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Tank Gearing Efficiency, 258's


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Fair warning upfront: this write-up is lengthy and in-depth. It also is specific to PvE gearing. First "Spoiler" section is some background/rambling on my part.


EDIT (04 JUN 19): Updated with comparison's to 246's as many have stated crafting the 258's is not feasible at this point. Also yes, all of this will be moot once the 6.0 update drops, so looking forward to writing a completely new one later this year.



Since returning to the game I did my utmost to just play it through and enjoy the story, but inevitably my mind twitched with a need to solve the puzzle of optimizing things. I went to the forums here, and even on the reddit. I consulted various guides across numerous websites (small shout-out to swtorista's resources that put most of the best information in a single place), but all of them had a similar problem to me. Setting aside the most recent update to the math for Tanks being from 5.2, and the stickied "Ideal" post from nearly 4 years ago - each of the current threads I found about optimal stats was just a statement post of "here are the numbers" without any explanation as to how the author arrived at them.


Now, I may just be cynical but I hate taking things at face value. Especially when it comes to educational write-ups. Tanking has always been my favorite role given it has multiple avenues to take to achieve what could be considered "best", but even then there is room for adjustment based on one's style of play. So the notion of "here's the best way to do this" without context, and stating there is one optimal path on that front didn't sit the best with me, so I set out to run the numbers myself.



The following shows the entirely of the methodology I employed while doing my analysis of Tank gearing at the highest level, with an assumption that the player has access to all Armorings, Hilts/Barrels, Mods, Enhancements, Relics, and Augments at the 258 item level and comparisons to 246's craftable BiS's. I will make several suggestions about each of the 3 classes as they are laid out, but the intent is to show a thought process and give the player the tools so they can tune their builds to what is "best" for them.




Much to my surprise when returning to theory-crafting, the calculations for stats in SW:toR have not changed, save for 2 very minor exceptions. The "max level" divisor in the exponents has of course been increased to 70, and the Endurance factor has been raised from 10.5 to 12. Oddly enough, in other guides on "optimal stats" the equations are not shown. Not sure if authors deem them unnecessary to prove their points or don't want others doing their own calculations, regardless -- here are the 4 main ones Tanks will be concerned with:


Defense Chance = 30 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.3 ))^(( DefenseRating / MaxLevel ) / 1.2 ))

Shield Chance = 50 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.5 ))^(( ShieldRating / MaxLevel ) / 0.78 ))

Absorb Percentage = 50 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.5 ))^(( AbsorptionRating / MaxLevel ) / 0.65 ))

Max Health = (Base Health + Endurance * 12) * 1.01

Note: the " * 1.01 " in the Max Health equation is presently only if one has unlocked the appropriate reward from Companion Affection.


Stat Efficiency


Each Tank has its own unique buffs to the above-mentioned stats, so each of them utilizes the stats differently. I needed a starting point with the gear to work from, so when I got to individualizing it was a matter of making adjustments to a baseline rather than doing a complete ground-up for each class.


I decided to find the most stat-efficient set of 258 gear, that is to say the most increase to all attributes of Health, Defense, Shield, and Absorb per point invested. The order in which you look at pieces of gear matters when doing this, because 3 of those stats suffer from diminishing returns. So once you start putting items into slots, every next item gives you less than the previous. Order matters because for example, if you calculated for all 14 Augment slots first, it would drastically change how you looked at putting in your Enhancements.


The last time I did this, I started with the Mods as a baseline as they are unavoidable and all contain the same stat of Defense. However, in reading other guides (even the out-dated ones) I ran across the notion of not having Warding Mods at all due to the over-abundance of Defense in general. Curios to see how this played out, I decided to push the Mods until much later and start with the other pieces of gear one cannot escape when equipping a Tank.


In an attempt to go from the most unavoidable pieces of gear to the most superfluous, this was the order I chose:


  1. Ear/Implants
  2. Enhancements
  3. Augments
  4. Relics
  5. Mods
  6. Crystals
  7. Hilt/Barrel


Before getting started though, there were certain baselines that had to be addressed:


  • Base Health: 23750
  • Base Endurance: 765
  • Datacron Endurance: +56
  • Fortitude Stim: +240 Endurance, +99 Defense
  • Resistive Armor/Hilt/Barrel x9: +2394 Endurance


This means before equipping anything further to your Tank, and before adding any of the class-specific buffs, every Tank starts with the following: For simplicity's sake I am currently omitting the baseline Defense, Shield, and Absorb ratings. Showing the increases to these stats is the more important aspect of the picture at this juncture in my opinion.


