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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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I have soloed everything except the H4, and there is always people shouting for groups. Not sure what you mean by solo grind, it maybe takes 40 minutes to do all of dantooine (including the H4). I mean it IS a game, your just not handed something. The heroics and dailies on Belsavius are waaaay longer to finish.


What i mean by solo grind is that normal dailies only reward 1 currency per day. For someone who does not enjoy group content or is not able to do it for reason or another this means you can get maximum of 6 currency per week (if you can log in every single day to do the dailies). Considering prices on vendor and lack of other rewards/loot this is ridiculously small amount. You can buy small tree decoration with that amount and it does not feel to me good enough reward for whole week dailies. If you want that new companion it is 50 currency which means you have to do this event fully 8 times and few days more to be able to get it. This means doing this event every time it is up more than a year (not sure how often this event will be up but for example if its 4 times per years it means over 2 years). That is what i am talking in my post.


I am happy for you you can solo those heroics. This thread is however called "What is your opinion of dantooine?" so i write from my own perspective and tell about MY opinion about it. Your ability solo those heroics has absolutely no effect on my enjoyment of the event, so we got different experiences and opinions on this part of the game. But i have to add, if those heroics indeed are so easily soloed by many there is even less reason having them so rewarding compared to normal dailies.

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What i mean by solo grind is that normal dailies only reward 1 currency per day. For someone who does not enjoy group content or is not able to do it for reason or another this means you can get maximum of 6 currency per week (if you can log in every single day to do the dailies). Considering prices on vendor and lack of other rewards/loot this is ridiculously small amount. You can buy small tree decoration with that amount and it does not feel to me good enough reward for whole week dailies. If you want that new companion it is 50 currency which means you have to do this event fully 8 times and few days more to be able to get it. This means doing this event every time it is up more than a year (not sure how often this event will be up but for example if its 4 times per years it means over 2 years). That is what i am talking in my post.


I am happy for you you can solo those heroics. This thread is however called "What is your opinion of dantooine?" so i write from my own perspective and tell about MY opinion about it. Your ability solo those heroics has absolutely no effect on my enjoyment of the event, so we got different experiences and opinions on this part of the game. But i have to add, if those heroics indeed are so easily soloed by many there is even less reason having them so rewarding compared to normal dailies.


as always: play harder (group) content, get better (faster) rewards. how can people still expect beeing rewarded the same amount of currency by playing solo content only as people actualy playing group content? work on your mindset. period.

Edited by mrphstar
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as always: play harder (group) content, get better (faster) rewards. how can people still expect beeing rewarded the same amount of currency by playing solo content only as people actualy playing group content? work on your mindset. period.


This is not matter of having better rewards for group content this is matter for solo path rewarding way too little to be even worth considering to do at all. Completely different issue.


When it comes to why worthy solo path is needed i already explained it on my earlier post so not going to go there again.

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This is not matter of having better rewards for group content this is matter for solo path rewarding way too little to be even worth considering to do at all. Completely different issue.


is it, tho?

compared to the amount you get for doing the heroics and the skill level/group strength requiered in contrast to other H2/H4 of the game, its totaly reasonable scaled.


if at all, one has to complain about the rewards over all, not only for solo players. its just your biased opinion that solo players are left out again, which they are not.

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What i mean by solo grind is that normal dailies only reward 1 currency per day. For someone who does not enjoy group content or is not able to do it for reason or another this means you can get maximum of 6 currency per week (if you can log in every single day to do the dailies.


I'll use Eastern Daylight Time for all my times because that's where I live.

  1. Event goes live Tuesday at 2 pm. If you've completed Jedi Under Siege (Ossus) you can do the mission to speak with the CO of your faction's base that you pick up from the HoloNet news terminal on the fleet, the one that makes you do five missions of any nature. This gives you an extra 2 Notes. Then you have the Daily Patrol for six missions which awards 1 Note.
  2. You can do the Patrol mission for another Note on Wednesday after 8 am
  3. Thursday
  4. Friday
  5. Saturday
  6. Sunday
  7. Monday
  8. Tuesday from 8 am until the event ends at 2 pm you have the opportunity to do the patrol mission again.
    Possibly also the HoloNet mission but I'm not 100% sure. For Rakghoul event you can do Jeelvic's mission that way, getting it done again early Tuesday, so if the HoloNet mission works the same way that's an extra two Notes

That's 10 Dantooine Surveyor's Notes per character per week. If you're not doing the heroics that's 35 minutes tops. If you eventually learn to solo at least the Heroic 2 and do that at least five days, you'll get 2 more because you'll complete the weekly and 1 Note for that heroic for each of the 5 days. So, if you can practice more and improve your skills you can actually get 17 per week.

