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SWTOR: Security Key - Authy (Multiple Software Protected Accounts)


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Hey I'm not sure if this has been covered anywhere but I just wanted everyone to know you can use AUTHY as your SWTOR account security token.


Why is this cool?


  1. Authy runs on almost any platform.
  2. Authy can backup your keys and restore from an encrypted cloud repository.
  3. You can electronically maintain keys for more than one account.


How to do it?

  1. Download the Authy App if you don't already have it.
  2. Run through the setup wizard and create an account to backup your database.
  3. Login to your SWTOR account and add a security key (you will need to remove any existing one first)
  4. When setting up your key take the Serial Number and put it into the Authy app.
  5. Choose a 6 digit code.
  6. Validate that code in the SWTOR account setup page.
  7. Name the Authy Account something you can recognize. "SWTOR:DisplayName" or something.
  8. Enjoy, wont you?

Edited by Khelben
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I've never heard of authy, but I use winauth. I'd recommend anyone who doesn't have a smart phone, or who won't use the swtor app, to get one of these apps, apart from the extra security, it stops all those annoying password messages, you get access to the security vendor, whcih has new nice things, and as a bonus, you get 100cc's free, even if not a sub . (although, only subs can read this...lol)
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I've never heard of authy, but I use winauth. I'd recommend anyone who doesn't have a smart phone, or who won't use the swtor app, to get one of these apps, apart from the extra security, it stops all those annoying password messages, you get access to the security vendor, whcih has new nice things, and as a bonus, you get 100cc's free, even if not a sub . (although, only subs can read this...lol)


Can you please link the directions to set up winauth?


I've at least heard of winauth, unlike the one the OP is talking about.

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1. So what? It only matters whether it runs on the platform I want to use.


2. "Encrypted cloud repository" ==> "data leak" / "lost when the cloud servers die" / etc. Who has the encryption key?


3. It's far from the only app that does that.


4. How much are they paying you to promote this?


Hmm, coming in a little hostile there chief. It's free. As in completely free, like free beer and encrypted with a password you create. Authy has been around for a while and has quite a few security recommendations, do a little research maybe? I didn't say it was the only app that could do it, but it runs on windows, ios, android for sure - I don't really have a need to run it on raspbian, but I'm sure it probably would and I bet that covers 90+% of the real world use cases and 100% of the swtor security app users. I was sharing the info because I was looking for something better than the swtor security key app or a physical key i need to have on me. I'm not a special snowflake unique in my wants and desires so I figured other people might be interested in my success using this app. If you can't be responsible enough to encrypt your database with a password other than "password" then by all means please don't use this application. I'm not sure why you are butt hurt from someone sharing some info, perhaps you have developed an inferior product and you're upset I didn't try to use it and share that experience instead? Take a look inside and try to find out where that anger is coming from, maybe let it go, you'll live longer and happier, promise.


If you haven't heard of Authy it's because you don't pay attention to the application space it's in. Been around for a while.





Over 1,000,000 installs on google play store and 18+K reviews

Sorry Apple folks, I don't care enough about those numbers to get them for you.


So, with that out of the way Authy doesn't need some SWTOR shlub plugging their app for them. It works. It worked for me. It will work for you too if you care.


What *I* personally like about Authy over something like Google Authenticator is I can switch devices (upgrade my phone) and I don't have to remove my OTP setup and re-enroll my new phone for every service. OR, god forbid, my phone is rendered unserviceable and I have to go through a recovery process for all my 2FA enrolled accounts. Are there risks with a cloud based solution? Sure but it's an encrypted backup encoded with a password you chose. There's a risk associated to using the web broswer you're on now to read this post, but you've accepted that risk in favor of the reward it brings you, the same is true in this case. Accept the risk or do not. Matters to me it does not.

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Can you please link the directions to set up winauth?


I've at least heard of winauth, unlike the one the OP is talking about.


Set it up a while back, was fairly easy, not sure if it came with the instructions, or if they were on the site.

But you shouldn't have any problems setting it up :)

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  • 4 months later...
Hey I'm not sure if this has been covered anywhere but I just wanted everyone to know you can use AUTHY as your SWTOR account security token.


Why is this cool?


  1. Authy runs on almost any platform.
  2. Authy can backup your keys and restore from an encrypted cloud repository.
  3. You can electronically maintain keys for more than one account.


How to do it?

  1. Download the Authy App if you don't already have it.
  2. Run through the setup wizard and create an account to backup your database.
  3. Login to your SWTOR account and add a security key (you will need to remove any existing one first)
  4. When setting up your key take the Serial Number and put it into the Authy app.
  5. Choose a 6 digit code.
  6. Validate that code in the SWTOR account setup page.
  7. Name the Authy Account something you can recognize. "SWTOR:DisplayName" or something.
  8. Enjoy, wont you?


Thanks! My physical authenticator's battery is dying, and I'd already used the SWTOR authenticator on a second account. I'm happy I don't have to use a google product, too.

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  • 7 months later...

Thanks very much for posting about this - ignore the sour **** complaining about sharing the information.


