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Its time for a new class!!!


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Droids and Wookiees already there as companions. There is droid and cyborg armour sets as well. - for you and your humanoid companions.

If you wanted another character class and story, then simply mail your request to the studio with a bank transfer offer of around 100M dollars. I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you.


This game is starved of cash and resources, manpower and vision, and on a creaky old engine. . - It isn't gonna change much any time soon.


Making a new class would cost 100m? LOL The story element I already mentioned should not be included with a new class because it will only complicate things. But adding more classes or advanced classes does increase the size of the swtor universe and benefits all players from all different aspects of the game. They could even sell a new class on the Cartel Market for all I care.

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People still have character slots left?

Mine went well over cap with server mergers and no way I can afford 40+ char slots just to get 1 free to play a new class.


I could see this being a problem with many.


If they were to ever do that, then it shouldnt be a problem. Just delete your replicated class toons or the toons you barely play.

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I'm not confused. It's not before my time.


If and when you can note something mechanically different about the new "Starkiller" class / stance you propose, I'll pay attention.


Until then....




I'm not a game developer. There's no point in armchair designing a class cause they wouldn't be able to use it anyways. But i can propose a fantasy/theme, and that is what i did. You can go ahead and do the same. :)

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If they were to ever do that, then it shouldnt be a problem. Just delete your replicated class toons or the toons you barely play.


Uh no.

Didn't take all those characters through their class stories or beyond and pick LIs etc for them just to delete them.

Most of my toons have a story, a background, their own personality etc.

I have no 'replicated' characters.

Edited by Suzsi
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They should just delete or rework the Vanguard class. The concept of this Advanced Class is pretty dumb.


Here's a melee class but his weapon is a long range rifle. Why not a shotgun? Or even a Vibroblade or something more melee appropriate. It's probably the most boring looking class to play as too. Is the concept supposed to be a suicide bomber?


It's kind of embarrassing to be playing a game where this class exists.

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People still have character slots left?

Mine went well over cap with server mergers and no way I can afford 40+ char slots just to get 1 free to play a new class.


I could see this being a problem with many.

These seats can still be increased. If a new class arrives, you could increase the seats by 10.


It takes forever until they bring new events. It will take three times as long to make a new class.

Conclusion: In 2030 it is time. ;)

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Nah, they'd either have to devote a ludicrous amount of resources or release a class without a class story like the other ones. Either way the community would be left dissatisfied and those resources will quickly go to waste, not to mention it'd make class balance even worse.
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My suggestion has always been to make a Beastmaster class. Basically a rip-off of WoW's Hunter or whatever class, where whatever beast you "tame" becomes your comp. Sith BMs could force-tame beasts, complete with "taking over their minds" and shock collars blah blah, and Jedi BMs could mind-meld with them all nicey-nice. As for Lore-wise it's even a feature already in game, because they ended up introducing a similar feature in some of the KotFE/ET chapters where you "tame" whatever comp you want (the Satele part). So the Lore and base code are there for you to be able to nab animal comps.
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If they were to ever do that, then it shouldnt be a problem.

You say that as if server merges are a hypothetical concept in SWTOR. They already happened.




The first time was not long after launch, mostly because they hugely overprovisioned the server lists (had too many servers) but also because they lost a bunch of players when people realised that the end-game was 9/10 empty.


The second time was in late 2017, and is this to which Suzsi was referring. Many players had lots of characters on multiple servers, and when the servers were merged, it was possible to end up with well over 100 on one server.

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My suggestion has always been to make a Beastmaster class. Basically a rip-off of WoW's Hunter or whatever class, where whatever beast you "tame" becomes your comp. Sith BMs could force-tame beasts, complete with "taking over their minds" and shock collars blah blah, and Jedi BMs could mind-meld with them all nicey-nice. As for Lore-wise it's even a feature already in game, because they ended up introducing a similar feature in some of the KotFE/ET chapters where you "tame" whatever comp you want (the Satele part). So the Lore and base code are there for you to be able to nab animal comps.


