Find a way to make people work for it like I had to a few years ago.


The event won't work. Many people went way over the character cap foe their servers when they merged them. As an example I have 84/46 or something to that effect. They would have to massively increase the base character cap for many to even have a chance to participate now as you needed brand new characters for it. I'm sure those people wouldn't be spending that much in character slots just to open one or two new ones now.

Edited by Suzsi
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