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Plz, remove Umbara, Chiss and Nathema from Vet FP Daily


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Well I think there are more FPs that should be removed for the same reason. Blood Hunt comes to mind.


BioWare has done poorly with regards to FPs in 3 areas: Balancing, Rewards and Naming.


Balancing is this issue. They are not balanced properly according to role neutrality or level. Bolster is not up to par. Simple as that and some of the FPs as mentioned are not balanced right for role neutral groups.


Rewards for FPs have been an issue for many years and are the main reason I rarely do them.


Naming is silly. We've had Solo Mode, Tactical Mode, Normal Mode and Hard Mode. The current SM, VM and MM do not match in meaning with the same terms in operations so confuse people to begin with and it doesn't give you any real clues about what it actually means so for new people it's also completely non-sensical.


I also feel that the same problem exists for Operations by the way. I think a few ops should be removed from the weekly rotation as well. Gods comes to mind but there are more. Still, I'm interested how they will approach that in 6.0 because there they are balancing ops around their original levels using level sync rather than raising it all to max level and using bolster. That is a much better approach. I also hope that it restricts a level 50 from entering Ravagers for example.


I mention this because I haven't heard much about FPs and I would wish they did the same and restored the FPs also to their original levels and using level sync rather than the bolster to 70. It means lower levels wouldn't even get Umbara etc in their list and that is the way it should be in my view.

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If you don't want to run them then remove gear until you're below the ilvl requirement before queuing


I don't mind there being harder vet FPs but locked behind ilvl and with the achievements reflecting the increased difficulty. I come across low levels in Blood Hunt all the time and its too hard for them before they have all their skills.


Most FPs could do with some quick love. Umbara is just riddled with bugs and FPS problems and the first trash run on traitor is way too long but totally trivial if you have a stealther.

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I can't never get the daily if these 3 pops-up, cuz people always quit when they find out its one of those 3.


If you can't solo Chiss and Umbara vet mode maybe MMOs are not for you. Also if that's the case there is always re-queue option.

Tho i agree that these 3 are almost impossible to finish with lowbies. Maybe BW should just tune em down, just a bit.

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I actually preferred it when the flashpoints were level locked. Bolster is great but it doesn't give abilities. A lvl 20 queued as tank ain't no f'ing tank. Athiss, czerka core meltdown, manaan, bloodhunt, umbara, copero, and nathema are retarded with lower levels.


Athiss? You can solo it at like lvl 20 with lvl 5 comp. Just this week i got this one while levelling my new PT. Group was me (lvl 25 at the start), two juggernauts in their 30s and lvl 20 mara. We were perfectly fine and did it very quickly, actually better than 90% of full 70s runs i had.

Manaan? It can be indeed pretty hard at Ortuno if your teammates are stupid, or even one of them. Otherwise its average.

Blood Hunt? Not that long ago i got this one with PUG group consisting of: me as lvl 70 corruption sorc dressed in 258, 2 tank spec juggernauts and one dps spec juggernaut, all from lvl 35 to 42. Final fight took awhile compared to average run, but this moment aside we were fast and perfectly fine.

It's all depends on players you got really.

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I actually preferred it when the flashpoints were level locked. Bolster is great but it doesn't give abilities. A lvl 20 queued as tank ain't no f'ing tank. Athiss, czerka core meltdown, manaan, bloodhunt, umbara, copero, and nathema are retarded with lower levels.


Blood Hunt, Umbara, Copero and Nathema are all on my 'quit immediately' list. The rest are doable imo, though CCM can be difficult depending on the group.


As for the argument to deselect, it depends. Once you've got the daily reward, perhaps. Once you've ALSO gotten the weekly searching for allies, which seems to work based entirely on RNG [some FPs will trigger it, others won't, and some FPs that previously triggered it won't the next run. idk why]. I'd also like to know if the weekly vet FPs works if you deselect some FPs from the list. It seems easier to just quit and take the lockout.


If you can't solo Chiss and Umbara vet mode maybe MMOs are not for you. Also if that's the case there is always re-queue option.


Oh boy, we've got ourselves an MMO expert here.

