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Satele Shan sever feels dead.


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It definitely has a lower overall population hanging around compared to SF but it's not dead, especially when it comes to group content. I actually have slightly more positive experiences in that regard. Edited by Phazonfreak
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Is it time for another server merge? I think hat would be better than having to reroll on star forge


Mergers never happen before an expansion. It there were to be another merger, it wouldn’t be possible till next year sometimes.


Better to ask Bioware to give you 90cc transfers

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Seriously, can someone define what they mean by too busy?


When I’m online outside of primetime, Star Forge is not even close to being busy, most of the time there is only half a fleet instance on both factions and it’s impossible to do WB on Ossus.

Pvp reverts to 4v4 due to low queue numbers and sometimes takes 10-15 mins to pop at lvl 70.


Now I’m not saying the server is dead. But I wouldn’t say it’s overly busy, even when I do play during primetime, there aren’t as many people as there were 6 months ago and didn’t see anyone complaining about it back then.


I do understand not wanting SS trolls being merged with SF, but I hate to say it, most have Alts on SF already. So not merging them won’t protect you from them.

I don’t like the SS trolls, especially in pvp. They have destroyed any semblance of pvp fun on SF since they started to roll Alts. The last thing I want is more of them. But it’s too late for that. They are already on SF.


I’m also not advocating a merge. That’s the last thing Bioware should do before an expansion. But I do need to point out the weakness in your argument that it would prevent the SS trolls.


Wether we like it or not, SS is the lower population server. People who require groups to play will undoubtedly reroll or transfer to SF if they can’t play group content at the times they login. There really is not obstacle to them doing that and I think everyone better be prepared to see more trolls because it’s not going to stay as it is or get better. The lower SS population drops, the more of them will come to SF and increase the drop on SS. This will only accelerate the decline of SS and make people move to SF or demand mergers or leave the game.


We need to accept that unless Bioware pull a rabbit out of the hat with 6.0 and increase SS continued viability, that a merge is inevitable sometime in the future. It might not be this year or next year, but it is on the cards in the future. You only need to look at the history of the game and mergers to see that.

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Oh heck not this trope again....


The server is quiet/dead so we need a merge ....


Well as someone who has been through 3 merges in my time on SWTOR I have to say NO and if that is not strong enough HELL NO!


With each merge there is a spike in the first few weeks to maybe a few months then the novelty wears off and the server then ends up with less players over all.


When I first started playing I have seen my friends depart with each merger many of which have not returned.


My solution to fix this problem is something only BW/EA can do. They need to re market the game, provide real incentives to existing subscribed players to keep them here, EA could do things like provide subscriptions in currencies other than US Dollars as well for example.


While I can't speak for the USA I have zero marketing for SWTOR since about 3-6 months after it released here in Australia Word of mouth is not a great long term marketing plan.

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My solution to fix this problem is something only BW/EA can do. They need to re market the game, provide real incentives to existing subscribed players to keep them here, EA could do things like provide subscriptions in currencies other than US Dollars as well for example.


While I can't speak for the USA I have zero marketing for SWTOR since about 3-6 months after it released here in Australia Word of mouth is not a great long term marketing plan.


Not to be terribly rude... but how are they supposed to market well to you guys when their servers are all in either Europe or US east coast? Hi guys we have the only star wars mmo out there right now, but good luck with the 300 ms ping! Sounds like an incredible marketing strategy.


That said, server merges before the expansion would be rather stupid.


But then, so was moving both servers to the east coast without telling anyone (like we wouldnt notice a doubling of ping times and question why) and basically leaving one with an obvious population disadvantage from the get go.


Its BW here, decisions making sense seemingly went out the door a long time ago.

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Not to be terribly rude... but how are they supposed to market well to you guys when their servers are all in either Europe or US east coast? Hi guys we have the only star wars mmo out there right now, but good luck with the 300 ms ping! Sounds like an incredible marketing strategy.


That said, server merges before the expansion would be rather stupid.


But then, so was moving both servers to the east coast without telling anyone (like we wouldnt notice a doubling of ping times and question why) and basically leaving one with an obvious population disadvantage from the get go.


Its BW here, decisions making sense seemingly went out the door a long time ago.


You forget, we use to have APAC servers.

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You forget, we use to have APAC servers.


Oh I didn't forget, that merely advances my argument.


If they really wanted to deliberately market to you guys, why say your population is basically irrelevant and delete your server?

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Oh I didn't forget, that merely advances my argument.


If they really wanted to deliberately market to you guys, why say your population is basically irrelevant and delete your server?


The problem was they never, ever, marketed the game in the Asia-Pacific area. I only found out it was being released because someone told me in WoW,

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The problem was they never, ever, marketed the game in the Asia-Pacific area. I only found out it was being released because someone told me in WoW,


The point is the closest server to you guys now is either in Europe or the US east coast. Either way that's a long distance, even with an amazing ISP. Having played from Guam and other locations (admittedly not with an amazing ISP) the ping time by itself is a turn off.


At this stage, this is a difficult game to market to non-star wars fans with a good ping, much less a nearly unplayable one. If it's not obvious, the game is riding the IP (its star wars).


Could there be a spectacular comeback, resulting in dedicated apac servers making a return? Sure, but it seems rather unlikely


Also, the fact the never marketed there also helps my argument: if they felt the population density there was relevant, why ignore you?

Edited by KendraP
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Satele Shan server doesn't feel dead to me, but it can be quiet at times.


I like that.


I don't want to wait in a long line to complete daily and weekly quests.

I can't keep up with rampant inflation in the GTN.

I hate long queues.

A smaller server avoids these problems.


Between Star Forge and Satele Shan, there's a server style for everyone.

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Tbh I think it needs to be merged, or something needs to be done to bring more people to the server. I think a lot of it has to do with the name of the server. Star Forge is way cooler sounding than Satele Shan, so new players go to that server in much larger numbers, keeping their population high.
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Satele shan vs Star forge is a population design that existed before "megaservers". back then the west coast was bastion and harbinger, one had numbers, trolls, rpers, huge market competition and just general.. noise. the others, albiet was a pvp one, was quiet, once you got off kaas. if someone talked in chat, it was cuz they needed help, or a guild, or you know.. once in a blue moon some healthy OWPVP trash talk. Everyone knew one another, and there was respect among the end content players. the market was smaller, but it had everything the other server did, in smaller quanitys.


the arguement here is small town vs metropolis city, personaly I moved back to SS. I got tired of the "masses" and I'm not the only one.

Edited by Seterade
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