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You people disgust me (huttball)


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What is wrong with you people?


I read through this forum section.. and i see all this crying over Huttball.. i even see some people's comments saying "it's the worst map design they've ever seen"


REALLY???... i mean.. i almost fell out of my chair..


The map design alone both ALLOWS and creates an innovative and changing game... every huttball i have played DIFFERENT things have happened.. people getting knocked into fires... knocked off ledges.. that's AWESOME..


let me guess... All of you kiddies would prefer 10 vs 10 Carry the flag.. with a tank carrying the flag with a huge train of people following behind healing and keeping him alive? (cough WSG)..


NO THANKS.. go back to your boring WSG in WoW. Give me my Huttball...




Huttball is FINE.. there's a BILLION other problems with PvP right now.. for us to be complaining about Huttball?? fix other things first... Priorities people...


How about PvP brackets instead?



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let me guess... All of you kiddies would prefer 10 vs 10 Carry the flag.. with a tank carrying the flag with a huge train of people following behind healing and keeping him alive? (cough WSG)..


I actually would prefer CTF, except I happen to be 31 years old. Great generalizing though.

Edited by Ashanor
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I actually would prefer CTF, except I happen to be 31 years old. Great generalizing though.


Huttball is CTF only with a design for random things to occur.... it's not your Boring Blank style flat map where one team just runs to the other side.



Take away the RAMPS, and ledges, and FIRE and Poison Pits.. and you've got WSG..

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I think many of the players bemoaning huttball are doing so because they are on heavy Sith servers, and they get huttball 80-90% of the time when they queue for warzones, since its the only warzone where you can fight your own faction.


If all you ever did was Voidstar you would be sick of it too.

Edited by JayneKobb
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i 100% agree w/ OP. huttball is awesome. it's the game i have the most fun playing, because it's not your typical "do dps and you'll win" game. there are strategies and challenges that make it a unique experience. the map is awesome, both sides are exactly the same...acid pits, firepits, pitfalls...just a blast. i wish we got to play it more as republic.


yes yes, pvp brackets, blah blah...well the game hasn't been out long enough for there to be enough lvl 50's..and they would almost never get to pvp. now do i think there need to be some? yes, absolutely..but give the game some time! it's been out less than a month.


and MrTirrito -- cool story bro. your post was neither relevant or..productive. fail




keep huttball...nuff said

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I think many of the players bemoaning huttball are doing so because they are on heavy Sith servers, and they get huttball 80-90% of the time when they queue for warzones.


If all you ever did was Voidstar you would be sick of it too.




Actually i'm on Republic and i want Huttball Every single time.. i wish it popped more..


If what you say is true i may have to Roll Sith just so I can get Huttball more..

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If all you ever did was Voidstar you would be sick of it too.



ugh, i hate voidstar lol. but i still play it, and don't *****. people need to grow the hell up and start enjoying this amazing game. Bioware has some issues to work on, but i'd say a good 85% of the game is pretty darn good.

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I actually would prefer CTF, except I happen to be 31 years old. Great generalizing though.


Age doesn't effect one's manners or attitude/maturity, its the general concept of the majority being generalized against not you as a singular, which would work as such; for your age you should've already learned this at least 15years ago in social studies in high school, that would be generalizing against you, and not the masses.

Edited by RangKer
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Age doesn't effect one's manners or attitude/maturity, its the general concept of the majority being generalized against not you as a singular, which woudl work as such; for your age you should have already learned this at least 15years ago in Social Studies in high school, that woudl be generalizing aginst you.


+1.. also.. what's wrong with generalizing especially if it's true?

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I would prefer open world pvp and meaningful pvp... Without risk or rewards pvp gets boring fast....


I have to disagree, the reward for PVP should be the fact you survived, nothing more, the fact is it should be the one and only reward.


I do agree more open world pvp is more meaningful, but materialism actually destroyied true pvp, and turned it into the carebear pillow fight it is today.

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let me guess... All of you kiddies would prefer 10 vs 10 Carry the flag.. with a tank carrying the flag with a huge train of people following behind healing and keeping him alive? (cough WSG)..






Yes multiplayer CTF has been around since Quake 1, and yes--it is way better than schmutball.

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Huttball is loads of fun!!!!!!


(feel free to skip the rant, if u comment on it you are probably trolling)




To me, a lot of the crying over huttball is the large percentage of not very good players. They are probably the ones standing on a fire pad or in an acid pit. They are probably the ones topping overall deaths for the scenario.


So what if there are level 50's in pvp? Kill them. its easy,aim between their eyes and unload DPS into their face... or go for the throat if ur a melee. Fix your rotations and have at it.


This goes for all the not so good IA out there... STAY UP ON TOP!!!! I dont know why i see 90% of IA/Smugglers fighting on the bottom levels. Thats where all the melee is and a lot of huttball goes on. Stay away from them and you will live. They catch up? punt them off the edge or maybe stun them on the a fire pad. Out of sight, out of mind. Just blow up the morons on the ground who dont see you/ to stupid to attack you.


got a ****** team? well fine, go for achievements. I get 6+ achievements a match and i have no problem with renown. A little easier since my only job is to shoot people, especially the ball carrier or healers. Sure i can run the ball but IA snipers running a huttball would be like a girl scout in the NFL. Just a bad idea.


AHHH level 50!? wait, i have a good rotation and know when to use my abilities... level 50 dead.


Melee tired of getting spanked around? see that tank or healer standing next to you... Say hi! introduce yourself and chat it up to the few of them there are and they will remember you and keep an extra eye out for ya.


Even better, get a clan. I dominate by myself but when i have my healer sorc with me, its just insane... same goes for any duo combo out there.


Leveling up helps too. Sure you get bolstered to 50 no matter what level u are but you LACK ABILITIES. Quit crying about pvp if all you have is a couple of spammable skills and 0 points in the talent trees.


ANOTHER level 50!!?!?!!!! ... got him... again see above.


Again.. dont stand by traps. its stupid.


Oh! and coordinate. If no one is barking commands then take charge. When no one communicates its like a blind deaf guy leading a bunch of blind deaf guys... what are you going to do then? use fart signals?


/rant off

Edited by Kryzen
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Mythic did great with PvP in DAoC... I don't see why they can't do the same with this game.


That was blind luck, this is Mythic't true skill. WH is a testament to that. They love taking one class and shoving everything they can in it turning it into an inbalanced piece of crap. If you played WH then you know what I mean.


And huttball has a great design but combined with the class poor design and balance it's annoying and crappy. So OP, if you are so sickened by the complains go bend over the toilet and puke or something and stay away from the forums.

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