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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.




As someone who subbed for MONTHS AND MONTHS then my sub lapsed for a short time and I didn't realize it, and I subbed again just a COUPLE HOURS after the "deadline" I'm pissed I didn't get HK-55 and the bonus chapter!!! I feel I was jipped! I missed it by hours. Literally just hours. This after subbing loyally for I don't even remember how long at this point, but it's a moot point. I didn't get it. My husband, however, sits happily next to me with HIS HK-55 and bonus chapters while I watch him play that content on every new character he gets.


Offer it again.

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I was here. I’ve been here since day one. I didn’t renew my sub for a few months for health reasons But yes I was here. The fact still remains that you will still have something others won’t so there shouldn’t be an issue. 14 month equivalent for 3 yr old content???? Seriously???? Did you really just say that. And right now what does it really matter. This game needs funds. People want to buy this content. Let them


Um, no I didn't just say that. You read it wrong. And you are still missing the point.


If the chapter and companions are given out as a reward to people who have been sub'd from March 2019 to Sept. 2019 as a thank you for supporting the game, everyone who also loyally supported the game the first time get absolutely nothing.


As I said earlier, the above doesn't apply if the chapter and companions are sold on the CM rather than given as a subscriber reward since a purchase is fundamentally different than a gift. I'm all for previous rewards being put on the CM as long as the price is consistent with other CM items.

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I was here. I’ve been here since day one. I didn’t renew my sub for a few months for health reasons But yes I was here. The fact still remains that you will still have something others won’t so there shouldn’t be an issue. 14 month equivalent for 3 yr old content???? Seriously???? Did you really just say that. And right now what does it really matter. This game needs funds. People want to buy this content. Let them


Strawman argument. Damask said that people who stayed subbed for the first 7 promo months got the first reward and so if a second promo is run and they stay subbed again, they should get a reward of some sort as well. How old the original content was is irrelevant. Damask is saying that if a new/second promo is run then every one who meets the new/second criteria should get something out of it. Not just those that didn't get something the first time.

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I've always been inclined to say no. But I'd be happy for it to be repeated if the conditions were the same (ie Sub for X amount of time) and not done retroactively. Also those players who already have HK-55 need to be rewarded if they qualify. Cartel coins etc would be great .. but please please not another astromech droid pet or anything already in game.


Short... to the point. Well said. And I agree. I have enough pets. I REALLY don't need another fire works display.

1.) Give us some hard core CC points for those of us who have been around and qualify... (see note below)

2.) Make the HK-55 available : based upon a prerequisite that BW can sort out.

3.) I personally have been in support of making HK-55 available as Eric has already mentioned:


This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.




This means that they are looking into ALL aspects of this matter. And YES .. this is one time I do believe what he has said.


[additional note from line #1 in thread] There are a couple of items (weapons) in the CM and or modifications to said weapons that I've been eyeing for some time now. Hmmm yeah ! A good place to spend the CC points !


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I have seen a lot of words like entitled, petty, selfish bandied around to describe myself and those that feel as I do about this issue and I don't think the slander is a fair representation of our position.


I subbed for 7 months during that time I got various rewards, access to the chapter and at the end two companions.

Yay for me.


Now as an example some want to give these rewards to someone that subbed for the last 7 months, to be clear right now that is from October 2018 ish.


What some seem to be forgetting is I was also subbed for the last 7 months and I have these rewards, so what do I get?


I just want a reward for MY last 7 months to match the reward they are getting for THEIR last 7 months and I don't want a reward I already have because that is pointless.

See its not entitlement, its not petty and its not selfish.


I still can't believe people are putting this viewpoint out there with a straight face. Why should they have to offer you anything? They should just throw people who have it a bone like an achievement that says they got it during the original promotion. That is all. No title, no flair, and obviously no cartel coins. Wanting more is absolutely just greedy entitlement. If they end up giving you more, they are just being generous.

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Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look.



Um not to sound rude but let’s just say that they did offer this content again but without all the other stuff like the hk cosmetic stuff early access to the chapters that was being released and 3 yrs to play it all you want so all that y’all received during that time wouldn’t that make it an exclusive reward for y’all.

So why do you feel entitled to another reward?

But your right they should never ever release story content like this again.

And all the long time subs need to also understand that it’s not just y’all anymore there are new players, returning players etc... that deserve a chance to play every story that is in this game. It’s not hurting anyone to let others enjoy something that y’all enjoyed. It will not effect your game in anyway.



