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New player here, kicked for viewing the conversations in a fp..


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This thread is a prime example of why all of the flashpoints that don't have solo modes should get them. 1/3rd don't have solo modes, yet they still have stories even if they aren't "significant". Older players have no sympathy for new players who want to see those less than "significant' stories. Similarly, older players don't remember that it only takes a few hours to level a character with bonus xp events, so there is no reason to think players with max level characters have any real experience with the game.


Here are the flashpoints that don't have solo modes for the forgetful:

Hammer Station, Athis, Mando Raiders, Cademimu, Colicoid War Games, Red Reaper, Kaon, Lost Island, KDY, Either Czerka


+1 for this.


Making solo versions of all the flashpoints would mean that more players could enjoy them and people who want to see the cut scenes and experience the story would be able to do so, without clashing with the Spacebar!! brigade. Everyone wins.

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+1 for this.


Making solo versions of all the flashpoints would mean that more players could enjoy them and people who want to see the cut scenes and experience the story would be able to do so, without clashing with the Spacebar!! brigade. Everyone wins.


Now that a lot of the NPC's from KDY are making appearances elsewhere I have wanted to run that one but I don't group any more, so over that...

So I agree, these do need a solo mode.

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Well, thanks for the encouragement everyone. I wasn't aware that the fp's could be run solo.. I still know barely anything about the game, really and haven't done any of the starship or fighter stuff. I guess if I can run solo I'll do that just to check it out, but also I was hoping for dark side choices and didn't want to accidentally select the wrong one. I'll manage. I do have a few lower level alts and have been playing those since I hit 70 with the main character. To be fair, a lot of other people have been kind to me, and honestly I think that's why I was so shocked to just get booted like that. Then, I waited a really long time and the que wouldn't pop back up for me to get into another flashpoint so I just ended up going to bed. Anyway, thanks everyone for the advice and I have taken all of it into consideration
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Well, thanks for the encouragement everyone. I wasn't aware that the fp's could be run solo.. I still know barely anything about the game, really and haven't done any of the starship or fighter stuff. I guess if I can run solo I'll do that just to check it out, but also I was hoping for dark side choices and didn't want to accidentally select the wrong one. I'll manage. I do have a few lower level alts and have been playing those since I hit 70 with the main character. To be fair, a lot of other people have been kind to me, and honestly I think that's why I was so shocked to just get booted like that. Then, I waited a really long time and the que wouldn't pop back up for me to get into another flashpoint so I just ended up going to bed. Anyway, thanks everyone for the advice and I have taken all of it into consideration


Que can take a little while sometime ESPECIALLY for dps. Even with Vet FPs. Like the real world, there are just some ******es in this game that all you have to do is hover over their names, right click and choose ignore then you will never group with them again.


9/10 vet FPs I do in the group finder are good fun, don't let a small number of jerks ruin it for you.

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This thread is a prime example of why all of the flashpoints that don't have solo modes should get them. 1/3rd don't have solo modes, yet they still have stories even if they aren't "significant". Older players have no sympathy for new players who want to see those less than "significant' stories. Similarly, older players don't remember that it only takes a few hours to level a character with bonus xp events, so there is no reason to think players with max level characters have any real experience with the game.


Here are the flashpoints that don't have solo modes for the forgetful:

Hammer Station, Athis, Mando Raiders, Cademimu, Colicoid War Games, Red Reaper, Kaon, Lost Island, KDY, Either Czerka


You have in this one brief statement summed up 98% of the main reason why I support solo on flash points. Folks can debate that we want a single player game all that they want to... that's not the issue. All too often a player gets hooked up in groups that really care nothing about what others think.


One simple word could help ... but all too often is neglected and even at times made light of: respect.

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They shouldn't have kicked you, but you should always spacebar in a pug group IMO, and it's rude not to, since you can do the story mode flashpoints solo at any time and you won't be wasting anyone's time or feeling pressured to rush. So, in my opinion, both you and your teammates were in the wrong, but you are more easily forgiven as a new player. Just my 2c
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They shouldn't have kicked you, but you should always spacebar in a pug group IMO, and it's rude not to, since you can do the story mode flashpoints solo at any time and you won't be wasting anyone's time or feeling pressured to rush. So, in my opinion, both you and your teammates were in the wrong, but you are more easily forgiven as a new player. Just my 2c


I think "rude" and "wrong" are the incorrect words in these situations where the people who don't want to enjoy the content they queued into are forcing out anyone who wants to enjoy the content. Which of those two ideas do you think Bioware intends?


