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New Strongholds


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Things get boring with all old strongholds. It’s so sad I can’t find any calm, clean and idyllic stronghold for my main character. Can you add some new strongholds maybe like: (Dantooine, Odessen, Copero,maybe our personal small ship or resort yacht?)
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I'd like a little ice cave on hoth, or perhaps my own padawan living quarters on tython. smaller more personal sized sh's.

Mainly because ive seen so many people struggle with ideas and obviously funding to decorate the much bigger strongholds so having something smaller, aimed at just a few people (seen a lot of husbands and wives play together etc) would be a real neat idea.

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I've been dying for an Alderaanian castle/palace/estate for years, see my signature.


I like the idea of some smaller, more personal-sized ones that won't cost as much to decorate, as well. I liked Manaan's top level and bottom levels sizewise, felt easier to work with. Or the lower half of the Coruscant/Kaas strongholds. I would love some examples like:



  • a personal spacecraft different from any of the class ships
    (maybe a luxury yacht in the style of the IA spaceship but obv not identical?)
  • an moderately sized rental apartment in the alien enclave on Voss
  • a variation of Kaliyo's apartment on Zakuul (doesn't have to be on Zakuul, could be on another planet, just should be similar in size and layout)
  • personal quarters for Jedi/Sith on Tython/Korriban
  • an apartment on Onderon in the new expansion (maybe something in a visitor's district or whatever?)
  • something on Corellia


Keep all of these between 2 to 5 rooms of moderate size and these seem like they'd be fun to decorate!


And for a few larger options, I'm thinking:


  • a farmstead on Dantooine (like the Tatooine one with an outdoor area for the farming + a couple indoor rooms either in a single building or in a couple of those circularish buildings we see all over)
  • the Alderaanian castle/estate I've wanted for years
  • a base on Hoth
  • a resort locale (like Copero or Makeb style)

Edited by Capella
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I would personally prefer a SH that is more like the city in the clouds from the Empire Strikes Back... but not quite that large...


I do like the idea of a space station with that sort of interior decorum. Add to that a really nice view of the stars or some spacial anomaly from a large dome on the top floor !!


Now that IMO ... would be nice.

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Another StrongHold would be nice and many good idea's. Right now I'd just settle for "Connecting the Nar Shaddaa "Landing pad to the StrongHold". Really Frustrating, I have no idea How that was supposed to work. Maybe if I thought it was worthwhile I would actually get the StarShip Deco.
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I would personally prefer a SH that is more like the city in the clouds from the Empire Strikes Back... but not quite that large...


I do like the idea of a space station with that sort of interior decorum. Add to that a really nice view of the stars or some spacial anomaly from a large dome on the top floor !!


Now that IMO ... would be nice.


Bespin hasn't been unveiled yet in SW:TOR. I'm not even sure whether Cloud City exists over the planet yet.


Edited to add: I reread your comment and noticed you didn't say you wanted Cloud City as a SH, but something like it. Maybe they'll add Bespin as a visitable planet at some point. I don't know that it would be a good place for a SH, though, it's just a gas giant with literally nothing to look at.

Edited by bncsmom
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Bespin hasn't been unveiled yet in SW:TOR. I'm not even sure whether Cloud City exists over the planet yet.


Edited to add: I reread your comment and noticed you didn't say you wanted Cloud City as a SH, but something like it. Maybe they'll add Bespin as a visitable planet at some point. I don't know that it would be a good place for a SH, though, it's just a gas giant with literally nothing to look at.


I understand your point... I should have been more clear. I was just referring to the style of the station.


And yes ... as far as a full blown city in the clouds I could see that as a "part" of a mission of some sort. A place to visit or even an event of some sort. That would be a separate item.


BUT as for the SH idea I was just thinking about the style of design inside of the city. As for it's location: that would be on the outer rim. Used by just about anyone who would be needing to lay low during the 5 to 6 years of KotFE / ET. As it turns out many characters went to ground during that time. It's perfect to fit in for the next step in progression as we move toward the next location of the on coming war.

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I would personally prefer a SH that is more like the city in the clouds from the Empire Strikes Back... but not quite that large...


I do like the idea of a space station with that sort of interior decorum. Add to that a really nice view of the stars or some spacial anomaly from a large dome on the top floor !!


Now that IMO ... would be nice.


Cloud City/ Bespin was the *Vibe I got from Asylum early on in KotFE. We needed a safe port (So did the "Millennium Falcon"), Had to Be *Close, would soon be *Invaded by the Empire looking for .. us only this time not to end in Carbonite, terrible deals and Peeps hanging on from the bottom (well, people did have to jump in, is that the same?) and a shootout with Troopers at a landing dock. Only Asylum wasn't like Cloud City with posh elegance and upper class everything it was actually more like a floating dive bar, salvage yard and old roadside garage all in one.




:) My Gunslinger would get an apartment there, Port Nowhere also seemed good.

Edited by MikeCobalt
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Things get boring with all old strongholds. It’s so sad I can’t find any calm, clean and idyllic stronghold for my main character. Can you add some new strongholds maybe like: (Dantooine, Odessen, Copero,maybe our personal small ship or resort yacht?)

It's probably a good idea to define what you think "idyllic" means in this context. (And the DK/Coru pair do at least manage "clean"...)

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i would love to have a small space station SH that orbits a planet


Small enough to enjoy, not too big like Tatooine Homestead, but large enough to place some very nice larger items in the central domed area... and a nice docking bay(s) for ships.


My imagination kind of goes into overdrive just thinking about this one !

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