  • Health: 65862.1
  • Defense: +1.18%


Next it was a matter of proceeding to slot 1 item at a time and see which gave a higher boost to its respective stat. As the Defense Rating remains a constant during the Ear/Implant and Enhancement comparison, the only really values to look at were Shield vs. Absorb. Due to the exponent in the Absorb equation being divided by 0.65 compared to Shield's 0.78, Absorb has a naturally higher stat efficiency and it is a matter of reaching a point where the diminishing return favors Shield and then alternating between the 2 as they progress down their respective curves.




The first 2 equips of Ear and/or Implant favor Absorb, increasing it by +5.31% and a further +4.75% respectively. Shield wins out for the 3 slot, increasing by +4.47% compared to Absorb's newly diminished +4.24% increase.


After this, I looked at Enhancements. There are 3 pairs (the following is values for 258's):

  • Bastion vs. Bulwark: +211 Endurance, +122 Defense, and +253 Shield/Absorb
  • Immunity vs. Sturdiness: +162 Endurance, +179 Defense, and +253 Shield/Absorb
  • Steadfast vs. Vigilant: +253 Endurance, +74 Defense, and +240 Shield/Absorb


Given the vast complaints about the over-saturation of Defense Rating, the Immunity/Sturdiness set is without question the worst option. Naturally, this means it is the default option on gear you get from the vendors. The Bastion/Bulwark and Steadfast/Vigilant sets are available, they are just too expensive for most people to feasibly be expected to obtain them.


Enhancement Optimization by Efficiency:




Absorb wins the first round and then it alternates back and forth until the very last slot when Shield wins for the second time in a row by +0.04%. Leaving the Enhancement spread at 4 Immunity, 3 Sturdiness.


As the next part of gear to check will be Augments, I took a step back from the Shield vs. Absorb comparison to see how the current choices affected the other stats. Baseline Defense increase from solely the Stim + Ear/Implants + Enhancements is granting the player +18.96%. Base Defense Chance is 5% before any class-specific buffs are accounted for, so currently sitting at a 23.96% Defense chance means there is literally no reason to slot a Redoubt Augment. Once again making this a Shield vs. Absorb question in terms of efficiency.




Short version: Absorb wins the first 2, then alternate, Shield wins the last 2. Meaning 7 of each.


With Augments done, the next question is about Relics. I'd seen multiple people mention it is better to run the DPS/Healer Relics as opposed to the Tank ones as the RNG component does not help as much when compared to the damage/threat increase the others give. It's also noted that the Tank ones give Shield Rating where the DPS ones give Endurance. Doing another step back back to check in with where our stats currently lie, this time adding in the base values for Shield and Absorb:


  • Health: 108294.22
  • Shield: 45.77%
  • Absorb: 49.04%


There is no other slot from which one can gain Absorb, and the Relics are the last discussion point that involves the possibility of increasing Shield. From a non-passive stat comparison, the Tank vs. DPS Relic discussion can be summed by the following: 1.29% Shield Chance vs. 6738.72 Health. Combining that with knowledge of what the passives actually provide, and my strong suggestion mirrors most others when I say Tanks should be slotting the DPS Relics.


Now, since we know the 258 Enhancements available at the vendor are the worst possible, it warrants comparing them to the "BiS" craftable ones found all the way back at the 246 ilvl.


If you swap all of your Enhancements for BiS 246's, this is the trade-off:


[*]Bastion/Bulwark: +1781.64 Health, -2.61% Defense, -1.21% Shield, -0.94% Absorb

[*]Steadfast/Vigilant: +4920.72 Health, -4.32% Defense, -1.67% Shield, -1.29% Absorb


This is just an overview for now to show the total difference, I will refer back to this when we get to class-specific gearing.


Next is the question of Mods. As I said before, the current Defense Chance is at 23.96% without class-specific buffs. Meaning one can realistically ignore Warding Mods altogether as anything above 25% is adequate, and the Powertech (having the lowest Base Defense) is sitting at 27.96% right now. So the question lies in 258 Lethal Mods vs. the 246 Lethal B Mods (258 Lethal B Mods are unquestionably BiS for all Tanks if you can acquire them).