Someone doing all three heroics every day will earn 35 more Notes than the above scenario. That's a total of 52 per character per week, about three times more than the soloist, but they've put in a lot more time/effort, about 6 more hours worth of effort than the soloist: 15 min per heroic times three heroics times 8 days. 15 Minutes is a conservative estimate, as a good group can probably knock them out in ten minutes.

So, just for the record, you think that doing roughly six hours more gameplay over an 8 day period is not worth the extra 35 Notes?

EDIT: For the record, I am in favor of the currency being legacy-wide.

Edited by phalczen
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I'll use Eastern Daylight Time for all my times because that's where I live.

  1. Event goes live Tuesday at 2 pm. If you've completed Jedi Under Siege (Ossus) you can do the mission to speak with the CO of your faction's base that you pick up from the HoloNet news terminal on the fleet, the one that makes you do five missions of any nature. This gives you an extra 2 Notes. Then you have the Daily Patrol for six missions which awards 1 Note.
  2. You can do the Patrol mission for another Note on Wednesday after 8 am
  3. Thursday
  4. Friday
  5. Saturday
  6. Sunday
  7. Monday
  8. Tuesday from 8 am until the event ends at 2 pm you have the opportunity to do the patrol mission again.
    Possibly also the HoloNet mission but I'm not 100% sure. For Rakghoul event you can do Jeelvic's mission that way, getting it done again early Tuesday, so if the HoloNet mission works the same way that's an extra two Notes

That's 9 Dantooine Surveyor's Notes per character per week. If you're not doing the heroics that's 35 minutes tops. If you eventually learn to solo at least the Heroic 2 and do that at least five days, you'll get 2 more because you'll complete the weekly and 1 Note for that heroic for each of the 5 days. So, if you can practice more and improve your skills you can actually get 16 per week.

Someone doing all three heroics every day will earn 35 more Notes than the above scenario. That's a total of 51 per character per week, about three times more than the soloist, but they've put in a lot more time/effort, about 6 more hours worth of effort than the soloist: 15 min per heroic times three heroics times 8 days. 15 Minutes is a conservative estimate, as a good group with heals and 3 good dps can probably knock them out in ten minutes.

So, just for the record, you think that doing roughly six hours more gameplay over an 8 day period is not worth the extra 35 Notes?

EDIT: For the record, I am in favor of the currency being legacy-wide.


What i am saying is that amount of those notes for solo play is not enough rewards for the time/effort played. Like i said before in my post. There is no other rewards from normal dailies, there is no interesting loot from random mobs. 9 notes per whole weeks of dailies (if someone can pull all those days in also the last morning one which i cannot) is not enough for me to go there and do those dailies. This makes this content unrewarding and no fun for me.


I am not asking changes for heroics and could not give a flying turtle if they would give 1000 notes per quest. I don't do those myself and i don't care if other people get more than me. All i want is that i would get from my normal dailies enough that it would actually feel rewarding. That is my personal opinion and feedback about Dantooine and i am deeply moved how some people who have different opinion are putting in so much effort to argue simple opinion from simple player. :p

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What i am saying is that amount of those notes for solo play is not enough rewards for the time/effort played. Like i said before in my post. There is no other rewards from normal dailies, there is no interesting loot from random mobs. 9 notes per whole weeks of dailies (if someone can pull all those days in also the last morning one which i cannot) is not enough for me to go there and do those dailies. This makes this content unrewarding and no fun for me.


which is why its important to quote JediBoadicea's post from earlier in the thread here:

If you look at the other events (Rakghoul and Gree in particular), event currency is rare for those events, with the only means of getting it in larger quantities tied to group content (Heroic 4s, and Ops bosses).


By comparison to the Gree event (where unless you are running Ops you can only get one Helix per day per character via a Heroic 4), the Dantooine event is completely on par if not better, considering for Dantooine you can get one Note per day per character by doing nothing but solo dailies. So unless you're soloing the Heroic 4 for the Gree, in fact the Dantooine event is already more friendly to solo players. Even the easiest event to solo of them all (BBA) only gets you one Contract per day per character, with an option for a second Contract for the Weekly only if you've already unlocked those.