I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean to say that I'm "entitled to another reward" so much as when you "reward subscribers" with something for being a subscriber, you should reward ALL OF YOUR SUBSCRIBERS. And some of those people already have this reward, so it would be giving them nothing in the way of thanks. Don't promote a "subscriber reward" if you aren't rewarding everybody. It's kinda doubly crummy when they do this because it punishes the people who were subscribed then AND now just because they already earned this reward. See what I mean?


I have absolutely zero issue with giving others a way to earn access to this stuff. I just don't like it when they call it a "subscriber reward" but only reward the subscribers who don't have this yet, leaving the long time subscribers (who they should REALLY be thanking for staying through some of the worst content drought in an MMO) without anything for STILL being a subscriber.


What I'm suggesting is that they think of ALL subscribers. Give access to those that don't have these rewards, just make sure you give rewards to loyal customers who were already given these for subscribing earlier, too. Then EVERYBODY wins.



Edited by PennyAnn
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Since you were not here during those 7 months 3 years ago I assume you don't know those other rewards were considered trivial and nothing anyone would stay sub'd for which is why no one is asking for them to be re-released.

Ditto the "early access". The only real reward was the chapter and companions.


Again, agree with this entire post, but want to add that "early access" is more punishment than reward, as you are typically the beta tester of the content with "early access" (especially because in those days, they were NOT using the PTS at all, and BUGS GALORE!).



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Um, no I didn't just say that. You read it wrong. And you are still missing the point.


If the chapter and companions are given out as a reward to people who have been sub'd from March 2019 to Sept. 2019 as a thank you for supporting the game, everyone who also loyally supported the game the first time get absolutely nothing.


As I said earlier, the above doesn't apply if the chapter and companions are sold on the CM rather than given as a subscriber reward since a purchase is fundamentally different than a gift. I'm all for previous rewards being put on the CM as long as the price is consistent with other CM items.

Your right I did read that wrong. My apologies.

Just put it on the market and if they want to buy it let them. It would be extra money they have to spend that the ones that got it originally don’t. Take into account that the only way to get stuff on the market is with a sub (I think that’s how it goes don’t really know for sure since I’m a sub). So sub cost plus whatever they decide to market it at there you go. No new nothing just people will spend a few dollars more to get it. And those who already has it don’t need to worry about spending money.

And I will agree that story content no matter what it may be does not need to be handled like this. Cause wow.

And as some one mentioned earlier about bugs. Yeah been there done that. I definitely understand. Heck we still have bugs that they said they would fix but haven’t

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Your right I did read that wrong. My apologies.

Just put it on the market and if they want to buy it let them. It would be extra money they have to spend that the ones that got it originally don’t. Take into account that the only way to get stuff on the market is with a sub (I think that’s how it goes don’t really know for sure since I’m a sub). So sub cost plus whatever they decide to market it at there you go. No new nothing just people will spend a few dollars more to get it. And those who already has it don’t need to worry about spending money.

And I will agree that story content no matter what it may be does not need to be handled like this. Cause wow.

And as some one mentioned earlier about bugs. Yeah been there done that. I definitely understand. Heck we still have bugs that they said they would fix but haven’t


Well then if its that easy to remove any requirements for old stuff then I have a list.


Lets start with all the old PvP armors I want those on the Market of course.

And all the exclusive raid rewards, especially Wings of the Architect, I mean the raiders have had it exclusively for long enough right, time to give it out to the rest of us with nothing more than a few cc's

No effort, no requirements, just pay to win.

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Well then if its that easy to remove any requirements for old stuff then I have a list.


Lets start with all the old PvP armors I want those on the Market of course.

And all the exclusive raid rewards, especially Wings of the Architect, I mean the raiders have had it exclusively for long enough right, time to give it out to the rest of us with nothing more than a few cc's

No effort, no requirements, just pay to win.


How about we stay focused on the topic at hand, an old sub reward and how to reintroduce it, rather than the constant hyperbole and irrational requests. If you want to open that can of worms, placing in-game achievement items on the CM, then there isn't any reason not to put Master Ranos on the CM.


Note that I do not favor placing any in-game achievement award on the CM, including and especially Master Ranos, but that would be the outcome of the above illogical post. Subscriber awards are a completely other matter. Their purpose was to generate revenue, which is the outcome of placing them on the CM for direct sale. The claims about effort, requirements, and pay to win are just more folderol to muddy the conversation.