  • Lethal (258): 135552.1 Health, +2034 Mastery, +1764 Power
  • Lethal B (246): 138715.42 Health, +1521 Mastery, +1251 Power


The long and short of it is 246 Lethal B's have +3163.32 Health over the 258 Lethal's, but the 258's trade in for +513 Mastery and +513 Power. First logical thing to do is obtain your 258 set and buy/craft 246 Lethal B's (or have them prior to obtaining your 258 set). As for swapping them into 258 Lethal's -- dealer's choice on what you feel you need. But it does inherently require building and almost wasting an entire 258 DPS set just to accomplish if you plan to switch them out. Again, if you can acquire 258 Lethal B's, they are BiS without competition.


The only other gear to touch on at a baseline level before getting into the class-specific discussion is Crystals and the Armor/Hilt/Barrel of your Mainhand/Offhand, as some Tanks will slot a DPS Mainhand A/H/B to help with their threat generation.


  • Crystals: +496.92 Health vs. +41 Master/Power each
  • A/H/B: +315.12 Health vs. 25 Mastery each


Class-Specific Adjustments





Class-specific buffs:


  • Lash Out/Lung: +3% Defense
  • Conquering Defense/Abating Defense: +4% Shield


They also have an additional +5% to Defense that can be maintained with 100% up-time on Blade Barricade through the use of Retaliation/Riposte and +3% to Absorb through Aegis Assault/Warding Strike.


Combining these with the Immunity/Sturdiness set puts starting stats, with 246 Lethal B Mods, at:


  • Health: 138715.42
  • Defense: 31.96% (2477)
  • Shield: 49.77% (1958)
  • Absorb: 52.04% (1958)


You don't really want to sacrifice you Shield stat as you are still sub-50%, but your Defense is grossly over what you need and you have some wiggle room with Absorb. My recommendation: swap your 3 Sturdiness 258 Enhancements for 3 Vigilant 246's. You'll net +2108.88 Health and lose only -1.29% Absorb. The -1.68% Defense is literally nothing to a Juggernaut/Guardian.


When you can acquire the alternate 258's, I recommend swapping all Enhancements to 4/3 Steadfast/Vigilant and all the 246 Lethal B's for 258 Lethal B's.






Class-specific buffs:


  • Assassin's Blessing/Shadow's Training: +3% Endurance
  • Shroud of Darkness/Mental Fortitude: +2% Endurance
  • Lightning Reflexes/Double-bladed Saber Tactics: +4% Defense
  • Premonition/Shadowsight: +2% Defense, +4% Absorb


At max level, the Dark/Kinetic Bastion passive enhances the Dark/Kinetic Ward buff by +3%, giving the Assassin/Shadow potentially 100% uptime on an 18% Shield buff. While Dark/Kinetic Bulwark also gets enhanced to allow a 1-10% Absorb buff. If played perfectly it averages to a +18% Shield and +6.33% Absorb.


  • Health: 144451.82
  • Defense: 29.96% (2477)
  • Shield: 63.77% (1958)
  • Absorb: ~59.37% (1958)


Given the naturally high Shield, it is worth looking at shifting some of your stats over to Absorb, or possibly sacrificing some stat to increase Endurance as you have more room in your stats to flex around than any other Tank class. You don't want to move/sacrifice too much though, as the class does have incentives for Shielding as often as possible. Lightning Reflexes/Double-bladed Saber Tactics, when enhanced with Lightning Recovery/Rapid Recovery restores 4% of your total Force and reduces your Force Shroud/Resilience's cooldown by 1 second every time you Shield or Defend an attack.


Moving a single Augment from Shield to Absorb nets an increase in overall mitigation as there is no stat loss, it is a trade of -0.92% Shield, +0.92% Absorb. Given the nature of Assassins/Shadows there is a lot to be played by ear, I'll note their Endurance buffs change the math on swapping to BiS 246's though -- you still lose -4.32 Defense, -1.67% Shield, and -1.29% Absorb, but compared to the other classes you gain +5166.76 Health. Personally I am running the Steadfast/Vigilant 246's and working towards the 258 versions, but a safer trade-off for some will be to run the 246 Bastion/Bulwark's -- either way I recommend running one of the craftable 246 Enhancement sets until you can get an alternate-schematic 258 set.