Thats a good idea

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Nah, they'd either have to devote a ludicrous amount of resources or release a class without a class story like the other ones. Either way the community would be left dissatisfied and those resources will quickly go to waste, not to mention it'd make class balance even worse.


I dont think investing in a class story would be worth it tbf but a new class produces new content for everyone in the game

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Everybody is talking about starting a NEW class...


Ok, what Class in Star Wars is missing from the game?


If they are going to add a new class it HAS to be from Star Wars and not WOW or any other game. If it was not part of Star Wars then it does NOT belong and does NOT get added.

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Everybody is talking about starting a NEW class...


Ok, what Class in Star Wars is missing from the game?


If they are going to add a new class it HAS to be from Star Wars and not WOW or any other game. If it was not part of Star Wars then it does NOT belong and does NOT get added.


Wookie, droid, imperial trooper, etc

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Everybody is talking about starting a NEW class...


Ok, what Class in Star Wars is missing from the game?


If they are going to add a new class it HAS to be from Star Wars and not WOW or any other game. If it was not part of Star Wars then it does NOT belong and does NOT get added.


This won't happen. But since we're dreaming, there is the class of the character from Rogue One (Chirrut) - the blind martial arts, monk-type character. What's interesting about him is that he doesn't have force abilities per se (others can correct me if I'm wrong) but he's a "spiritual" class with some ability to sense things and achieve a zen-like control when fighting. So maybe he's force-sensitive in some way, but the key is he's a martial arts bad*** which would make a class based on this type of toon a great hand-to-hand combat melee class....

Edited by Joonbeams
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I dont think investing in a class story would be worth it tbf but a new class produces new content for everyone in the game


Whether you like it or not, this IS a story driven MMO. If there won't be any story attached to a new class then what will the new class do? Just random OPs or FPs that aren't attached to the main story? In a previous post you said to have the new class start at level 60 so I'm assuming you would want them to start at the beginning of KotFE? But if they have no story to back them up then how are they even going to go through KotFE? Why would Lana even bother to rescue you? How would any of the other NPCs know anything about your character? Why would anyone follow you?


You have the vanilla story.

You get asked to do things on Makeb because of what you did in vanilla.

You get asked to do things during Forged Alliances/SoR because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb.

You get rescued by Lana in KotFE because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb + SoR.

People follow you as the Alliance commander because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb + SoR.

You become a galactic hero because of what you do in vanilla + Makeb + SoR + KotFE + KotET.


If none of that happens then your character is technically a nobody that no one in the galaxy cares about. Even the 60/65 tokens simply advance the story with predetermined choices because those choices have to be present to even do the continuing content.


Unless you mean that for these new classes there's a predetermined story that a player can never play through and all choices were pre-made. If that's the case then personally I wouldn't touch it at all. I'm also not even going to get into where the devs would then have to accommodate more conversation flags for these non-stories.

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Making a new class would cost 100m? LOL The story element I already mentioned should not be included with a new class because it will only complicate things. But adding more classes or advanced classes does increase the size of the swtor universe and benefits all players from all different aspects of the game. They could even sell a new class on the Cartel Market for all I care.


it cost around 200M to make around 10 years ago. costs have probably doubled by now... Dev wages, VO fees etc.

You'd have to do 2 class stories: one imp one pub - basically a quarter of the game.... suddenly 100M isn't too far wide ....

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I can (kinda) see maybe a monk-oriented class being different, but given the depth of class diversity as it exists now, I would prefer they devote resources elsewhere.




Excuse me but what the **** is a Jedi if not a monk?

Edited by Kaedusz
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Excuse me but what the **** is a Jedi if not a monk, please don't go to WoW levels of retardation.


See Joonbeam's post about Chirrut. We're talking about mechanics.


Not that I think your rude and inaccurate post will last very long, though it is Sunday.


<<sips martini>>




P.S. Learn to hit the edit button faster. OH SNAP! :rak_03:

Edited by Jdast
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Excuse me but what the **** is a Jedi if not a monk?