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How about we stay focused on the topic at hand, an old sub reward and how to reintroduce it, rather than the constant hyperbole and irrational requests. If you want to open that can of worms, placing in-game achievement items on the CM, then there isn't any reason not to put Master Ranos on the CM.


Note that I do not favor placing any in-game achievement award on the CM, including and especially Master Ranos, but that would be the outcome of the above illogical post. Subscriber awards are a completely other matter. Their purpose was to generate revenue, which is the outcome of placing them on the CM for direct sale. The claims about effort, requirements, and pay to win are just more folderol to muddy the conversation.


It clarifies the argument.


Raiders have their exclusive gear that you can only get by raiding.

PvP'ers have their exclusive gear you can only get by earning it.

and the exclusive gear for a sub is in the rewards, or it was, and you can only get it by being a sub at a certain time the offer was run.


I can't go to Ferrari and say I want an Enzo, a limited run car that were all sold years ago.

So why should you be able to go to Bioware and say I want this reward which was also limited and finished years ago.

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How about we stay focused on the topic at hand, an old sub reward and how to reintroduce it, rather than the constant hyperbole and irrational requests. If you want to open that can of worms, placing in-game achievement items on the CM, then there isn't any reason not to put Master Ranos on the CM.


Note that I do not favor placing any in-game achievement award on the CM, including and especially Master Ranos, but that would be the outcome of the above illogical post. Subscriber awards are a completely other matter. Their purpose was to generate revenue, which is the outcome of placing them on the CM for direct sale. The claims about effort, requirements, and pay to win are just more folderol to muddy the conversation.


See this is what happens when one side tells the other side that what they are requesting is wrong. While most of us have agreed that they should re-release the chapter, when something is mention about what about the others that already have it, then some start saying no no you had the chapter xx amount of time that we didn't . That may be true but that does no good except put people against each other and then it gets things off tracked and then the ones that have supported the idea start second guessing if they should support the issue when people start calling them greedy, entitled or selfish. I am not sure about you but to me name calling only creates more problems.

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Take into account that the only way to get stuff on the market is with a sub (I think that’s how it goes don’t really know for sure since I’m a sub).


That is not how it works. Anyone with CC can purchase things from the cartel market, with or without a sub. Therefore, it is theoretically possible for someone to build up a CC balance through the security key grant and the in-game achievement grants and purchase whatever they want from the cartel market. Yes, it would take a long time for them to have enough to purchase the more expensive items, but the bottom line is someone could conceivably purchase anything from the cartel market without ever spending even a dollar on the game, so a cartel market listing is no guarantee of revenue for BW.

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See this is what happens when one side tells the other side that what they are requesting is wrong. While most of us have agreed that they should re-release the chapter, when something is mention about what about the others that already have it, then some start saying no no you had the chapter xx amount of time that we didn't . That may be true but that does no good except put people against each other and then it gets things off tracked and then the ones that have supported the idea start second guessing if they should support the issue when people start calling them greedy, entitled or selfish. I am not sure about you but to me name calling only creates more problems.


Well said. The insults need to stop.

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Well then if its that easy to remove any requirements for old stuff then I have a list.


Lets start with all the old PvP armors I want those on the Market of course.

And all the exclusive raid rewards, especially Wings of the Architect, I mean the raiders have had it exclusively for long enough right, time to give it out to the rest of us with nothing more than a few cc's

No effort, no requirements, just pay to win.


If you really want the raid rewards then just do what i'm guessing a lot of people did for them; buy credits off ebay or some third party seller, contact the guilds that sell those runs and get your rewards.


One swipe of your credit card, turn up to the raid and twiddle your thumbs and hurray, you have unlocked Wings of the Architect and whatever title you also ordered.


Those rewards aren't hard to get if you know where to look and have cash.

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It clarifies the argument.


Raiders have their exclusive gear that you can only get by raiding.

PvP'ers have their exclusive gear you can only get by earning it.

and the exclusive gear for a sub is in the rewards, or it was, and you can only get it by being a sub at a certain time the offer was run.


I can't go to Ferrari and say I want an Enzo, a limited run car that were all sold years ago.

So why should you be able to go to Bioware and say I want this reward which was also limited and finished years ago.


Ferrari didn't post in this forum thread saying they were thinking about ways to bring back the Enzo. Bioware DID however ask for feedback about making these things available to others who missed out. You are otherwise speaking in hyperbole, friend... and that helps no one.



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Ferrari didn't post in this forum thread saying they were thinking about ways to bring back the Enzo. Bioware DID however ask for feedback about making these things available to others who missed out. You are otherwise speaking in hyperbole, friend... and that helps no one.