Class-specific buffs:


  • Deflective Plates/Guards: +4% Defense
  • Shield Vents/Cycler: +2% Shield
  • Ablative Upgrades/Ceramic Plating: +4% Absorb


Shield Enhancers is a passive the Powertech/Vanguard can easily maintain to grant +3% more to Shield, and central to their rotation is building Heat/Power Screens for +1-3% Absorb while using Heat/Energy Blast to give +30% Absorb (when enhanced by Heated/Energized Absorbers). Played optimally and with RNG being slightly in your favor, this is a max Absorb bonus that averages to +26.25%.


  • Health: 138715.42
  • Defense: 27.96% (2477)
  • Shield: 50.77% (1958)
  • Absorb: ~79.3% (1958)


Now, similar to the Assassin/Shadow there is an amount of leeway for player choice between optimal mitigation from a statistical standpoint, and from a gameplay one. The best Augment spread is 11 Shield, 3 Absorb (Putting you at 54.07% Shield, ~75.26% Absorb). However, putting all 14 in Shield will put RNG a bit more in your favor (56.25% Shield), allowing you more optimal uptime on Heat/Energy Blast. Choice is yours.


Unlike the other classes, I don't necessarily recommend downgrading to BiS 246 Enhancements. If you want the Health bump I would advise only using the Bastion/Bulwark 246's. When the alternates for 258's become more feasible, I recommend swapping the Enhancements to 4/3 Bastion/Bulwark as the Powertech/Vanguard. It is less of an Endurance boost, but it is also less of a Defense cut and allows the PT/VD to stay above the 25% Defense Chance mark without needing to slot Warding Mods. And as with the others, swap all the 246 Lethal B's for 258 Lethal B's.



With all that concluded, and all other gear slots accounted for, Crystals comes down to a comparison of which of the following do you want:


  • Indestrucible: +993.84 Health
  • War Hero's: +16.4 Bonus Damage, +0.1% Critical Chance
  • Hawkeye: +18.86 Bonus Damage


Closing Thoughts, and Augment Flair


Like everyone else, I am waiting eagerly for more details on the Sept. update's gearing system overhaul and honestly cannot wait to see what kinds of things there will be to figure out with the new item slot they announced. Defense is definitely over-saturated as has been said by many players. Juggernaut's/Guardian's seem to get the most out of the current gear available, as the excess Power from the Lethal/Lethal B Mods subtly enhances their mitigation by increasing the amount Sonic Barrier absorbs.


One thing with Augments that I discovered while putting all this together is there is a much higher amount of Endurance on the DPS Augments. Now, normally it would be heresy for a Tank to intentionally reduce their Shield/Absorb Augment numbers as the slots to get those stats back are so limited, but it is worth looking into in my opinion. Every Augment swapped nets the same amount of Health as a Crystal (+496.92) and costs only -0.9 to -1.23% Shield / -1.25% Absorb.


So if you're willing to sacrifice a single percentage point in either stat for ~500 Health, you can additionally gain more offensive stats. The Mastery Augment will net you +99 Mastery vs. the +80 Power on the Shield/Absorb ones. This is actually an increase to your Bonus Damage by +1.4 in addition to the minor Critical Chance buff it will also provide.


If you want some real spice you could play with swapping in some Alacrity Augments. They don't affect your defensive cooldowns or your Taunts, but getting your "Generates a High Amount of Threat" abilities back faster is something to be considered.


Apologies for the long-windedness, but I do hope this helps provide a better overall picture of where Tanks are at currently with gear (or at least a more up-to-date one).


May the Force serve you well.

- Sevrahn -

Edited by Jethsidi
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Which is moreso a discussion between the Lethal A and Lethal B Mods, as both have higher Endurance than the baseline Lethal Mods, and we are talking about Tanks so that Endurance stat is one of the most relevant.


it isnt, since there is no easy way to get any A or B mods. the ways to get them, arnt worth it. just use lethal mods.

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it isnt, since there is no easy way to get any A or B mods. the ways to get them, arnt worth it. just use lethal mods.