Comparing Dantooine gains to Ossus gains, Dantooine is absolutely much, much harder. But Ossus is a dailies area, and Dantooine is an event. Compared to other events, Dantooine is by the numbers more generous with the event currency than any of the others.


JediBoadicea is of course 100% right on their comparative analysis, and considering you can get 9 per week without Tuesday morning that's enough for one decoration or small armor item per week. I'm sorry that you don't like the choices available to you at that price point. Maybe they will add new things like they have for other events.


However, I am 100% on board with making the currency legacy wide, which is precisely how the Gree and Rakghoul events are able to maintain their abysmally low currency reward rates, and how someone like yourself would be able to afford, say, the walker, in less than six event cycles.

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snip... I'm sorry that you don't like the choices available to you at that price point. Maybe they will add new things like they have for other events.


However, I am 100% on board with making the currency legacy wide, which is precisely how the Gree and Rakghoul events are able to maintain their abysmally low currency reward rates, and how someone like yourself would be able to afford, say, the walker, in less than six event cycles.


At least you understand where i am coming from :) Just wanted to give feedback of the event from my perspective so they would actually know this event is not working nicely for everyone and could look solutions and fixes. Some people here are reacting like i am requesting to paint their mother pink. :D


Uh and i don't do those other events either, tried once and it seemed like a group thing so never went back. :p

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What i am saying is that amount of those notes for solo play is not enough rewards for the time/effort played. Like i said before in my post. There is no other rewards from normal dailies, there is no interesting loot from random mobs. 9 notes per whole weeks of dailies (if someone can pull all those days in also the last morning one which i cannot) is not enough for me to go there and do those dailies. This makes this content unrewarding and no fun for me.


I am not asking changes for heroics and could not give a flying turtle if they would give 1000 notes per quest. I don't do those myself and i don't care if other people get more than me. All i want is that i would get from my normal dailies enough that it would actually feel rewarding. That is my personal opinion and feedback about Dantooine and i am deeply moved how some people who have different opinion are putting in so much effort to argue simple opinion from simple player. :p


I think that is what some people are missing. There is a time/effort/fun algorithm that I suspect most of us plug in subconsciously when we play. If the activity involves too much effort, too little fun or too much time for the rewards offered, it becomes "not worth the trouble" and people walk away.


Asking people who want to solo to do multiple very difficult heroics that are less fun and more taxing than the Eternal Championships for the honor of one piece of event currency that cannot even be shared legacy-wide falls into that "not worth the trouble" category for a lot of people, I'd suspect. Especially since the event is supposed to be open to Level 20 - plus and not everyone has endgame gear.


As for telling people "if you group you get the better rewards!" Really? Because you finish the same weekly and don't get anything extra for doing that stuff in a group.


Time will tell if people enjoy this enough to keep returning every time the event runs, but especially now that you can get conquest points from everything else, IMHO the lack of legacy currency and heroics that require too much effort to complete will turn a lot of players off.


IMHO they'd get a lot more players engaged if they split the missions the same way they have on Ossus. Yes, yes, daily area vs. event area, but still. And making the currency legacy-based is a must because that IS the way with other events. I can send all my bounty contracts, rakghoul canisters and Gree grey helix parts from all my characters to one character or store them in my legacy bank to collect. Why not the Dantooine currency, too?

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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as always: play harder (group) content, get better (faster) rewards. how can people still expect beeing rewarded the same amount of currency by playing solo content only as people actualy playing group content? work on your mindset. period.


So you think you should get MORE reward for doing less?


In a group you are only doing 25% of the work, other people pick up the other 75%.


In Solo Play I do 100% of my own work, I don't get carried by 3 other people.


Looking at it logically Solo Players should get MORE reward, not less.



All The Best

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Asking people who want to solo to do multiple very difficult heroics that are less fun and more taxing than the Eternal Championships for the honor of one piece of event currency that cannot even be shared legacy-wide falls into that "not worth the trouble" category for a lot of people, I'd suspect.


^ This.



All The Best

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So you think you should get MORE reward for doing less?


In a group you are only doing 25% of the work, other people pick up the other 75%.


In Solo Play I do 100% of my own work, I don't get carried by 3 other people.


Looking at it logically Solo Players should get MORE reward, not less.