{I DO think Bioware should just have a button in the Activities tab that gives these people the option to skip the content altogether and just hand them the rewards.} /s They don't want a challenge, they don't want to fight every boss, they don't want to watch the cutscenes (the best part of the entire game). That's pretty much what they want (the rewards), just give it to them and let people who want to enjoy the cutscenes and want to do all 5 bosses of an operation and don't want to skip every weak-*** mob that takes longer to run around than to just kill and go in a straight line actually enjoy the game

Edited by aerockyul
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{I DO think Bioware should just have a button in the Activities tab that gives these people the option to skip the content altogether and just hand them the rewards.} /s

I think the "/s" you are using here is meant to denote sarcasm, but "/s" is a normal HTML tag and is also often used for other purposes. I would suggest you actually use the full "/sarcasm" tag if you don't want people to misinterpret your intentions.

Edited by JediQuaker
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One simple word could help ... but all too often is neglected and even at times made light of: respect.


Spoken like a Jedi. It also kind of trips me out that they expect new players to already know that conversations can be skipped at all, much less by pressing space bar. I actually tried skipping conversations previously with the escape button, to no avail. People just assume you're supposed to start the game already knowing everything..

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Spoken like a Jedi. It also kind of trips me out that they expect new players to already know that conversations can be skipped at all, much less by pressing space bar. I actually tried skipping conversations previously with the escape button, to no avail. People just assume you're supposed to start the game already knowing everything..


I see a couple of assumptions that were made wrong:

1. At the level 65 .. no one was expecting this to be a new player ... but rather had been playing a while. IMO ... regardless of what point everyone was at .. it's inappropriate behavior to kick someone over such a matter as this. The only time I hit the space bar to bypass anything is if it's something I've been over and over and over again.. when I'm playing SOLO !!!!


2. It's was also in bad taste for those playing to assume that everyone wanted to bypass the cinematic parts in order just rush through the FP for whatever reason !


Again ... simple respect to others goes a long way. Yeah ... I know ... it's old fashion. But it still works !!

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Well that was quite rude of them, unless they politely kept telling you to "Please press spacebar" and you either ignored them or was rude towards them in your replies there isn't a reason to kick you like that. I'm sorry, not everyone who pugs is always polite and patience with new players (some people forget they were too newbies back in the day), like others have said though if it is a flashpoint that is central to the story you are able to do them in solo-mode, so you can watch the cutscenes without having to worry about group members. And if you want to experience the FPs on Veteran that don't have a solo-mode you can let the group know. People are usually fine with it provided you let them know you're new.



As well as a bit of learning experience as you level up, since you're playing with a level 65 character.


LoL at "politely".... In the years that I've been here, that was never a thing. All caps spamming, derogatory remarks about people's heritage and parents, maybe, but never "politely".


That said, with only half the story, I'm not going to be overly disturbed. I know it can and does happen, but if they state at the beginning that that's their intention, not doing so should result in a kick, with no surprise by anyone involved. With the caveat that they did bother to indicate that.

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I think "rude" and "wrong" are the incorrect words in these situations where the people who don't want to enjoy the content they queued into are forcing out anyone who wants to enjoy the content. Which of those two ideas do you think Bioware intends?


{I DO think Bioware should just have a button in the Activities tab that gives these people the option to skip the content altogether and just hand them the rewards.} /s They don't want a challenge, they don't want to fight every boss, they don't want to watch the cutscenes (the best part of the entire game). That's pretty much what they want (the rewards), just give it to them and let people who want to enjoy the cutscenes and want to do all 5 bosses of an operation and don't want to skip every weak-*** mob that takes longer to run around than to just kill and go in a straight line actually enjoy the game


I disagree and chose the words carefully as I find them perfectly applicable. Now you're wading into some strange passive-aggressive waters here with the rest of your post. Cutscenes may be nice the first few times through, but after hundreds of times? Not so much. I don't queue into flashpoints because I'm dying to see the cutscenes again. I don't entirely disagree with you about skipping mobs and bosses, but the map designs allow for it and so it is bound to be used.


I'll reiterate that I don't think people should be kicked for viewing cutscenes, but that they have options to do so without wasting other peoples' time and should perhaps exercise those options lest they face possible ridicule or worse by their teammates. Wonder how many hours of my time and command boosts have been wasted by broken spacebars? Hm.

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I see a lot of people telling the player to do something different, when he/she did nothing wrong.

Its hardly a huge issue to allow a player thats never experienced the game the chance to do so.

The issue is with those who kicked him, not his actions.


Both parties share the responsibility. If the OP really wanted to experience the story, there is the class story. Usually if people vote in the FP majority rules. If a player doesn't wish to respect the majority, they can be kicked by the others. Not saying it is right, but is the way it is. But to blindly say screw all other group members for one, no sorry, you probably won't get much support for that idea.

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If someone wants to see the cut scenes in a flashpoint, the obvious answer is to go through solo mode alone.


The problem is that currently not all the flashpoints have story mode, and some of the ones that don't still have story cut scenes. What if someone wants to experience Kaon's cut scenes, for instance? Or talk to Krovos and Ranken at Kuat Drive Yards?