At this point in the game's life I will agree with you. Though back when pushing NiM content was a more supported feature of the game, gearing for the highest level was done regardless of how difficult it would be to acquire what was needed.


However the post does state gearing assumes one has access to everything they would need. :) Purpose being informational and showing methodology to allow others to think about why they gear the way they do, vs. "I read it on a post somewhere that had numbers without explanation."

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Even though it will be all be for naught when 6.0 rolls out, I still found this useful.


Lets however assume one does not have the expensive method for acquiring Lethal B 258 mods, and all they really have access to is what they can get from the crystal vendors.


Is it worthwhile to keep 246/248 Lethal B mods over the 258 Warding unlettered mods?

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Even though it will be all be for naught when 6.0 rolls out, I still found this useful.


Lets however assume one does not have the expensive method for acquiring Lethal B 258 mods, and all they really have access to is what they can get from the crystal vendors.


Is it worthwhile to keep 246/248 Lethal B mods over the 258 Warding unlettered mods?


Yes. It's still an Endurance increase and a Bonus Damage increase, even at the 246 ilvl. But I would slot those with the overall goal of improving them to higher ilvls.

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I don't know how many people will find this helpful - there's already optimal stats out there, that don't use the hard to get (if they even exist) things like vigilant/steadfast 258s.


How does this stat efficiency compare to actual tank performance? Is 6000 extra hitpoints is really worth losing 1 to 2 percent defense? Most gearing guides for tanks suggest at least 2000 points in defense.


I"ve seen some tanks in pve that have geared for maximum hitpoints/damage over shield/absorb and they are noticiably squishier than tanks with proper shield/absorb. Extra hitpoints don't help much when you're taking more damage then you should be. It makes times when you get raid-wide aoe damage more aggravating too since you're so busy keeping the tank alive that there aren't a lot of extra heals to toss at the dps.


TBH the tanks who gear for dps are a right pita to heal. Forget getting any dps from the healers when you have to keep using the big heals on the squishy tank.

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I don't know how many people will find this helpful - there's already optimal stats out there, that don't use the hard to get (if they even exist) things like vigilant/steadfast 258s.


How does this stat efficiency compare to actual tank performance? Is 6000 extra hitpoints is really worth losing 1 to 2 percent defense? Most gearing guides for tanks suggest at least 2000 points in defense.


I"ve seen some tanks in pve that have geared for maximum hitpoints/damage over shield/absorb and they are noticiably squishier than tanks with proper shield/absorb. Extra hitpoints don't help much when you're taking more damage then you should be. It makes times when you get raid-wide aoe damage more aggravating too since you're so busy keeping the tank alive that there aren't a lot of extra heals to toss at the dps.


TBH the tanks who gear for dps are a right pita to heal. Forget getting any dps from the healers when you have to keep using the big heals on the squishy tank.


Main reason I wrote this is because the most recent "optimal stats" guide for Tanks I could find was from 5.2, and even then it offered no explanation as to why you should build that way.


I will agree with you 100% about the idiocy of Tanks dropping Shield/Absorb in favor of straight Health. They shouldn't be unless they know exactly why they are making the trade and can show the affect on their damage taken is counterbalanced by whatever stat they traded for.


The only stat I highly recommend dropping for Health is Defense (from the Mods), because even without any Warding Mods all classes are above 25% Defense chance which is more than adequate.

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Somewhat addressing this in the re-write. In my zeal of making the OP, I went with top-level possible as far as what is coded into the game. The alternate Enhancements *exist*, but how to acquire them wasn't something for which I accounted.


Next version will have multiple sets displayed as well as taking into account what can actually be crafted outside of what you acquire from the gear vendors.

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Somewhat addressing this in the re-write. In my zeal of making the OP, I went with top-level possible as far as what is coded into the game. The alternate Enhancements *exist*, but how to acquire them wasn't something for which I accounted.


Next version will have multiple sets displayed as well as taking into account what can actually be crafted outside of what you acquire from the gear vendors.


So, you made gearing recommendations using item modifications that players are unable to acquire ingame?

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So, you made gearing recommendations using item modifications that players are unable to acquire ingame?


258's are craftable. It's just not really that feasible. There is a difference. Re-write just went up that has 246 BiS recommendations with 258 alt-schematic goals mentioned.