All The Best


Spuds as much as I know solo players (which nowadays I am one besides maybe heroics), it makes no sense in a MMO (and yes this is a MMO) to give solo players more rewards rather then people that CHOOSE (and it is a choice, the same amount of bonus reward is available to anyone grouping), is anything but logical. Does the solo player deserve more reward on Dantooine, sure maybe. Would I have a problem with them boosting the reward a little for the single player, I have no prob with that. Should the solo player get MORE or EQUAL reward then a group? Absolutely not.


@IoNonSoEVero : Please don't project, or try to associate "alot of other players" to your argument. Unless you actually have numbers, it really doesn't strengthen your argument, it weakens it. There is nothing overly difficult in any heroics I have found on Dantooine. Simple mechanics, not a super high health meter, it is up to the player to learn their rotation, and how to use their comp to learn how to solo them. It is not BW's responsibility to make things childishly easy for the lowest common denominator.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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So you think you should get MORE reward for doing less?


In a group you are only doing 25% of the work, other people pick up the other 75%.


In Solo Play I do 100% of my own work, I don't get carried by 3 other people.


Looking at it logically Solo Players should get MORE reward, not less.



All The Best


Many players that do group content also do solo content.


Do solo players do group content? No. Or you wouldn't call yourself a solo player. Nobody calls themselves a "group contenter"

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@IoNonSoEVero : Please don't project, or try to associate "alot of other players" to your argument. Unless you actually have numbers, it really doesn't strengthen your argument, it weakens it. There is nothing overly difficult in any heroics I have found on Dantooine. Simple mechanics, not a super high health meter, it is up to the player to learn their rotation, and how to use their comp to learn how to solo them. It is not BW's responsibility to make things childishly easy for the lowest common denominator.


a lot. Not alot. That being said, I'm not sure how I'm projecting anything. Saying "I suspect" is a qualifier, and there have certainly been numerous posts here, other places and on the PTS forum from numerous players who are saying they just won't bother because it's too much trouble and that they find the heroics too difficult or tedious to bother with, either solo or in a group.


It's also projecting to assert that because you personally do not find them tedious or overly difficult, every player in the game is going to share your perspective. That's already proven not to be the case by the comments here and on the PTS.


I'm super curious as to how you think a, say, level 35 is going to solo the Reactor heroic without much difficulty, Since the event is not like Ossus and just open to Level 70s. Really, illuminate us all on that.


And it goes back to the effort/fun/reward ratio. They can certainly tune the content as high as they want, but it's questionable as to whether that will embrace or alienate the playerbase overall. I've seen far more posts here and on the PTS saying they disliked the heroics rather than enjoyed playing them and look forward to repeating them.

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Spuds as much as I know solo players (which nowadays I am one besides maybe heroics), it makes no sense in a MMO (and yes this is a MMO) to give solo players more rewards rather then people that CHOOSE (and it is a choice, the same amount of bonus reward is available to anyone grouping), is anything but logical. Does the solo player deserve more reward on Dantooine, sure maybe. Would I have a problem with them boosting the reward a little for the single player, I have no prob with that. Should the solo player get MORE or EQUAL reward then a group? Absolutely not.


I agree it makes no sense to reward Solo players more.

I also contend it makes no sense to reward Group players for doing less (only 25% of the work),


If it take me 20 mins to complete one daily and it rewards, for example, "5 tokens", then a H2 taking 20 Mins should reward "5 tokens" total, not each player, and a H4 taking 20 mins should award "5 tokens" total, not each player.


Group Content players are NOT doing more to get each token, they are doing less.



All The Best

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I agree it makes no sense to reward Solo players more.

I also contend it makes no sense to reward Group players for doing less (only 25% of the work),


If it take me 20 mins to complete one daily and it rewards, for example, "5 tokens", then a H2 taking 20 Mins should reward "5 tokens" total, not each player, and a H4 taking 20 mins should award "5 tokens" total, not each player.


Group Content players are NOT doing more to get each token, they are doing less.



All The Best


I think more then likely, it is BWs passive/aggressive way of pushing group content, without gate walling stuff. Just my thought on it. I just don't understand the issue in regards to heroics, OPS yeah ok, that is a solid argument. But you don't even have to chat with people in heroics. Its like join, slam through, say bye and thank you.


I could even see people getting antsy joining a group in FPs, because it is a little more challenging and people could get frustrated etc, but heroics naaaa.