As I mentioned a few posts earlier, there is the guy from Rogue 1 who is a "monk," but only peripherally force sensitive (at the very least no force ability). He's a martial artist first, using hand weapons and hand-to-hand combat. It's in the lore, and IMO the class is fairly distinct from the Jedi/Sith. I would love to play a class like this and see many options for developing a story. However, this is all just a pipe dream so there really isn't much to discuss....

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Wookie, droid, imperial trooper, etc

WookiEE is a species.


Droid isn't even really a species, but would be effectively equivalent to one for game-mechanical purposes.


That leaves Imperial Trooper. It's necessary to think about *all* the ways that a "start at 65" classs (Hero / Death Knight style) could do weird stuff, and I'd note a few examples:

* There's no code in any part of the levelling worlds to accommodate a new class. There are plenty of places where there is class-specific dialogue in general missions. Death Knight style classes would have to be excluded from them.

* There is class-specific dialogue in most flashpoints, and Directive 7 in particular is notable for being totally incompatible with a Droid-species character. (Plenty of references to the player(s) being organic(s).)

* The Revan story series is littered with class-specific dialogue.


In fact, pretty much every multiple-classes mission in the game so far has class-specific bits in it. The ones on the starter planets aren't a problem, since those are already restricted by class (e.g. missions given on Ord Mantell are for Troopers and Smugglers only), but all the rest could be problematic. The "vanilla" levelling planets in particular are real trouble because the code that runs them and their missions is, apparently, a real mess, and not amenable to modification.


The obvious solution (there are others, see below) to this problem is to exclude the new classes from those missions. So now the new Imperial Trooper has no missions available on the levelling worlds, barred from most Flashpoints and other current (pre-6.0) content to avoid having to record new dialogue and re-script the missions, etc. Sounds pretty defective to me.


So how else could we solve it? Well, the levelling planets are a lost cause as suggested above, and the pre-KotFE Flashpoints likewise. KotFE contains enough references to your class to be potentially a problem (consider the simplest example: as KotFE Chapter I opens, the second person you speak to, Captain Fora, addresses you by a class-specific title. (Darth Nox, Wrath, etc.). To be sure, an Imperial Trooper class could use the existing Republic Trooper dialogue for *that* part, except that in other ways, the IT is not allowed to speak as ...




Looks like this, too, is coming back to "exclude them from 95% of existing content". Or to something painfully expensive like "rescript mission dialogue and re-record lines and ...". Or "let them participate and make the class look really lame."


So why is it that other games can add classes, but it's hard for SWTOR? Well, SWTOR has large chunks of main-line story on a per-class basis, which is unlike all other MMORPGs that I've played(1). This includes all the class-specific dialogue in all-classes missions, of course. In Guild Wars 2, there are large chunks of story that are race (species) specific, and adding races is not an easy option over there, whereas here, species-specific stuff is very rare, and so they *have* added new species. (Yes, I'm well aware of the game's tendency to ignore the fact that your Cathar character is a Cathar. That's exactly the sort of thing that I'm driving at, except that a new class would have it in *spades*.)


(1) I've at least installed and briefly played (spoiler box to reduce visual length of post):


* GW1 (Factions and EotN stories completed)

* Runes of Magic (reached level 59)

* Allods Online (reached level 60)

* GW2 (like this a lot, but can't play it for months on end without taking breaks)

* SWTOR (duh)

* Dofus (reached level 130 or so through inertia, ultimately too sandboxy for my taste)

* TERA (mouselook action-camera, ugh)

* WoW (gave up after level 7-8)

* BDO (dumb dumb dumb default keybindings with chords of random letter keys for abilities)

* ArcheAge (too much OWPvP for my taste, but I did get past level 50)

* STO (don't like the ship-to-ship combat, nor the time-travel separation of the Noob Island from the rest of the game(1))

* ESO (It's OK)

* FFXIV:ARR (mandatory not-soloable-group-content ***mandatory*** for continuing the story? Ickgagbarf)

* Blade & Soul (bleah)

* Revelations Online (bleah)

* Devilian (shuttered)

* TSW / SWL (Not bad in TSW although the no-classes thing took some getting used to, SWL is mouselook, bah)


(1) Time travel is one of the lamest possible story cop-outs.