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As for Shadow tank I preffer more shield, like 65% when all up, like 45% around absorb and 2 items moved to crit rate (with tank augs though + both weap crys are crits, so ...nobody can take aggro from me even some another tanks. I use taunts as last resort/urgent/mechanics).As for for stims, crit rate, whic also boosts my high accuracy = lowered force resistance for my stones. At some locations I have 4% guild mastery boost - there better works mastery stim. Didn't use endurance since being 230.


Why ? Because shield rate is counter to critical rate even in PVP now. So more you have of RATE less crits you get.


As result - can fight 3 dps and kill 1-2 in pvp. Can solo FP/MMs even with enraged bosses. Things like world mobs ...not even notice it.


Can say nothing about NM ops ...you know, when got all 258 - nothing to do there :D

Edited by alexzk
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So, assuming:

1) someone is pretty much unable to acquire enough Masterwork Data Crystals to get a 258 dps set

2) someone has no MM-raiding friends or crafting resources to even attempt the RE process to get a lethal 258 B mod


Your recommendation would be to exchange the 258 Warding unlettered mods for 246 Advanced Lethal 54B mods or 248 Lethal 52B mods (which can drop in command crates, although rarely) as available?

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So, assuming:

1) someone is pretty much unable to acquire enough Masterwork Data Crystals to get a 258 dps set

2) someone has no MM-raiding friends or crafting resources to even attempt the RE process to get a lethal 258 B mod


Your recommendation would be to exchange the 258 Warding unlettered mods for 246 Advanced Lethal 54B mods or 248 Lethal 52B mods (which can drop in command crates, although rarely) as available?


Yes. 100%. Even the craftable/buyable 246 Enhancements give you enough Defense that you don't need Warding Mods at all from then on. You want B Mods for the Endurance, and since the sole alternative to Warding B is Lethal B, you get Lethal B.

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Yes. 100%. Even the craftable/buyable 246 Enhancements give you enough Defense that you don't need Warding Mods at all from then on. You want B Mods for the Endurance, and since the sole alternative to Warding B is Lethal B, you get Lethal B.


Not sure ..endurance is a lie. Does not help too much. Maybe for jugs it could, which has skills %% of total.


Well, actually ... just rechecked. Dps items with crit rate have more endu than tank's once (relict & package), maybe that helps too ...but difference like 15 per item...

Agreed, defence can be moved out, once u hit soft cap, i.e. u lose less defence then get any other stat measured in %%% showed by client.

Edited by alexzk
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Not sure ..endurance is a lie. Does not help too much. Maybe for jugs it could, which has skills %% of total.


Well, actually ... just rechecked. Dps items with crit rate have more endu than tank's once (relict & package), maybe that helps too ...but difference like 15 per item...

Agreed, defence can be moved out, once u hit soft cap, i.e. u lose less defence then get any other stat measured in %%% showed by client.


Relics yes, you want the DPS Relics. As I show, swapping the Relics gives you roughly +6500 Health, which is worth it. Ear/Implant no, you need the Shield/Absorb those provide so you have to bite the overall Defense that comes with them. With just the Ear/Implants + Enhancements though, your FIRST Augment would give you only +0.43% Defense, compared to the LAST Shield/Absorb Augment that gives you +0.9-0.92%. Meaning your baseline Defense before any Augments or Mods is well beyond "soft cap". This is why all of your Augments should be in Shield/Absorb and all of your Mods should be the Lethal B's.

Edited by Jethsidi
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258's are craftable. It's just not really that feasible. There is a difference. Re-write just went up that has 246 BiS recommendations with 258 alt-schematic goals mentioned.


Sorry, it seems you don't understand, I am asking how you are able to learn the schematic for the Bastion, Bulwark, Steadfast and Vigilant Enhancements to craft them, to my knowledge none of the raiding groups has been able to acquire this schematic so if you know it would be very helpful :)

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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there is info for 5.0 that goblin lacky did for tanks https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=847112 :


All I did was attempt to implement the known calculations for Tanks from KeyBoardNinja and Dipstik and credit should go to them.

(Also If you really care about Mitigation, you shouldn’t be listening to be and instead go look at their work)



[DtPS] = [Mitigation] x ( [Premittigation DtPS] x [Reduce Incoming Damage] - [Absorb Shield Per Second] )



Note: Mitigation is run once with relic, once without and the result is the relic uptime weighted average between the two.