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There is nothing overly difficult in any heroics I have found on Dantooine. Simple mechanics, not a super high health meter, it is up to the player to learn their rotation, and how to use their comp to learn how to solo them. It is not BW's responsibility to make things childishly easy for the lowest common denominator


This has been my experience in game. Yes, there are certain places where a group is absolutely necessary because of mechanics (some of the FPs, for example, are not soloable in Vet or MM because of this). But my personal feeling is a lot of complaints are because people just don't take the time to properly learn their characters and abilities. I don't even consider myself a "good" player, lol, but I take the time to at least figure out my defensives, what skill procs which skill, etc.


Two recent instances come to mind. One, a friend asked me to help them with Star Fortresses. Once inside, they asked me what a "DCD" was when I told them to pop it. Come to find out they had no idea what their defensives were, so I had to scramble to figure out their class for them. Another person, mainly a solo player, complained to me about not being able to solo any of the post-KotFE FPs. Long story short, I inspected her and found she had no gear on. She was wearing her costume armor as her main gear.


My personal belief is issues like that are far more common than one would suspect. I've seen tanks that had to ask what their taunts were. I've seen stealthers who didn't know they could stealth out of combat. As for stealth--how many Maras and Sents do you see that NEVER use stealth when it would be to their advantage to do so? Seen it happen twice just this week. Group of 4, two were stealthers. They stealthed past the mobs, I stealthed past on my Mara, the other Mara ran face-first into the mobs. Like he didn't even know the ability existed or something. Then lo and behold it happened again when I was on my Sent.


Learning what your comps are capable of and what their skills do is just as important as your own skills. Does your tank comp have a group pull? Turn that off so it isn't wasted on a group of 2 rather than that next group of 5. Your comp chasing red circles like they're Pokemon? Learn to turn Passive off and on so it follows you. I've seen multiple times now people leave their comp on non-passive while on the final Red Reaper boss. It just stands there with the lightning hitting it while the comp owner stands way over at an add like "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

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The good old " learn to play your character" fairy tale. These people decided to play their way and wouldn`t change it. If they suddenly couldn`t anymore, they would simply quit the game. And their money is worth the same to EA.

And weren`t it for " forced grouping" no one would have noticed. So " forced grouping" is even bad for the wannabe cool kids.

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The good old " learn to play your character" fairy tale. These people decided to play their way and wouldn`t change it. If they suddenly couldn`t anymore, they would simply quit the game. And their money is worth the same to EA.

And weren`t it for " forced grouping" no one would have noticed. So " forced grouping" is even bad for the wannabe cool kids.


You are right. And not just that but it is very disrespectful to assume that people who want to do solo content are bad players. Sounds like a bad case of false-consensus bias where people think majority agrees with them and that there must be something wrong on those who don't.


People play solo for so many reasons, it can be constant playstyle, situational or even just selective (only group with friends and solo when they are not around for example). These players are not unsocials or bads, they are just like any other players in the game. If solo content is not rewarding and fun these people will find other games that serve their needs better. Gaming is about having fun, not about suffering for shinies.


Swtor is not in such a state it can ignore solo play (constant or situational) and only offer proper rewards from groupcontent. They have to make sure all playstyles are rewarding and fun, otherwise playerbase will just keep fading away even more. I think they have understood this, judging from "play your way" coming in 6.0. I just wish they would have thought of that already when making this event.

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You are right. And not just that but it is very disrespectful to assume that people who want to do solo content are bad players. Sounds like a bad case of false-consensus bias where people think majority agrees with them and that there must be something wrong on those who don't.


If this was directed at me--this isn't at all what I was saying. I play a lot of solo content. I'm one of the first people in this thread to say they H4s on Dantooine are easy solos. I've done it, nearly did reactor boss with no comp until I bugged into a wall. I love to challenge myself in this way. As soon as I put on 230 gear way back when the first thing I did was run out and see how many Vet FPs I could solo (note: you do not need 230+ gear). My point was a lot of people who complain about 'it's too hard why should I be forced to group?' don't know mechanics, classes etc. because I've personally seen how many players in game don't know them. It's why they can't do it solo.


I even said I don't consider myself a "good" player. So if I, as an "eh he's okay" player can do it, then so can you. I've even given specific pointers in this thread on how to solo the Heroics on Dant. So have a few other users. I specifically mentioned a Youtube channel where to find videos of it being solo'd. I did that research going into the H4s because I love to try solo content. At no point did I imply "if you want to do it solo you're a baddie". That doesn't even make sense to me.

