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Is there a possiblity that we can remove our lightsabers from sorcerers/sages?


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They still retain one lightsaber attack that can be used without resource drain in their base kit, which can even be upgraded to a cc ability with a specific utility point. So hiding the lightsaber is pretty much out of the question unless they get rid of that ability completely, which I don't see happening. Edited by Phazonfreak
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They still retain one lightsaber attack that can be used without resource drain in their base kit, which can even be upgraded to a cc ability with a specific utility point. So hiding the lightsaber is pretty much out of the question unless they get rid of that ability completely, which I don't see happening.


that ability that no one uses lol

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They could just tie it to certain skills. When the sage does the ground quake there's no lightsaber showing, just both arms to the side, hands down. But the sorc doing AOE lightning holds the lightsaber to the side and looks rather silly.
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I'm of the opinion that what's really needed is a Sorcerer/Sage build that uses the lightsaber a bit more.


The only thing Sorcerers need is UNLIMITED POWER!


The how would you show off your fancy Color Crystal?


Does anyone even care about that? The only time anyone ever approached me because of the crystal color was when i was using one of those cartoonish looking ones....and that was just to tell me how silly it looks.:D

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I don't know, but I can just imagine all the forum postings if they actually did remove the sorcerer/sage lightsaber. :p


Well the OP is just asking for the option, kinda like we've been asking BW for a hood down option for, i don't know, 7 1/2 years now....

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The saber strike has its uses.. for one, it’s an instant, when my other instants are on cool down. Cast times are not always the better option. A global is a terrible thing to waste.


All classes have this same minimal attack.. get rid of those too, and give the hood down option, then this game would be awesome and millions would want it for free. /sarcasm.

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Give Sorc/Sages the Hide Weapon Toggle:

This toggle would put the saber at the side of the character like in normal non-combat, but with one exception. When the player activates the classes saber attack, then the player would perform a quick-draw animation in addition to the normal attack animation. Once the attack is done then the animation would re-holster the saber at the side.


Also for the "how would they display their color crystal" comment. My response is this. Change all of the lightning/attack effects, so that they are the color of the crystal used in the weapon.

Edited by Holocron
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They could just tie it to certain skills. When the sage does the ground quake there's no lightsaber showing, just both arms to the side, hands down. But the sorc doing AOE lightning holds the lightsaber to the side and looks rather silly.

I would be happy if the Sorc/Sage's lightsaber remained holstered during the all of the attacks that do not use a lightsaber. Thereby allowing for use as filler and for resource generation at low levels, and for bemusement when seeing a high/max level Sorc/Sage whaling away on a high/max level mobs with their basic attack.

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Maybe replace the saber with a small like force cube that give stats for sage. Or a force Holocron floating over your shoulder and depending on the color of the crystal will turn that Holocron to that color. Think of the tunning add ons that could give different affects to the Holocron example you can have a unstable style looking Holocron. Edited by Wopr
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I don't know, but I can just imagine all the forum postings if they actually did remove the sorcerer/sage lightsaber. :p

They would implode! :D

However, I think the option to hide rather than remove the lightsaber on my lightning sorcerer would be nice.

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Also for the "how would they display their color crystal" comment. My response is this. Change all of the lightning/attack effects, so that they are the color of the crystal used in the weapon.

I don't really care that much about the 'hide the lightsaber' thing, but -this- is a great idea! Have as many force powers as possible take a tint from your color crystal! :csw_bluesaber:

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I don't really care that much about the 'hide the lightsaber' thing, but -this- is a great idea! Have as many force powers as possible take a tint from your color crystal! :csw_bluesaber:

This would be amazing. I find it so frustrating on mara/sent and sorc because of the stuck-on-one-vivid-color thing. With sorc it's stuff like force lightning/storm making the only character color scheme look good is in relation to bright purple and with mara/sent it's red/blue cause they get the buildup that makes them glowy/shroudy and it clashes if they aren't in a color scheme that can tolerate the vividness of red and blue.

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Give Sorc/Sages the Hide Weapon Toggle:

This toggle would put the saber at the side of the character like in normal non-combat, but with one exception. When the player activates the classes saber attack, then the player would perform a quick-draw animation in addition to the normal attack animation. Once the attack is done then the animation would re-holster the saber at the side.


Also for the "how would they display their color crystal" comment. My response is this. Change all of the lightning/attack effects, so that they are the color of the crystal used in the weapon.


What could they do for sages then? changing your lightning to match the color crystal is genius lol.

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Jedi's use Lightsabers.....

A Sorcerer / Sage is a Jedi....

So since Jedi's use Lightsabers...

Socerer's and Sage's use a Lightsaber.


"This is the Weapon of the Jedi Knight, not as Clumbsy or Random as a Blaster. An Eligent Weapon, from a more Civilized Age", Obi Wan Kanobi.
Edited by denavin
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They should just release the "invisible lightsaber" on the CM. That would require the least amount of effort and do the trick. Other than that, I'd really like to see more shotos (is it the correct plural for shoto?) in the game. A shorter blade could indicate that the weapon is secondary to using the force. Edited by Trollokdamus
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Does anyone even care about that? The only time anyone ever approached me because of the crystal color was when i was using one of those cartoonish looking ones....and that was just to tell me how silly it looks.:D


The only time I can remember anyone actually caring about others' crystals was when white/whites were introduced. And that was what? Five, six years ago? The white/white hawkeye was the most expensive one and if you had one you were the envy of anyone else on Fleet. Nowadays I just match mine to my outfit, whether it's a bronze quality, silver, whatever.

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