Use Authy for a lot of services and wanted to use it for SWTOR. This helped, and I'm glad I don't need to use "SWTORSK" app anymore.

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You can also use Google's authorization key too...


I used that for several months until I had to reinstall Android. There is no backup/restore mechanism so you have to reset your 2FA settings across all sites you used it with. Authy has a built in backup/restore that can be set to run automatically. Reactivating it on the new system is simply a case of confirming your devices phone number via SMS and entering your Authy backup password.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks for posting this. I have been using Authy for a long time and thought it was weird that SWTOR actually created an app instead of asking people to use a more common one like Authy / Google / Microsoft Authenticator.


It's kinda annoying to see some clueless people calling it 'marketing shill' but oh well just /ignore.

Edited by scorions
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Thanks for posting this. I have been using Authy for a long time and thought it was weird that SWTOR actually created an app instead of asking people to use a more common one like Authy / Google / Microsoft Authenticator.


It's kinda annoying to see some clueless people calling it 'marketing shill' but oh well just /ignore.


They probably didn't use it as they brought out their own physical device first, no idea when they changed to the phone option. But it was the winauth version that I started with, and that was late to the party. But I tell every new play to set up a security key, even if free, just to get the extra coins.


People aren't clueless, the OP just set out the topic like a guy selling on QVC on sat morning....lol

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  • 11 months later...
Hey I'm not sure if this has been covered anywhere but I just wanted everyone to know you can use AUTHY as your SWTOR account security token.


How to do it?


Run through the setup wizard and create an account to backup your database.

When setting up your key take the Serial Number and put it into the Authy app.

Choose a 6 digit code.

Validate that code in the SWTOR account setup page.

Name the Authy Account something you can recognize. "SWTOR:DisplayName" or something.


Old info but helpful, except to me, apparently. I just made my AUTHY app unworkable and I am in the recovery process.


"to backup your database"


I am not clear what that means.


"When setting up your key take the Serial Number and put it into the Authy app."


How, where? :-/


"Choose a 6 digit code.

Validate that code in the SWTOR account setup page."


Do you mean to put the original code from SWTOR into the box at SWTOR as if I had not even used AUTHY?


"Name the Authy Account something you can recognize. "SWTOR:DisplayName" or something."


I am not even sure how this account you speak of is even created in AUTHY.


And yes, AUTHY is good. I used it years ago. No one needs to push it. Obviously, though, I cannot remember a thing about it. But, TY you for the OP. :-)

Edited by CyOp
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Old info but helpful, except to me, apparently. I just made my AUTHY app unworkable and I am in the recovery process.


"to backup your database"


I am not clear what that means.

The app stores information about which accounts it generates keys for in a file ("database") somewhere, and like any similar set of data, it's important to back it up (save it somewhere that will allow you to restore it later).

"When setting up your key take the Serial Number and put it into the Authy app."


How, where? :-/

The serial number is the serial number of your account, which is the "secret" information that any app like this requires to generate the keys correctly for *your* account. Other games / apps that use this type of code system call it other things.(1) It is provided on the SWTOR website when you launch the "set up a security key on your phone" process. You enter it into the relevant field when your app asks for it.

"Choose a 6 digit code.

Validate that code in the SWTOR account setup page."


Do you mean to put the original code from SWTOR into the box at SWTOR as if I had not even used AUTHY?

No, it means "put the code that the code generator app(2) displays (after you enter the serial number / secret) into the box on SWTOR".

"Name the Authy Account something you can recognize. "SWTOR:DisplayName" or something."


I am not even sure how this account you speak of is even created in AUTHY.

It should be in a menu somewhere in Authy itself. It's not really an account *as*such* in Authy, but a block of information in Authy that's specific to your account in SWTOR.


(1) Most probably SWTOR calls it a serial number because it was originally the production serial number of the physical key-fob dongle code generators, printed on the back of the fob and intimately linked to the sequence of codes. You read that off the fob and entered it into the "add a physical security key" pages. These days you enter the secret (called a serial number on the website, I think) from the website into the app and enter the code generated by the app into the website to confirm that you entered the secret correctly.


Note that it's critical that the date and time in your phone or other device are meticulously correct, since the date and time are an ingredient in the calculations that yield the codes that the app generates. If the phone's time is in the future, it will generate codes that aren't valid yet, which is annoying but copable-with, but if the phone's time is in the past, it will generate codes that have already expired...


(2) There's a whole slew of these apps, of which probably the best-known are Google Authenticator and maybe WinAuth. They all use the same set of calculations to produce the code sequence, so you can use any of them. I use "OTP Auth" which is available on iPhones and on Android, and I like it because it can display the codes on my watch.

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SteveTheCynic ... Hmm, I have not used the forum for so long I forgot about the notification setting at the bottom. I had to find this thread again to see if there was a reply.


TY for the information. I truly appreciate your consideration! I will try to sort it out tomorrow. Right now I am just too tired.


And, this is really sad. I use to be computer/software/hardware savy. As I said, I used Authy years ago.

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