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It would help if people defined what they mean by "solo player." Solo could mean:



  1. You do absolutely zero group content. You do all content by yourself and actively ignore every player around you.
  2. You don't belong to any guild, and you actively avoid ties to other players, but you will use the Group Finder to do daily pvp or FP's. You also may occasionally do the WB's on Ossus.
  3. You belong to a guild, but only for the XP/Conquest/Rep bonus. You may or may not participate in Group Finder content, but for the most part you play a vast majority of the game by yourself.


I think one of the misconceptions that so-called solo players have is that people that do group content only do group content. There's a ton of content in this game that is more preferable to do solo. So virtually every player you see running around in a group also does and has done solo content.

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And not just that but it is very disrespectful to assume that people who want to do solo content are bad players. Sounds like a bad case of false-consensus bias where people think majority agrees with them and that there must be something wrong on those who don't.


I'm going to give a little anecdote as a counter to the whole "group content is harder so deserves better rewards" argument. My mother-in-law is a horrible player in every game she has ever played. She gravitates toward group actives so she can be carried and not learn how to play. Playing solo for her is much harder since she doesn't know what she is doing. Like, at all.

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If this was directed at me--this isn't at all what I was saying. I play a lot of solo content. I'm one of the first people in this thread to say they H4s on Dantooine are easy solos. I've done it, nearly did reactor boss with no comp until I bugged into a wall. I love to challenge myself in this way. As soon as I put on 230 gear way back when the first thing I did was run out and see how many Vet FPs I could solo (note: you do not need 230+ gear). My point was a lot of people who complain about 'it's too hard why should I be forced to group?' don't know mechanics, classes etc. because I've personally seen how many players in game don't know them. It's why they can't do it solo.


I even said I don't consider myself a "good" player. So if I, as an "eh he's okay" player can do it, then so can you. I've even given specific pointers in this thread on how to solo the Heroics on Dant. So have a few other users. I specifically mentioned a Youtube channel where to find videos of it being solo'd. I did that research going into the H4s because I love to try solo content. At no point did I imply "if you want to do it solo you're a baddie". That doesn't even make sense to me.


I think it's important to remember that we're not just talking about whether a solo player *can* do the content, but whether it's something appealing enough to want to exert the effort. We return to that time/effort/fun algorithim. The solo player might be perfectly capable of doing the content, but it's so tedious or long or whatever that there's no desire to repeat it.


I can get through the Vaylin fights in KOTET just fine without dying, but it doesn't mean I find them fun or want to replay them on a regular basis. I did the Eternal Champions for the experience and to get Bowdaar, but I don't want to revisit it every month for an event. By the same token, being able to complete the heroics on Dantooine doesn't mean that they're not tedious for some players. There have been people who grouped for the heroics who have posted that they didn't find the heroics fun and don't want to do them again. For content that is supposed to be extremely repeatable, that would seen to be an issue.


We do have different playstyles in this game, and IMHO that's important to remember with something that's supposed to be an event for players at most levels. Splitting the weekly wouldn't stop anyone who wanted the challenge of doing the heroics solo. It would just mean that more play styles and levels would be accommodated.

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Or they could keep it fair and simple and keep the weekly the way it is. If people don't feel they don't want to do it, don't do it. But solo players do not get to redefine the game, because they want to be given easy payoffs for no effort.


I mean the grind to complete all the heroics for the Dantooine weekly is a joke as it is. No need to make it even more ridiculously easy, since there is literally no grind. I mean it takes MAYBE 25 minutes to complete all of them. That is called playing a game, not a job. Not to mention the whole "a game shouldnt be work" is asinine to begin with.

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Or they could keep it fair and simple and keep the weekly the way it is. If people don't feel they don't want to do it, don't do it. But solo players do not get to redefine the game, because they want to be given easy payoffs for no effort.


I mean the grind to complete all the heroics for the Dantooine weekly is a joke as it is. No need to make it even more ridiculously easy, since there is literally no grind. I mean it takes MAYBE 25 minutes to complete all of them. That is called playing a game, not a job. Not to mention the whole "a game shouldnt be work" is asinine to begin with.


So because it's easy for you, that means it's easy for all players, including the level 30s and 40s playing it. Because it takes you a certain amount of time, every player should meet the bar you've set. Got it.


How would it affect you, personally, if they split the weekly? You could still play any way you chose. The difference is that more players would also be able to play. That doesn't stop you from still playing as you wish or earning any rewards you want. Or do you think every player should be forced to play as you do? The heroic and daily weeklies on Ossus don't have the same payouts. Nobody would be expecting that they would here, either.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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