I am just tired of seeing long term subs screwed over again and again.

I will never let Shae/Nico situation happen again without speaking against it as much as I can.

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Funny, I do still have the hk55 cosmetics still attached to mail on most of my toons.


As I’ve said, 55 didn’t keep me subbed then, chances of getting him now won’t keep me subbed... his time is past, along with most of the other comps from the chapters, that suffered possible terminal endings.


Ok, along with giving BioWare feedback, I will say this. Choices are double edged... my choice to unsubscribe in the past caused me to miss some things, that I didn’t earn. At the same time, BioWare made choices too, that left me unsubbed for periods of time. BioWare can earn my subscription, or not... rehashing an old companion that already has no future in 6.0 means doodles to me.


I’d rather see new comps, even just one, that continues to be relevant, that has dialog, that choices matter with, going forward till the servers are shut down. Rework comps that can be salvaged, repopulate my ship, we know it can hold at least 6 comps.

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Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.



Just put me down for "against it." It doesn't bother me that there are exclusive items in the game. I actually think the original plan (to have exclusives) was a good one so long as new ones are continually added and the old ones remain exclusive. Re-offering old promo exclusives comes across as laziness and also makes it seem like the company is reneging on their word (especially when they marketed some of these items as "loyalty rewards.")


I already know how this will end up playing out. In today's world, the argument is that if you weren't rewarded, you are clearly being punished. Appeal to pity until you get what you want. "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"


Don't worry, guys. You'll get your way. You always do. It's just too easy to bring back old things that don't require any new development. When they do roll this out again (and they will) it won't make or break my decision to sub. It will effect my level of trust in future products developed by EA / Bioware. If you say "Hurry, before it's too late," or "last chance," or something of that nature in a marketing promo, you should stick to your word. All you had to do was not market it that way in the first place. They did ... and here we are ... again.

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Just put me down for "against it." It doesn't bother me that there are exclusive items in the game. I actually think the original plan (to have exclusives) was a good one so long as new ones are continually added and the old ones remain exclusive. Re-offering old promo exclusives comes across as laziness and also makes it seem like the company is reneging on their word (especially when they marketed some of these items as "loyalty rewards.")


I already know how this will end up playing out. In today's world, the argument is that if you weren't rewarded, you are clearly being punished. Appeal to pity until you get what you want. "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"


Don't worry, guys. You'll get your way. You always do. It's just too easy to bring back old things that don't require any new development. When they do roll this out again (and they will) it won't make or break my decision to sub. It will effect my level of trust in future products developed by EA / Bioware. If you say "Hurry, before it's too late," or "last chance," or something of that nature in a marketing promo, you should stick to your word. All you had to do was not market it that way in the first place. They did ... and here we are ... again.


You were already being rewarded for having exclusive access to the companion as well as the additional story content for quite a long time.

It's the same as "exclusive" videogames work.... they are exclusive to a certain platform or form of distribution for a certain time, until they are not. I really don't see how this is any different. Especially in this case it's just a matter of dumb luck of being subbed at a certain point in time. Your arguments really don't hold a lot of value other than saying that you want your cool toys just for yourself and your other lucky fellows, because it resembles some sort of a privilege and people like to be privileged. IMO there is no logically valid argument against making the HK-55 companion & story available to all subbers again.

Edited by Ryu_Wanderfalke
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You were already being rewarded for having exclusive access to the companion as well as the additional story content for quite a long time.

It's the same as "exclusive" videogames work.... they are exclusive to a certain platform or form of distribution for a certain time, until they are not. I really don't see how this is any different. Especially in this case it's just a matter of dumb luck of being subbed at a certain point in time. Your arguments really don't hold a lot of value other than saying that you want your cool toys just for yourself and your other lucky fellows, because it resembles some sort of a privilege and people like to be privileged. IMO there is no logically valid argument against making the HK-55 companion & story available to all subbers again.


No we were rewarded for not doing what a LOT of people did and unsub until the last chapter was available and then sub once to get it all.


All this "entitlement" talk, what makes you entitled to break the exclusivity given to those in the past?

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I am just tired of seeing long term subs screwed over again and again.

I will never let Shae/Nico situation happen again without speaking against it as much as I can.


And exactly how will you be getting screwed over if they rereleased this content. Will it really effect your game play. Or your sub.

If they put it on the CM people that don’t have it are buying it. They are spending money that you don’t for content.

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