That circles back to the very excellent argument to give everything a solo mode, so there's no conflict between people who want to spacebar and people who want the story, but in the meantime? If someone's never seen the cut scenes I feel like the group could be nice and realize it's just a minute or two out of their lives to give another player a chance to experience that story. Not that people are nice, but just saying.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I Wonder how many hours of my time and command boosts have been wasted by broken spacebars? Hm.


XP boosts don't count down during cutscenes. I assumed this is also the case for cxp boosts. Is that not the case? If not, pretty stupid of Bioware.

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Conversations should be viewed in story fp at your own phase. Vet FP and MM FP are group content and players want to speed through the run to get gear/credits for completion. Kicking is sometimes necessary/done but it is not personal.


There are several FP's that don't have a "story mode" but STILL have stories. People still want to see them. It should be announced at the beginning if you plan on spacebarring through everything.

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Personally I think it's lame that people get kicked for wanting to see the convo's but there are two things that you probably want to know about this game.


1) Like some other games this MMO starting with 4.0 has chosen the path of high repetition of easy content. This encourages people to do speed runs. I wish this wasn't the case and maybe 6.0 will finally fix this at least to some degree. But the point is that the game actually encourages this behavior with the current set up.


2) There is a Story Mode for most Flash Points. That means you get to do them alone with your companion and a support droid. No other players. It's probably best to chose that the first time for the story.



You could try to find a guild that's more oriented towards your playstyle as well, but that may be a little bit harder.

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There are several FP's that don't have a "story mode" but STILL have stories. People still want to see them. It should be announced at the beginning if you plan on spacebarring through everything.


Yes, some FP do not have story modes, maybe we should request all FP to have a story mode? This way it will help new players experiencing the story and they won't need to q for vet fp.

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Yes, some FP do not have story modes, maybe we should request all FP to have a story mode? This way it will help new players experiencing the story and they won't need to q for vet fp.


which is what people have been saying here for the last three pages already.

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Personally I think it's lame that people get kicked for wanting to see the convo's but there are two things that you probably want to know about this game.


1) Like some other games this MMO starting with 4.0 has chosen the path of high repetition of easy content. This encourages people to do speed runs. I wish this wasn't the case and maybe 6.0 will finally fix this at least to some degree. But the point is that the game actually encourages this behavior with the current set up.


2) There is a Story Mode for most Flash Points. That means you get to do them alone with your companion and a support droid. No other players. It's probably best to chose that the first time for the story.



You could try to find a guild that's more oriented towards your playstyle as well, but that may be a little bit harder.

"Fixing" the desire to do speed runs would likely mean near-dead queues (like master mode queue pop rate), since the main remaining reason for them popping is the rewards tied to repetition of easy content. In other words, you give the speed demons a reason to go away, probably won't be much left.


In my experience doing vet flashpoints (and this was true something like 3 years ago, too, when I was playing in the KOTFE era) the majority of people running vet flashpoints have no interest in stopping to smell the roses. Heck, recently I had somebody ragequit cause the rest of group wiped on first boss of Mando Raiders and I decided to see if I could solo it since group was mostly lower level, had died easily, and I wasn't wanting to do wipe after wipe with people dying in the first minute. I did end up killing the boss, but not before one of the people had ragequit over me not letting myself die. The irony... this wasn't some level 70 annoyed at the lowbies, I was level 70, they were something like level 40.


Anyway, anecdotes that tickle me aside, the point is, I don't think there is something to "fix" there. Or rather, "fixing" it would mean that maybe people get their slow, enjoy-the-cutscene vet flashpoints, but with a heavy cost of much longer queues. Which kind of leads to the thought that if somebody wants to take it slow and enjoy the cutscenes, maybe they should circumvent the queue system and form a group another way. Because the time it takes to form such a group would probably be slow anyway, in a world where that's the norm and the speed demons aren't interested. Of course, that doesn't solve the problem of new people who just have no clue what's up with any of it.


Maybe they should consider a Story queue for Veteran mode flashpoints that just takes your group into veteran-difficulty flashpoints, but with the expectation that you're going to want to watch the cutscenes and take your time. And then direct the tutorial quest to that queue. Or better yet, divide it into two versions, with the Veteran one having the cutscenes removed completely. Maybe would just confuse people, I don't know, but I think it would be better than "fixing" something for one group by breaking it for another. The alternative, of course, would be to make a Story single-player for every flashpoint, but I don't know how the resource cost compares.

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A very simple "fix" might be to put text at the bottom of a cutscene that simply says "Press SPACEBAR to skip." People could still watch the cutscenes, but at least they'd know they can skip it.


I do think that would help, but also, they OP even said he started a 65 toon. I mean are you really surprised that at 65 people would expect him to know this. Personally, and I don't care how much snark I get, I don't think they should allow anyone to purchase a 65 or 70 toon unless they have leveled at least 1 character to 50.

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