= [MRKE %] x ( 1 - [M/R Debuff] ) x (1 - ( [Defense Chance] - [basic Attack %] x 0.1 - [Debuff Accuracy] ) ) x (1 - [shield Chance] x [Absorb %] ) x ( 1 - [Damage Reduction] )

+ [FTKE %] x (1 - [Debuff Force/Tech] ) x ( 1 - [Resist] ) x (1 - [shield Chance] x [Absorb %] ) x ( 1 - [Damage Reduction] )

+ [FTIE %] x ( 1 - [Debuff Force/Tech] ) x ( 1 - [Resist] ) x ( 1 - [internal Damage Reduction] )



[Absorb %] is calculated based on [shield], [Defense], [Ability activation rate] and the bosses damage profile. This is calculated each time to find the Dark Ward | Kinetic Ward absorb contribution and for the Heat Blast | Energy Blast contribution. See here for the code I am using for Dark Ward | Kinetic Ward.


Currently Juggernauts have an artificially higher mitigation because I assume that their absorb sheilds generated from Force Scream don’t overwrite better shields and are used up on cooldown. This lower premittigation dtps makes the absorb shield look better than it actually is (flat value vs percentage).


Tank Relic Ranking: (based on Mitigation)

Reactive Warding

Shrouded Crusader

Shield Amplification

Fortunate Redoubt

Serendipitous Assault (*used for Health, can also use crafted relics)



KBN Stats: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=804989

Dipstik Stats: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=842859




your work here does not calculate mitigation at all, which is what you have to maximize to find optimal loadout


defense d, absorb a, shield s, (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779094)

fraction m/r+k/e kw (w for weapon), fraction f/tr+k/e kf, fraction m/r i/e ew, fraction f/t +i/e ef,

fraction named fn, fraction bland fb,

damage reduction of k/e dr_k, damage reduction of i/e dr_e, damage reduction of m/r dr_w, damage reduction of f/t dr_f, overall damage reduction dr

rdd is dynamic relic buff to defense rating, rda is dynamic relic buff to absorb rating, rds is dynamic relic buff to shield rating. rsd is static relic buff to defense

parentheses without a * means a function of. like f(x,a,b)=a*x+b


kw_squish(d,s,a)= (0*d+[(1-d)*(1-s)+(1-d)*s*(1-a)]*(1-(dr_k+dr_w+dr)))





squish(d,s,a)= kw*(fn*kw_squish(d)+fb*kw_squish(d+0.1)) + ew*ew_squish + kf*kf_squish + ef*ef_squish

def_relic_squish=6/22*squish(d+rdd+rsd,s,a) + ((22-6)/22)*squish(d+rsd,s,a)

two relics: 6/22*6/22*both_on+6/22*16/22*one_on+6/22*16/22*other_on+16/22*16/22*both_off

similar for other relics.

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wouldnt you want to see where shield and absorb reach an optimal point?


the chance of shielding and the amount absorbed are at odds with eachother in the stat pool. the higher your shield chance the lower the damage absorbed. if you can have 4298 points from augments and enhancements, you would want to optimize 1-s*a which gives (only assuming 5% shield and 20% absorb) [0.05+0.5*(1-(1-0.01/(0.5))^((1/70)*sr/(0.78)))]*[0.2+0.5*(1-(1-0.01/(0.5))^((1/70)*ar/(0.65)))] subject to the constraint that ar+sr=4298 where sr is shield rating and ar is absorb rating. one way to do this is with lagrange multipliers, but you could also use a numeric solver or a method like KBN did (rating with gear quanta) or a script like bant. since we dont care about defense (makes the problem much harder) we can just substitute ar for 4298-sr and the problem becomes finding the extrema of s*a, which excel gives as 2493 and maple gives 2492.965434. you would want to use gear quanta to find out what value is obtainable and check which option gives the best mitigation... unless you have a qualitative argument that shield is better than absorb in general, which from talking, sounds like you are leaning towards... obviously this is way oversimplified to show the process, but it should be mentioned how senstiove the extrema are to the assumptions of static mitigation contributions


here is a thread where people talk about the difference between feeling out min max and calcing it out:




no one agrees and there are as many theories as there are theorists.

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