Conclusion: no. The structure of SWTOR makes adding new classes "properly" unusually expensive compared to its cost in other MMORPGs, and even makes "Death Knight" classes a bit weird. It's not going to happen. New *advanced* classes? Sure, if they can come up with four new archetypes ("two-sabre force fighter" is an archetype instantiated as Sith Marauder and as Jedi Sentinel, for example), one for each pair of "base" classes) that fit the lore and the story. (A new Jedi/Sith archetype would, for example, still have to use a lightsabre to avoid storytelling weirdness on Tython/Korriban, but it's not impossible that they could implement, for - I guess - JK/SW, a "pair of shoto-sabres in reversed grip" advanced class.)

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Whether you like it or not, this IS a story driven MMO. If there won't be any story attached to a new class then what will the new class do? Just random OPs or FPs that aren't attached to the main story? In a previous post you said to have the new class start at level 60 so I'm assuming you would want them to start at the beginning of KotFE? But if they have no story to back them up then how are they even going to go through KotFE? Why would Lana even bother to rescue you? How would any of the other NPCs know anything about your character? Why would anyone follow you?


You have the vanilla story.

You get asked to do things on Makeb because of what you did in vanilla.

You get asked to do things during Forged Alliances/SoR because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb.

You get rescued by Lana in KotFE because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb + SoR.

People follow you as the Alliance commander because of what you did in vanilla + Makeb + SoR.

You become a galactic hero because of what you do in vanilla + Makeb + SoR + KotFE + KotET.


If none of that happens then your character is technically a nobody that no one in the galaxy cares about. Even the 60/65 tokens simply advance the story with predetermined choices because those choices have to be present to even do the continuing content.


Unless you mean that for these new classes there's a predetermined story that a player can never play through and all choices were pre-made. If that's the case then personally I wouldn't touch it at all. I'm also not even going to get into where the devs would then have to accommodate more conversation flags for these non-stories.


A new class benefits pvp, pve and rp. Basically the main people playing SWTOR and maintaining their sub at this very moment. A class story for a new class would cost too much and take too much time. They would have to spend hundreds of thousands (if not millions) on voice acting and acting alone.

Edited by Delani
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A new class benefits pvp, pve and rp. Basically the main people playing SWTOR and maintaining their sub at this very moment. A class story for a new class would cost too much and take too much time. They would have to spend hundreds of thousands (if not millions) on voice acting and acting alone.


And you're not solving any of the issues that have been raised. You keep saying, "They should add a new class outside of stories!" and people keep saying, "Yeah that's not really going to work." And then proceed to give multiple example of why it won't work which you then just ignore.


Maybe you should try to think of ways to add advanced classes that can exist within the current class stories? Perhaps a new melee oriented (vibro-blade/electrostaff) BH/Trooper variant? A more martial arts/hand to hand oriented Jedi variant (not sure if that would work better for guardian or consular). Something like that.

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And you're not solving any of the issues that have been raised. You keep saying, "They should add a new class outside of stories!" and people keep saying, "Yeah that's not really going to work." And then proceed to give multiple example of why it won't work which you then just ignore.


Maybe you should try to think of ways to add advanced classes that can exist within the current class stories? Perhaps a new melee oriented (vibro-blade/electrostaff) BH/Trooper variant? A more martial arts/hand to hand oriented Jedi variant (not sure if that would work better for guardian or consular). Something like that.


I didnt say outside of stories I said they dont need a class story. And when you incorparate a new class then make subtitles instead of voice acting so we can get more alien speices. Because players want to feel like they are apart of the star wars universe

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And you're not solving any of the issues that have been raised. You keep saying, "They should add a new class outside of stories!" and people keep saying, "Yeah that's not really going to work." And then proceed to give multiple example of why it won't work which you then just ignore.


Maybe you should try to think of ways to add advanced classes that can exist within the current class stories? Perhaps a new melee oriented (vibro-blade/electrostaff) BH/Trooper variant? A more martial arts/hand to hand oriented Jedi variant (not sure if that would work better for guardian or consular). Something like that.


It could be an advanced class, that would probably work better. I just want more options because the game is getting stale lol

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