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Athiss? You can solo it at like lvl 20 with lvl 5 comp. Just this week i got this one while levelling my new PT. Group was me (lvl 25 at the start), two juggernauts in their 30s and lvl 20 mara. We were perfectly fine and did it very quickly, actually better than 90% of full 70s runs i had.

Manaan? It can be indeed pretty hard at Ortuno if your teammates are stupid, or even one of them. Otherwise its average.

Blood Hunt? Not that long ago i got this one with PUG group consisting of: me as lvl 70 corruption sorc dressed in 258, 2 tank spec juggernauts and one dps spec juggernaut, all from lvl 35 to 42. Final fight took awhile compared to average run, but this moment aside we were fast and perfectly fine.

It's all depends on players you got really.


The instances themselves are easy, sure, it's the mini bosses that make it hard. It most certainly depends on the group make up. The Beast with little dogs in Athiss ain't easy with low lvls especially since his hit box is so huge that you can't click koltos when it's near you. Same goes for CCM. With Bloodhunt, you can tell with in the first few moments whether or not you'll defeat Jos and Valk. A low lvl player simply does not have enough dcd to survive the slash attack. The other FE/ET instances are not worth the time unless everyone is 70.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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Plz, remove Umbara, Chiss and Nathema from Vet FP Daily


I can never get the daily if these 3 pops-up, cuz people always quit when they find out its one of those 3.

Well, it depends upon whether or not you want the daily "bonus". If you want the daily bonus you have to queue up for all the available FPs. If people quit and the FP is not completed, the daily bonus should still be available**. So just re-queue until you get a better one.

If you don't care about the daily bonus, or you've already gotten it, you can simply deselect the FPs you don't want, from the list. Click on the lower right corner where it says 22/22. That will pop up a list where you can deselect any FP you don't want to group for. Or, conversely, you can select only the one or ones you want.

Problem solved-ish.


** I'll have to check on that. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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How about we just ask the dev's to do the entire game a favor and remove Umbara, Chiss and Nathema from the game. Right along with the entire knights of the failed expansion and knights of the eternal torment.

Sorry, I disagree completely.


If you know what you're doing, and have a group who are good players, you can definitely finish any of these with 4 DPS. (Mind you, Nathema can be time consuming if you don't have at least one stealth on your team). I know because I always pug them, and have finished without problems at least 5 times (I've only been back for about 5 months.)


Do they take a while? Yes.

Do you have to explain fights if people haven't done them before? Yes.

Do all groups immediately disband? No. Not in my experience. As long as at least 1 other person knows what to do, I'll stick it out and we have success. As long as the inexperienced are willing to listen.


In fact, in one of the groups lately, there was an old player who had just came back to the game, so he didn't know Nathema at all, but he did remember mostly how to play his class. When we finished, he said, "that was tough, but it's the best FP I've ever played in SWTOR, it was so much fun." Some players love mechanics, and should not lose these gems of FPs.


Blood Hunt is still one of my faves, but many players hated it when Tacs were a thing. They're all mini-ops, and there's no reason for new players not to have the chance to experience them and learn how to perform in at-level content. The only reason other FPs are mind-numbingly easy is due to be overleveled for them.


Like I said, I PuG everything, so I know difficult mechanics aren't popular with all casual players. But these FPs aren't a problem if you're willing to be patient and use google.


Note: I do agree with the OP that these pieces of content are not appropriate for exclusively low-level groups of players who don't have access to all their DCDs yet. That makes a big difference, so perhaps the minimum level to queue should be set to Lvl 70.

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I can't never get the daily if these 3 pops-up, cuz people always quit when they find out its one of those 3.

Understandable. It is very difficult to complete it without a healer, or healer/tank group. And its very very hard to be completed by lowbies.

By the way, bring back terms like Story, Hard and Very hard, and separate them.


PS: Bring back Colicoid War Game to Master mode.

If these FPs are accessible to all levels then you should set them up so that everyone can do them. At least in the VM I'm completely with you. The MM is good as it is.

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I think the last time I finished Nathema in veteran was about a year ago. My team got wiped about three times in the final boss fight until I changed my tactics to hiding behind cover and hit'n run. Solo'd almost the entire boss fight in what felt like half an hour or more. Since then I immediately leave the group whenever Nathema pops up as the random veteran flashpoint of the day xd
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